Vol 1, Sortie 3: Legal Entry

*2 Days later*

With the first day of Beacon academy beginning, new students that will be joining Beacon were being transported on ships that are taking them to the academy. Of course the Vesper's were there too, since they had to take the carrier like everyone else to the academy. Each member was looking out the window taking in the view of the entirety of Vale and were simply speaking to one another.

Pater: "I know we've already seen the view of Vale once during our arrival but you have to admit, Vale has quite the colorful view."

Rusty: "Yeah. Kinda reminds me of Mantle back at Atlas." 

'but way less depressing.'

Pater: "There's also a large amount of students here as well. I know Beacon is popular but makes you wonder, how many even get in?"

Rusty: "Hmm." 

Rusty was narrowing his eyes at all of the individuals within the carrier, the reason why is well...

"Hey Pater. Is it me or does everyone here look like some... shadow figure?"

Pater: "Hmm?"

Pater looked around the ship again and saw that Rusty was right.

"You're right, almost everyone here except a few people here are all covered in shadows. Weird."

Pater looked around the ship again to see 2 individuals who were not all covered in shadows. When he saw one of them, he realized who it might be.

"Hey Rusty, the other night when you got in trouble. You said you met a girl with black hair with red tips, and was wearing a red hood right?"

Rusty faced Pater with a raised eyebrow

Rusty: "Yeah, what about it?"

Pater: "Isn't that her over there?"

Pater pointed to her and Rusty followed to where he was pointing. He saw Ruby who was talking with a girl with blond hair and lilac eyes and from the looks of it, Ruby was either annoyed or powerless because she was being hugged by her.

Rusty: "Huh? I knew she would be coming to Beacon but I didn't expect to see her so soon. I'm going to go talk to her, mind telling Snail?"

Pater: "Sure, just don't do anything to make him upset like before will you?"

Rusty simply gave Pater a nod and a thumbs up before walking to Ruby and the other girl. Pater decided to speak to Snail about their plans on arrival.

"So Snail, what's our-"

Snail: "Shhh." 

Pater was confused by why Snail told him to be quiet until he saw that Snail and Freud were watching the news on a holo screen.

News Reporter: "The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information of his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa."

Pater: "Wait, isn't that the guy Rusty and the girl he met fought the other day?"

Snail: "It would appear so. I've heard he's caused quite the commotion in Vale and has been on the loose for sometime."

Freud: "Makes your wonder if the police are even trying to stop this guy." 

Pater: "Well I bet they don't only have to deal with Torchwick but other's like-"

Lisa: "In other news: this Saturday's Faunus Civil Right's Protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony."

Pater: "Them for example."

The news reporter Lisa continued to talk until she was replaced by a new figure.

Huntress: "Hello, and welcome to Beacon!"


(A few seconds earlier)

Rusty was moving around the crowd of people to say hello to Ruby and the other girl with her. But as he was about to reach, someone bumped into him who seemed to be stumbling and looked a bit sick since he was holding his stomach.

Rusty: "Woah! You ok there?"

Blond guy: "(Groaning) No, I have motion sickness and lets just say being on a ship high in the sky isn't helping." 

Rusty: "Hmm. Hang on a second."

Rusty reached into his pocket and pulled out some medicine for the blond guy.

"Here. You can take this, it should help with your motion sickness."

Blond guy: "Oh thanks!"

The blond guy quickly took the medicine from Rusty's hand and swallowed it. After waiting a moment, the blond guy seemed to be doing better.

Blond guy: "Thanks again by the way."

He stuck his hand out for a hand shake to Rusty.

"Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it.

Rusty: "Ha! With confidence like that I bet it does. Name's V.III Rusty but just call me Rusty."

Both Jaune and Rusty shook hands but ended it once they heard a voice. One that Rusty knows.

???: "Hello, and welcome to Beacon!"

'The Witch!'

Rusty flinched a little when he heard the same voice of the woman from last night. He looked around and saw that it was simply a holo projection of her.

Blond guy: "Who's that?"

Huntress: "My name is Glynda Goodwitch."

Rusty: 'Far from good but definitely a witch.'


(Back with the other Vesper's)

Glynda: "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

The screen shuts off and the message left a sour taste in Snail.

