⌜ thirty four ⌟

please.❞ taeyong cried out. ❝please wake up.

he never knew he would enter the hospital this way. tears falling out from his eyes very hard, words can't be formed properly, body not functioning well, and following the body of jaehyun that's being placed  on the hospital stretcher and is being pushed by nurses that came running to help the moment the ambulance arrived.

jaehyun..❞ taeyong couldn't bear seeing jaehyun like this.

his unconscious body, blood staining the stretcher, and and the bruises on the male's face. it hurt taeyong so much, it's as if his heart was shot.

hubby, wake up.❞ taeyong sobbed. ❝you're a strong bean, right? you're going to wake up, right?

he won't accept it. jaehyun's not yet dead. he'd rather get surprised by jaehyun suddenly waking and laughing at him for falling for his pathetic plan.

jae, i won't get mad at you i promise. tell me this is just a joke.❞ the crying male said as he held jaehyun's hand very tight, having the hopes of jaehyun going conscious.

but jaehyun just laid there, unconscious.

they arrived at a room where taeyong's last stop is, he couldn't go further but he was pushing the nurses and the doctors and forcing them to let him in. they could see how much he wanted to be with the unconscious patient but it was off limits and they needed to follow the rules.

i'm really sorry sir, but you need to wait out here.❞ one nurse stayed to prevent taeyong who keeps on banging the door, shouting jaehyun's name over and over again.

no, jaehyun needs me. i need to be with jaehyun.❞ taeyong fell on his knees, still crying his eyes out.

the nurse felt bad and held taeyong up, guiding him to a nearest bench and made him sit there. ❝sir, everything is going to be alright.

you'll save him, right?❞ taeyong sniffed, his face already swollen from crying. ❝promise me that you'll save him.

we can't—

just fucking promise me!❞ taeyong screamed, not wanting to hear any unsure answers. he wants jaehyun to be out alive. he still has so much things he wants to do with jaehyun, they are still yet to be married, jaehyun can't just leave like this. ❝please..

the nurse sighed and nodded his head. ❝we'll try.

taeyong was then left alone outside at the nurse called for help. it even made his heart race so fast when they were in a hurry, coming in and out of the room. with shaking hands, taeyong managed to pull out his phone from his pocket and dialed the first number he saw, not knowing neither caring who it was.

"hey, where are you guys? it's been like, hours? it's afternoon." it was yuta, taeyong was relived to hear his voice but he was still broken at what is happening. "sicheng is going crazy asking for your whereabouts. please come home, i don't want my pregnant sicheng to—"

yuta..❞ broken, hoarse, breathy, cracked that's how taeyong sounded right now.

and it immediately stopped the japanese from scolding them about not coming home yet. "where are you? why are you crying? taeyong, i swear, i'm going to kill jaehyun if find out that he hurt you."

no, don't kill him.❞ taeyong, again, cried. ❝don't kill him, yuta. please, don't kill him.

"taeyong? where—"

taeyong couldn't help but end the call before he goes crazy over the phone. he needs to compose himself. he should trust jaehyun, and he should believe that jaehyun can make it. jaehyun is a strong bean, he knows that he is one. but no matter how taeyong comforts himself, tears still continued to fall down from his eyes.

looking down at what he is gripping tight, the male opened his palms and saw the ring. ❝it's my fault.

if he didn't turn back and get the ring, jaehyun wouldn't have been shot.

jaehyun, i'm sorry. it's my fault.


tae, wake up.❞ a familiar voice was then heard that made taeyong go conscious. ❝wifey, it's time to wake up.

opening both his eyes, taeyong scanned the place with his lazy eyes but they then widened upon finding the place very familiar. the bar, and it stayed the same how jaehyun decorated it when he came to propose. flower petals were scattered everywhere, no alcohol bottles anywhere despite of them being at a bar, and the smell of scented candles lingering on his nose. but what caught taeyong's attention was the person laying down right under him.

why are you crying?❞ the person frowned and raised a hand to wipe the tears that's falling down from his eyes. ❝don't cry, you're making me sad.

but taeyong couldn't help but cry even harder and this time engulfing the person laying under him into a tight hug, squeezing him and not even listening to his complains about not being able to breathe. ❝jung jaehyun!

taeyong is glad that he is right, it was a dream.

it was a dream, right?

