♔Chapter One♔ E

Seducing Alpha

Chapter 1

Picture: Sasha Summers

My fingers lightly touched the bruises marring my skin creating a sick feeling in my stomach. Seeing the different assorted colors everywhere made me feel repulsive. I flinched as my eyes skimmed over every cut, every bruise, and every blemish I had. I was appalled with myself. 

I still wondered at times how someone like me who went through a decade of abuse could still be alive. Tears prickled at the corner of my eyes. I couldn't face myself crying while looking in the mirror. Slowly I climbed into the tiny tub switching the nozzle on to the hottest water there was, pulling the shower curtain to make sure no water leaked out. Everything burned. My body burned, but still I stood there under the blistering hot water. Feeling the pain from the flames of hot water made me feel numb. My arms laid nimbly by my sides. 

The tears in my eyes finally came down in a rush. I silently let myself cry. This was something I did as a treat once a week; I pathetically cried in the shower. When there weren't any tears left to shed I turned the water down wrapping myself up in a towel. The cold touch of air made me shiver in pleasure. The change from hot air to cold made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I walked out into my room. I didn't think it could really even be considered a room seeing how little it was. I was grateful for at least having a room. Before we moved here I was to sleep in the cold dull basement we had. I could still remember my father's drunken nights when I was little and shivered in disgust not wanting to remember.

I looked over at one side of my room where all my clothes were. Two boxes. The two boxes held all my belongings. Opening up one of them I grabbed a pair of old sweatpants that had came from the Salvation Army, a hoodie three sizes too big and undergarments. My shoes which I've had for the past four years were already warring out. 

I grabbed my book bag that had a notebook, pencil and my little phone that I rarely used. Quietly, I pulled the ladder down that led to the second level of the house. Climbing out of the attic I listened for another person. Nobody was home. Letting out a shaky breath of relief, I walked down to the first floor. My stomach grumbled as I walked past the kitchen. I knew it would be too risky to eat anything without him finding out. My stomach let out another louder growl. 

I rationalized with myself. By the time he came home he'll be drunk out of his mind. He wouldn't notice a small piece of food missing. The hungry part of me was already in the dingy kitchen searching for anything edible. I had to grab something quick. It would take at least fifteen minutes to get to school. 

Shoving half a pop tart I found in an opened shelf into my mouth, I ran out the door locking it behind me. The cold air nipped at my exposed skin. I shivered pulling my bag closer to my chest. My mouth felt dry from the stale tart, the strawberry flavor exploded in my mouth causing me to get a slight sugar rush. My water bottle was left at home causing me to scold myself for being so idiotic to leave it. The streets were empty around my abandoned house. There were no other houses around, just large trees surrounding me. No other people around to hear my silent cries for help at night. 

I turned the first corner; a view of dainty looking houses caught my eye. They looked so lovely and cozy. My feet shuffled against the cement ground. I really needed a new pair of shoes I thought to myself as I walked along the edge of the sidewalk. Finally about ten minutes later I made it to my new school. Riverview Senior High. The name of the school sounded like it came out of a movie. A very cliché movie. 

I could see from a distant as many students hopped off the buses with their friends. Other older teenagers surrounded the parking lot showing off their expensive looking cars. With that sort of money I would have high tailed my ass out of this town getting as far away from my father as I could. 

Walking through the main door I tried not to let it bother me that so many people actually decided to look my way. I could feel the stares boring into the sides of my head, making me cringe away gulfing myself up into the large sweater I wore. Opening up the office door I let the hot blast of heat warm my cold cheeks. 

I took a step forward toward the secretary's desk. "Excuse me?" I asked in my pathetic little voice. A young middle aged blonde woman looked up from tapping away at her computer. Her smile seemed to stretch miles out and gave me the vibe of cheerfulness. Her smile flattered slightly as she sniffed the air.

I sniffed the air a little along with her. What was wrong? All I could smell was my peach shampoo from my wet hair. She smiled again as she spoke, "Hello sweetie. You're the new student I presume?" I only gave her a small nod. 

"Call me Mrs. Simon, and come to me if you need any help with anything," Mrs. Simon said as she handed me a manila folder. She went straight on back to tapping away on her computer with her perfectly manicured nails. 

I slowly walked out into the crowded hallway. People still swarmed the hall as I tried to find myself a spot to stand to look at my schedule. People were everywhere. Left and right I could hear voices loud and soft. "Ow," yelped a voice behind me. Shocked I turned around only to bump into a stranger. "Sorry," I said to the stranger not bothering to look up. 

My folder fell out of my hand causing everything in it to scatter on the floor. People started to walk all over them causing them to step on my hands. I flinched back as bright red marks started to cover my hands. Getting down on my knees I reached out for my papers when suddenly pink nail polished fingers reached out to help. "It's okay," Her high pitched voice replied before handing me my papers.

"Sasha is it?" Asked the same voice. I looked up to spot bright green vibrant eyes looking right back at me. Her hand held my information sheet giving me the clue that that was how she figured out my name. I finally stood to my feet glancing around at the people staring at us. They were all whispering amongst each other. And this time I had a feeling it wasn't about me.

The only way to describe the green eyed girl in front of me was wild. Her blond hair looked as if they had pink accents around it but I couldn't tell seeing how it was in a sloppy bun. Her ears held four pierces the most on each ear and her skin seemed to be the perfect shade of tan. She was a bit taller than me and had clothes only a beautiful person like her could pull off. Her bright red blouse made her eyes seem more turquoise and her polka dot black and white leggings made her legs seem longer than normal. And her bright red heels seemed to make her look a bit intimidating.

