Vol 1, Sortie 2: From Atlas to Vale

It has been a few hours since the Vesper's left the Kingdom of Atlas and each member was quietly doing their own things. For Snail, he was simply reading a book about Vale and Beacon academy. As a leader, he must always be informed about everything and everywhere he and the others go to. Pater was still looking over his AC data for DUAL NATURE while also listening to music, moving his head to match the beat of the rhythm. Rusty fell asleep sometime later after leaving Atlas to catch up on sleep since Pater accidentally kept him up the previous night. As to what he is dreaming of, well...

[Rusty's dream]

Rusty woke up in a place with a clear blue sky, weird ringed shaped objects in the sky and little red ember's dancing in the air. He stood within a vast ocean with various craters around him and some broken machinery that looks oddly familiar to his AC armor unit. Rusty looked around his surroundings, looking for anything, anyone nearby, but there was nothing. At this point the only thing Rusty was left with were his thoughts and only one thing came to mind.

Rusty: "...Well...this is a boring dream...but I'll admit, this place looks nice..."

[End of Rusty's dream]

Rusty continued to sleep within this dream he claimed to be "Boring" as he still needed the sleep. Freud was the last of the group who was also still awake with an intense expression while playing his favorite game, RAID SHADOW-"






ALLMIND: "Augmented human C4-621-Reader."

"It appears the data contained an unauthorized message. We apologize-rebooting system."



Freud was the last of the group who was also still awake with an intense expression while playing his favorite game, Remnant Kombat 10 on his scroll.

A/n: I actually don't know what game Ruby, Yang, and Qrow played against each other in volume 3, so this is what I'm calling it.

Freud continued to play until a small ray of light hit his eyes, blinding him momentarily. He turned his head to face the window of the transport and saw the sun rising over some mountains. Freud looked back to his scroll and saw that he was defeated in his game, he sighed out of annoyance.

Freud: "Damnit." he muttered under his breath.

Freud realized a moment later that he saw mountains, and where there are mountains, there's land. He looked outside again and saw that they had finally arrived to the continent of Sanus, where both the city of Vale and Beacon academy were. As he was looking at the view, he heard foot steps coming near him. He looked over to see Pater with a questioning face.

Pater: "What are you looking outside for Freud?"

Freud: "Well, It seems we finally arrived to Vale by the looks of it."

Pater grew an excited look and stood next to Freud to get a view of the outside. Pater was excited to finally see new views other than just snow and possibly new culture, as each kingdom had It's own unique setting and interest.

Pater: "Oh look! That red area is called the Forever Fall forest. It's called that due to the leaves always remaining the color of fall each season."

Pater learned about some of Vale while reading over a book Snail shared with him. Pater wasted no time when he had the chance to read it to learn new things about Vale.

Freud: "Hmm..." He responded in an uninterested tone.

Pater: "Is that all you have to say? Aren't you excited to see what else is here in Vale?"

Freud: "Not really. I'm more interested in other things."

Pater closed his eyes and sighed as he already knew what Freud was referring to. As everyone in the Vesper's knew the only thing he cared for other than games is fighting. Pater decided to walk back and to sit with Snail who has his eyes closed. Before he did, he saw Rusty who was still asleep with his mouth slightly opened. Pater decided to go and wake him up since they were almost there. Pater began to sake Rusty slightly.

Pater: "Rusty wake up, were going to be at the landing pad soon."

Rusty turned his head away from Pater with his eyes still closed.

Rusty: "Pater, were not even there yet. Just let me sleep."

Pater was about to correct him before the intercom was activated.

Pilot: "We will be arriving at Vale in 10 minutes. Please remain seated for the remainder of the flight."

Rusty opened a single eye and looked at Pater who was once again giving him the "I told you" face. Rusty rolled his single eye and closed them again.

Rusty: "Alright I take it back. You should probably go sit down though."

Pater realized he was still standing and quickly sat back down next to Snail until they landed.


When the transport chopper landed, the Vesper's and crew began to unload everything into a truck which would be taking their AC equipment to Beacon academy early to hold on until then. The Vesper's were told by the pilot that they were going to be staying at a hotel until the start of Beacon academy. They were offered a ride to their location but they turned it down, instead choosing to walk in hoping to get the lay of the city and to explore. 

