
*** Damon's P.O.V.***

I reached New Orleans the next day but didn't know where to begin. I didn't know where Klaus lived and my next best alternative was to go to the closest person and see if they could point me in the right direction.

I walked into a bar and went straight for the bar tender. She was a thin blond and if I wasn't in love perhaps I would have found her attractive. She was serving an older lady with gray hair when I walked in "Hi," I smirked at her while leaning on the counter. She looked rather bored and it was like my presence irritated her "You wouldn't happen to know a Klaus Michaelson would you?" I asked. Her boredom turned to a frown and she became more alert. She had heard of him. "I'll take that as a yes,"

"What do you want with him?" She asked cautiously. I frowned. Did he have informants or something?

"Why do you care?" I stood up and became more alert. I saw that she wasn't going to give me an answer without me giving her a reason. "I'm actually looking for his sister. Thaliana Michaelson," It felt weird to say her full name. The woman's face changed again and I knew Thal was in town.

"I don't think that's a good idea. She's gone a bit insane," Her words alarmed me.

"What do you mean insane?" I asked her frowning. The word didn't fit with Thal. Like a puzzle piece that belonged to an entirely different puzzle. She was hysterical, and angry at times but never insane.

"You don't have to answer that Camille," I turned around to see that Klaus was standing at the door to the pub. I turned back to the blond and she shrugged at me before going to help a customer.

"I don't want to start anything Klaus. I just came for Thal," Klaus surveyed me. His eyes scanning me up and down with contempt.

"I can't let you do that," He said lowly.

"What do you mean you can't let me do that? I don't need you to do anything besides tell me where she is," I walked towards him. I knew in a fight he would win but it couldn't hurt to try and look a little bit more intimidating.

"And I've told you that I can't do that. She's happy now, finally over you. And believe me, that took some convincing," I tensed what the hell did he mean by she was over me? "She's on the road to being good and you can't come and mess that up for her,"

"Did she tell you to come say this?" I asked him.

"She would have if she knew you were alive," Klaus paused and when he saw I wasn't responding he sighed. "I'm not going to tell her you're alive and you're not going to see her," He stated simply. I tensed.

"And what happens if I do see her?" I asked him stepping closer to him.

"You won't get that far. I'll erase all memory of her that you have. And this time it won't be reversible," Klaus smirked down at me knowing he'd won. We were the same height but his victory somehow made him stand over me. "Are you willing to risk that?" He asked already knowing the answer. It was silent for a moment and he patted my shoulder. "I didn't think so," I pulled away from him scowling. "Now run along. Before I change my mind and decide to tie up this loose end for good," I took a slow breath and pushed past him to leave the bar. There had to be another way to get to her. I couldn't and wouldn't give up this easily.

***Thal's P.O.V.***

*** Two Weeks later***

I walked with Jason down the street and into Cami's bar. She had resumed bar tending there after Finn left. I sat in one of the stools and Jason sat next to me. It took a little while but eventually Cami walked up to us. She gave me a weird smile but I was too tired to question it. Jason raised an eyebrow at me, I guess he wasn't tired.

"What's going on?" He asked. Cami turned to him and gave him his usual drink.

"Nothing," I didn't even have to look at Cami to know.

"You're lying," I sighed with my eyes in my drink. There wasn't a response and I decided it best that I gap the silence. "I don't really care, but just so you know you're easy to see through," I stood from the bar, downed the drink and nodded to her. Jason went to get up but I stopped him. "You stay, you're tiring me out," I walked out of the bar and took a deep breath as the sun hit my face. My phone began to vibrate and when I checked I saw that it was Caroline. I debated answering it for a moment but in the end shook my head and hit ignore. I had been dodging her calls for a while and even Stefan had been trying recently to get a hold of me. But I couldn't chase anymore dead end leads. I hated to say it but Jason was right in telling me to move on. I had asked everyone I knew and they knew nothing. Damon had died and there was no coming back for him. Not this time. I had to live with that, somehow I had to live with it. My phone rang again and I frowned, she was persistent today. But when I looked at the caller ID it was Elijah. I frowned and answered it.

"What's going on Elijah?" I sounded a bit bitter but I didn't really care. Jason came out of the bar a moment later.

"I need to go to the house of a witch I would like your company," He said. I tensed at that. It seemed like my family was just using me as muscle these days. "This is for Rebekah," He added. I took another deep breath. Jason put his hand on my arm to try and ease my tension but it didn't work. "I can text you the address,"

"Of course. We will be there," I hung up the phone before he could say more. Jason and I began in the direction of the witch square.