Snail: "Time of peace she says and yet their are such things as the White Fang, criminals like Torchwick, and the Grimm who continue to ruin the lives of others far from safety."

Pater: "Well its better than have nations at war at the very least but I see what you mean."

Freud: "Dropping the depressing subject. We're here."

Pater looked out the window and was able to see the breathtaking view of Beacon Academy and the land its on.

Pater: "Wow. This place looks like an old castle! It's honestly amazing."

Snail: "Please Pater. Obviously Atlas academy is more breathtaking than this."

Freud: "I have to agree with Snail. Atlas had more 'Pizazz' than this."

Pater: "Still its amazing, and it's going to be our new home for a while." 

Pater was excited to be reaching Beacon soon while Freud was a little excited himself but didn't show it. But Snail, he's still at odds with himself and the fact that him and the other's will be attending Beacon instead of Atlas still. He still didn't like the idea of going here but he doesn't want to go against Ironwood's wishes. He just hopes that things here won't turn out bad.

Snail: "I still prefer if we were in Atlas than Beacon still."

Freud: "Who knows Snail, maybe this place will finally make you lose that stick up your-"

Snail quickly gave him a stern look clearly angered by Freuds words, while Freud himself looked away chuckling to himself and Pater was trying to hold his laugh back after hearing what Freud said.


(Back with Rusty)

As the ship landed, students began to walk out of it and onto the academy grounds towards the building. Rusty and Jaune both walked out next to each other taking in the view themselves.

Rusty: "(Whistle) Gotta say this place looks a lot different up close. Though I have to say Atlas academy looks better."

Jaune: "Wait, you've been to Atlas academy?"

Rusty: "Yep! We originally took classes there but me and my team were invited to attend here on behalf of the headmaster of Beacon himself." 

Jaune: "Wow. You guys must be really good then if he invited you here."

Rusty: "Yeah but we have some other reasons why. For example-"


Both Rusty and Jaune looked towards the source of the loud sound and saw some smoke from a distance. 

"Wonder what happened there. Wanna go take a look?"

Jaune: "Are you sure we should be heading towards that?" 

Rusty: "Yeah, where there are explosions, there's always opportunity I say."

Rusty began to walk towards the smoke while Jaune slowly followed behind.


(At the explosion site)

White hair girl: "UNBELIVEABLE! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!"

Currently Ruby is being yelled at by this girl because she accidentally sneezed in front of some fire dust, causing the explosion from earlier. 

Ruby: "I'm really really sorry."

White hair girl: "You complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending beacon?"

Ruby: "Well I-"

White hair girl: "This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice you know, were here to fight monsters so watch where your going!"

Ruby began to et annoyed by this girls attitude, even though she already apologized.

Ruby: "Hey I said I was sorry princess."

???: "It's heiress actually."

Ruby and the white haired girl both looked at the new voice. It was a girl with black hair, amber eyes and a bow on her head while also holding a dust vial.

Black bow girl: "Weiss Schnee, heir to the Schnee dust company, one of the largest producers for energy propellant in the world."

White hair girl: "Finally, some recognition!"

Black bow girl: "The same company known for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

White hair girl: "WHAT! HOW DARE-THE NERVE OF-"

Ruby started to giggle at the scene of her being upset as the white haired girl took the vial from the black bow girl and stormed off with her butlers cleaning up her luggage. 


(Different view)

While all of this was happening. Not too far from the 3 girls were Snail, Pater, and Freud. They were watching the whole event unfold.

Pater: "That girl. She looks just like Winter, doesn't she?"

Snail: "Yes and I do believe that is Winter's sister."

Pater: "Right, she has mentioned her sister to us before."

Snail watched the girl as she began to leave the two other girls behind.

Snail: 'Hmm, so that's Weiss Schnee. She looks much like Winter herself but their mannerism are completely different.'

"Lets get moving. I don't wish to arrive to the auditorium late." 

Freud: "And what about Rusty? He's not here yet."

Snail: "If he is late then that's on him and he will be put on cleaning duty again if that's the case."

Snail and the others then walked towards the auditorium. Pater stopped walking and looked back to the scene to see the girl with the bow walking away. He continued to look until he turned back to catch up with the others.


(Back with Ruby)

Ruby: "I promise I'll make it up to you!"

