The Switch

***Third Person P.O.V.***

Elena and Damon were cuddling on the couch in the living room of the boarding house, with a fire providing warmth for them. Thal was upstairs with Jeremy trying extremely hard not to listen to their conversation. She was failing.

“This is nice,” Elena said adjusting herself in Damon’s arms.

“It is nice,” Damon agreed and Thal cringed.

“You shouldn’t listen to them, it makes you sad,” Jeremy grumbled from under his sheets. Thal was sitting on his bed next to him as he tried to get some extra sleep. Thal leaned against the headboard and drew her knees up to her chest.

“I know, but I can’t help it,” She said. It had been a few days since her talk with Rick and she felt like he couldn’t be further from the truth. “Every time I hear them I just think about how that used to be me,” Thal sighed and Jeremy turned onto his side, propping his head up with his hand. He grabbed her hand with his and even though she couldn’t feel it, it was comforting.

“Why couldn’t I just be in love with you?” She asked and Jeremy smirked sitting up fully, the sheets fell away to reveal his bare chest.

“That would make things too easy,” He chuckled and began to play with her fingers.

“Silas is downstairs,” She said quietly, listening to the exchange below them. Jeremy shrugged. “Did you and Bonnie come to an agreement?”  I asked quietly. Jeremy nodded.

“She’s ok with it,” He then gave me a sad look. “But I wish we could save both of you,” He squeezed my hand and I smiled.

“I’m not technically dead, it’s just a power struggle between myself and the person who is using my body,” Jeremy’s eyes widened.

“Who is using your body?” He asked excitedly. I shook my head.

“I can’t tell you,” He dropped my hand and faced me fully. “It’s too dangerous, she’s been able to hurt my brothers, and they’re originals. She could kill you,” I said. Jeremy grimaced and sighed.

I stayed there talking to Jeremy for the rest of the day. At one point he went to the grill to eat, and it was a Saturday so he didn’t have to worry about school. When we got back to the house we found it full of people. My eyes widened when I saw, not one, two, but three Elena doppelgangers. Elena, Katherine, and a girl that I didn’t know.

“What the hell?” I turned to Jeremy and he shook his head.

“Is it bad that I can’t tell which one is my sister?” he whispered and I nodded slowly.

“Oh, look who it is,” I turned quickly to see Quetsiyah smirking at me.

“Who is she talking to?” Damon asked walking into the room.

“Ana,” Damon’s eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything. Elena was in the room and he couldn’t show what he felt. Quetsiyah smiled at me. Stefan came from around the corner.

“Ana’s here?” He asked looking around.

“Look who has their memories back,” Jeremy smiled at him trying to skip over the subject. I supposed they hadn’t told him about me yet.

“Where’s Ana?” He asked again. Ignoring Jeremy.

“She’s dead Stefan,” Damon said bluntly. Stefan shook his head.

“Is that what you chose to tell them?” Questiyah smirked and shook her head.

“What is she talking about?” Damon asked, a bit too quickly. Elena shot him a confused glance. Jeremy turned to me expecting me to answer, or at least give him permission to. “Tell me, Jeremy make her talk,”

“She’s can’t be dead,” Stefan whispered.

“Don’t tell them Jeremy,” I warned him, “This is more dangerous than you know,” Jeremy nodded and I sighed in relief.

“She won’t tell me,” Jeremy said sadly. Damon twitched.

“What the hell do you mean she won’t tell you? Make her!” He yelled. Jeremy looked at me but I shook my head. Thankfully that was the moment Caroline and Katherine decided to reenter the room.

“The cute one's here,” Katherine smirked standing beside Elena and the other girl.

“She's all yours,” Caroline said rolling her eyes.

“Let me guess. You must be... Who now?” Quetsiyah said, smirking to herself.

“Let's be clear. I don't care about Bonnie Bennett or the Other Side going away or Elena getting her best friend back,” Katherine avoided the question completely.

“You want something. I'm shocked,” Quetsiyah said sarcastically.

