8 Months Later

8 months had flown away after Radha Broke her marriage with Ayan, and it had been 1 year since Prema entered their life. After reaching Barsana the drama which had taken place was unreal, people shouting and accusing each other vrishbhan nearly got into a physical fight, Madhulika had still not been accepted by everyone but she was fairly comfortable and everybody respected her because they were scared of Prema and Prema openly supported Madhulika even Radha supported her.

Things in Barsana felt very calm,
Apart from the regular mischievous behaviour of Krishna and his toli,
The regular attacks from the Asurs and Rakshasa that Kans sent to assassinate Krishna. There is a very funny story of a time when Kans had sent an asur to kidnap Radha because Kans thought that she was his weakness and the Asur was nearly successful in kidnapping The Innocent Radha,
he was immobilized by Prema using her arrows and the funny part was as soon as the asur recognised who Prema was, the asur fell to prema's feet and started begging her to not complaint to Shukracharya and that he would leave without having anyone and truly the Asura left without turning anyone with his tail between his legs, to quite literally.

Prema being the youngest of their group, was extremely pampered by everyone including the parents of both Krishna and Radha. Let's just say that she became the favourite child of the family within just a few days of her staying with them.  She had proven that she was the Ardhangini of Manmohan. Apart from this All her injuries and pains had been completely Healed. She had started teaching the girls in the village self-defence and she loved causing Mischief with Kanha and his gang.

Kanha was feeling a little ignored because the two loves of his life were too busy with each other, Radha was always busy with mothering Prema and Prema was too busy doing Mahadev knows how many things. But overall, he loves this peace that he has because he knows that there are only a few more moments of happiness and a major event before they would all have to go to Mathura and more drama starts.
He decided that he would enjoy every moment of peace and happiness that he could get, every smile and every laugh of the loves of his life was imprinted in his mind. Today he had successfully managed to weird out both Radha and Prema with his constant blushing because only he knew what his Maiya was about to do and to be honest he couldn't wait for it.

Bye guys
Try and guess what Maiya might be planning?
