⌜ twenty four ⌟


taeyong flinched when he heard a voice from behind him. taking his attention away from what he is cooking, he turned around and chuckled at yuta whom had been there since he woke up. ❝no in what? and lower your tone down, jaehyun and the kids are still sleeping.

yuta took steps inside the kitchen and leaned by the counter, just watching taeyong cook for their breakfast since the chef of the house is still deep asleep. ❝no, i'm not letting you accept him.

well, you're not the one making the choice here.❞ taeyong simply said, continuing where he stopped.

taeyong, you're my bestfriend.❞ yuta went to the male and held his arm. ❝i don't want you to get hurt.

he's not going to hurt me.❞ taeyong then pointed the spatula at yuta, pushing him away, and then gave him one sweet smile. ❝he changed.

changed my ass.❞ the japanese clicked his tongue. ❝what if he's just pretending? my beloved hyung, what if he's just doing this on purpose and he will just break your heart in the end?

yuta.❞ the older male groaned and turned to face the babysitter that's trying his very best to convince taeyong not to accept jaehyun. ❝just for once, trust him. give him a chance.

he made you suffer for how many years. how can you just forgive him this easily?❞ yuta mocked a chuckle.

oh?❞ taeyong turned the stove off and went to remove the apron he is wearing. ❝who said it's going to be easy?

but still, yuta didn't like the idea of forgiving jaehyun. he was there when taeyong was struggling. he was there when taeyong cried every night. he was there when taeyong celebrated the kids' birthdays. yuta was always right beside taeyong. where is jaehyun? jaehyun is no where. it was always yuta.

hey, look at me.❞ taeyong understood yuta. he knows that look on his face and yuta wasn't joking when he says that he doesn't support taeyong accepting jaehyun in his life like that. ❝it's going to be okay. if he hurts me then, okay. i'm a strong bean yuta! don't you believe in me?

at least that made yuta laugh. ❝you sound like the triplets.

i'm their papa, you idiot.❞ taeyong rolled his eyes and then gave the spatula to yuta and lend the position in cooking to the japanese.

by the way,❞ yuta also took the apron that taeyong wore a while ago and gladly accepted the spatula. ❝what did you answer when he asked the question?

hmm.❞ tapping a finger on his chin, taeyong squinted his eyes and pretended to be thinking real hard. only to answer what yuta didn't expect for him to answer. ❝nothing.


i just grabbed his collar and pulled him down for a kiss.❞ taeyong smiled.

right, it's jaehyun. kisses can always shut him up. especially kisses from taeyong, it never fails to make him mentally away from the world.

the japanese then scoffed as he turned the stove back on. ❝are you serious?

like i said,❞ taeyong paused by the doorway that's separating the kitchen and lthe living room and turned around to look at yuta who's now focused in cooking. ❝i'm not making it easy for him.

with that being said, taeyong made his way to his now shared room with jaehyun and leaned by the door the moment he got in. he took all the time in the world to just stare at the student that's snuggling to a pillow while being wrapped like a burrito.

taeyong is definitely not going to waste this chance.

taking his phone by the bedside table, taeyong tiptoed his way to the bed where jaehyun was laid down so peacefully. taeyong bit his lower lip to prevent his laugh and unlocked his phone, going to the camera app. the male then flinched as he saw jaehyun opening his eyes after taking one shot. peeking up from the phone, taeyong let out a yelp when jaehyun reached his hand out and pinned him down the bed.

you're awake?❞ taeyong was obviously surprised. jaehyun looked like he was in deep sleep that taeyong didn't expect for the younger to be wide awake.

i felt your presence, that's when i woke up.

that's creepy.

jaehyun only chuckled and propped his arms beside taeyong's head. after a good minutes of admiring the beauty under him, jaehyun slowly leaned down and buried his head on the older's neck, sniffing his scent. ❝you smelling like food makes me want to eat you.

that's—❞ taeyong gasped when he could feel jaehyun's tongue poking his skin. ❝what the fuck jaehyun!?

i'm just tasting you.❞ the younger said as he pulled away and gave the person under him an innocent smile as if he did nothing wrong.

well,❞ since taeyong didn't want to get up, he decided to play along. ❝do i taste good?

i don't know.❞ jaehyun leaned down enough for their foreheads to touch. ❝i need to taste you more.

then, taste me.

showing a smirk, jaehyun closed his eyes and parted his lips a bit. taeyong watched the younger being so ready to recieve a kiss on the lips meanwhile he was having very hard time being serious and holding back the urge to burst out laughing. taeyong managed to calm himself and place a hand on the younger's cheeks, caressing it very softly as he too leaned forward.

is this finally the morning kiss jaehyun had ever wanted to receive?

nope. taeyong paused midway and blew hard on jaehyun's lips before pushing him away harshly. that caused for the younger to fall on his side and flopped down the bed with taeyong already standing up while laughing.

groaning, jaehyun should have seen this coming. ❝a tease.

it's time to move!❞ taeyong clapped his hands, making jaehyun groan again that caused for him laugh at the reaction he expected to see. ❝you don't want to be late, do you?

