
Kol and I walked back into the upstairs study when church bells started going off. "What's with the church bells? It sounds like the preamble to me own bloody funeral," I rolled my eyes giving Marcel a look. 

"You're not dying Kol," I linked my arm with his as we walked further into the study. 

"It's Carillon Eve. The locals shroud the eyes of angels so the dead can walk among us for a night without judgment. The bells wake the dead and guide them to eternal rest," He smirked at Kol "So, whether you live or die today, you can join the festivities," I glared at Marcel while my brother only laughed. 

"Oh, Marcel. You're gonna make certain that I live. I'm the only one that knows how to find Rebekah!" I elbowed Kol.  

"You're not helping your case Kol," I whispered to him. 

"That's because you underestimate how hungry I am, and how much I'd like to appease my hungry friends right outside that door," Marcel commented not hearing what I had said. I unlinked my arm from Kol and walked over to a bench. Kol did the same and sat across from Marcel. 

"And just what would Davina say about that? Because-- I'm not one to kiss and tell, obviously-- but, uh, I think she likes me!" I gritted my teeth. Kol was a cocky bastard and had a knack for pissing people off. Gave him a pointed glare.  

"Watch your mouth," Marcel stood and so did I. "Before I drain every vein of yours myself," I stood up quickly and placed myself in front of Kol. 

"Take a walk Marcel," I warned raising my eyebrows. He stood there looking around me to glare at Kol for a moment before storming out of the room. I turned to Kol and raised an accusatory eyebrow. "Your mouth is going to get you into a lot of trouble one day," I shook my head and took a deep breath.  

"And you'll be there to bail me out won't you little sis?" He asked smirking. I rolled my eyes and collapsed on the bench next to him sighing.  

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I groaned while Kol laughed. I lifted my feet onto the bench and wrapped my arms around one of his resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. 

"Hey sis?" I looked up at him opening my eyes. "What did you mean earlier?" He asked causing me to frown. "Nothing will compare to the amount of pain I've felt in the last month," Kol quoted my words from earlier and I pursed my lips. "Come on Ana, you can tell me," Kol moved his arm from my grip and wrapped it around my shoulders. I sighed and played with the hem of his shirt.  

"Damon died," I whispered. Kol tensed up and I knew I had made him uncomfortable. "I know you came through Bonnie that night Kol, I remember," I whispered. Kol relaxed again and gripped my hands in his.  

"I'm sorry Ana," He sighed. I shook my head trying to shake away the thoughts as well. It didn't work and one tear escaped from my eye.  

"I'm going to find a way to bring him back so it's not a big deal," I shrugged. Kol was silent for a moment and I didn't mind it. Suddenly the doors to the study burst open and in came one of Marcel's vampires. 

"You come anywhere near us, and I will give you a headache that will last a century," I growled as I stood in front of my brother protectively. 

"It'll be worth it!" She bared her teeth and attempted to charge towards us. I thrust out my hand and stopped her dead in her tracks. She clutched her head as I popped blood vessels in her brain.  

"Anyone care to explain what's going on?" Marcel walked in and broke my concentration. Gina fell to the ground groaning. "I would expect this from him Red but not you," I gave me a disappointed look and I rolled my eyes. 

"Your so-called protection detail was trying to eat me!" Kol accused standing beside me as he did. "I think I should teach them a lesson," He cracked his fingers and I gave him a side glance. That was going a little too far. They couldn't manage their hunger.  

"Kol," I started, but before I could say anything he fell to his knees. My eyes widened as he passed out on the floor beside me. "Kol!" I got on my knees beside him and tried to shake him. "What the hell happened?" I looked up at Marcel and he shook his head at a loss. "Well, help me move him to the couch," I picked up his arms and Marcel picked up his legs. We were about half way to the couch when the room started spinning and I was suddednly surrounded by blackness.  


I groaned and opened my eyes slowly before standing up. When I looked around I saw my brothers standing in a circle. Nic helped me up to my feet and Kol groaned.  

"Why does my head hurt?" He asked annoyed. I rubbed the back of my head.  

"We may have dropped you," I straitened myself out. "Your nose is bleeding," I frowned at Kol and he wiped it quickly before turning to glare at Finn who stood in the corner smirking and happy with himself.  

