7: Maami

"I haven't even asked for anything yet." Romola said.

"But you will," her mother said. "No money to borrow you."

Romola pressed her lips together. If only her mother knew how much she still supported the family. "When was the last time I asked you for money?"

"Does it matter? I don't have." Fatigue made her mother's words slower.

"How's Lolade?"

"You cannot ask of your father? You cannot ask how I'm doing?" Her mother began to cry. "Do you even care about me?"

It was better not to reply. Unless she wanted to be reminded of how much she was a disgrace to the family.

Her mother continued the tirade. "You father is getting better. He has a new job but they are being wicked to him.They won't pay him."

"Is that the lie he is telling you now?"

"I knew it. Aje ni eh. You are a witch. Ungrateful child. After all that he has done for you?"

"Don't even go there Maami.. What did he do for me?"

All he had done was tarnish her image. He and Jide made a huge profit selling her pictures online after the whole nude saga and they did it using her own social media and bank accounts.

"He took care of you when your useless father rejected us. Now he has a job, you can't even be happy for him. Just so you know, at least Jide and your father are spending time together. They spent all evening talking."

"A drunk man does not know the way to his house, Maami.. I don't know what you see in this man. Which house did he give us? You mean, the one that you have to hawk bread and beans for all day to pay the rent for? Which job did he get? Abi, he drinks away all his pay and comes to you with that excuse. Do you know what I heard? There was no food in the night because he wanted to drink beer."

"They were thirsty."

"What happened to water? See, I didn't come to you with this in mind. He is your husband, two of you can settle whichever rubbish issue you have, Don't drag me inside it."

"Ungrateful child."

"I know. How is Lolade? I want to speak with her?"


"Can't I talk to my sister?"

"No." Her mother's no was very clear. "Before you come and corrupt the only good child that I have left."

Romola sighed. Her mother still believed that she was a prostitute. "I just want to know how Lolade has been coping with the lockdown and school."

"She's doing well."

"Is she attending any online school?"

There was a pause on the line. The pause lasted for so long that Romola was scared her mother had dropped the phone. "Maami?"

"No." Her mother's voice was low and shaky. "What does it matter? Is not like she likes school anyways."

"So she sits at home all day?"

The reply took longer this time. Romola heard the sound of a door slamming shut.

"No. I take her with me."

"Where Maami?"

"Everyone I go.."

"It's not safe."

Her mother's reply was fast this time but lower. "Staying safe does not put food on the table."

"I could help you know-"

"If you send me any money, I will burn it in front of you. No dirty money will touch my hands."

"What about sunbo? Can't she go with you while Lolade stays home with Jide."

"Jide?" Her mother called his name like she did not know who they were speaking about.

Romola pushed the main gate open and came to the apartment in the boys quarters' compound. She stood in front of the door to her room. "Yes, Jide. Does he not stay at home too?"

"Unlike you, Sunbo works for a man. Richard. His brother owns a business centre and Sunbo supports the family.'

"But you said you don't want my money." Romola almost laughed. If only her mother knew who really gave Sunbo money.

Romola heard another door open before there was a slap. Her step father barked. "Who is on the phone?"

"How is it your business? Shey you will not go back to your boss?"

"Mind your tongue."

"Tell me, is she really your boss or something else?"

"Face your call. I'm going to work. I don't know when I will be back. Give me transport money."

There was a shuffle, a crash and a bang before Romola the door slammed again. It was silent for a few minutes before she heard her mother's voice as low sobs. Then loud cries.



"What was that?"

She tried to open the door but it didn't give way. There was no one else around here. She pushed aside the branches of the little plant beside the door but the soil was bare of metal. Ifeoma had forgotten to leave the key behind again.

Romola sat on the curb. "Did he take money from you again?"

"What do you want, Romola? Whatever happens between my husband and I is my business. You said so right?"

"Did he?" Romola's words hung in the air. She knew Jide's father was violence prone. The scar on her right thigh reminded her of why he was on her black list. "Did he hurt you?"

"Lolade is fine. That's what you wanted to know."

"You can leave him."

"And you can stop being a prostitute."

Romola's brows furrowed. "I'm not a prostitute."

"Then what are you?"

"You wouldn't understand. I just wanted to ask if Lolade could spend a few weeks with me. Maybe by August.''

By then, Ifeoma would travel to her hometown and there would be one less person in the room. Lolade wouldn't take up so much space.

"So, this is what you do now abi? You cannot satisfy men again, so you want to bring my daughter- my innocent princess. You want to teach her your stupid business."

"No ma. that's not-"

"I should have aborted you when I could. You and your father, no difference. The two of you with fox eyes like to do corner corner things. Now, you want to spil Lolade for me abi? No."

"I promise, I just want to spend some time with her. Can I at least visit?"

"So that Jide's father will cut off your head." Her mother asked. "It's even good. Come. At least, when you are dead, you will stop disgracing us. Do you know that everyone looks at Sunbo somehow because of you? I will not let you spoil Lolade too. Besides, I need her."

"I'll take good care of her. I always have. I'll even make sure that I give her some pocket money."

Lolade could help her out in the store. Iya Tobi would definitely be very gracious to Lolade and Mr. Akin loved to dash little children gifts.

The door slammed open from her mother's end again and Romola heard her mother's breath deepen and fasten.

"Don't ask about Lolade again. Idiot." Her mother murmured into the phone before cutting the call.

The situation at home was much worse than sunbo had said.
