Getting through the century

Klaus woke me a week later and had been explaining what had happened in the week that I was dead. Katerina had come to town and seeing how depressed that Damon was over me she had compelled him to forget me.

She had been leading them both on, sleeping with both of them and drinking from both of them, as well as letting them drink from her. She had made them totally in love with her Damon more so than Stephan.

He explained how Johnathan Gilbert was perfecting his vampire compass and that they were planning an attack for tonight.

"Giuseppe has begun to suspect Katherine of what she really is and he fed Stephan bourbon laced with vervain, tonight when he goes to see her and she drinks his blood she will react and the hunt will begin,"

"Why haven't you killed her yet," I asked and he sighed

"The hunter is still in town and I don't want to be targeted," Klaus told me and I nodded sitting very still. Klaus kept his eyes on my warily, "Ana, we must leave before the hunt begins," he said and I shook my head.

"Giuseppe will not hesitate to kill Damon if he finds out that he was with Katherine," I said my voice rising knowing that it was true.

"He will not hesitate to kill you if he finds out what you are," Klaus countered. "And forgive me if I care more about you then the humans."

"Nic, I am staying. I'm not asking you to do anything for me, you can leave," I argued growing quiet.

"And if they catch you?" he asked and I shook my head.

"I am one of the original vampires, it would be a disgrace if I got caught now, even if it is one of the five." I smiled and Klaus laughed,

"Alright, but still be carful," He said and got up and kissed me on the forehead. "I will see in the next decade," he said and I got up and hugged him,

"Goodbye Nic," he whispered a goodbye in my ear and then disappeared. As soon as he had left I felt the urge to go see Damon, hold him in my arms again and kiss him. But I knew that I couldn't, he wouldn't remember me and Katherine would know that I was there and would surely have killed him. So I waited, I waited to hear Katherine's screams ring through the air as she drank Stephan's poison laden blood.

I didn't have to wait long within the hour I heard it, her scream pierced the air and shouts followed shortly afterwards. I got up and ran to the Salvatore residence. I got there just as they were binding Katerina's arms with what I supposed was vervain soaked ropes by the way they sizzled against her skin almost melting it.

I looked and saw Stefan standing next to his father eyes filled not only with hate for Katerina but worry for how his brother would deal with it. Johnathan Gilbert pulled up in his wagon gasping as he saw Katerina with her teeth elongated and blue and black veins bulging from underneath her eyes. He then hollered in triumph and jumped down helping Giuseppe throw Katerina in the back of the wagon. Giuseppe said something to Stefan which I couldn't because of Gilbert's idiotic screaming.

I watched as he told Giuseppe that they should go to town to find more. Luckily for me he had not pulled out his compass as of yet so he did not detect me. As they left Damon ran out of the house. I let my heart thump as he came out the house at hearing the commotion.

"What's going on brother?" he asked and Stefan told him that they had taken Katherine. Damon's gaze darkened as the story progressed.

"You told me that you would not tell father, you promised me that," Damon said and Stefan turned away from him in shame.

"I thought father would not hate them as much if he knew a nice one," Stefan said and Damon scoffed at him.

"And now you know that our father is a monster, he does not care how nice she is, he see's her as a monster and now you have sent her to be killed," he spat at Stefan and my heart sank because I knew that Katherine had changed him, made him bitter.

"We still have time to save her, Damon we can get her off that wagon before they get to the church," Stefan said trying to reason with his brother and Damon nodded. I could tell that Stefan was doing this for his brother and not for Katerina and that made me happy.

"Fine," Damon growled and they took two horses and rode off in the direction of the church. I ran along side them in the shadows making sure they didn't see me.

They finally reached the church and the wagon was sitting in front of it, there was no one around and Stefan and Damon tied the horses a ways away and left ran up to the wagon. Stefan fumbled with a pin and the lock while Damon grew impatient.

"Dammit Stefan, open the damn doors before they get here," Damon said and Stefan turned the pin to the right a little and the door popped open. Damon pushed his way in and Stefan had stayed on the outside to keep watch. "She's not here!" Damon screamed in dismay. "How could she not be here?!" he cried and then a sudden gun shot rang through the air cutting Damon off. Stefan fell to the ground bleeding with a bullet in his chest.

