Chapter 10

~Juvia's P.O.V.~

I shakily walked out of Greg-san's house, the things I just heard still ringing in my head.


"Like I said, you need to make him fall in love with you."

"J-Juvia has been trying to do that as soon as she has met Gray-sama!"

"Well, maybe you must try harder."

"B-but how?! Juvia has...tried everything.."

"Maybe just hanging out with him would work instead of being extravagant."

"T-that might work...but how much time does Juvia have?"

"Like I said, I'm not sure..."

"Does Juvia....have less than 3 days?"

"About that time, yes."

"Alright, Juvia will try her best, arigato Greg-san."

"No problem, just remember that he must say those 3 words."


I gulped. 3 days from now is..Juvia's birthday.. I looked up into the blue sky. Gray-sama was the one who showed me this, how happy I could be instead of gloomy. If I really do disappear from this world....would anyone miss me? I shook my head. Baka Juvia, you know Fairy Tail will. I looked over to see Gray-sama running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Gray-sama, are you okay?" I asked. He jumped a bit, but relaxed when he saw me.

"Hey," he muttered. "What were you talking about with that bastard?" I giggled a bit when he cursed.

"Nothing really," I lied. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You sure?" I quickly nodded. If I tell Gray-sama, then he'll just force himself to love me, or even worse.. I gulped and changed the subject.

"Why don't we walk around town?" I suggested.

"Are you trying to change the subject?" he asked, narrowing his eyes on suspicion.

"I-iya, Juvia just thought that we could go to the library and look around for some information," I said quickly.

"Oh, well...okay," he shrugged. I giggled again when I noticed something. "What?" Gray-sama looked at me weirdly.

"Your clothes Gray-sama," I replied. He looked down to see his exposed abs.

"Crap! Where'd it go?" he panicked. I just laughed and pointed to his right. "It's not funny," he grumbled, picking up his white shirt and putting it back on.


~Gray's P.O.V.~

I was up on a ladder, looking for a book about souls or something. I still find all of this very weird, but then again, I'm in the guild Fairy Tail. "Whoa!" I blurted out when the ladder I was standing on tilted a bit. "Juvia, aren't you suppose to be supporting it for me?!"

"J-Juvia's trying Gray-sama, but she's a soul remember..?" she sweatdropped.

"Oh..right," I said, mentally facepalming myself. I carefully climbed down the wooden ladder and sighed. "Well, I didn't find anything anyways."

"That's alright Gray-sama," Juvia grinned, smiling weakly.


Slight heat rushed to my face for some reason as I stared into her mesmerizing blue eyes. I cant believe I never noticed how they reflected light like the ocean.

"Gray-sama, are you okay?" Juvia frowned. I turned my head from her and slightly nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I muttered. She just called my name with -sama again..

"Oh, well if you say so Gray-sama," she grinned.

Thu-Thump. Thu-thump.

Her smile is so beautiful, and her hair... My eyes widened and I mentally slapped myself. Get ahold of yourself Gray! You don't. Like. Her.


I shook my head again. No. No I do not like her.

"So Gray-sama, did you find anything?" The sound of Juvia's voice brought me back to reality.

"N-no," I stuttered. "Did you?" Juvia shook her head. "Well damn, now what?" I sighed, running a hand through my messy raven hair. All of a sudden a loud grumble came out of nowhere.

"Are you hungry Gray-sama?" Juvia giggled. Heat rushed to my face in embarrassment.

"Maybe," I muttered, looking away so that she wouldn't see my red face. "I-I haven't had anything to eat for a while.."

"Well, Juvia knows where we can go to eat!" Juvia squeals.

"Y-you do?" I said in surprise. She nodded and tried to grab my arm, but her hands went through them.

"Oops," Juvia nervously chuckled. "Just, follow Juvia okay?" I was hesitant at first, but my stomach growled even louder in protest.

"Alright," I muttered. She smiled at me and ran right out the library, leaving me in the dust.

"O-oi, wait up!" I called out, running to catch up to her.