"You no longer want to help your siblings," He noted rather than asked. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"It's not that, I just don't feel that they are as invested in my happiness as I am in theirs," I rolled my eyes. "I don't feel like anything more than the upper hand to them," I sighed. "It's selfish to think, I know you don't have to say it," Jason was silent for a moment before he shook his head.

"I wasn't going to say it," He concluded. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. "You said I was overbearing. I'm trying not to be," He smirked at me and it caused the corner of my mouth to twitch up.

"You're getting there," I stopped at a nice looking car and smiled.

"This isn't ours," Jason tried to pull me away.

"You want to be less overbearing? Let me steal this car and don't complain," I went to touch the car when a man called out from behind me.

"What the hell are you guys doing with my car?" He asked walking up to us. I paused and straightened up before turning to him.

"Is this your car?" I asked. "I like it,"

"Yeah, it's custom and it's new so I would appreciate if you would back away from it now. Thank you," This man was rude, and sadly for him I wasn't in a very compassionate mood.

"Actually, I need you to take me somewhere," Jason tried to stop me as I took a step closer to the man. He had blue eyes. It was like everybody in this damn city had blue eyes.

"Excuse me?" He didn't seem intimidated by me yet.

"I. Need. You. To. Take. Me. Somewhere," I repeated slowly for him. "Now." His eyes dilated as I compelled him and he nodded. I heard Jason sigh from somewhere behind me. The man went around me and opened the door for me. I smiled bitterly and got in the car. Jason followed and sat in the back seat although he didn't look too happy. "Here is the address," I handed the man my phone and he put the address in his GPS. I sighed and closed my eyes as we got onto the road.

We reached the house and Jason and I got out. I then released the man from his compulsion and he drove away.

"Was that really necessary?" He asked me, struggling to keep my pace. I rolled my eyes and didn't answer him as I rung the doorbell. This wasn't the first time I had been to this house. Elijah had asked me to come here once before and sing while one of Marcel's vampires played the violin. Jason decided not to press the matter any further and that was a relief. A maid answered the door and led us to a room where the same girl from before stood with Elijah and the older witch. Elijah seemed relieved to see me, but I turned to Josephine first.

"Josephine. It is a pleasure," The woman glared at me and I rolled my eyes. She didn't like my attitude, but I wasn't about to change it for her. No matter how many dirty looks Elijah gave me. "What are we discussing?" I asked even though I was pretty sure what it was. As I said, this wasn't my first time coming here.

"Two of our children have gone missing and your brother insists that Rebekah is still in control of her body," Josephine turned to my brother with a questioning glance.

"Maybe I took them," I smirked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Thaliana!" Elijah snapped at me and I turned to him. "She didn't take your children, I promise you that," Elijah tried to assure the old woman but a frown remained firmly set in her features.

"I don't believe you are taking us seriously Mr. Michaelson," Josephine motioned with her hand and I heard a whiz of air and a thud from behind me. When I turned around Jason had a stake sticking out of the center of his chest. My eyes widened and I rushed to his side as he sunk to the ground.


"And that will only be the first of many if you do not return Eva Sinclair to us immediately," I cradled Jason's head in my lap and moved his hair out of his face. He gave me a weak smile before he completely desiccated. I gritted my teeth and stood, turning to Josephine.

"You bitch," I tried to charge at her but Elijah took a hold of my arms and held me back before I could.

"Don't be so quick to attack me Ms. Michaelson. I am not the evil one in this situation," She smirked like she had some kind of secret and I growled at her.

"And who is?" I asked, still struggling against my brother.

"Why don't you ask your brothers what they've been hiding from you?" She nodded to Elijah and I immediately stopped struggling. I pulled my arms from Elijah's hands and turned to him.

"What is she talking about?" A look of guilt immediately crossed his eyes and I squeezed my jaw. "Elijah!" I screamed. He took me by my hand and dragged me out of the house.

Once we reached outside I used my magic to heat my skin and make him let go of me. He hissed and pulled his hand away from my wrist. I stopped walking and crossed my arms. "What the hell is she talking about?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We can have this conversation at the compound," Elijah whispered glancing around at the witches that were watching us.

"We will have this conversation now," I growled taking a step closer to him. "What are you hiding from me?" I could feel my eyes turning yellow with anger. I could see Elijah debating with himself on whether or not to tell me. "Tell me now Elijah," There was another long silence before he finally spoke.

"Damon is alive," he whispered. I frowned.

"Elijah there is no other way to piss me off faster than saying what you just did," I spoke lowly and took a step towards him. "Tell me what the real secret is and do not mention that name," I warned him. He looked conflicted for a moment.