They were out for a couple of hours as they decided to head to multiple area's during this time. One of the locations they went to was a restaurant for lunch, visiting some local stores to grab some basic supplies, and they went to a book store called Tukson's Book Trade. Both Snail and Pater wanted to find some more books to read during their free time but Freud and Rusty weren't as interested but still followed. Once they entered the store, Snail split from the group to pick out books for big brain people while Pater decided to roam around the store to see what types of books were available. Pater wanted to see if there were some books that differ from Atlas and to see if there was a volume of a book he's been looking for that Atlas did not have. But during his stroll in the store, he stopped at a specific spot where he found a book that looked quite odd to him called "Ninja's of Love".

Pater was curious about the book since he has heard about ninja's before but has never had anymore knowledge than that. Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to open the book and skim through it but soon came to regret it. His eyes widened as he was flipping through the book, his face became red and small traces of steam were coming out of his ears. He quickly shut the book loudly alerting Rusty who was next to him and put the book away. He turned slowly and walked away and towards Snail who was looking through his own book while still red on his face.

Rusty was curious to what caused Pater to have such a reaction and walked over to the same book that he was just reading. He picked it up and began skimming through the book and his mouth formed a smirk.

Rusty: 'Dang Pater, didn't know you were interested in this kind of stuff. Looks like I got some new black mail material.'


Rusty continued to skim through until he reached a page that seemed to be longer than the other pages. He raised an eyebrow wondering why the page was set up like this. H turned the book sideways and the pages extended and what he saw made him go wide eyed.

Rusty: "(Whistle) Now that's a katana."

Rusty closed the book properly and put it back where it originally was. He walked over to Pater who was as stiff as a board with wide eyes still and a red face. Rusty walked up behind him and put his arm over Pater.

"Hey Pater, interesting book you were looking at over there."

Pater quickly turned to face Rusty and pointed his finger at Rusty's chin.

Pater: "Not. a. word. Got it?" He responded in a threatening tone.

Rusty raised his hands in defense.

Rusty: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

After that, Pater walked off to go clear his mind off of what he had read. Rusty glanced to the side slowly once Pater was out of range.


Rusty chuckled to himself knowing at some point he would tell someone about this, probably Snail if anyone. Snail walked past Pater with a confused expression wondering what was wrong with him and walked up to Rusty to check in.

Snail: "I believe I have what I needed here. Have you found what you needed?"

Rusty: "Hmm? Yeah I got what I needed."

Snail again looked confused at Rusty.

Snail: "But you don't have a book in hand."

Rusty: "Oh that's not what I meant. Besides I'm good."

Rusty walked to the exit to wait with Freud, who wasn't interested in grabbing a book of his own as well. Snail also found Pater with them without a book of his own which only made him more confused. Snail decided to ignore the fact and walked up to the counter to buy his book. When he reached it, he didn't find anyone there but he did find a bell on the counter. He tapped it to alert the clerk, if he's here.


After waiting a few seconds, a voice called out.

???: "One moment!"

Snail waited another few seconds until a large man came out of the back of the storage carrying some books. The man placed the books down on a separate shelf and turned to face Snail.

Tukson: "Welcome to Tuskon's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun. How may I help you?"

Snail: "Hello there sir, I'm simply here to buy a few of your books."

Tukson: "Sure thing pal, let me get these checked out for you."

Tukson began to scan each of the books Snail collect while Snail himself looked around the book store admiring the look and atmosphere of it.

Snail: "You have quite a nice establishment here sir. Better than the few I've seen in Atlas."

Tukson raised an eyebrow to Snail's comment.

Tukson: "So your from Atlas huh? I appreciate the compliment young man." He replied as he just finished scanning and packing the books into a bag.

"Here you are."

Snail took hold of the bag and turned to walk away before stopping.

Snail: "I think I'll visit this place more often if you have any future books of interest to me. Have a good evening sir." 

Tukson was slightly surprised by Snail's words as when he learned that he was from Atlas, he expected him to be snobby or rude to him but to his surprise, this young man was quite mature and respectful for his age.

Tukson: "(Chuckle) Well if you ever come by, I'll tell you. You have a nice evening as well kid."

Snail nodded in return and walked out of the book store to find Rusty and Freud talking while Pater was spacing out. Snail looked at the clock on his scroll and saw it was 6 PM.

Snail: "Well Vesper's, I believe it's time we head to the hotel to settle in for the night."

Snail was about to lead the group to the hotel before Rusty spoke up.

Rusty: "Actually Snail, I'm going to explore a bit more."

Snail turned to face Rusty with a stern look.

Snail: "That is an unwise decision. Do you remember that you were quite tired when we first arrived here?"