"Okay. Point made. Now, nobody loves a joke like old fox boy here, but if you could just get me back to my body-" Kol started but Elijah cut him off. 

"I must confess, I rather enjoy watching you twist in the wind," He pulled out a hankerchief and handed it to his brother. I stopped leaning on Nic and walked up to join my brothers. "Not unlike the way you left Rebekah, I imagine," I glared at Elijah. 

"Yes! What did you do to Rebekah?" Finn asked haughtily. I rolled my eyes. 

"For goodness sake, she crossed me, so I crossed her back! Look, if you could just get me back to my body, I will tell anybody anything that they need to know!" Finn rolled his eyes and thrust out his hand causing Kol to double over in pain.  

"Kol!" I shouted. I turned to Finn and tried to do magic but cried out when I felt the spell meant for Finn being inflicted on me. 

"Dear sister, I am in control of this plane, you cannot hurt me," Finn laughed before turning back to my twin. "How narrow-minded of me! Rebekah. You don't know where she is, and the only thing standing between you and our sister is this selfish fool. Maybe it's time for you to go enjoy the rest of your mortal life while you still can," Finn made his hand into a fist and Kol disappeared. I sighed in relief and stood back up. Finn sat down in his chair below a plaque with a boars head on it. I looked around and saw three other plaques. Elijah in front of one with a Stag, Nic with a wolf, and when I turned around I saw that I was before a plaque of butterflies. "So, what shall we talk about while we wait for nightfall?" HE asked mockingly. Why we had to wait until nightfall I didn't know but it couldn't have been good. "Oh! I know! Let's talk about our parents," He clapped his hands once and rubbed them together. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest before sitting in front of my plaque. 

"You know, I figured you wouldn't be kind to Mother, but imagine my surprise to learn that Mikael met the same fate! Bravo, brother," Nic smirked and clapped his hands similarly. 

"You see, the parent I was interested in talking about was your father. Your real one? I mean, you longed to know him your whole life, yet at the first opportunity, you murdered him! Why, I wonder?" I immediately became alert. 

"Possibly the same reason you took out Esther. Severing parental ties has a way of freeing one up to recognize one's true potential," I tensed. Nicklaus had just admitted to killing a man I had longed for a single chance to meet and he knew that. 

"Quite. But, Esther was no fool. She pinpointed your wants, and knowing your true father was at the top of the list!" Finn mimicked killing someone, even making a killing sound and I ssat frozen still in shock from what I had heard. "No, something else occupies the top of your list of affections. And it's not your favorite city" Finn smacked Nicklaus on the back. "Because I'm about to take that from you, using your own vampires, and I barely get a rise out of you! I thought maybe it was Rebekah, but you remain calm, even when the one who knows her fate probably just met his," I gritted my teeth and took a shaking breath.  

"I am fighting the monumental urge to mount your severed head upon one of these walls..." Elijah growled. 

"And then, I thought it was your favorite brother, but Mother broke him into a thousand pieces, and rather than fix him, you left him to fend for himself God knows where," Finn shook his head. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were hiding something from me. Something big. Something dark. Maybe your real father found out what it was, and you had to kill him," Finn's eyes flickered to me for only a millisecond and no one else caught it but he had a smirk on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing and it was working. My breath grew shakier as the conversation went on. 

"You want to know why I killed my father?!" Nicklaus asked screaming lividly. 

"Yeah!" Finn egged him on. 

"Because when blood relations let me down, I don't stop to reason with them, I remove them," He yelled down to Finn. 

"So, the secret is there is no secret? You long for nothing, care for no one?" Nicklaus smiled haughtily at him. "The problem is, brother, I don't believe you. It's clear to me that you're hiding something. And, as I control your presence here, we've got all the time in the world to figure out just what that might be," He smirked at me. "But something tells me we won't be here too much longer," Nicklaus frowned and Finn nodded to me before leaving the room. Nicklaus turned to me with an apologetic look on his face but I didn't want to speak to him.  

"Ana, I'm so sorry," He began to walk up to me but I held up my hand and he stopped.  

"You met our father," I spoke slowly and quietly. "You met our father, and you killed him?" I choked on the last words. Nicklaus gritted his teeth and wouldn't look at me. "You didn't even think to tell me that he was alive?" I asked. "You just killed him? Just like that?" I shrugged as I spoke. 