“I had the cure you created running through my veins, and when Silas sucked it out of me, I started aging faster than normal. So basically, I'm dying, and I need you to fix me,” Quetsiyah smiled, she knew there wasn’t a way to und other effects of the cure. “You made the cure. Now, make something that stops the aging. Otherwise, no blood for you,” Katherine thought she was so smart, but she was too trusting.

“Fine. When the ritual's finished and Bonnie is the anchor, we'll find a way to stop you from dying,” You can’t do that. I sent her the message and she gave me a sideways glance. She doesn’t have to know that. She sent back and I shook my head.

“Thank you,” She said before walking up to the drawing room. I felt myself being pulled after Quetsiyah as she walked up the stairs to the drawing room. Our link was growing stronger, she needed to tap into my power. Something she had never done before.

When we got up all three doppelgangers stood around the table and Questsiyah pulled out a book.

“What is that?” Amara asked cautiously. She glanced at me, half smiled then turned back to Quetsiyah.

“It's Bonnie's grimoire,” Elena answered in a soothing voice, but Amarastill seemed confused.

“A grim--what?” She asked.

“It's a magic spell book,” Katherine rolled her eyes and then said, “Idiot,” under her breath.

“It's a talisman. Since Bonnie can't be here, her grimoire will have to do. Hands in, palms up,” Quetsiyah instructed and all the girls did what she said at the same time. Amara was a bit slow but Quetsiyah grabbed her and cut her palm with the blade that was on the table. Blood fell onto the grimoire.

“Sorry, love. Did that hurt?” Quetsiyah asked sarcastically.

“I've been through worse,” Amara snipped back. Quetsiyah rolled her eyes and motioned to Katherine.

“Easy, ok? I'm fragile these days,” Quetsiyah held out the blade and Katherine took hold of the sharp end. She tightened her grip until she drew blood, she winced in pain as he blood fell onto the book as well. Elena smiled and extended her hand. She kept her smile directed at Katherine as the blade punctured her and blood fell onto the grimoire. She was getting to be quite overbearing.

“Showoff,” Katherine muttered exactly what I was thinking. Quetsiyah began to chanting Latin and I winced doubling over. She was taking a lot of my power. As she cast the spell the blood on the book formed into the trinity symbol. Suddenly all the candles lit up with tall fires then put themselves out. Bonnie appeared in the room, but she wasn’t visible to Katherine or Elena.

“No,” Quetsiyah gasped. She immediately turned to me.

“Is it done?” Katherine asked impatiently, but I knew her answer by the way she was looking at me. As if I had messed it up.

“No, it's not done,” She grimaced. A gust of wind blew through the room and the light cracks with electricity making the bulbs explode.

“What is happening?” Elena yelled over the wind.

“Silas is happening! Show yourself, bastard!” Quetsiyah whipped her head, looking around the room frantically. Then, the room went dark.

“I can't see anything. Can you?” Katherine asked just before Damon walked in with a flashlight.

“Electricity's out in the whole house. What happened?” He asked.

“Silas is here,” Elena looked around the room as if he were still there.

“Well, Silas owes me a fuse box. Hang on. I only count two doppelgängers. Where's crazy pants?” I didn’t hear his answer as I felt myself being pulled through the ground to the floor below. Quetsiyah and Silas were talking in the library.

“I loved you,” She said, but her voice wasn’t filled with sorrow and longing. It was filled with spite. She hadn’t ever loved him. Obsessed over him, maybe, but never loved him.

“Yeah? Well, get in line,” He said harshly. Then his phone rang and he answered it calmly. After a minute he was gone and Tessa let out a frustrated cry. I looked at her to see Silas had stuck an ironfire poker in her shoulder. She sunk to her knees and I felt our bond growing stronger. She was dying, and I was getting my body back. But then, of course Elena walked in.

“No way,” She walked up to Quetsiyah with purpose and determination.

“Can't a witch rest in peace?” Quetsiyah smirked a small drop of blood coming from her mouth.