i'm not moving till i get my morning kiss.

you're going to school on your own.❞ taeyong turned around and grabbed the door knob. ❝then maybe i can call doyoung for a ride.

hearing his enemy's name made jaehyun quickly do his morning routine and stood next to taeyong in just a flash. despite for being in a state of shock after seeing jaehyun move so fast, taeyong was amused at how he cooperated so quickly after hearing doyoung's name. maybe he should use this advantage always.

let's go.❞ jaehyun held the door knob, holding taeyong's hand in the process, and twisted it open. ❝i don't want us to be late.


jaehuun turned around to the older and then felt something soft touch his cheek. finally, his morning kiss.

taeyong chuckled and went passed the younger. ❝good morning.


you know, i've been thinking.

mark glanced up to the librarian's direction to see if she was looking before stuffing his mouth with chips. ❝never knew you use that brain of yours.

hey!❞ jaehyun pouted. he too also turned around to see if the librarian was looking before taking the chips in mark's and also stuffing his mouth with it. ❝how dare you say that?

because it seems like you don't use it anymore.❞ mark leaned forward and took chips in his hands. ❝first, someone almoat spotted you and mr. lee this morning. how come you two came later that your usual coming time? second, you're are so fucking obvious.

the two of us took long in bathing the kids.❞ jaehyun then stuffed his last batch of chips inside his mouth before handing the pack back to mark. ❝and i am not obvious!

oh really?❞ mark gulped the already munched chips down and hid the bag of chips down the table when the librarian looked to their way. ❝you keep on smiling whenever mr. lee is around, you keep on visiting the office just to help him with something, and not to mention how participative you are in his class.

excuse you, i always smile to anyone, i visit the office to really help taeyong in checking if there are still students with incomplete requirements, and i always participate in class!

don't me, jung jaehyun.❞ mark slammed his hand down the table a little bit too loud that almost caught everyone's attention. ❝everyone is now talking about how you are favoring mr. lee so much.

because i do favor him.❞ jaehyun said with pure honesty.

don't be obvious!❞ mark groaned, taking the bag og chips out when the librarian is back in not looking. ❝you don't want to get in trouble, do you? your father is probably out there finding your whereabouts right now.

oh come on. he won't find me. i left my car at his building.❞ jaehyun patted his own shoulder and nodded his so proudly at himself. ❝i know, i'm so smart.

but mark still feels like something was wrong and something bad is still going to happen. but he decided to shrug it off for now. jaehyun looked so happy at what is happening to his life with taeyong and the kids that mark just couldn't bring himself to destroy that mood of his. the younger student then decided to think of another topic to change. ❝by the way, what were you thinking?


hm?❞ mark again stuffed his mouth with chips until there was no space left.

i'm thinking of marrying taeyong.

and right at this moment, mark may have regretted to have placed too much chips inside his mouth. he was now starting to choke. luckily for him and his life, jaehyun brought an newly bought water bottle with him and gave it to mark to save if his life. after all, jaehyun knows that he needs this little simba in his journey in life.

the triplets' birthday are right around the corner and i'm thinking of a family getaway?❞ jaehyun sighed with a dream like tone as he placed his chin down to his palms. ❝and then boom, i'll propose to taeyong.

are you crazy?

crazy for him?❞ again, jaehyun sighed with a specific person stuck in mind. ❝a big fat yes.

mark wanted to coo at the sight of jaehyun looking so in love but he just can't help but be worried of what's going to happen. ❝you're still about to graduate. shouldn't you wait for that before you get married?

well, we can be engaged and hold the wedding ceremony days after the graduation.

there are still a lot more problems to face and mark didn't like the idea of them getting married without removing what's in their way. ❝your parents, jaehyun. what are they going to say about this?

obviously, they are going to be against it.❞ jaehyun said as if it's not that serious. ❝but i don't need to hear what they have to say. i was planning on moving out with my family away from them, where they won't find us. and then, we are going to start a new chapter in life.

wow, you say it as if you're reading one children's book.❞ mark heaved out a sigh. ❝in reality, it's not going to be that easy. wanna bet that your father is stalking you right now?

he is not.

you're staying too much on the positive side in life hyung.❞ honestly, if mark was in jaehyun place then he'd honestly freak out and wouldn't know what to do with all of this happening. ❝but really though, you should keep an eye of your surroundings. this morning, i saw someone in black by the school gates and i was so sure that person had an eye on you.

actually, hearing that, it sounds like something my father would actually do.❞ jaehyun chuckled. he chuckled. it shocked mark. he still has the courage to chuckle at a situation like that. ❝but whatever he is going to do, i won't let him touch my taeyong.

can't you just talk it out with them?

mark, do you think they are going to listen to me and understand what i have been going through?

but at least they get to know.❞ mark leaned back fron his seat with his finger tapping his chin. ❝wait, it might actually worsen the problem if i think about it.

exactly. who knows what they are going to do to my taeyong and to our little beans?

mark then stared up to the older with his brows raised. ❝so, what are you going to do?

everything.❞ jaehyun smiled. ❝i will do everything just for them not to lay a finger on my family.

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