⌜ twelve ⌟

laying down the sofa, taeyong closed his eyes as he listened to the kids shouting, playing around, and just breaking things. fortunately for the kids, taeyong was too busy thinking of something else to even pay attention to them.

his lips..❞ taeyong mumbled, his finger touching his own lips.

pushing taeyong's legs that's taking over half of the sofa, yuta took a seat like a boss he is. it's as if he owned the house. ❝look, that guy doesn't even have the time to be here on a fucking holiday.

hearing a curse word coming out from yuta's mouth made taeyong snap out from his thoughts and kicked the japanese by the side. ❝no cursing inside this house.

aren't you mad?❞ yuta took the older's legs and placed it on his lap. ❝what kind of father is he?

taeyong sighed as he fixed his eyes to the show that's been going on for thirty minutes already without him paying attention. ❝he has a meeting to attend. he's going to be taking over his father's company so expect him to be very busy.

but it's a fuc—

taeyong motioned his fit, ready to kick yuta again, and made the japanese flinch from his place. it was a earninn for him not to curse as the kids are just anywhere at the house. yoon is playing at the living room and would make some crashing sounds, taeho is at the kitchen with a cookbook in hand and not understanding a thing, taehyun is inside their room sleeping and yoon has plans on waking him up by surprise later.

putting taeyong's legs down, yuta showed the older one sweet smile. ❝but it's a holiday.


aren't you worried about anything?❞ yuta furrowed his brows at taeyong who's eyes are at the flat screen as if the show is that interesting.

nope.❞ he was too busy thinking about the kiss to even think about something else.

yuta didn't bother replying anymore. he honestly felt bad for taeyong. it's a holiday yet jaehyun is out there attending a meeting, as what taeyong just said, instead of staying at home or being here with taeyong and help watching over for the kids. if yuta were in taeyong's place, he would get suspicious. jaehyun might be out there drinking, hanging out with friends who aren't good models, or even worst; cheating.

tae—❞ yuta paused when he saw the older touching his lips. he had seen him touching his lips since he arrived here. ❝is your lips bruised?

what?❞ taeyong turned to face yuta, not aware that he's still sliding his fingers on his lips where jaehyun kissed days back.

you've been touching it since a while ago.❞ yuta pointed out.

the older immediately removed his fingers and looked away from the japanese. it's not his fault why he's been acting like this. it's been so long since he last tasted those perfect lips of jaehyun. he never knew he missed it until he tasted it. he thought he would forget about it like how he never did pay attention the time he felt those lips for the first time but boy he was wrong. he would catch himself staring at jaehyun's lips whenever he sees him.

maybe i'm just lonely.❞ taeyong mumbled to himself, thinking that no one would hear it but yuta heard it loud and clear.

wait..❞ the japanese squinted his eyes at his friend that's trying to avoid his gaze. ❝i knew it.

sweating, taeyong tried to get out from the sofa but yuta only pulled him and eyed the older down with those squinting eyes of his. ❝k-know what?

you're craving for love.❞ yuta said, a face of a proud person. he thought that is what's up but actually nope, it's not. ❝you want to kiss someone, be with someone, and just be loved by someone.

that's not it but hearing that from him made taeyong lay there with realization hitting him. maybe he is just craving for love that's why he's making the kiss a very big deal when it's not even his first kiss. yeah, that's probably it. ❝maybe i do need someone.

for a split second before saying that, he was so sure and was not scared of finding anyone despite having kids with jaehyun but after saying that he can't help but feel guilty saying that. he didn't know why he even felt bad when even jaehyun is fine with him finding someone to love.

maybe it is time to let go of jaehyun and find someone else.

do not worry my beloved friend!❞ yuta took out his phone from his pocket, earning a weird look from taeyong, and gave the older a smile. ❝i have so many connections.


taeyong.❞ the japanese copied the older's stern voice and then chuckled. ❝it's okay, they are my friends. i assure you that they are proper people.

shouldn't i be the one looking for someone?❞ taeyong said, making yuta placing his phone down the coffee table in front of them. he then raised a brow at the babysitter who's crossing his arms at him. ❝what?

let me see you try.❞ yuta said with his hands gesturing for taeyong to do his move.

sighing taeyong took yuta's phone and threw it back at him. ❝fine, go find one for me.

seeing the older's look made yuta feel bad. it's not like he wanted to take control of taeyong's love life since he was scared that taeyong might make the same mistake. he just wanted to help his friend. ❝just this once, okay?

i don't know yuta, i'm scared.❞ taeyong closed his eyes as he let yuta run a hand through his hair. his warm hands playing on his hair will always be calming for taeyong.

just try this once.❞ yuta said, squishing the older's face. ❝you can just be honest in the end of the date and tell him you are not feeling it if you don't like him, okay?

nodding his head, taeyong's eyes went to a figure on the front door and saw jaehyun standing there with his suit and eyes sending thousands of knives to yuta. gulping at the sight, taeyong pushed yuta softly and sat down on the bed. jaehyun's eyes was still fixed on yuta and taeyong was scared that he might do something to the babysitter.

since when were you standing there?❞ not even a hi or hello, not a question about how the meeting went, that was what came out of taeyong's mouth that greeted jaehyun.

not only was his eyes avoiding taeyong and just went to glare at yuta, jaehyun had also ignored taeyong's question. ❝just to remind you, you are just a babysitter and you already have a baby expecting from your lover.

