Chapter 2

Quick note, only Juvia's dialogue will be third person.  The rest will be in first.  Thank you and enjoy!    


~Juvia's P.O.V.~

        The whole time we were walking, I clung onto Gray-sama's warm arm.  Ah, to go on a job with Gray-sama was the best thing ever!  When we got on the train, I was forced to let go of Gray-sama's arm and sit across from him.  When the train started, Gray-sama boredly looked out the window.  Hmph, who needs nature?  The perfect view was right in front of me.  Ah, Gray-sama.  If only you loved me back.  That would be the best thing in the world!  Suddenly Gray-sama started to strip, and I had to look away or else I would get a nose bleed.  "G-Gray-sama, your clothes!" I stuttered.  He looked down and just then realized that he was half naked.  

        "Shit!  Sorry," he said, putting his shirt back on.  Heh, that's one of the things I love about Gray-sama, he always strips ^_^.

        "So Gray-sama, what job is Juvia and Gray-sama doing?" I asked, remembering that I didn't even know where we were going.

        "Oh, we're just going to capture a man or something," Gray-sama replied nonchalantly.  Just then I remembered that I had something to tell him!

        "Ne, Gray-sam--"  At that point Gray-sama went back to looking out a window.  Mmph, look at me Gray-sama! -3-

        "Gray-sama, Juvia will do her best!" I said determinedly.  "Juvia will have Gray-sama's back!"

        "Mmm, whatever," Gray-sama muttered.  Moh!  What do I have to do to get his attention?? >3<

        "Gray-sama~!" I huffed, getting frustrated.  "Look at Juvia!!"  Gray-sama sighed and looked at me with bored eyes.

        "What?" he said, his voice sounding a bit irritated.

        "Juvia's birthday is coming soon!" I said excitedly.  "Juvia's birthday will be on the--"

        "Don't care," Gray-sama said, turning his attention away from me.  

        "But Juvia--"

        "I said.  Don't.  Care,"  Gray-sama said sternly.  I looked down.

        "Okay," I whispered, looking down at my feet.  I know that I always love going on jobs with Gray-sama, but this time will be important.  This time I'm going to confess my feelings to Gray-sama.  It won't be like those times where I just said, "I love you Gray-sama!"  No, this time, it will be sincere.  "Gray-sama, please don't reject Juvia this time.." I whispered under my breath.