Rusty: "That's because we were stuck on that transport chopper for so long. I still feel like moving my legs around and exploring more won't hurt anyone."

Snail: "I still don't agree."

Rusty was a bit annoyed that Snail wouldn't let him go but quickly found an excuse.

Rusty: "Well actually, I can get a further layout of the city while you guys do whatever. Besides, Pater said he needed some dust for some of his work, right?" 

Pater was confused by what Rusty was saying as he didn't need any dust currently.

Pater: "What? I don't remember asking about-"

Pater stopped speaking and went wide eyed as he saw Rusty silently saying "I'll tell them about the book" which caught Pater off guard and as he blushed and quickly changed his response.

"I mean, YES! Your right I did tell you that, thanks for remembering!" He responded in a panicked manner.

Snail looked at Pater with a raised eyebrow but ignored it, remembering that Pater was talking about some new AC idea. Snail looked back to speak to Rusty.

Snail: "Hmm. Very well, your allowed to do so and grab whatever Pater needs. We will be heading to the hotel in the meantime. But you better not be late, understood."

Rusty: "Yeah yeah sure. I'll see you guys later."

Rusty nonchalantly responded while waving one of his hands and left the group to do his own exploration and his "Aron run". Snail turned to face Freud who was waiting to leave and Pater who was in a less but still panicked state.

Snail: "Alright you 2, let's get going."

All 3 of them began to walk to where the hotel destination is. Snail was next to Pater and was curious about something.

Snail: "Why didn't you get your own book while we were at the store Pater?"

Pater jumped a little due to the question but remained calm.

Pater: "Oh you know, I just got a little distracted is all."

Snail: "By what exactly?"

Pater still remained calm but had a slight blush on his face as he slightly looked to the sky.

Pater: "Oh....nothing really (nervous chuckle)." 

Pater began to walk slightly faster in hopes of avoiding more questioning from Snail if possible. Snail narrowed his eyes slightly wondering what he was talking about but dropped the thought as he had something more important to think of.

Snail: 'I wonder what we should have for dinner? I might try out that food delivery most common folk use these days. But what should I get?'

Snail began to think of what each of his teammates would want to eat as he and the other 2 continued walking to the hotel.


Cut to RWBY chibi Snail looking at the "Ninja's of Love" book with this face.  


*2 hours later*

It was 8 PM at night and Rusty was still exploring the city of Vale. He has been walking for the past 2 hours looking around the rest of the city and also learning locations of each area, as he made sure to do some recon for Snail to not completely lie to him but he also wanted to avoid any future scolding from him if possible. Rusty was about to finish and head to the hotel where the others were until he realized something.

Rusty: "Hmm, I should probably find a place to get some dust for Pater. Don't need Snail knowing I lied to him about that part." 

Rusty thought It may have taken a while to find a dust shop but luckily for him, one was right up ahead. 

"From Dust Till Dawn huh? Neat name."

Rusty began walking towards the entrance but immediately stopped in his tracks when he saw a guy in a black suit and a red blur break out the window of the store. Rusty quickly went to a spot to hide and safely observe what was happening, keeping in mind he may need to step in. Rusty then watch as a young girl with a red cape and-


He watched as the object in the girls hand changed into the coolest looking scythe he had ever seen. She began to spin the weapon around her with such ease stabbing it into the ground, surprising Rusty because the weapon itself looks very heavy. Though he had to admit to himself that the weapon looked cool as hell and thought about how cool it would be if an AC had one. Now Rusty isn't saying he dislikes his twin blade, but he had to admit it was cool idea.

A/n: Start at 0:53 and stop at 1:18

Rusty watched her land on the ground with her back facing the bowler hat guy. Rusty was impressed at how skilled the girl was at fighting as he expected her to have a harder to using the weapon due to its large size but to his surprise, she was quite mobile and elegant with it.

The Bowler hat guy looked down at the goon that just landed in front of him.

Bowler hat guy: "You were worth every cent. Truly, you were." The man walked forward while pulling the cigar out of his mouth.

"Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I would love to stick around..." He dropped the cigar on the ground, crushing it with his cane and pointed it towards the girl.

Rusty saw that the girl hadn't noticed the man and quickly jumped out of hiding and rushed towards the girl. The bowler hat guys cane popped a scope at the end of it.

"I'm afraid this is where we part ways."


The bowler hat guy shot a red flare out of his cane straight towards the girl.

Scythe girl: "Huh?"

