⌜ thirty nine ⌟

jung jaehyun i swear to god if you don't wake up this instant—

what are you shouting about?❞ doyoung questioned the moment he got inside the house and couldn't believe how busy it was.

yuta and sicheng were there, taking care and dressing up the kids. renjun was there along with donghyuck to take care inside the kitchen. taeyong was walking around as he checked if everything was ready to go. his eyes scanning the living room, taeyong spotted doyoung waiting by the front door and was about to leave but taeyong called him out before he does leave.

doyoung!❞ taeyong greeted, but a frown was then shown to his face. ❝aren't you supposed to be picking up taeil hyung?

he didn't ask me to..❞ taking out his phone to check some messages, doyoung froze when he saw taeil sending him a message to pick him up an hour ago and he just read it now. ❝oh.

that cute, little harmful creature is going to kill him.

since you're now here, can i ask you to drive me to school?❞ taeyong clasped his hands together and gave doyoung one sweet smile. ❝jaehyun's not waking up and i need to go early since i still have some things to finalize along with other teachers.

sure.❞ doyoung said with a smile, honestly scared of what taeil would react if he sees him there.

taeyong sighed in relief and went running towards his shared room with jaehyun, not opening it and stayed outside just to shout what he needed to say. ❝jaehyun i'm going first! meet you at school and please get ready sleepy head! it's your graduation day.

with that, taeyong went sprinting back down to doyoung and quickly made his way out of the house after giving his last instructions to yuta. he kissed the triplets goodbye who's also sleepy just like their daddy who's probably still sleeping. honestly, taeyong won't be shocked anymore if jaehyun gets late during his graduation ceremony.

it's probably fine. he is an honor student and also the student council president, save the best for last.

let's go.❞ taeyone grabbed doyoung's arm and went out of their house which they have just moved in last week.

renjun and donghyuck are the ones managing the kitchen, taeyong just hopes that they won't burn the kitchen just like what jaehyun seriously did together with taeho who's enjoying watching his daddy panicking in the highest level.

inside the room where jaehyun was peacefully sleeping, he can't help but be disturbed by the ruckus downstairs. he opened his eyes to space out for a good minute before streching his arms and legs with a loud yawn. the graduation ceremony starts in the late afternoon and taeyong is in a hurry when it's still actually..

lunch!?❞ jaehyun quickly sat up and his stomach growled immediately. ❝dang, so that's why i was dreaming about eating the whole restaurant.

just noticing another presence inside the room, jaehyun turned his head to the side and saw mark eyeing down on the photo frames displayed down the shelves and some on the desks. jaehyun then smiled after seeing mark looking at him and then patted the seat next to him on the bed.

mark made his way to the made and silently sat next to the graduating senior. ❝taeyong kept on calling you, he was like a furious tomato.

right.❞ jaehyun chuckled, leaning his back on the headboard. ❝it's the reason why i woke up. why need an alarm clock when you have taeyong?

the younger male giggled at what jaehyun said but was then down the next moment, confusing jaehyun with his sudden mood change.

are you okay simba?

if mark answers honestly, jaehyun is going to tease him. ❝of course i am.

you don't look like you are.❞ jaehyun showed a pout as he nudged the short male. ❝you should cheer up on my graduation day!

graduation..❞ mark raised his head up and started to stare out of no where. ❝you are finally graduating.

hey, mark lee.❞ jaehyun gave the younger male glare before showing him an ugly crying face the moment he held the boy's shoulders and shook his aggressively. ❝don't make this day sad!

stop! i'm not making it sad.❞ mark clicked his tongue and swatted jaehyun's hands away. ❝it's just that..

jaehyun would love to make fun of mark, he looks like a moody baby wanting some candy but is too shy to say it. ❝i'm still going to be visiting that school.

i know.❞ the younger said, rolling his eyes. ❝i'm not going to miss you.

aye, don't lie simba.❞ jaehyun opened his arms wide and took mark into a tight hug, expecting for the younger male to push him away but instead he could feel him hugging back. ❝you act like i'm going far away.

but you'll be a ceo soon and being a ceo means going to a road leading to a busy life.❞ mark muffled out the words as his head was buried  on the older's chest. ❝and you'll soon be going out of the country.

as much as jaehyun hated it to happen, it will happen. he couldn't believe thay his mother forced him to take his father's place while he's still serving the prison for years. jaehyun didn't want to do it, and he did have the choice not to, but he didn't want to rely on his mother always so he decided to take his father's place for the meantime. and when his father finally comes out, he's going to immediately run a restaurant for him and taeho to burn—

you want me to take you and donghyuck to paris?❞ jaehyun started, wanting to comfort mark who's silently crying. ❝i heard it's romantic there.

you promise to come with us? bring taeyong and the triplets with you.

jaehyun scoffed so proudly, ❝i'm bringing everyone with me.

mark rolled his eyes at jaehyun that's getting overboard with the idea but he's the one paying anyways so he has nothing to complain. after minutes of hugging jaehyun and enjoying the silent moment with him, mark had realized that time is up and had to push jaehyun away.

okay that was disgusting.❞ mark made a face, standing up and brushing his arms and shirt.

we both enjoyed it simba.❞ jaehyun said with his brows wiggling in the most teasing way, which mark can't help but smile instead of getting annoyed.

he needs cherish their last moments before the two of them would have less time with each other.

dude.❞ mark pretended to gag.

bro.❞ jaehyun removed the blanket that's covering him and stood up from the bed, already getting ready for his graduation.

actually, that comes after he finishes his lunch.

want to eat?❞ mark asked, making his way to the door thinking that if jaehyun didn't want to eat then maybe he wants some time alone. ❝my sunshine is making lunch with renjun.

sunshine is the one cooking?

my sunshine.❞ mark emphasized my, wanting to tell jaehyung he should acknowledge donghyuck being his.

my sunshine?❞ but since jaehyun is jaehyun, there's never a moment he won't tease mark. ❝my sunshine it is then.

no, jaehyun!❞ the younger groaned as he stomped his foot. ❝he is my sunshine, not yours!

kindly move dear sir,❞ jaehyun said, ignoring what mark just said as he pushed the boy to the side for him to be able to open the door. ❝i wanna taste my sunshine's cooking.

i'm calling wifey.❞ mark is not showing it but he's cringing calling his math teacher that. but for the sake of pissing jaehyun off, the he needs to do it.

jaehyun then had his mouth opened, ❝excuse you? he is my wifey.

my wifey?❞ mark went passed by jaehyun and made his way out of the room. ❝okay then.



with the ceremony on going, jaehyun couldn't help but doze off during calling of names to get their diploma. he couldn't understand why awards had to be separately given from the diploma. he kept on going up and down the stage receiving medals and certificates here and there. he could even feel his hands getting tired from shaking every superiors' hands. but what he noticed though was that, taeil isn't present there.

it didn't take him long to guess that he locked himself inside the office and drown himself with some dramas. jaehyun just wondered how taeil got to make the assistant principal to attend for him.

jaehyun, your name is called!❞ someone snapped him out from his thoughts before jaehyun completely dozes off.

oh wait—❞ jaehyun didn't even realize feet out there that he stumbled upon it. ❝sugar honey iced tea.

"jung jaehyun?"

i'm here wait!❞ jaehyun didn't even notice people from his row lining up and now he had to go through the crowd that's taking pictures. ❝excuse me, give way!

everyone couldn't contain their laughs watching jaehyun being all clumsy, just as who he really is during the years. jaehyun's mother had herself covering up her eyes she watched her son nervously coming up the stage at the wrong side and almost got his feet tangled up with the wires at the side of the stage.

what a nice entrance, mr. jung.❞ the assistant principal said as she chuckled at jaehyun who's breathing heavily.

at least he put an effort to attend this ceremony unlike a specific someone who's locking himself inside his office. ❝yeah.

he went to shake his hands with her and a few more superiors before finally reaching to the end where taeyong is standing. even though they were in front of plenty of students and parents, jaehyun wasn't ashamed to wiggle his brows at taeyong before shaking his hand.

congratulations jaehyun.❞ taeyong said with that professional fake smile of his.

leaning down to whisper something on taeyong's ear, jaehyun really loves to make him panic. ❝get ready for the wedding, soon-to-be mr. jung.

you idiot.❞ taeyong mumbled, only for jaehyun to hear.

you love this idiot.

the teacher groaned but controlled himself from rubbing his face on his palms in front of everyone. ❝just go and take a picture with your diploma.

i don't deserve a kiss?

are you crazy!?

the superiors that were lining up flinched at taeyong suddenly raising his voice. feeling their eyes on him, taeyong took a slight bow while giving them an apologetic smile. jaehyun chuckled at how taeyong looked before going in the middle of the stage to take a bow. he showed everyone his famous dimpled smile and some girls may or may have not screamed.

taeyong there was holding back the urge to push jaehyun off the stage.

while the ceremony was on going, doyoung retreated out of the venue and made his way to a familiar office which is luckily unlocked. he then entered without any knock and saw what he was expecting to see inside the principal's office.

taeil crying over a drama he is watching on his laptop.

you're really skipping the ceremony for this?❞ doyoung spoke, his voice echoing inside the office and catching taeil's attention.

the short male looked up only to look back down again. ❝shut up bad bunny.

are you still mad about me not picking you up this morning?❞ doyoung sighed and went to sit on the older's desk, closing his laptop to get his full attention.

glad you know that.❞ taeil opened his laptop again but has only taken by doyoung. ❝give me that.

reach for it first.❞ doyoung sent the short male a smirk before standing up properly and carrying the laptop higher for taeil not to reach.

you're testing my patience.❞ taeil said with a threatening glare.

seeing that doyoung wasn't fazed by it and still had that annoying smirk on his face, taeil had thought of another idea to annoy doyoung and remove that smirk on his lips.

he tiptoed, not to reach for the laptop but to reach for doyoung's lips.

doyoung widened his eyes and didn't get to kiss back as he was shocked at what is happening. there it is again, taeil kissing him by surprise. the older male then pulled away from the kiss and settled another peck, surprising doyoung once more.

you didn't give out any warnings!❞ doyoung gasped, placing the laptop down on the principal's desk and covering his mouth after. ❝no signs? no heads-up? no caution? no notice?

no. now, shut up before i give you another kiss.

how dare you—

taeil took the male's tie and pulled him close that doyoung almost stumbled forward to him. but no, their lips didn't touch and taeil purposely did that.

w-what are you doing?

looking down to his lips, taeil smiled. ❝can i kiss you again?

t b c

can you smell the ending? because i can uwu.