"Ana, it's not that simple-" 

"Not that simple?!" I yelled standing. "What's not simple about 'when blood relations let me down, I don't stop to reason with them, I remove them,'?" I asked him, quoting his words as best I could. "You knew what I would have done to meet him, our father. Perhaps the only parental figure we have that would have accepted us!" I screamed. "And you killed him!" I was snowballing. What Nicklaus had done wasn't as terrible as I was making it out to be but when put together with Damon's death and my lack of progress in reversing it I was finding out just how 'not ok' I was. "I hate you," My voice returned to a normal level. Nicklaus' eyes widened and so did Elijah's. I had only hated a few people in my existence but when I said it to Nicklaus in that moment I meant it.  

"Ana, let's not get carried away," Elijah started off but when my glare switched to him his voice trailed. 

"Carried away? I'm far from getting carried away. He killed our father," I pointed to Nicklaus. "And I had I not been here trying to protect his baby Damon would be alive right now!" Tears that were pooled in my eyes spilled over.  

"Ana, it's no one's fault that Damon's dead besides Damon," Elijah tried to calm me down and Nicklaus stayed silent which was a good move on his part.  

"No, no, no! You don't know that! If I had been there I would have done the spell and it would have carried out long enough for Damon to come back. But I wasn't there, I was in here in New Orleans, protecting his baby!" I pointed to Nicklaus whose eyes were wide with shock. "And what good did that do? It still died," I took a deep breath 'realizing' what I had just said. Nicklaus' eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me, but Elijah had already gotten it.  

"Ana, you know that is not fair," Elijah shook his head and I rolled my eyes.  

"No, it's not," I paused and took a deep breath. "It never is when you bring a dead child into the mix, but you know what else isn't fair?" I stood and walked over to my twin. "The fact that I didn't get to see the man I love before he died, and that I also didn't get to see our father before you killed him," I poked Nicklaus in the chest. "And the only connection I can make between the two is that it's your fault," I gritted my teeth before turning sharply to sit in my chair. Just then I felt Finn's presence disappear. "He's gone," I whispered. A grin spread across Elijah's face and he walked over to me happily.  

"That was brilliant Ana!" He smiled widely but I only nodded.  

"Finn wanted to know what Nicklaus' cared about most and he wanted to take that away from him. We all know what you value most but Finn doesn't and it's better to stay that way," My voice slowly grew disinterested as we continued.  

"Do you really hate me?" Nicklaus asked me, frowning.  

"Yes, but I'll get over it," I whispered. The room was silent for a moment. ""I don't hate your child Nic, she's still safe," Nic nodded to me but I could tell he was still unsettled. "This is a representation spell," I changed the subject. "Finn picked animals that he thought represented each of us. He gave me the butterflies because he doesn't know me that well and it's the symbol for change. If you can prove yourselves not to be your animals that could bring this whole thing down," Elijah nodded and Nic was already thinking of what he could do.  

Finn then walked back into the room with a cocky grin on his face and I fixed a glare on mine and averted my gaze from my brothers. "It's a shame, really, for you to lose New Orleans. You've worked so hard to make this city a home. On the other hand, this city hasn't given you much in the way of good fortune. You have Marcel's betrayal, Father's attack, the loss of your child, and of your favorite sister's affections," Finn glanced at me and I forced a tear to roll down my cheek as I turned my head away and attempted to hide it. Where the hell is my Oscar?  

"It is a delicate craft," I looked up at Elijah "Representational magic. One must be ever so precise. If you misrepresent us, the very enchantment that this room was built upon would collapse, would it not?" Elijah raised an eyebrow. I turned to Finn and studied his haughty gaze. 

"I assure you, you have not been misrepresented," Finn smirked and our gaze connected. He knew that he could not possibly misrepresent me.  

"Well, that depends upon how well the hunter knows his prey," Elijah pointed to himself and stood before the mounted stag head. "This façade, this illusion that I have created over the course of my life-- the noble stag. It is nothing more than a deception. To myself. To everyone," He turned to Klaus "If I were a truly noble brother, I would not have withheld from you a vile deed. One that I, like a coward, allowed Mother to erase from my memory," He paused "It was I who killed Tatia," My eyes widened and I stood before turning to Nic. The room started shaking and warping as Elijah came in and out of focus. "I hunted her down, and mercilessly, I feasted upon her flesh. I tore her from us. Mother took the blame," He got down on his knees and kneeled before Nicklaus "Brother, I felt certain if you knew, you would in no way forgive me," Elijah looked down to the ground and I could tell how much he despised himself. Nic looked sadly at him. 