Rusty: "GET DOWN NOW!"

Rusty quickly rushed her and tackled her to the ground, almost being hit by the shot the man sent towards her and exploded once it past them. Rusty stood up as the girl was getting onto her own knee's. 

"You okay there?"

The girl looked up to face Rusty.

Scythe girl: "Uh huh, thanks." 

Rusty extended his hand to help the girl up to which she accepted. Both Rusty and the girl looked back to the store to find the man gone. Both of them looked around until Rusty saw him climbing up a later. Rusty poked the girl on the shoulder to get her attention. She turned to face Rusty pointing to where the bowler hat guy was running to. Soon and elderly man walked out of the store leaning on the door, Rusty assumed this was the owner.

Scythe girl: "You ok if we go after him?"

Shop owner: "Uh huh."

Both Rusty and the girl began to move but stopped when they heard loud groaning. Both of them turned around and saw the goons the girl was fighting starting to get up. The girl was about to fight them but Rusty put up his left AC holder arm in front of her with a smirk on his face.

Rusty: "You go after the fancy hat guy, I'll take care these fella's." 

The girl quickly nodded and ran off to catch up to the man. Rusty stayed behind as the men began to get up and grab there weapons again. Rusty extended his left arm an activated his AC's melee weapon.

Rusty: "Alright guys." Rusty activated his weapon as both ends of it were now long blue blades made of hard-light.

"Who wants to dance first?"

As he uttered those words, one of the goons quickly shot at him but Rusty quickly activated an automatic spin on his weapon blocking the bullets. He paused the spin and raised an eyebrow still smirking.

"Gonna have to get up nice and close there pal."

Quickly then, one of the other goons rushed Rusty with his red sword and was about to slash down unto him. Rusty though was quicker on his reaction, quickly dashing forward and began a flurry of spin attacks with his twin blade. Forcing the man to block each strike with his sword and with each and every slash, the mans sword got shorter and shorter until only the handle remained. The goon looked at the handle surprised that his weapon was destroyed so easily. 

Rusty saw that he was distracted and took the opportunity to quickly kicked the man, sending him flying into the other goon who shot at Rusty, taking both of them out. Only 2 more goons remained as they both rushed Rusty with their swords. The first goon rushed Rusty intending to slash him but Rusty simple stepped to the side and tripped the man causing him to fall face first into the ground. Rusty then turned his attention to the 2nd goon as he quickly blocked the attack from him but Rusty could tell this guy was weak and easily pushed him back and began his assault. Rusty deactivated his twin blade and grabbed the mans hand that was holding the sword and squeezed it tightly with his AC arm, the goon grunted in pain as he dropped the sword on the ground. Rusty then kneed the goon in his junk causing the man to squeal in a high pitch voice as his shades slowly fell down. The goon slowly fell to the ground on his face and knee's and Rusty confirmed that was 3 down.

Unknown to Rusty though was that the 4th goon was slowly sneaking up behind him before shouting.

Goon 4: "DIE BRAT!"

But as he was about to land the blow, he was quickly hit in the face by the back of Rusty's AC arm and the goon fell to the ground dropping his weapon with a bruised nose. Rusty didn't turn around but hit the goon while facing away from him.

Rusty: "It's not a sneak attack if you yell pal."

Rusty put both of his hands on his hips and took a good look at his work and if he's being honest to himself, it was nice being able to fight after the long trip from Atlas to Vale so he was quite happy. All the sudden, he heard a loud explosion and turned to face it, seeing it was the same building the scythe girl went to. He was about to go check until he saw a bullhead fly over him, leaving the area.

"Tsk, guy must've gotten away."

Rusty looked around the scene one last time before deciding he should probably leave, hoping no one see's him and hoping he won't get in trouble with Snail for being late. He began to walk away until-

???: "You there, stop!"

Rusty flinched as he realized he was busted. He turned around to face a blond woman floating down to the ground who had quite the angry face. He also saw the scythe girl drop behind the woman waving to him with a sheepish smile. Rusty began to assess his situation and had one excuse. Rusty pointed towards the group of goons.

Rusty: "Um.....I'm not with those dudes...."



Blond woman: "What do you 2 think you were doing!?"

Currently both Rusty and the scythe girl were sitting in an interrogation room being scolded by the woman for the events that just took place. The scythe girl looked a little sad while being yelled at but Rusty was simply laying his head on his AC arm, bored of the current predicament.

"I hope you both realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly. You put both of yourselves and others in great danger."