Ruby shouted to the girl but she went unnoticed.

"(Sigh) Guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day. So what's..."

Ruby turned to speak to the black bow girl but she already left. Ruby fell to her knee's before laying on her back.

"(Defeated sigh) Welcome to beacon..."

Ruby closed her eyes but opened them when she heard a familiar voice.

???: Hey there buddy."

Ruby: 'Wait, that voice...'

Ruby opened her eyes to see Rusty looking down at her with a smirk on his face. He wasn't alone as there was another blond guy with him.

Rusty: "Your looking pretty 'down' there (Chuckles)."

Ruby: "Ah man, even you come up with bad puns..."

Rusty reached his hand out to Ruby to which she accepted and was lifted up. 

Rusty: "Oh! by the way, this is my other buddy. Go on."

Rusty pushed Jaune forward and stood in front of Ruby.

Jaune: "Uh... Hey. I'm Jaune."

He reached his hand out to shake her hand. She accepted.

Ruby: "I'm Ruby."

Once they finished shaking hands, Rusty put his arm over Ruby's shoulder.

Rusty: "So Ruby, how's your day been going?"

Ruby: "Ugh, how do you think?"

Rusty: "It's been a 'blast', right?" 

Rusty made yet another pun with a smirk while Ruby's eye twitched and was having an existential crisis in her head.

Ruby: 'If Yang and Rusty ever meet each other, the puns will never end!'

Ruby looked to Jaune in hopes of getting help but after looking at him a few more seconds, she recognized who Jaune was.

"Hang on. Aren't you the guy that almost threw up?"


After meeting up with Ruby. All 3 of them began to walk around the campus of the academy towards the auditorium as they spoke to each other along the way.

Jaune: "All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on."

Rusty: "Well were all lucky that I found you before you vomited all over the place on accident."

Ruby: "Yeah, if you did I might of called you Vomit boy (Giggles)."

Jaune: "Oh yeah, what if I called you crater face?"

Rusty began laughing at the nickname Jaune gave Ruby.

Ruby: Hey that explosion was an accident!"

Jaune: "Well the names Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it."

Ruby: "Do they?"

Jaune: "They will!.....Well I hope they will. I mean my mom always says that....never mind."

Rusty: "Hey remember Jaune, with confidence like yours you'll be getting girls to fall over in no time. Just stay vigilant and keep that positive attitude going.

Jaune: "Thanks Rusty."

Rusty: "No sweat buddy."

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds until Ruby spoke up.

Ruby: "So...I got this thing."

Ruby pulled out her scythe and stabbed it on the ground.

Jaune: "Woah! Is that a scythe?"

Ruby: "It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle."

Jaune: "A what?"

Rusty: "It's also a big ass gun."

Jaune: "Oh...that's cool!"

Ruby: "So what's your weapon?"

Jaune: "Oh uh...I-I got this sword."

Jaune pulled out a from his hip.

Ruby/Rusty: "Oooohh/Neat."

Jaune: "Yeah I've got a shield too."

Jaunes sheath expanded into a shield.

Ruby: "So what do they do."

Jaunes shield then began to close and expand causing him to juggle it around, trying to grab it. He dropped it on the ground and picked it back up and became a shield again.

Jaune: "The shield gets smaller. So when I get tired of carrying it, I can just put it away."

Rusty raised an eyebrow to Jaune's statement.

Rusty: "But the weight would be the same still, wouldn't it?"

Jaune: "...Yeah it does..."

Ruby: "What about you Rusty? What's your weapon?"

Rusty: "Hmm. Well your looking at it."

Rusty raised his left arm and patted it with a smile. 

Ruby: "Wait, your prosthetic arm is your weapon?"

Rusty: "Yep, but if you want to see my side weapon-"

Rusty activated his hard-light twin blade and showed it off. 

Jaune: "Woah... that's cool!"


Ruby slowly reached her arm out to touch the weapon but Rusty quickly turned it off.

Rusty: "I wouldn't touch it of I were you. This thing can cut through things very easily."

Ruby back off and scratched the back of her head with a sheepish smile.

Ruby: "Sorry it's just, I'm kind of a dork when it comes weapons. As you can I did go a little overboard with my own weapon when designing it."