"The act may be reprehensible, but your admitting to it proves you to be the man I thought you to be!" Finn smiled as the room began to settle down. He lifted his arms to the air and gestured around. "My magic stands!" He laughed at his own brilliance. 

"Does it?" Nic smiled weakly "It turns out my brother is even more depraved than I am," Elijah looked up with tears shining in his eyes. I glanced at an alarmed Finn as he watched as Nic looked around at all of the animal heads "He is the noble stag no longer. Indeed, another altogether different beast is creeping through the cracks. And you have also failed in your representation of me, because there is one thing you have never thought me capable of," He turned to Elijah again who was surprised as he gripped his shoulders and forced him to stand. "Forgiveness," The room began to shake again and Finn's eyes filled with horror that his own brothers had outsmarted him. "You, Finn, have remained a boar for centuries, but here is where your true fault lies-- you never learnt that the bonds of family far outweigh anything else! Such bonds trump petty jealousies. They overcome ancient feuds. And, yes, they are capable of allowing one monster to pardon the great sins of another," Finn looked up to see the wolf head go up in flames. The stag head was also on fire. The room began to shake even more.  

"How is this possible?" Finn asked astonished and gazing around the room. 

"Your magic is as flawed as your perception of your own siblings. I wonder-- just how untouchable are you?" Nic asked him before lunging for Finn. Before he can reach him however both Nic's and Elijah's animals burn out and they disappear. My eyes widened and I looked around the room to see that it was just Finn and me standing there alone. His smirk returned to his face and he held out his hands. I immediately was forced into a chair and straps wrapped around my wrists and ankles. My eyes widened and I panicked looking up at Finn who had a smirk on his face again.  

"What's going on?" I asked looking around frantically. It was only the two of us in the room.  

"You didn't break your animal dear sister," Finn smirked shaking his head. "And seeing as it is you that Nicklaus values oh so much I decided it best to break you," He began to laugh. My breath grew quicker. I didn't have time for this, I couldn't be looking for Damon if I was in here.  

"Finn let me out of here," I warned him, pulling at the restraints around me. "Fas matos-" Finn held out his hand and my voice stopped working.  

"I can't have you chanting now can I?" He asked raising his eyebrows. HE held out his hand behind him before swinging it around towards me, like a whip. A stake flew from behind him and into my stomach following the motions of his hand. I screamed in pain as the wood and combination of herbs burned me. "You won't be able to talk when I'm done with you," he sneered in my face. I spat at him and he twisted the stake in return.  

*** Kol's P.O.V.*** 

I sat by my sister and waited for her to wake up. It was a long and nerve wracking wait. Her cell phone rang and I thought about ignoring it before I picked it up and saw who it was. I smirked to myself and clicked the answer button.  

"Ana! I think I'm onto something!" Caroline's perky voice shone through the cell line. 

"And what would that be?" I asked her. The line was silent for a moment before she started talking again. 

"Who is this and why do you have my friend's phone?" She asked quickly.  

"I am her brother Kol, surely you remember me, and Ana is a bit incapacitated at the moment," I frowned after my statement. That made it sound worse than it really was.  

"What do you mean incapacitated? What did you do to her?" She asked, her anger escalating quickly.  

"Why does everyone always assume it was me?" I asked annoyed. "Our brother Finn trapped us all in some kind of spell and she just hasn't gotten out yet," I explained. I looked up at Nic walked in the room and frowned. "Nic?" I stood quickly and looked from him to my sister confused. "Why hasn't she come out yet?" I asked him, but he looked just as shocked as I did. 

"I'm coming down there," I heard come from the forgotten phone by my ear. 

"No, no, that's-" I was cut off when she hung up. I sighed annoyed but quickly forgot that as I turned back to my sister. "What's going on Nic? Why hasn't she woken up yet?" I asked him.  

"I don't know, Elijah knows more about this than I do," He took out his cell and called Elijah. Davina walked in but instead of going to her I sat next to Ana and propped her head on my legs. "Ana hasn't woken up," I heard him tell Elijah. He made a few humming sounds before he spoke again. "Well how do we pull her out?" He asked. I cursed my human hearing because I couldn't listen to the conversation. When he hung up Nic look pissed. 