Scythe girl: "They started it!"

Rusty: "And we finished it." He whispered to the girl. He also laid his AC arm on the table.

Blond woman: "If it were up to me, you'd be sent home..." 

Rusty already knew where this was going.

"With a pat on the back..."

The scythe girl looked up in hope. The woman turned her head to face both of them.

"And a slap on the wrist."

She quickly smacked her riding crop on the table causing the scythe girl to flinch but hit Rusty's AC hand on accident. Rusty raised his AC hand for a moment and looked at it before smirking.

Rusty: "Ha! Didn't feel a thing." Rusty said as he crossed his arms with a smirk.

Blond woman: "(Sigh) But...there is someone here who would like to meet you. Both of you."

The blond woman stepped out of the way of a door and in came a man with white hair, glasses, a green suit, a cup of coffee and.....cookies?

White hair man: "Ruby Rose..." Now Rusty knows her name.

The man bended down to come face to face with Ruby.

"You...have silver eyes."

Rusty turned to look at Ruby and did see she had silver eyes. He was surprised to see such an eye color for the first time.

Ruby: "Um..."

Before she could say anything, the man turned his attention to Rusty.

White hair man: "And you must be V.III Rusty? One of the Vesper's I take?"

Rusty was slightly surprised that this man knew about him and the Vesper's, as he then assumed this man had some level of authority to know such a thing.

Rusty: "Yep that's me. But you can simply call me Rusty."

White hair man: "Hmm." He then turned to face Ruby again.

"So! Where did you learn to fight like this?"

Ruby: "S-Signal Academy."

White hair man: "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"

Ruby: "Well, one teacher in particular."

White hair man: "I see..." 

He nodded in response, as he then placed the plate of cookies and cup of milk on the table in front of both Rusty and Ruby. Ruby looked hesitant at first but then grabbed a single cookie and ate it and then.....quickly began to eat all of them, leaving Rusty baffled by how quickly she is eating them. Also a little irked that he didn't get to have any...

"Its just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty old crow." The man mentioned.

Ruby: Mmmm! Thash my unkul!" 

She responded before beginning to cough slightly due to the fact that she was eating with her mouth full. Rusty then patted her on the back multiple times to help her. After a few moments she stopped coughing as she took a breath to fix her breathing. She looked at Rusty then.

Ruby: "Thanks."

Rusty: "Don't mention it buddy." He responded with a thumbs up and a wink.


Ruby then looked back to the man.

Ruby: "Sorry, that's my uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal! I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now I'm all like--Hoowaah! Witchaaa!" 

She began to due all of the karate chop movements which Rusty found quite funny and quietly chuckled under his breath. 

White hair man: "So I've noticed. And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?

Ruby: "Well... I want to be a huntress." She said with confidence.

White hair man: "You want to slay monsters?"

Ruby: "Yeah! I only have 2 more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon! You see, my sister is starting there this year, and she's trying to become a huntress, and I'm trying to become a huntress cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought-"

Ruby continued to share the reasons why she wants to become a huntress while Rusty was simply staring at the table with his own thoughts, thinking about his parents who were also huntsmen and huntress but sadly died during a mission. He was thinking to himself if his parents were proud of where he was in life now and also wished they were still here. Rusty was kicked out of his thoughts when the white haired man spoke again.

White hair man: "Do you know who I am?"

Ruby: "Your Headmaster Ozpin. You're the headmaster of Beacon."

Rusty's eyes widened when he heard that name, remembering that Ironwood mention that same person during their conversation. Rusty looked up from the tabled and observed the man more closely.

Rusty: 'So this is the guy Ironwood wanted us to meet huh?'

Ozpin: "Hello, to both of you."

Ruby/ Rusty: "Nice to meet you./ Sup."

Ozpin: "You want to come to my school?" He asked obviously Ruby.

Ruby: "More than anything."

Ozpin turned his head to face the blond woman as she rolled her eyes and turned her head in annoyance. Ozpin then looked back to face Ruby.

Ozpin: "Well okay."

Ruby began to smile as she was jus told she would be attending Beacon. Rusty was glad for her as he thought she was skilled enough to go against some more skilled fighter's if anything.

Rusty: "Hey, congrats on the early acceptance buddy."

Ruby: "Oooh thank you so much professor!"

Ozpin: "Your welcome, but before you go. Rusty."

Rusty: "Yeah?"