as if yuta was scared of the student that's about to take over a very rich company. ❝also to remind you, you have three kids and you have a lover that's wanting some love.

yuta.❞ taeyong held his friend's hand, not aware of jaehyun's eyes spotting it, and gave the japanese a look. ❝stop, please don't say anything anymore.

he appreciated yuta for protecting him and all but he's not at a right position to do so. a fact that needs to be said, jaehyun is the one paying for yuta. trust me, jaehyun has been wanting to kick out the japanese since long time ago but taeyong would always beg him to let yuta stay for the sake of the japanese having money to support his family. if it weren't for taeyong then yuta would have been fired by now.

papa, papa!❞ a baby's voice eased the tension between the three of them and now put their attention to use who's hands are on his papa's thighs. ❝me hungry.

letting out a chuckle, taeyong ruffled the baby's hair and carried him up. ❝what does yoon want to eat?

anything is fine papa.❞ the baby's eyes then went to jaehyun and had a bright smile after while making grabby hands at his daddy. ❝can daddy cook food?

and who is jaehyun to say no? jaehyun gave the baby a smile as he approached them. he then ruffled yoon's hair before placing a peck on his forehead. ❝of course baby.

i heard daddy!❞ someone came out of the kitchen and quickly sprinted towards jaehyun, hugging his legs. ❝daddy! can daddy teach taeho how to cook?

picking up taeho, jaehyun then booped there noses. he then earned a cute chuckle by taeho and made him cover his nose. when jaehyun was satisfied with the reaction, ❝after daddy changes his clothes okay?❞ he said.

we wait!❞ the two said in chorus.

a frown made its way to jaehyun's lips as he noticed one missing. he placed taeho down the ground and turned to taeyong as he removed the blazer he is wearing. ❝where's taehyun?

just as taeyong opened his mouth, a cute little baby came down the stairs while rubbing his eyes. the baby yawned as he scanned the living room and a small smile went to his lips as he saw his daddy in suit.

there is my sleepy bean!❞ jaehyun placed his blazer down the sofa and came running to taehyun, carrying him up by surprise.

but the baby seemed so unfazed. despite of being raised up in the air, he had a poker face on as he just woke up and was too tired to enjoy being brought up like an airplane. ❝daddy, me sleepy.

jaehyun chuckled as pampered the baby with kisses. ❝then taehyun will go back sleep okay?

with taeho making his way to jaehyun, yoon also squirmed down from taeyong's arms and approached them. both taeyong and yuta watched the scene unfold and yuta can't help but feel a change. first, it was a surprise that jaehyun came to visit taeyong. he could have just head straight home and do whatever he wants to do. second, his actions aren't forced anymore. it was much more different from back then when jaehyun would just force that smile on his face. and third, the kids are now getting too attached to jaehyun to the point that they can't be separated from him already.

daddy will change now.❞ jaehyun placed taehyun down and gave the triplets a kiss on the forehead before going to his room and that snapped taeyong out from his thoughts.

for a moment there, he could see them being a family.

turning to yuta, he thinks there's still something to fix as jaehyun is still mad at yuta. ❝watch over the kids for a while, i'll go and talk to jaehyun.

he received a nod from the babysitter and then went to his bedroom where jaehyun is. not even bothering to knock, taeyong opened the door and what he was not expecting was him being dragged inside so quickly and being slammed to the wall.

he shut his eyes tight at the pain but bit his lower to prevent any noise coming out from his mouth. he then opened his eyes and saw the younger breathing so heavily, pinning him to wall and didn't leave him any way to escape.


loosen my tie.❞ the younger suddenly ordered. taeyong didn't want to argue and loosened jaehyun's tie.

and while doing it, taeyong took this chance to talk to jaehyun. ❝please forgive yuta for what he said. don't fire him. he needs this—

look at me.❞ jaehyun ordered again and this time it took taeyong a while before looking up at the beautiful created human being. imagine having jaehyun as a lover. everyone would get jealous, they would drool and envy taeyong for it.

imagine. that's where taeyong is good at, imagining.

repeat after me, yuta is just a babysitter.

furrowing his brows, taeyong doesn't know what jaehyun was up to. but nonetheless, he repeated after jaehyun. ❝yuta is just a babysitter.

a smile made its way to jaehyun's lips and surprised taeyong after seeing that. ❝good.

and in a blink of an eye, jaehyun already smashed their lips together. taeyong stood there froze as he did not know what to do. his hands still on jaehyun's tie and his legs shaking from the feeling of jaehyun's lips on his. seconds passed of jaehyun kissing taeyong before he got to make the older kiss him back. the two kissed like there was no tomorrow and was agsin realizing how much they have missed their lips touching.

pulling away, jaehyun removed his tie and threw it to the bed.

taeyong watched it happen as he was still frozen from his place. he was expecting for jaehyun to say something after that but he's probably expecting too much. jaehyun took a shirt from the closet and wore it. he only glanced at taeyong who's waiting for him to say something but disappointed him by just leaving the room.

taeyong wanted to hit himself for expecting something from jaehyun.

after a while, taeyong too came out of the room and saw a glimpse of the kids with jaehyun inside the kitchen. he was about to join them, hoping that he could feel jaehyun's affection even though it's not real, but a shout from the living room stopped taeyong from his tracks and even got jaehyun's attention.

taeyong, i found someone!

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