102: The Promise

Dami's car sped down the freeway leading from the airport to the jam-packed main road while Maami's phone dinged in Romola's hand. This was the same phone she had used to call Dami. Olumide had left his number with Maami.

Olumide's name popped up in the notification bar and Romola's lips spread wider.

Olumide: Glad I got to see you before I left. Did I mention how stunning you are?

She rolled her eyes even though her heart fluttered. She caught Dami's grin then hid her face, turning towards the window and watching the trees shrink as they drove past.

Romola: Isn't your phone supposed to be on airplane mode?

Olumide: In-flight WIFI. Where are you now?

Romola: On my way home. And no, you didn't tell me how stunning I looked. There's something else I wanted to say.

Olumide: What's it, shining star?

Her fingers flew over the keypad as quickly as she could type. She made a few typos and corrected them. She fought her nervousness by taking a breath. He had kissed her like there would be no tomorrow. She wasn't over the emotional buzz that it filled her with to know that she alone was wanted by the man she loved.

"If you smile anymore, you could rip your cheeks." Dami said.

"Laugh lines I hope. Thanks for bringing me here."

"Anything for a friend."

Dami was a true friend to Olumide in all the ways that Yetunde could never be to her.

"Your sister—"

"She'll be fine. This moment is about you and him."

She nodded, then stared down at Olumide's latest message.

Olumide: What is it?

Romola: It's actually something I remembered.

Olumide: Your plane ticket to the US?

Romola: You'd like that very much.

Olumide: Of course. Your visa can be ready within the week.

Her lips spread even further than she thought they could, her eyes twinkling at the thought of spending some time alone with Olumide and how there was still so much for them to catch up on and how much there was for them to experience together.

Her smile faltered as she rubbed her thumb over the crack on Maami's phone screen.

Romola: My family needs me right now and I need to put together some things. Besides, Hadassah wouldn't forgive me if I abandoned her so easily.

Olumide: I understand. So, what did you remember?

Romola: I forgot about it when the drama about Yetunde and drugs started.

Olumide: What is it?

Romola: It's actually something I owe you.

Olumide: What is it, Romy baby?

Romola: It was at Glass Court. I promised that if you were right about Yetunde taking drugs, I would take you on a date.

Olumide: Oh really? Guess, I'll be having a date with you in six months.

Romola: I've got six months to prepare

Olumide: As I'm dropping from the plane, we are going to straight to the date.

Romola: I can't wait either.

She leaned back in the soft leather chair rubbing her hand against her thigh, her fingers following the rough ridges of her scarred flesh.

Her scars were a part of her past but they didn't have to define her and Olumide's future. She would take back her life and she would be starting with a conversation with her mother. Then Hadassah.

The End.

Thank you all for reading. Before I say goodbye for now, I'd really like it if you left a review on this chapter and if you shared this book with a friend who loves reading. ❤️❤️❤️

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