Ozpin: "I had to call one of your team members and inform them of the events of tonight and one of them are coming to pick you up. They said that you might not know where to go to stay for tonight and wanted to make sure that you were (Ahem) behaving properly.

Rusty: 'Please be V.I or IV! Please be V.I or IV!'

Rusty repeated this plead in his mind hoping that it was one of them rather than the one he was thinking of.

"Oh, and what was their name?"

Ozpin: "Well, It was-"

???: "V.III!"

Rusty flinched at the loud yell of his Vesper rank, knowing only one person ever calls him by that name if he's ever in trouble.

Rusty: "(sigh) Well it was nice knowing you Ruby but now I'm a dead man..."

The door to the room was loudly slammed opened and came in a very angry V.II Snail.

Snail: "What were you thinking!? Starting a fight with some dogs and getting sent to the police station on our first day here in Vale! Are you trying to tarnish the name of the Vesper's and Atlas!?" 

He yelled at Rusty and he walked over and began to pull on Rusty's ear. Rusty responded in pain and said sorry multiple times while being pulled on. Ruby was a little afraid of the this person due to how he is treating Rusty. After a few seconds Snail let go of his ear's and turned to the Headmaster with a more composed look.

"I do apologizes sir for V.III insubordination. I will see to it that he is punished accordingly." 

Snail turned to face Rusty with a scary glare that made both Rusty and Ruby shiver.

Ozpin: "Well you don't have to punish him greatly. He did in fact help catch some criminals, so it wasn't all bad." 

Rusty: "See! Even the headmaster says I did some good."

Snail continued to glare at Rusty only for his glare to die down a little. Snail then turned to face Ozpin once more.

Snail: "(Sigh) Very well. But he will still be punished regardless." He turned to face Rusty.

"You will be in charge of both garbage and cleaning duty tonight, do I make myself clear?"

Rusty slumped in defeat and annoyance since he knows what cleaning duty is and it ain't a breeze.

Rusty: "Understood V.II..."

Snail: "Good, then let us get going. I had some food delivered to us tonight so after your done eating, you are to immediately begin cleaning."

Rusty got up and turned to face Ruby.

Rusty: "So long buddy, see ya at Beacon."

Rusty gave her a two finger salute and exited the room with Snail following behind. But before he left, he turned to face the headmaster one more time.

Snail: "Goodnight Headmaster Ozpin, again I apologize for his behavior." 

And with goodbyes done, Snail left with Rusty out of the interrogation room.

Ozpin: "Miss Rose, you're free to leave now. Please try not to get into anymore fights tonight, will you?"

Ruby: "Will do sir. Bye!"

Ruby got up and left the room excited after being accepted into Beacon, leaving both the blond woman and Ozpin alone.

Blond woman: "Well, that young man reminds me of a certain someone."

Ozpin knew she was referring to Ironwood due to Snail "Military" attitude.

Ozpin: "Well he was chosen by the general for a reason. But perhaps his behavior may change during his time at beacon."

Blond woman: "I just hope the other 2 team members of that team are more behaved than that Rusty fellow. By the way, why did you request Ironwood to send these 4 here?"

Ozpin: "Ironwood said they are the top of their class within Atlas and he also wanted to show what these 4 can do with these AC's since the Vale council requested a demonstration of it. But perhaps this new technology could prove useful in our future endeavors."

Ozpin stood up from his chair holding his mug and fixing his glasses.

"In the meantime, I suggest we return to the academy to prepare for the upcoming year."

Blond woman: "Very well sir."

Both Ozpin and the woman then proceeded to leave the police station seeing as their reason for staying here have long gone. Ozpin could tell that this year was going to be long and interesting unlike most other years.


COM: Incoming message...




V.IV Pater: "Arquebus Group mercenary Liaison, V.IV Pater here."

"We do hope you enjoyed this recent Sortie of ours as Rusty said recently that it was a nice change of pace to have a and I quote "Potential Reading Buddy" With him."

"We at the Arquebus Group look forward to your future involvement."

"That is all."


A/n: When I made this chapter, I recently earned all S Rank in AC6 and any remaining achievements I had missing. I got up in the morning, went to the YMCA for 2 hours to workout, came back and was like "Fuck it, lemme do all S rank starting from mission 1 to all of them in one day". I spent about 12 hours and I made a lot of fun builds while doing this and It was great to play the full game again. Here's to hoping there's a future DLC for the game but for now, I'll continue on this story or do something else. Until then Raven's.

Sortie 2 complete

Mission Income:
