Chapter 15

~Gray's P.O.V.~

We had finally found a bench sitting in the middle of an empty park. The park was empty because the sun was already setting. "Well, I'm glad I got a plain snow cone," I commented, taking a lick. "I don't like those artificial syrups." Juvia giggled, making me slightly blush, but I tried to hide it by covering my mouth with the snow cone.

"Juvia is glad Gray-sama likes it," Juvia smiled. She then looked out to the setting sun. "Ano ne..."

"Hmm?" I responded, taking a bite of the snow cone. She looked hesitant as her mouth was open, no sound coming out. After a couple seconds, she closed it and shook her head.

"It's nothing.." she muttered. I frowned.

"You're lying," I deadpanned. "Just tell me what you want to say."

"I-it's, w-well.." she stammered, looking down at the ground. I put my hand over hers, trying to hold her hand as if she wasn't translucent. Juvia noticed this gesture and looked up at me in shock. "Gray-sama?" she questioned.

"Juvia, you can tell me anything," I said firmly. "I may be a jerk to you on many occasions, but...I don't want you to think of me as a person you can't trust." I couldn't understand why, but the very thought that Juvia would have to lie to me or avoid because she didn't like me made my heart clinch. Perhaps that is the reason why I had slowly started to lean towards her. She soon noticed and her cheeks were a splash of pink before she too started leaning closer towards me. Our lips were just a foot away...










Then, half a foot...















Two inches...










A couple millimeters...






















Suddenly, I realized what was happening. My eyes snapped open and I moved away from her.

"G-Gray-sama?" Juvia speaks up, confused as to why I had stopped it. My face flushed red as I realized what I was about to do, but I was angry at her for what she was trying to do. After everything, is she really just doing all of this to get out a ****ing kiss out of me? After everything?

"Is that what all of this is?" a growl erupted from my throat as I clenched my fists. She gave me a baffled look, which only made me more angry. "Don't give me that innocent look!" I yelled at her, making her jump in shock. "In the end, all you try to do is just get a damn kiss from me!"

"Gray-sama, Juvia--"

"No! Just, no. I'm done." I stuffed my hands into my pockets and angrily walked away. What was I thinking? I can't kiss her. It's literally physically impossible, and besides, you can't force someone to kiss you. But was she actually forcing you? a voice in the back of my mind asked. If I remember correctly, you're the one who leaned in first. I knew that the voice was right, but I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and hurriedly walked back to the hospital.

~Juvia's P.O.V.~

As I watched Gray-sama leave my sight, tears welled up in my eyes and a million thoughts raced through my head. Why did he stop the kiss? Why is he mad at me? Does he not love me after all? All my thoughts were interrupted when a sudden ringing started in my head. When it eventually stopped, I let out a small whimper of pain before sighing. Perhaps that is the sign that I do not have much time left... I thought in my head. I looked up to the sky, only to see that the sun had already set. My eyes focused on a street clock not too far from me. "7:00" it read, so I decided that staying her was better than seeing Gray-sama again back at the hospital, if that is where he's going. I let out a deep breath and rested my back on the park bench, somehow managing not to go through it. I closed my tear-filled eyes and murmured a couple words to no one in particular.

"Happy early birthday to Juvia..."


I am so so so so sorry for the long wait! And I know that this isn't such a long chapter either. ;-;

I just got into so many new anime and I lost track of time.

I really hope you forgive me and until next time!