"What did he say?" I asked. Nic took a deep breath several times with his eyes closed before he opened them.  

"Finn probably had some fail safe in the spell. If we came out he could still keep the spell up and keep her in it," He gritted his teeth.  

"Then she can just show him how he misrepresented her," Nic was already shaking his head. 

"He gave her a butterfly. The symbol of change," I understood then why he looked so pissed. Finn had our sister trapped in this spell for as long as he wanted her there. I looked down at Ana and frowned. There was a red spot on her, mid torso. I reached down and pulled up her shirt slightly. There was a large hole in her stomach, quickly healing but there none the less. 

"He's torturing her," I stated quietly. I gently laid Ana's head on the couch and stood. "We need to get her out of there," I told him. I glanced over at Davina who looked worried as well.  

"I'll kill him," Nic growled before storming out of the room. I followed him. Davina went to follow me as well but I stopped her.  

"Guard her please," I raised my eyebrows and after a moment's hesitation she nodded. "Thank you," I kissed her forehead before running after Nic.  

*** Elijah's P.O.V.*** 

I hung up the phone and almost crushed it in my grip. Cami walked in with Hope in her arms and I tried to hide my anger but was failing miserably.  

"Elijah, what happened?" She asked raising an eyebrow while she rocked Hope back and forth. When I didn't answer she put Hope down in her play pen and walked over to me. "Why are you so angry?" She asked again. 

"Finn has trapped my sister in the spell he had me in," I gritted my teeth and shook my head. I should have seen something like that coming. Finn always had a backup plan, a failsafe in case his plans went wrong. 

"Rebekah? I thought you couldn't find her," Cami frowned. 

"Not that sister, the other one," I sighed and began to pace around the kitchen, wracking my brain for any information that could help us get Ana back.  

"The red head right?" Cami asked. I nodded instinctively. I pulled out my phone to call Nicklaus back, it rang only twice before he picked up. 

"Have you thought of anything?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow. 

"You're going to have to take him out, no witch no spell," I concluded.  

"That could work, or she could be trapped in that spell for the rest of eternity," I heard Kol comment. He was breathing heavily. "Finn cast the spell in that body, it has to be undone in that body or it could stay up forever," Kol explained.  

"So I guess that rules out snapping his neck then," Nicklaus' voice was dark. He may have cared about his daughter more than his twin but it wasn't by a large margin.  

"I should be there with you," I started when Nic cut me off. 

"Then there would be no one to protect Cami and Hope, you stay where you are," He said. I nodded and even though he couldn't see me I knew he knew I was agreeing with him. "I'm on my way to Marcel's to try and get him and his vampire army to help me," The line was silent for a moment and all I heard was the sound of footsteps, but I couldn't bring myself to hang up. Nic groaned. 

"Marcel and all his vampires have inexplicably disappeared. Rebekah is still lost, Finn has just crossed a line in taking our sister. He's harmed her and I don't think I can forgive him. Speaking of which... I meant what I said. I am capable of forgiveness," My heart halted for a moment at those words "We need to remain focused on our common enemies. I'll be in touch," He hung up and I slowly put my phone into my pocket. Cami looked at me expectantly but I could only shake my head.  

*** Kol's P.O.V.*** 

I sat at a table and closed my eyes. I had to figure out where Finn was conducting the spell so I could try and shut it down physically. I had been at it all night and didn't have any luck. I had a vile of her blood beside me, even though most of it was smeared all over the map with my failed attempts. I groaned and threw my empty liquor glass at the wall. Sadly, because I was human, it didn't even make it to the wall. Davina then walked in with random things in her hands. I frowned at her as she laid them out over the table, a few scarves, a hair tie and a comb. I raised an eyebrow and looked up at her. 

"Klaus said they were Ana's, maybe you can get a trace off of one of them," She suggested but Ishook my head. 

"They won't be strong enough even if I link them. Her own blood isn't strong enough because it cycles through her body too often. Whatever Finn's channeling to hide her is strong," I shook my head. 

"Marcel and his vampire recently went missing, do you think he could be using them?" She asked sitting beside me and resting her head on my shoulder. I shrugged. 