I had to hold myself from running up to his aid. Damon jumped out of the wagon and immediately ran to his brother dropping to his knees. "Little brother, wake up we have to get out of here," Damon paused shaking Stefan, "Steph, wake up!" He screamed at him but Stefan stayed still. Damon opened his mouth to speak again when another gunshot rang through the air. He looked in the direction it had come from and the fell on top of his brother. I let out a silent cry of dismay and held my urge to rip the shooter to pieces as he ran from the bushes and to the wagon.

My jaw tensed as I saw who it was. Giuseppe Salvatore quickly closed the wagon doors, relocked them and got in the driver side driving around to the back of the church without so much as a backwards glance. Once he was out of sight I ran to Stefan and Damon. I could hear Stefan's heart beat slowly, but strongly and I knew that he was going through transition and I then turned my attention to Damon, who unlike Stefan, was fading quickly.

I quickly bit down on my wrist and forced against his mouth hoping to save him. When their hearts stopped beating I prayed that they would start again and that I wasn't too late.

I picked them both up and carried them back to the cabin where I had first been. I laid them down on the two cots and turned to see Emily Bennet behind me.

"Please make rings for them both,"I said and she nodded handing me two rings they were vintage and one had a 'D' in the center and the other an 'S'.

"Miss, all of Katherine's compulsion while they were human will be erased and he will remember you," she said and I nodded.

"I know," I whispered.

"And Miss. Pierce is still alive," she said trying to meet my eyes. I just turned away from her and grimaced.

"I know," I said tensely and still wouldn't look up at her.

"You can't stay long," Emily Bennet said and I finally met her eyes glaring at her, "The hunter is still out,"

"I know," I said through my teeth. "I just have to reinstate the compulsion on Damon then I will be on my way," I said and heard someone stir from in the room.

"That is one of them now,"I said and turned and went into the room. When I walked into the room Damon was sitting up on his bed. He looked up at me and his face was at first one of confusion, the fear, and lastly, pure joy. He ran up to me and wrapped me into an embrace. He pulled away and kissed my lips. I smiled sadly at him kissing him back slightly.

"I don't care how you are alive, I'm just happy that you are," he said kissing me. I pulled away from him and looked into his eye while stroking his face.

"I love you Damon," I said and Damon's smiled widened at me. "That's why you can't remember me," I said and his smile turned to a frown. I looked into his eyes and sighed. "Damon, I want you to forget me, I want you to forget everything about me," I said, compelling him. I then took a deep breath and thought of something, a loophole of sorts. "You will remember everything about us when I say 'I love you' only me and no one else," I paused as a tear slipped down my cheek, "Do you understand?" I said and Damon nodded blankly his beautiful blue eyes glazed over. I stood on my toes and kissed him one last time.

I then ran, I ran away from him and away from Mystic Falls. I haven't returned there since then. And I haven't seen Damon or Stephan since then either. Over the years I had talked with Klaus but as of the recent 60 years I haven't had any contact with anyone. And I still haven't gotten over Damon. I'm afraid that I never will.

Sincerely, Thaliana Mikaelson

I close my diary looking up and the cloudy sky of the Andes Mountains. I close my eyes letting the wind bite at my cheeks. I don't know why I felt like writing our story, but it feels better to have it on paper. Maybe I'll publish it, I would have to change our names of course but maybe I can get a movie deal from it. I stand up and prepare myself to go hunting. It's always exhilarating and as of late I have been able to shift into a wolf, making running all the more fun. I run all most everyday now and hunt every other. It is amazing and I believe I can spend the next decade here.

I run out to a small patch of trees and just stand there panting. All of a sudden a huge pain shoots through my heart and I hear Klaus' cry in my head. I know that he needs me and I can't help but howl even though I know he won't hear me. Even though I don't want to leave the Andes know I need to go to my brother, and quickly.

*** 2 days later***

I walk up to a rather large house in Mystic Falls and wait outside not able to enter without being invited in. It's night and I know that Klaus will detect me quickly.