The only thing I could think of people talking about was why would a stunning girl like her be talking to someone as plain and unattractive like me? "Hi I'm Lacey!" Her chirpy voice seemed as if it should annoy me but it made me feel happy. Her wide eyes bounced from my hand that held my schedule back to my boring blue eyes. "May I?" She asked politely even though I could tell in the short time we were in each other's presences that she was aggressive usually. I shrugged handing her my crumbled schedule not even having the chance to look at it myself. 

"We only have one class together and lunch, but the first one isn't with me. You got my brother." She seemed to be mumbling the second part to herself in an angry tone as she handed it back to me. "Come on I'll show you to Chemistry, your first class." I only followed behind her like a lost rabbit in search of her mother. 

Her heels clicked against the tiled floors causing everyone to stare. I grimaced as a few girls glared in my direction as I followed Lacey. "See you in lunch," the bubbly blonde said as she left me to face my first class. The teacher was nowhere in sight. I slowly surveyed the class. There were about ten people the most scattered around the large spacious classroom. As they talked to one another, no one seemed to notice me, the odd one out. I quickly sat myself in a lone corner happy to be alone. Placing my bag besides me I put my head down. 

I must have been dozing off when suddenly a loud smash caused me to sit right up. With my eyes wide open I looked around the classroom to see it was much fuller then before. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But the only problem was everyone was silent. I held my breath clueless as to why everyone seemed so quiet.

The atmosphere in the air changed from high spirits to alert. I looked up to see what caused the distraction when my eyes suddenly met ash grey colored eyes. I almost gasped aloud trying to suppress the shameful moan that took over as I looked at him from head to toe. The only word to come to mind as I sized him up was incredible. This man was glorious. 

His eyes were dark silver making it seem as if a storm was being swept over him. He was unbelievably tall and muscular. His long legs looked well-built as did his biceps. His tight grey shirt outlined the pecks he had and made him seem so intimidating. I couldn't help but look at his handsome face. Besides his compelling eyes, his nose seemed a bit crooked from the nameless amount of fights he must have been in. He had thick unruly dark brown hair that reached the nape of his neck, hair I wanted to run my fingers through. His high cheek bones made him look like a Greek god or Adonis. And his full lips were a dusty shade of pink that I shockingly wanted against mine. 

I was humiliated with myself for suddenly having urges for the unknown man. I felt him stiffen as he sniffed the air. I couldn't help but wonder if everyone in the school had a slight cold. As his eyes swept the class they suddenly stopped in a lone corner. My lone corner. I looked away not wanting to look into his haunting grey eyes. I shrunk into my seat wondering if this man was perhaps our teacher. Describing him as a boy would be as absurd as calling a wolf a rabbit.

"MINE!" A voice growled out. My head shot up in shock at the growling coming from the man. As I looked up I thought just for a second that I was beyond doubt dead. His eyes had a compelling stare as they gazed into mine. It literally felt like the world had stopped. The twenty some teenagers in the class were all gone. It was just me and him. I couldn't pull myself away from his gaze.

Finally I blinked looking away. A thought popped into my head. What if I was sitting in his seat? If he wasn't the teacher then he must be a student. Someone who seemed like you didn't want to mess with. Slowly without looking at the man who made my heart beat erratically in my chest, I grabbed my bag. 

SLAM! Went the desk I was sitting at. I jumped in my seat unknowingly. Two tan massive hands were palmed down at my desk. I flinched as his rough looking hands curled up into fists. Slowly my eyes flickered up to his solid neck. A vein was popping out from the side and I could tell he was mad. "I-I' sorr-sorry I didn't know th-this was your se-seat." By the end of my pathetic sentence, he was leaning in on the desk looking straight at me. 

No longer were his eyes that dark silver color that would haunt my dreams for the rest of my life, no they were a pitch black. I swallowed my useless excuses. Before I could even get up, a hand wrapped around my wrist. I gasped at the contact of skin. Even though his coarse hands weren't actually touching my skin, my sweater felt like it wasn't there as the contact between us spiraled.

Sparks that seemed to have come out of nowhere flew through my wrist and up my spin. His fingers gripping my wrist squeezed tighter leaving electric sparks. He pulled me out of my chair only letting out a grunt to my nonexistent question. What are you doing? 

I looked at the student around me pleading with my eyes to call an administrator or teacher. Instead I saw a most of boys smirking as he dragged me through the desk, many of the girls had shocked looks on their faces while some even looked what I could only describe as jealous. Fear struck me when he dragged me into the hallway. 

I felt like a lost puppy. Tears threatened to fall as my thoughts wandered off. What if he was like my father or worse? A sob left my lips as I started to speak, "I'm sorry I d-didn't know! Please don't hu-hurt me!" Once I said those words I was slammed up against the nearest locker. It wasn't enough to hurt me, but enough to make me flinch. I cringed against the cool metal locker whimpering, ready for the impact of the blow.

When it didn't come, I slowly opened my eyes. I was once again met with ash grey eyes which seemed to captivate me. "I would never hurt you!" His voice was deep and silky with a hint of darkness making me shiver. I realized just how close we were and how I could smell a minty freshness in his breath. I tried to back away from him, the locker nice against my bruised back. I was still at shock at how whenever he touched me; my bruises never ached with the same throbbing it did like any other day.

"Don't move," he said with glazed over eyes. He leaned down toward the top of my head and I tried not to cower. Under the curls of my unruly wet black hair I watched as a sense of calmness washed over him as he took a deep breath. He looked just like my father did when he took his first swing of cold beer after a hard day's work. 

He slowly let go of my hands giving me an opening to his right to squeeze through. As I inched closer to the gap, an animalistic growl left the man's throat. My eyes snapped up to his still pitch black eyes. Even in his rage, he looked as handsome as a man could be.

"P-please," I whimpered out not wanting to have anything to with this mysterious man. "No," was his hash reply. And that was when I did something that I always do when I'm afraid. 

I panicked.
