4: Promotion?

"Which kind of investment?" Iya Tobi raised a cruelly drawn brow.

Thoughts of how best to present her case ran through Romola's mind but how would she explain that she had already spent all her salary and the month was far from over. "Ma, my school. The fee has increased."

Iya Tobi allowed her head to loll on the leather seat. "How is that my problem? Bring my phone for me."

Romola picked the phone out of the bag, holding it to her chest as Iya Tobi took a long noisy slurp from the can.

Iya Tobi continued. "This malt is not cold enough. You didn't put it in the refrigerator on time."

"Should I get you another one, ma?"

"And which one will you sell if I drink everything?"

Romola frowned. Once Mr. Akin arrived, she would not be able to speak about money and Iya Tobi might not be in the mood to visit any of the stores for the next two to three months. By then, it would be too late to do anything.

Romola leaned against the desk and spat out the words she had been practising in front of her mirror. "Ma, I'm due for a promotion."

The malt can shook and some drops spilled on Iya Tobi's leopard print Buba gown. "Promo what?"

"Promotion. As in a raise."

"To what? To where?"

"I want to manage a store."

"You are already managing a store." Iya Tobi eyed her as though she would pounce soon. Given half a chance, Romola would pounce first but that was not the best route to go to get a raise.

"No. I don't manage this store and I don't want to manage this store. Mr. Ola has things covered here." She did not want to become Mrs. Bunmi's new sparring partner.

Iya Tobi dropped the malt can on the table before extending her hand.

Confusion marked Romola's face. "What ma?"

"My phone." Iya Tobi snatched the phone from her and rested against the chair.

Romola's face tightened. She had to push more. Her whole life depended on that degree. "I haven't been promoted and I've been working here for about two years now but Ola, Bunmi and even Rosemary have been promoted."

"I give you a bonus every Christmas. Don't I?" Iya Tobi asked.

"It's not the same thing. It's not enough."

Iya Tobi did not lift her eyes from her phone. "I hope you don't mind me asking, what do you do with the money I give you?"

"I use it to take care of my needs and my family."

Most of the money didn't go to her. She was sure that somehow, her step father had a way to divert the money she sent to her mother and sister. As for Sunbo, she would wait till the girl's cup was full. They kept demanding money from her. If only they knew that money was a tight noose around her neck and the noose tightened with each transfer she did.

"So me too, I won't take care of my family abi?:"

"It's nothing like that, ma." Romola brushed her hand across Iya Tobi's desk. "I just feel like it's my turn to be promoted. I handle all the stores when you need me too and I've been here before the last two stores were opened. I can do it."

"Romola, I can't promote you. I cannot have you working as a proper staff in any of the stores. Except this one and even with this one, I'm taking a risk."

"I don't understand. I've done everything as you like. I haven't missed any days and I can prove that this business has profited greatly since I arrived."

"My dear," Iya Tobi's voice was anything but endearing. "I am not denying this but you see, I can't afford to put you as a staff and have you interact with the customers. Your shame is still in the streets. I can't take the risk of one of my customers recognizing you and refusing to shop here again. Especially not now that nobody can travel. Everybody is shopping locally."

Romola sucked in air through her teeth. "That was two years ago."

"When you came to me, remember, you were begging me and I almost turned you away. If not for my husband. But for daddy Tobi, you would still be on the streets but we took you like our daughter and gave you a job. Is that not enough Romola? Why do you want to disgrace yourself any further? Why do you want to keep yourself where people can see you and remember that they have seen what should be hidden?"

Romola's reply was sharp. "I can handle it."

"Me, I can't handle losing customers. I don't have a problem with you staying in the back. You serve me effectively here. I have done you a big favour by giving you a job. You should be grateful."

"I am. That's why I want more responsibilities."

'There is nothing I can do for you. I only employ graduates in my main stores."

The words hit Romola's heart like hot oil on an eyelid. When she had joined Iya Tobi, the business was crippled and the woman would have filed for bankruptcy. She had plugged the holes where money leaked. Now that Iya Tob had ballooned up in flesh and cash she would not even remember when Romola had stayed up with her, nights on end, thinking of how to expand the business.

"But Rosemary—"

"Is my cousin's child. I can't just turn her away."

She still had her last card. "I'm taking the online course. I'll be done soon. Just three more semesters."

Iya Tobi cut her off. "Me, I don't believe in all this online rubbish. A good education is the one delivered in the four walls of a classroom. If you did not graduate from a federal or private university. I have no promotion to offer you."

A strong masculine scent filled the room. Mr. Akin shut the door behind him. "Whats going on?"

He picked up his wife's malt and drained it before winking at the woman. "So, you were eating without me?"

"No oh. It's Romola that said she wants a promotion and I'm telling her how things are tight right now."

"What about a raise. Any raise? I'll really appreciate it."

"Nothing of that sort, dear. Come and help me put on my sandals. Daddy Tobi and I are going to the spa for a couples' treatment. If anyone asks, tell them I'm out on official business."

"Yes ma." Romola's slumped shoulders hurried her descent to Iya Tobi's feet. She pulled the strap around and this time they were really stretched past their limits.