“It's a flesh wound. Get up,” Elena pulled Quetsiyah to her feet and I wanted to scream out. I was so close. The bond between Quetsiyah and I grew thin again. But I still followed her. Elena pulled the iron poker from her shoulder. “ You're not done yet. Come on,” She dragged Quetsiyah back up the stairs and I followed them sadly. When we reached the room Quetsiyah began to chant the spell. Katherine and Elena watched her. I doubled over in pain again cry out as she pulled and used more of my power.

When she finished chanting Elena ran out of the room and down the stairs. I laid on the floor panting.

“Get up girl,” Quetsiyah said to me. I shifted my eyes to her but had no intention of moving.

“Excuse me?” Katherine said, clearly offended.

“Not you,” Quetsiyah said, she then turned back to me and waved her hand. Before I knew it I was standing. “Do you hear that?” She asked me, walking over to me. I listend to the sound of rejoicing as Elena met back up with her Bonnie. The spell had worked. “That’s all I wanted. Love,” I frowned, in some ways I sympathized with her. But mostly; I hated her.

“You’ll never get it,” I spat. Quetsiyah smiled as if she had already come to terms with that fact. Katherine stood from her seat and walked over to us, making herself known.

“Okay, I'm ready. Let's do this,” Katherine said rubbing her hands together. Quetsiyah smirked.

“You. Right. You want me to stop the aging? I'd find a drugstore cream,” She said sarcastically.

“Hilarious. But see, I'm not getting any younger, so spell away,” Katherine, was beginning to see what had happened, but she didn’t want to believe it.

“Altering someone's lifespan is what started this whole mess in the first place. I've learned my lesson. I'm not saving your life,” She said simply. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and the bond beteween Quetsiyah and I grew.

“Excuse me?” Katherine’s eyes widened. I felt myself being drawn back into my body, and Quetsiyah’s hair began to streak with red.

“I won. Amara's gone, and Silas is waiting for me on the Other Side,” Quetsiyah collapsed to her knees and I saw a pool of blood around her feet. A sharp object was now lodged in her chest.

“No. NO! (Tessa collapses) Help! Help, somebody help her, she's dying! Don't die, I need you!” Katherine ran up to her and her eyes turned blue. I saw my hand begin to blur as I moved back to my own body.

“True love prevails... the universe be damned,” I snapped back into my body and collapsed onto the floor, Katherine yelling over me.

*** Damon’s P.O.V.***

I walked into the house ad breathed a sigh of relief. Bonnie was standing in the middle of the room, alive. Thank god. But, it’s not who you really wanted back. A small voice in the back of my head said, but I ignored it and walked over to the group.

“Where’s Stefan?” I asked. Elena shrugged. He had come back with her while I took care of Silas’s body and I would expect him to be here celebrating the return of Bonnie but he wasn’t. “I’m going to find him,” I said. Just as I turned away Elena pulled me back and planted a kiss on my lips.

“Thank you,” She said pulling away slowly. I nodded and squeezed her arm.

“I would do anything for you,” I said before turning away. I had to find my brother. I went up the stairs two at a time and was on my way to his room when I heard something coming from the drawing room. I turned that way instead and when I walked through the door, what I saw both elated and crushed me. Thal, my Thal was laying in the middle of the floor in a small pool of blood. But I couldn’t go and hold her, I couldn’t because Stefan already was.

“She’s alive,” Stefan smiled looking up at me. He lifted her in his arms and walked out of the room and past me as I stood frozen. The way he looked at her. So gently, so lovingly. I may be too late in winning her back.

“Did you find Stefan?” Elena asked startling me. She was standing in the doorway and I nodded. “Where is he?” She asked looking around the room.

“With Thal,” I said more harshly than I meant, before walking past her and out of the room. I was a bit blunt, but I was angry. He had no right to hold her, to love her. Only I had that right.

I, Damon Salvatore, was jealous of my little brother.


This update came more quickly than I thought it would. I was just too excited to write it. Hopefully they keep rolling out like this one did. Look out for Thal and Stefan action in the upcoming chapters. And she's back! Yay! 

Another shout out to AniyahJ1112, she's cool and everyone should check out her account. 

Oh! I got a printed copy of my book, I'll take a picture for you guys and post it up with one of the next chapters. 

Ok, I'm done. See you guys next time!
