Chapter 7

Wow this book got popular in such a short time!  :D Thanks for all the votes and comments so far minna-san!  

I would like to dedicate this chappy to @GruviaLover.  I luv her books so much, read hers too mkay?


~Gray's P.O.V.~

       "Gray-sama?"  I nearly jumped out of my skin.  No, don't tell me....  I stand up and look at the bed, only to see Juvia still in her coma.  

        "Then how...?"

        "Gray-sama..."  I turned my head to the right.  Right there in front of me was Juvia. 

        "J-Juvia!?" I stuttered, surprised to see her.  I turned to the asleep Juvia, then back to the Juvia standing right in front of me.  J-Juvia was still on the bed in a coma, so how..?  "This is a dream," I muttered.  "This is a dream.  I probably fell asleep..."

        "Gray-sama, this is not a dream.." the standing Juvia looked down.

        "But then how?" I asked.  "H-how are, while you're in a coma??"

        "Juvia doesn't know," she admitted.  "The last thing Juvia remembers is getting hit."  My eyes widened as tears start to leak from Juvia's eyes.  "Juvia's scared Gray-sama...nobody can see Juvia but you."  Not sure what else to do, I try to put a hand on her shoulder, but my hand goes right through her.  

         "W-whoa," I stuttered, looking at the palm of my hand.  Juvia was surprised too as she looks down at herself.

        "J-Juvia didn't..."  Both of our eyes widened when we realized something.

        "That man!" we both said unison to each other.

        "That spell, Juvia thinks it was called 'Spirit Extraction'?" 

        "Yeah," I nodded.  "I'll go ask the old man about this."  I turned to leave, but stopped when I saw Juvia look down.  "O-oh, um, do you go with me?"  She looked up, surprised.

        "J-Juvia doesn't have to if Gray-sa--er, Gray doesn't want her to come.." she said softly. I was slightly surprised that she corrected herself.  My heart pinched a bit when I didn't hear a -sama next to my name, but I quickly shrugg the feeling off.

        "You can come, it's fine," I said lamely.  "It's not like you can do anything else right?"  She slowly nods.

        "Okay.  Let's go then," she hesitantly said, standing beside me.  I felt kinda bad for making her feel so bad, but she was just gonna have to get over it.  I mean, what am I suppose to say, I love her?  Tch, yeah, right (note the sarcasm) T_T.

        "Alright then," I said and started walking out of the hospital and to our requester's place.  Greg, I think his name was.
