♔Author's Note♔

Well where should I start with this, I guess the beginning is always the best. It's been exactly a year since I have written my story and I think this is the end.

No sequel comes to mind but maybe one day. For everyone out there reading this, voting, commenting and or fanning me thank you so much for such a lovely experience.

I read each and every one of your comments and they all brighten my day. The main reason why I wrote Seducing Alpha is to shine light on a few of the many problems people go through.

Depression, Suicidal thoughts, Abuse, Mental Abuse, the list goes on and on, it's just the way you read the story that makes you see the problems.

In the beginning of writing this I was so excited until I saw the few people that actually stuck around, I started loosing hope until many of you urged me on causing me to gain the confidence to finish this.

My story isn't perfect or well written. It's something I can call mine and unique. I didn't try to aim for cliché. I was going for something to keep you on your toes anticipating for more. If that has happened I think my work here is done.

I want everyone to realize we all may not get a perfect beginning and that's okay. You just have to find the right path to take. And you won't have to take it alone, there are people behind you ready to catch you when you fall. They'll pick you right up and keep leading you on.

I can honestly say this has been one heck of a ride that I'll never forget. You all made me who I am now.

In the beginning I was an average awkward teen who happened to stumble across this site on her computer with an active imagination to finally decided to write a book and I still am that awkward teen, just slightly older and more understanding than before.

So I thank you all for this grand opportunity, I'm thankful for every vote, comment and fan out there reading my book. Maybe it made a difference, maybe it didn't because come on this is a fictional story about werewolves.

But love is real. It's waiting out there. He or she is waiting out there to catch you when you fall. You just have look for them high and low, search the sea to the sky.

My lovelies I'm happy to experience this all with you by my side and wish you all with a creative mind to put out your own story. Maybe one day I'll see the story you wrote on Wattpad out in a news stand in New York with the words ' #1 Bestselling Author' at the top.

Maybe, you never know until you take the risk to become something bigger than you already are.