"Whoever it is I am not in the mood," I hear a familiar voice say. I smile and stand up walking over to the door.

"Oh, Nic it hasn't been that long. You should recognize the heart beat of you sister," I say putting my hand up to the door. It swings open and I hear someone mutter for me to come in. I walk in and look around my eyes landing on my brother lounging on the couch covered in blood. I rush over to him and realize that it's not his. "What happened Nic?" I ask and he turns to me his eyes watering.

"Why doesn't my family love me?" he asks staring at the ceiling and I kneel by his side and embrace him.

"I love you Nic and you know that that will never change," I whisper into his hair. We sit like this for the rest of the night.

I wake up in the morning in a bed in a room that I don't recognize, which is weird because normally when I wake up I'm on a hard rock ground and I am next to half a deer ( if you know what I mean). I sit up and look around, I don't see anything I recognize but when Klaus walks in and I remember. He smirks leaning on the door frame as I yawn.

"Do you want to tell me what happened last night?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Not particularly," he says and I shrug, I'm not one to push and Klaus knows it. "I signed you up for school," he says walking and this wakes me up fully, rush using my vampire speed so that I am in front of him.

"What do you mean school?" I ask eyeing him and he openly smiles at me,

"Just like 1938," he says and I groan. In 1938 Klaus had signed my up at school and I had gone on a binge and ate my math teacher. I had compelled them to not get me arrested but they had still expelled me.

"You know what happened there and I don't want to do a remake," I say but Klaus just laughs.

"I could use a little entertainment little sister," he says and I give in.

"Fine," I mumble and a smile splits his face.

"Good, classes start today, I have your schedule and everything already. All you have to do is show up love," he say and I roll my eyes.

"You planned on my giving in didn't you?" I ask and he just smiles. I sigh and take the book bag that I now notice that he has in his hand.

"I'm driving you," he says and we race to the car.

He speeds on the way not worried about getting pulled over. We reach the school in a matter on minutes and he parks in front and gets out walking around and opening the door for me. I glare at him and get out the car.

"Who, is the tramp that Klaus dragged in?" a girl across campus says under her breath,

"So he's a pedofile now, god," another girl says and I tense angrily, Klaus pulls me into a firm hug and whispers into my ear.

"Don't mind them," he says and I roll my eyes. He pulls away and I kiss his cheek smiling when the girls scoff. "Now don't ruin my rep little sister," he whispers so only I can hear.

"Oh I definitely will," I laugh walking away from him and into the school, I hear him curse me and I just smile.

I walk into the school and quickly find my locker, I turn the combination that's on my schedule and open my locker to find all my books. I mentally thank Klaus and look at my first class which is bio.

"You must be new here," a familiar voice says walking up to the locker next to me I see a hand turn the combination and I freeze. The hand has a vintage ring on it with an 'S' inscribed in the center.

"Yes, I'm new here," I say carefully and I slowly turn until I'm looking Stefan in the eyes. I see recognition spark in his eyes and I quickly turn back to my locker.

"Thaliana? Thaliana Mikaelson?" he asks and I can't move, his words have frozen me solid. "Ana?" he asks and I quickly grab my books and slam my locker.

"Yes that's my name," I say turning to him and regaining my cool. "Have we met before?" I say and confusion shows itself in Stefan's leaf green eyes. But I know that he is resolute.

"Yes, but you died," he says and I scrunch my eyebrows together pretending to be confused.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm alive,"I say smiling at him innocently and he shakes his head, "You have me confused for someone else, and I am sorry for your loss," I say and he is about to say something more when a blonde girl walks up to him and links her arms through his.

"Ready for history?" she says totally ignoring me and Stefan nods turning to her. "Well come on then, we have a lot to talk about," she says raising her eyebrows and letting them fall telling me that they weren't going to talk about history at all. Stefan nods and let's her lead him away, he glances at me once before walking away. And then I recognize the girls voice. She's the one from the parking lot.


Dun dun dun, Stephan recognized her. What will happen now?

Please comment and give me feed back, I want to know how I'm doing.