woah wifey.❞ jaehyun chuckled and ran a hand through the older's hair. ❝it's weird seeing you so clingy. i'm not complaining though, hug all you want.❞ not admitting it but he love it everytime taeyong gets clingy and initiates skinships.

where are we jaehyun?❞ taeyong sniffed, wiping his tears. he didn't want to recall his nightmare, he wants to forget about it. what's important is that what he has right now. he has jaehyun smiling under him and that's what he needed.

we kinda slept here on the floor last night.❞ jaehyun chuckled, sitting up straight and making taeyong slide down to his lap. ❝how's your sleep?

taeyong saw the worried look on jaehyun's face, it's probably because he cried, and that adds another reason why he shouldn't tell jaehyun what he had just deamt of. ❝i slept well jaehyun. let's go now, the beans are probably sleeping.

standing up from the younger's lap, taeyong held out his hand and went to grab jaehyun's. making a cute sound as he pulled jaehyun up, taeyong let out a giggle and turned around. he was ready to start the day, forgetting that happened inside the dream.

after all, it's just a dream.

jaehyun?❞ taeyong stopped from his stracks and spun his body around to see jaehyun just standing there while giving him a look. rolling his eyes playfully, taeyong guessed that it's because of him calling jaehyun by his name. ❝let's go hubby! i bet sicheng and taeil and making something yummy.

but jaehyun only stood there, not moving. taeyong furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side, asking if everything was okay.


the older nodded his head. ❝yeah?

why did you turn around and get the ring?

that's when taeyong felt like his soul was taken away. isn't that just a dream? how did jaehyun know what happened to his dream? ❝jae—

you stopped and went to get the ring.

looking down to his fingers, taeyong panicked when he couldn't see any ring. none, gone, there was no ring on any of  his fingers. it then made taeyong dizzy all of a sudden, his vision suddenly was blurry and as he raised his head up, jaehyun was already standing close to him with a furious look on.

you're the reason why i was shot!❞ jaehyun held both of taeyong's shoulders and and shook it violently, making taeyong feel dizzier that before. ❝you shouldn't have went for the ring!

jaehyun.. i'm sorry..

why did you do it?

taeyong winced when he felt jaehyun clutching on to his shoulders very tight. ❝i'm sorry jaehyun.

you shouldn't have done it—


taeyong jolt up from the bench and could feel tears from his cheeks going dry. raising his eyes up, he saw worried looks coming from his friends and guessed that it was yuta who shouted his name and took him out from his nightmare. he didn't even know how many hours he slept, didn't even notice yuta finding out where he is and arriving at the hospital.

jaehyun blamed him. he's right though, taeyong shouldn't have went to get the ring.

yuta.. it's my fault.❞ taeyong said and failed to keep himself from crying. tears just isn't tired falling like waterfalls from his eyes. ❝i'm sorry.

hush now.❞ yuta went to sit beside the male and took him into a comforting embrace, rubbing his back in circle to at least silence him down.

but it didn't work one bit.

i should he the one unconscious yuta, not jaehyun.❞ taeyong now started to blame himself. he should have been the one receiving the bullet, not jaehyun. he should be the one inside the operating room, not jaehyun. he should be the one feeling the pain jaehyun is feeling right now, not jaehyun. ❝i'm the reason, yuta. i killed jaehyun.

you didn't kill jaehyun!❞ yuta raised his voice, making taeyong tremble in fear. breathing out a sigh, yuta went to cup taeyong's fave and made him look straight to him. ❝taeyong, it's not your fault. we have taken care of jaehyun's father already, alright? you don't have to worry anymore.

where is he?

you don't have to know.❞ yuta said, brushing taeyong's soft locks that's sticking to his forehead. ❝all you have to worry is how your state. you look terrible, we should treat these bruises.

where's jaehyun?

let's treat those bruises first.

but taeyong didn't budge even with yuta pulling him up to go and see a nurse for his bruises to be treated. ❝i won't leave here.


i don't think jaehyun will be happy to see you looking like that.❞ sicheng then arrived after seeing the doctor for a talk about jaehyun's state and went to sit next to taeyong who looked dead despite of being alive.

taeyong turned to the side. ❝i want to see jaehyun.

yuta sighed at his stubborn friend and went to sit on the other side, holding taeyong's hand for comfort. he then looked up at sicheng and gave him a look, ❝are the triplets at home?

sicheng nodded his head at his lover and sent him a small smile, ❝doyoung and donghyuck are looking out for them.

taeil and mark?