Jaune: "Wait, you made that?"

Ruby: "Of course! All students at Signal forge their own weapons. Didn't you make yours?"

Jaune: "It's a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war."

Ruby: "Sounds more like a family heir loom to me. Well I like it, not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days."

Jaune: "Yeah... the classics."

Rusty: "You know Jaune, just because your weapon isn't flashy doesn't mean its worthless. Each weapon has it's unique use and it's use is dependent on the wielder itself. Besides, you can always make changes to it in the future."

Jaune: "Yeah, I guess your right. Thanks."

Jaune sheathed his sword and they continued to walk and talk.

Ruby: "So why did you guys help me out there, in the courtyard?"

Rusty: "Well were Buddies now after the other night, right?"

Jaune: "Well my mom said that strangers are just friends you haven't met yet."

Rusty: "Your mom sounds like a wise person."

Jaune: "Yeah but there are times where she isn't..."

Jaune thought of the times where his sisters would try to braid his hair constantly and he would beg his mother for help, only for her to agree with his sisters. Those thoughts alone gave him shivers. 

Ruby: "Hmm? Hey, where are we going?"

Jaune: "Oh I don't know. I was following the both of you."

Ruby looked to Rusty who shrugged his shoulders.




"You think there my be a directory? Maybe a food court, some type of recognizable landmark?"

Ruby and Rusty began to laugh a little.

"I guess that's a no?"

Ruby: "That's a no."

Rusty: "...Snail's going to kill me again..."


Cut to RWBY chibi Ruby, Jaune, and Rusty looking at a map.



Not too long after, the 3 of them soon found their way to the auditorium which was packed full of students.

Rusty: "Glad we found our way here. I just hope we aren't late."

Ruby: "Yeah. Now then where is-"

???: "Ruby! Over here, I saved you a spot!"

All 3 of them looked to see a blond girl calling over to Ruby and waving to her.

Ruby: "Oh I gotta go. I'll see you both after the ceremony!"

Rusty: "See ya later buddy."

Ruby then turned and ran towards the blond girl to join her in the crowd. Rusty looked around the auditorium and found his team in the crowd then too.

Rusty: "Well Jaune, I'm gonna go join my team. I'll see ya then."

Rusty ran off to join the other Vesper's.

Jaune: "Hey wait! Ah great, where am I suppose to find a nice quirky and chill guy to talk too."

As Jaune walked into the crowd while a girl with red hair and emerald eyes watched him walk away. 

Rusty began making his way through the crowd and hoped that he wasn't late or he would once again be getting yelled at by Snail or even made fun of by Freud. Once he got closer to the others, Freud took notice of Rusty's presence and held a smug look on his face.

Freud: "Well Snail, looks like I win."

Snail turned around to see Rusty with an awkward smile. Snail groaned and begrudgingly looked back to Freud and pulled out 10 lien. 

Snail: "(Annoyed growl) Very well Freud, you win... again."

Snail handed the 10 lien to Freud who looked pleased with his newly acquired money. Rusty walked over to Pater and stood next to him.

Rusty: "So Pater, mind filling me in on what happened?"

Pater: "Freud made a bet with Snail to see if you would make it here on time or not. Snail betted you would be late while Freud betted you would make it and the results speak for themselves. I'm more surprised Snail agreed to the bet seeing how he has lost most of the time to Freud back then."

Rusty: "Does Snail have that little faith in me?"

Freud: "When does he not?"

Freud looked over to Rusty and reached out 5 lien from his hand to Rusty. 

"I suppose I have to thank you for the win Rusty, here."

Rusty gladly took the 5 lien from Freud while Snail watched in annoyance.

Rusty: "Nice."

Snail: "I hope you intend to use 'my' lien on something that's not worthless."

Rusty: "Actually, I was going to buy the most worthless thing I could think of just to spite you for the past scolding I got from you." 

Rusty looked to Snail with a smug look much like Freud while Snail looked even more annoyed.

Snail: "I swear if you-"

(Mic feedback noise)

Everyone stopped talking and turned to the stage where Headmaster Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch were currently standing.

Ozpin: "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Ozpin leaves the stage and Glynda takes the mic.

Glynda: "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

After she finished speaking, she followed Ozpin and every student began to chat with each other again.

Pater: "Is it me or did he seem... tired?"

Snail: "Uninterested is the word I would use. Unlike General Ironwood's speech, Ozpins words hold little weight or value by the sound of it. How did he become the headmaster anyways?"

Pater: "Well he was described to be a prodigy, he was also the youngest headmaster to be appointed to an academy. Who knows? He may be out of it today but maybe your opinion on him will change over time. Besides, it's only our first day."

Snail: "Hmm."

Rusty: "Well with the speech out of the way. I recently learned where the cafeteria is so?"

Freud: "I'm down to eat something."

Pater: "Count me in. Snail?"

Snail looked at the 3 as he also realized he was hungry as well.

Snail: "Very well. I suppose since we have time to spare we can go there."

All of the Vesper's began to make there way to the cafeteria. Freud and Rusty were behind both Snail and Pater and Freud had an idea. He got close enough to Rusty to whisper so Snail couldn't hear.

Freud: "Rusty, lets use Snail's lien to buy him and Pater something they don't like, ok?"

Rusty: "Hmm, I like that idea. What do they hate?"

Freud: "...I actually don't know..." 

Just when they thought their idea was ruined, Pater slowed down his pace to be near Freud and Rusty and answered their question by whispering.

Pater: "Tomatoes." 

Freud and Rusty looked at each other confused for 2 reasons. One, Snail really hates Tomatoes? And two, why Pater told them.

Rusty: "You're not going to tell Snail right?"

Pater: "Nope."

Freud narrowed his eyes at Pater.

Freud: "What's the catch?"

Pater: "Just don't buy me something I don't like."

Freud thought about it before coming up with his answer.

Freud: "Fine, guess you're safe from the prank. But why tell us of Snail's dislike?"

Pater: "I guess I just wanna have some fun. Besides, this is my way of getting back at him for taking my scroll many times in the past back at Atlas."

Rusty: "You know Pater, you can be secretly evil sometimes."

Pater: "I pride myself on my secret side. But don't tell Snail I told you."

Both Freud and Rusty 'Zipped their lips' closed as a sign they wouldn't tell. After Pater confirmed they wouldn't, he caught up to Snail who was humming to himself. 


Cut to RWBY chibi Vesper's enjoying their lunch.... except Snail... who has a deadpan face looking at his least favorite food...


*Timeskip to night*

It was now the middle of the night and all the student had set up their sleeping bags within the ballroom. Each of them doing their own personal things or simply going to sleep. Meanwhile, Ruby was laying on her sleeping bag while writing a letter. Yang flopped onto her sleeping bag next to Ruby to talk with her.

Yang: "It's like a big slumber party!"

Ruby: "I don't think dad would approve of all of the boys though."

Yang: "I know I do."

Yang purred while looking at a group of boys who had their shirts off and admiring them but came to a stop once Jaune walked in front of her view wearing a kiddie pajama suit. This view alone ruined the moment for Yang. Yang looked back to Ruby's note curious about what she is writing.

"What's that?"

Ruby: "A letter to the gang back at signal. I promised to tell them all about beacon and how things are going."

Yang: "Ah that's so cute!"

Ruby threw a pillow directly at Yang's face.

Ruby: "Shut up. I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here."

Yang: "What about Jaune, he's... nice. There you go plus one friend. There was also that other blond guy, what was his name?"

Ruby: "You mean Rusty?"

Yang: "Yeah him! Now you got plus two friends! That's a 200 percent increase."

Yang looked up from Ruby across the ballroom and saw the exact person she was just talking about.

"Speaking of, why don't we go say hi to him over there."

Yang grabbed Ruby by the arm and dragged her to where Rusty was.

Ruby: "Wait, my letter!"

While Yang and Ruby were walking towards the Vesper's, They were all playing a game of UNO. For the Vesper's, UNO was a way of settling scores or assigning jobs between each other. The game wouldn't end on the first winner but end on whoever got UNO last. So if one of the four got UNO, the other 3 continued the game until the last person without UNO loses. But during these games, it allows each member to unwind and relax, especially Snail who isn't as stern when playing but is just as competitive as Freud when playing.

Rusty: "Red 4."

Rusty place a red 4 card on the deck. Now it's Freuds turn.