"It's possible I guess," I sighed.  

Just then the door slammed open and a blond Barbie doll charged into the room. She looked pissed. "Where the hell is Klaus?!" Caroline demanded. She looked from me, to Davina, to the map then to Ana and her eyes widened. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing to her?!" veins grew underneath her eyes and they turned red. She made a move to charge at us when Davina stood and said a spell making her brain cells begin to pop. Caroline cried out in pain. 

"Stop, Davina, it's alright, I know her," I placed my hand on Davina's shoulder as I stood. "You probably don't recognize me Caroline but I'm Kol," I took a cautious step towards her. She looked up at me, still angry, and studied my face, searching my eyes. She was breathing heavily as she studied me. Slowly the veins below her eyes receded and her pupils returned to their normal color.  

"What happened to her?" Caroline asked. I pursed my lips before talking. 

"Finn trapped her in a spell, I'm trying to figure out where he is but I can't find a link to her strong enough to find her with," I glacned over at my sister and noticed blood coming from other places on her body. My jaw tensed. 

"Caroline? What are you doing here?" Nic stood in the door way and Caroline turned to him quickly. She stalked towards him and poked his chest.  

"You said you were going to take care of her! Look at her! Is that what you call better?!" She yelled at him. I could see Davina smirking from the corner of my eye as she watched Nic take this lecture from Caroline. 

"I'm trying to find a way right now-" 

"Well try harder!" She yelled. "She is one of my best friends and so help me god if she dies Klaus," Caroline trailed off and I could see her muscles trembling with anger.  

"She will not die," Klaus stated simply.  

"You better hope," Caroline then walked back over to Ana and knelt beside her. She reached over her and pulled out something from around her neck. "She's had this on her finger or around her neck for the better part of a hundred years," She took out a chain that had a ring on it.  

"Is that an engagement ring?" I asked frowning. Caroling nodded sadly and handed it to me.  

"I'm pretty sure she's never taken it off," She said. I nodded that should work fine.  

"When did she get engaged?" I asked Nic looking up at him and frowning.  

"1864 to Damon Salvatore, you were sleeping. Do the bloody spell Kol," He sneered. I grimaced and wrapped my hands around the ring.  

***Thal's P.O.V.*** 

I was breathing heavily. I knew my body back in the physical world was probably healing quickly but somehow Finn had slowed my healing rate significantly. I still had a gaping hole in my stomach still and there were hundreds of scratches all over my body. Blood was rolling down the side of my face and it irked me that I couldn't wipe it away. 

"Here, let me get that for you," Finn appeared in front of my and used a white napkin to wipe away the blood from my face. I jerked away from his hand and spat at him. He tensed and wiped his face. "You are more like your brother than I thought," He smirked pulled away from me. A gun appeared in his hand and lifted it, pointing it at my knees. He then shot twice, a bullet in each kneecap.  

*** P.O.V.*** 

"Agh," I suddenly collapsed, for some reason my knees buckled underneath me. I had just gotten up for a second and I was in pain again. First it was a piercing stomach ache, then welts started showing up all over my body and now my knees were shot. This was most definitely my own personal hell, this world must have been plotting against me. "Bonnie!" I called out weakly. A few moments later she walked into the parlor to see me on the ground. 

"What the hell happened?" She rushed over to me and attempted to help me up.  

"How the hell should I know? I needed some water and when I went to get some my knees went out," I groaned as she walked me back to the couch, my knees were stiff. 

"Just stay here until I can figure out what happened," She said annoyed. She left the room for a moment before coming back with a glass of water. I took it from her and, after drinking it laid back on the couch. I sighed and closed my eyes. 

" I'm in hell," I coughed groaning again.  

"You and me both," She replied.


Yay update! Wait, no... DOUBLE UPDATE (I rarely use caps so this is extra special)!!! Both chapters are extra long just for you! This  along with the long awaited next chapter of AMM (Alaric my Mentor). I'm so excited to get out the next couple of chapters and see what you think. Tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments! Oh! And I would like to wish a happy belated birthday to @wazZupNOVA who turned 18 recently. Woo! Happy birthday to all you February people!

Thanks for all the reads guys and I'll hopefully see you next week and don't be afraid to give me feedback on the chapter! Be brutal, I can take it I promise.   