"I'm not lying Ana. He came to town about two weeks ago looking for you," I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"That's not possible. You are lying! You have to be lying!" I screamed at him and magic flew between my fingertips. "He's not alive! I would know! I would feel it if he were alive!" My chest heaved and my eyes turned yellow. There was magic burning at my hands, itching to be set free.

"I'm sorry Ana," Elijah sighed, bowing his head.

"How could you hide this from me?!" I stumbled away from him, the betrayal was washing in and it covered the anger. "You know what that would mean for me. How could you keep it a secret?" I whispered. "For two weeks? Did Nic know about this?" Elijah nodded and I felt my heart pierce. "So you both hid the truth from me? How many people knew?" He must have thought it was a rhetorical question because he didn't answer me. "How many people knew Elijah! Name them!" I screamed.

"Me, Niklaus, Rebekah, Cami, Marcel-"

"So basically everyone but me," I concluded interrupting him. He didn't respond. "I thought you were my family," I frowned and show my head turning away from him. "What am I to you guys?" I asked him. "Do you not care about my happiness?"

"We are your family, and you can find happiness with us," Elijah tried to smile but I grimaced in return.

"Who are you to determine where I am happy and where I'm not?" I asked him. "I have been miserable for months and when you get the chance to take that misery away you hide it from me... What kind of family is that?" I turned away from him. I had to go back to Mystic Falls.

"Where are you going?!" Elijah called after me.

"I'm leaving," I called over my shoulder.

"What about Rebekah?" He asked. I stopped walking and turned to face.

"Figure it out on your own Elijah. I'm done," I turned away from him with tears in my eyes and took off in a sprint towards Mystic Falls.

About an hour later I was halfway there and my phone began to ring. It was Caroline and I answered it immediately.

"Caroline?! Please tell me it's true," I huffed.

"You need to come home now! He's here," She answered.

"Oh thank god," I had to stop running as my emotions paralyzed me.

"Did you stop? Don't stop! Get here ASAP," The line clicked and went dead after that. I took a deep breath and stood resuming my run.

I reached Mystic Falls and went immediately to the hotel that Caroline and I had been staying at. The invisible wall was still up around Mystic Falls so he couldn't have been there and I had no idea where  else to start looking for Damon. I ran into the lobby and up to the front desk.

"Are you still renting a room out under the name Forbes?" I asked the receptionist. She must have recognized me because she shook her head without looking at her computer.

"Your friend left a few weeks ago," I cursed under my breath then thanked her before running out of the building. I looked up and down the street not sure of what to do. I had no idea where to start looking. I cursed again and kicked the tire of the car parallel parked in front of me.

"Damn, what'd the car ever do to you?" I froze at the sound of that voice. That voice that I had thought and imagined I'd heard over the last few months. The voice I never thought I would hear again. I closed my eyes and prayed that it was real. That I would turn around and he would be standing there. I took a few deep breaths before turning around. "Caroline told me I might be able to meet you here," The first thing I noticed was his smirk. The bright smile he flashed as he laughed at his own joke. When I saw his eyes he was closer to me. There wasn't space between us anymore and his blue eyes sparkled with mischief and mystery.

"Is it really you? Because I don't think I could take it again if it-" I was cut off as Damon's very real lips met mine. My hands immediately went to the back of his head while he rested one of his on my cheek and the other on my hip.

"I'm real," His breath fanned my face as he pulled away only slightly. Our foreheads touching as we breathed heavily. "Open your eyes," He whispered. I shook my head.

"I'm scared," I responded. I played with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Scared of what?" His minty breath sent shivers down my spine.

"Scared that if I open my eyes I'll have been dreaming," I turned my head to the ground. "Scared that you won't be standing here with me,"

"I'm promise I'll be here," He kissed my nose once. "Just open your eyes," He kissed my eyelids. As I slowly opened them. When I looked up all I saw was a sea of blue, Damon. He was real. This was real.

"I missed you," I began to really cry as I tightened my arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug. He chuckled and kissed my hair.

"I missed you to,"


Reunited and it feels so good! (Props to whoever just sang that in their head). So what do you think? Are you excited to see what I have planned for S6 of TVD? I know I'm excited to show you.

I will hopefully see you soon with a new update, but until then I wish you a happy Memorial day weekend.

P.S. The last chapter (The Vow) had absolutely nothing to do with the storyline. I know some people were confused. It was like a fanfiction of my fanfiction and I just gave you what Thal and Damon's wedding would look like if they had one.

Thanks for reading!

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