Freud: "Heh, draw 2 Snail."

Freud placed a red draw 2 card on the deck. Now it's Snails turn.

Snail: "I don't think so. I also place a draw 2 card."

Snail placed his card down and now it was Pater's turn. They all looked over to see Pater with a shadow over his eyes thinking he was upset. But Pater began to laugh a little and looked up with determined eyes with a glint in it.

Pater: "Not this time Snail, for I place a reverse card!"

Pater slammed his reverse card onto the deck.

"Whenever we played UNO, I would be the one who would have to draw constantly! But now you have to draw 4 cards! HA HA HA-"

Snail: "I place a reverse card."

Snail gently placed his reverse card on top of Pater's reverse card. There was a moment of silence as each member looked to Pater and saw that he was as still as a statue before slowly looking at Snail in disbelief. 

Pater: "...What?"

Snail: "I'm sorry Pater but I refuse to lose this game"

It took Pater a moment to realize what had just happened until he released a large sigh and reluctantly drew 4 cards from the deck. 

Pater: "Dang it! I was just about to get UNO..."

It's now Rusty's turn again and lady luck smiled on him during this game.

Rusty: "Well lucky me cause I got UNO."

He placed his last card on the deck and looked at the other 3 with a smirk.

"Whoever gets maintenance duty tomorrow, I pity you ha ha ha!"

Freud: "Damnit. You and your UNO luck..."

Snail: "How does he keep getting UNO first every time!?"

Rusty has a long history of getting UNO first all of the time. Sometimes the other's believed he was cheating but every time they checked him, he was green. The group was about to continue their game until a voice called out to them.

Yang: "Hello!"

All of the Vesper's turned to face Yang and Ruby walking over to them. Rusty stood up to greet them.

Rusty: "Hey buddy! Good to see you again. Who's the fellow blondie here?"

Yang: "I'm Yang! I'm Ruby's sister."

Each Vesper looked between both Ruby and Yang slightly confused.

"Half-sister's by the way."

Freud/ Snail/ Pater: "Hmm." 

Each hummed in understanding about the two sisters.

Rusty: "Oh...that makes sense. Oh! that's right, I haven't introduced my friends yet to you."

Rusty turned to face his team.

"Brown haired fellow here is V.I Freud."

Freud gave a simple nod to Ruby and Yang.

"The guy with glasses here is V.IV Pater."

Pater sent a simple hand wave to them.

Pater: "Nice to meet you both." 

Rusty: "And the gloomy white haired guy here is V.II Snail."

Snail placed his cards down and stood up. He flicked Rusty in the forehead for the comment before standing in front of both Ruby and Yang reaching his hand out to shake.

Snail: "A pleasure to meet you both. I believe we've met before, 'Ruby' was it?"

Ruby: "Oh yeah, at the police station."

Snail: "Rusty shared with me that you are quite the capable fighter from the other night. I hope that during tomorrows initiation, I may be able to see if your as skilled as he says."

Rusty: "Trust me Snail, tomorrow she's gonna blow you away. right Ruby?"

Ruby: "Oh y-yeah! Uh thanks for the compliments heh heh."

Ruby slightly blushed out of slight embarrassment from Rusty's compliments while Yang smiled at the scene.

Snail narrowed his eyes slightly at Ruby before going back to sit down and continue his game with Freud and Pater.

Yang: "Ah look at you! You already made 3 new friends. I knew you could do it."

Yang began to hug Ruby while Ruby herself looked annoyed again.

Ruby: "Yang please stop! Can't breath!"

Ruby began to struggle to get out of Yang's hug until she heard a match lit up. Yang and Ruby both looked over to see the girl with the black bow reading next to a candle.

Ruby: "That girl..."

Yang: "You know her?"

Ruby: "Not really. She saw what happened this morning but left before I could say anything."

Yang: "Well now's your chance!"

Yang grabbed Ruby again and dragged her towards the girl.

Ruby: "Wait not again!"

Both Yang and Ruby left the Vesper's to themselves as they went to talk to the girl.

Rusty: "See ya later buddy!"

Pater: "Well they seem nice."

Freud: "Your turn Pater."

Pater: "OH! Sorry."

While the 3 were still playing, Rusty was setting up his sleeping bag, preparing to hit the sack tonight.