visiting jaehyun's mother, explaining everything to her.❞ sicheng paused for a moment and could feel taeyong shaking beside him. wrapping an arm around his waist, sicheng brought him close and let taeyong cry on his shoulder. ❝taeyong..

i'm sorry.❞ taeyong apologized. ❝it's my fault.

don't say that. none of this is your fault.❞ the chinese said very softly, careful not to break taeyong even more.

i should have been the one that was shot..

yuta opened his mouth, ready to snap, but sicheng stopped him before he raises his voice once again to taeyong who's at his worst state. the japanese sat there in silence and zipped his mouth before sicheng tapes it.

patting his back, sicheng shook his head as a no. ❝like i said taeyong, you did nothing wrong.

raising his arms up, taeyong hugged the chinese back and buried his head on to sicheng's neck. ❝sicheng what if..

we shall not think about it, hm? the doctors are still checking the results, don't think negative.❞ sicheng mumbled, pulling taeyong away and went to wipe his tears that's all around his face.

i'm scared.❞ the broken male said, looking down and eyeing on the ring that on his finger. ❝what if he's..

relatives of jung jaehyun?

they all looked up to see the owner of the voice and taeyong quickly sprinted towards the doctor, making the doctor take a step back at how close taeyong is. taeyong didn't want to think anything negative, just like what sicheng just said, but he can't help it and tears were falling uncontrollably.

and you are?

taeyong, i'm jaehyun's husband.❞ the male said, not thinking of what he had just said. all he wanted to know was jaehyun and his state.

the patient is fortunately fine and we have transferred him to room 127 but—

not letting the doctor finish whatever he is going to sprout about, taeyong immediately made a run to wherever jaehyun's room was. his eyes were focused on the room numbers and mayhaps bumped things here and there but didn't stop running towards jaehyun.

he is alive.

jaehyun is alive.

taeyong was crying which he found it weird because he also had a wide smile on his face. he didn't care anymore, he just wants to see jaehyun. he just wants to hug him, kiss him, give him love and affection, and also scold him for painting yoon's nails pink.

finally arriving at a specific room, taeyong pushed it open and it's as if his eyes isn't emptied with tears yet after all those long hours of crying.

there he is, sitting down peacefully with bandages wrapped around his chest down to his stonach, looking out of the window, and is in his own world. taeyong couldn't express how happy he felt to see jaehyun in one piece, breathing, and alive.

feeling someone else's presence inside the room, jaehyun slowly turned his head around and could feel a body being thrown at him. arms wrapped tight around his neck, head being buried on his shoulder, and muffled sobbings coming out from the person's mouth.

jaehyun!❞ taeyong shouted, jumping from his place as he hugged the younger very tight. ❝i'm very sorry. jaehyun, i'm sorry, i shouldn't have picked up the ring. i should have listened to you and ran away. i'm sorry jaehyun. i'm—

jaehyun placed a hand on taeyong's chest and slowly pushed him away, making taeyong widen his eyes at the action. what's happening?


the male furrowed his brows as he scanned taeyong from top to bottom. ❝who are you?

his world shattered and destroyed, just like that.

moments after standing there in shock and in silence, the doctor followed by yuta and sicheng came inside the room with long faces. taeyong turned around to look at them, hoping to be comforted, but it made him even more lost. he didn't know what to do and what on earth is happening.

i tried to explain a while ago. he is fine but we might have done something wrong during surg—

no!❞ taeyong clenched his fists very tight and went to sit down on jaehyun's bed. ❝i'm your husband! how dare you not know me?

jaehyun's eyes widened upon hearing that from taeyong and went up to look at both sicheng and yuta who's holding theirselves back to throwing fists. gulping, he turned to look at taeyong again and was shocked when he held both of his hands very tight.

i'm lee taeyong! i'm your husband and we have three adorable beans.❞ the crying male tried his best to say everything, honestly couldn't think right because of everything that's happening right now. ❝please remember.


the older nodded his head, looking like he was malfunctioning. ❝jaehyun, be ashamed that you forgot your wifey!

jaehyun tried hard not to curve his lips even to a slight smile. ❝taeyong is my wifey?

i'm your wifey and you are my hubby.❞ taeyong said, going closer with those pleading eyes of his. ❝jaehyun, please remember.

leaning forward, jaehyun showed him a smile and went past his lips to go to his ears to whisper.

wifey, you fell for it.

t b c

see? pfft secret isn't that bad uwu