Rusty: "Well I'm off to bed. I'll see you guys in the morning."

And with that Rusty went to sleep in his sleeping bag and a few seconds later, he began to snore. Pater looked over to Rusty surprised.

Pater: "How does he fall asleep so quickly?"

Snail: "He's lazy, so It's nothing too difficult for him. By the way, UNO."

Snail placed his last card on the deck.

Freud: "UNO as well."

Freud placed his last card on the deck too, leaving Pater to be the last person and loser of tonight's UNO game. Pater sighed and dropped his cards on the floor.

Pater: "Oh well. I'm more use to maintenance duty so I guess it's fine..."

Ruby from a distance: "CUT IT OUT!"

Each member besides Rusty looked over to see Ruby and Yang in a dust cloud fighting each other in front of the black bow girl. 

Snail: "They seem to be a rowdy set of siblings..."

Pater: "Well you and I know what it's like. We've had fights like them as well."

Snail: "Well they were more civilized and verbal really."

Weiss: "What is the world is going on over here!? Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep?"

Weiss/Yang: "Oh not you again!"

Snail was starting to get annoyed by this whole girl argument as they were becoming more loud. Freud watched as Snail got up from his spot and walked towards the 4 girls. Freud looked to Pater who was taking off his glasses and getting into his sleeping bag.

Freud: "Your not going to try and stop him?"

Pater: "It's late and trying to stop him during this hour is impossible. Trust me, I've tried in the past. (Yawn) Good night Freud."

Pater then laid on his back and closed his eyes to go to sleep. 

Freud: "Hmm."

Freud was curious about what Pater was talking about but dropped it as he was also tired at this point. Freud cracked his neck and got his sleeping bag ready as well.


(Meanwhile with the soon-to-be team RWBY)

Ruby: SHH! Guys she's right, people are trying to sleep."

Weiss: "Oh now your on my side."

Ruby: "I was always on your side."

Yang: "Yeah! What's your problem with my sister? She's only trying to be nice."

Weiss: "She's a hazard to my health!"

Snail: "And all of you are a disturbance to everyone's sleep currently."

All 4 of them turned to face Snail who had a stern look on his face with is hands behind his back. Weiss's eye's widened when she saw who was speaking to her.

Weiss: "Simon?"

Snail did a slight bow towards Weiss.

Snail: "A pleasure to meet you again Miss Schnee, and it's Snail by the way. Just a reminder to you three, we have initiation tomorrow early in the morning, so I suggest that you all stop arguing and disturbing everyone's sleep and go to sleep yourselves." 

Snail looked over to the girl with the black bow and nodded to her. She understood what he was referring to and blew out the candle, making the ballroom completely dark.




Snail: "...I can't see..."

Ruby/ Weiss/ Yang: "We can't either..."


COM: Intercepting transmission...




V.II Snail: "You must be the handler I presume? For the independent mercenary Reader.

Handler Walter: "Honored to make your acquaintance, V.II Snail."

V.II Snail:  "I understand you want to join Operation Initiation?"

"You do realize that reading through some old and outdated files hardly qualifies you."

"Know your place, you meager dog sitter. The answer is no."

Handler Walter: "I hear you're deploying V.I again."

"Must be rough only having one good pilot to rely on."

V.II Snail: "Oh? Are you suggesting your dog can take Freud's place?"

Handler Walter: "You'll see. Just give us the chance."

V.II Snail: "...Very well, then. We're also deploying V.III..."

"...Who's been equally brazen of late. Let's see how they both perform."




COM: End of transmission...


A/n: Once again, starting the story is the most difficult part for me but once I get started, it goes a lot smoother. I wanted to make sure there was a good amount of interactions between the real RWBY character's and the Vesper's and I think I did a good job on that. With the initiation or as I'm calling it 'Operation Initiation' coming up, I have to imagine the fight scenes and what the plan is for the chapter/sortie. It's also the last season of Gundam Evolution and I intend to play it again before it's gone for good. I love the game but It sucks that the servers are shutting down. Hopefully it can get the treatment that Titanfall 2 got. Speaking of which, I'm going to start the campaign now that I'm done with this chapter. Until then Raven's.

Sortie 3 complete

Mission Income:
