Vol 1, Sortie 5: Classes...

A first official day at Beacon academy has begun. The sun rose from atop the mountains, with a cold breeze within the air, and students waking up in their new dorm rooms. Among the group of teams were Team RWBY, JNPR, and the Vesper's. Ruby had exciting plans while Jaune and his group were going to take it nice and easy, Snail though had other idea's. He was of course the first to wake up, and to get dressed in his new beacon uniform while holding an air horn in his right hand, ready to wake his team up 2 hours before class. He looked around the room to see Freud sleeping completely still, so still that he can be mistaken as being dead. Pater was sleeping in a calm manner with his glasses on his desk. Rusty though was man spreading, his blankets nearly falling off and he was snoring. Snail had decided that he has seen enough, it's time to wake them up.

He shook the air horn a few times and prepared himself for the loud sound and possibly his teammates screaming. Once he shook it enough, he put his finger on the horn and closed his eyes and-





Snail opened his eyes and looked confused to see the air horn not working. He shook it again and prepared himself once again until-


Vesper's: "AAAAHHHH!"

Each member, including Snail, jumped to the sound of the loud whistle that blasted into their room. Freud, Pater and Rusty each fell off their beds with their hair disheveled and each of them slowly standing on their feet looking at Snail with pissed off expressions.




Snail: "It wasn't me!"

Each of them looked at each other confused.

Freud: "Then who the hell blew that damn whistle!?"

Snail walked towards the source of the sound, on the right side of their room.

Snail: "That sound came from the other side of this wall, and if I'm not mistaken. Team RWBY are the ones occupying the room next door."

Freud stood up and stomped his way to the door, opened it and left.

Pater: "Oh boy, he's mad. Should we... you know?"

Rusty: "Once Freuds upset, there is no stopping him."

Freud walked out of his dorm room and made a path straight towards team RWBY's dorm. Once he reached it, he knocked on the door loudly multiple times. After a few seconds, Ruby opened the door with a whistle in hand and a smile on her face. Freud had found the culprit.

Ruby: "Oh, hello Freud! How are you on this fine-"

Ruby didn't get to finish her sentence as Freud snatched the whistle from her hand with his AC arm and crushed it. He dropped the crushed whistle on the ground and walked back to his dorm.

Ruby: "...morning..."

Yang walked out behind Ruby, witnessing the scene.

Yang: "Sheesh, guess Freud isn't a morning person huh?"

Freud walked back to his room and entered it. As he did, he came face to face with Snail and glared at him, or to be more precise, the object in his right hand. Freud looked up at Snail directly in the eye's with visible anger on his face.

Freud: "Snail... is that a damn air horn in your hand?"

Snail quickly hid the air horn behind his back away from Freud's sight.

Snail: "Of course not."

Pater: "He's lying, we see the air horn right behind his back Freud."


"...I can explain..."

Freud: "Oh really!?"

Before the situation could get worse, Rusty stepped in between both of them.

Rusty: "Guys guys please, it's way too early for this and it's our first day of classes. Lets take it back and relax, ok?"

Snail and Freud looked at each other for a moment before both of them sighed.

Snail: "I'm willing to let bygones be bygones."

Freud: "I'll let it slide this time, but don't you dare ever use an air horn or I'll do the same thing I did to Ruby's whistle to you."

Pater: "Ooh. So we have Ruby to blame for the whistle huh?"

Rusty: "Well now that were all up and awake, what's the plan and what's the time?"

Snail: "Well, it's currently 7:07 AM. The plan was to get our things unpacked, have breakfast and then go to class. I believe our first class is with a man named Professor Port. So in the meantime, lets start unpacking."

Each of them dashed towards their own personal belongings and began to unpack. Freud had very little things to unpack luckily being essential items only. He also brought his gaming console for his free time because he would be bored as hell if he didn't have it with him. Snail had some pictures with him which were of Atlas, his team and his family. He also unpacked some of his books he bought back at Tuksons book store. Rusty was the same as Freud, as he didn't bring too much besides his essentials. Pater though brought the most out of the group. He had some electronics and tools to put aside, he also had a small collection of glasses since they tend to break in fights once in a while.

Once each of them were done unpacking, they stood by their dorm entrance and looked at their room. It was well organized and they had enough space between each of their belongings. They all looked at their work pleased with the results and walked back to their bed spots, all but Rusty. He continued to look at the room feeling as if there was something they could do, something interesting.

Rusty: "Hey Snail."

Snail: "Hmm?"

Rusty: "We should make some bunk beds just like our dorm back in Atlas."

Snail blinked a few times, being intrigued by the idea at first but quickly noticed that the bed frames weren't made of the best material and it would be such a hassle to do early before classes.

Snail: "No. These beds are clearly too unstable to set up as bunk beds."

Rusty: "C'mon Snail, it would be fun!"

Snail: "The answer is no."

Just as Rusty was about to lose hope, Pater stepped in for the save.

Pater: "Actually Snail, I could use some of my equipment to make the beds more stable if you'd like. Once each of them are place on top, I can use some of the spare metal I have to stabilize it."

Snail raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his chin, thinking of the idea.

Snail: "Hmm...very well. We can try that but if that does not work, we are sticking to the current set up."

Rusty looked at Pater and gave him a double thumbs up. 

"But that's for a later time. For now, let's go have some breakfast before our classes start."

Each of the Vesper's nodded and got dressed into their beacon uniforms. Once they were all ready, they walked out of their dorm and began walking to the cafeteria. But on their way they had to pass by Team RWBY's dorm and as they did, they heard loud construction sounds coming from their dorm. 

Rusty: "What do you think they're doing in there?"

Pater: "Dunno."

Rusty: "Hmm. Hey Pater, use your semblance to see what their up to."

Pater decided to listen to Rusty and used his semblance. His eyes slightly widened once he saw what was going on in the room.

Pater: "Oh. It seems they are making bunk beds out of their own beds as well."

Rusty: "So they had the same idea huh?"

Pater: "Yes but their bunk beds look way more... unstable. Like a death trap."

Snail: "And there's my reason for saying no before. Let them seal their fate, it's not our problem."

Snail continued to walk away with the other's following behind him to have their breakfast.


Once they had finished having their breakfast, the Vesper's left to their first class. Rusty was able to guide them since he took a look around the area yesterday after initiation to get the lay out of the school grounds. When they arrived it was 8:40 AM, so they made it 20 minutes early. While they waited for class to actually start, the Vesper's chatted with one another until then. Rusty looked around the classroom and noticed that both team RWBY and JNPR weren't around.

Rusty: "Hey guys, where do you think Team RWBY and JNPR are at? Class is starting soon right?"

Snail: "They are obviously running late on the first day. Not the most wise decision."

Pater: "You think they're still building those bunk beds?"

Rusty: "Probably. Anyways, what's this class about anyways? Combat?"

Snail: "No, Grimm studies. It's simply about the basics of Grimm, but we should pay attention regardless."

Freud/Rusty: 'Been there, done that, no thanks...'

They continued to talk with one another until it became 9:00 and that meant class was about to start. Professor Port, the Grimm studies teacher, was about to start the class until the doors were slammed opened.

RWBY/JNPR: "We're here!"

Port: "Hmm. Cutting it close I see. I'll let it slide since it's the first day. Please take your seats students."

Both team's made there way to their own spots, with RWBY sitting at the very bottom of the seat right in front of the Vesper's. Rusty waved at Ruby and waved back to him as she sat down. Once everyone was seated, Port began his lecture.

Port: "Monsters! Deeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!"

(Cricket-filled silence)

Freud/Rusty: 'This is the boring class, isn't it...'

Port: "Uhhhh.... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses..."

Port then winked at Yang, to which she groans uncomfortably at. Pater found his actions weird if anything. 

"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!"

Student: "Ayyyy-yep!"

Everyone looked at the student strangely before he sat back down, clearly embarrassed.

Port: "That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..."

His words faded into a series of blah's for both Freud and Rusty, as they realized that their teacher was one of the 'boring' one's they would be having.

Freud: "I'm not doing this."

Freud laid his head in his arms and blocked out Port's rambling. Snail ignored Freud as he continued to listen and wrote down notes, hoping that this might comeback at Freud since Port's words may be valuable in the future. At least, that's what Snail is hoping for, as he himself is slightly realizing that this man is simply rambling about himself. Something that Snail really dislikes. Pater listened to Port's story the best he could but even he was growing tired of it. He looked to his left where Snail was sitting and saw that he was out of his sight, so he secretly pulled out his scroll to watch things of his own interest. 

Rusty was barely even listening as he was watching Ruby show him and her team a picture she made of Port labeled 'Professor Poop' written underneath the picture. Blake and Yang laughed alongside Rusty who was keeping his laugh a bit more quiet since he was close to Snail. Snail did take noticed of Rusty's and Ruby's antics but ignored it. What caught his attention though was of Weiss who was getting annoyed by Ruby.

Port: "Ah-heh-hem!"

Team RWBY looked up to see Port standing in front of them, waiting for their attention.

"In the end, the beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the best in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!"

Port bowed and Weiss continued to get more angered with Ruby's antics.

"The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable!"

Snail silently watched as Weiss got more upset as Ruby began to balance a apple and book on top of a pencil while crossing her eyes.

"A true huntsman must be dependable!"

Ruby fell asleep again while Rusty also followed her example, ticking off Snail a little.

"A true huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise! So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss and Snail raised their hands, Snail thought was first to do so.

Weiss: "I do, sir!"

Snail kept his hand up but was silent.

Port: "Well then, it looks like we have to volunteer's! I saw the young man raise his hand first, so miss Schnee you will go after him."

Weiss turned around to Snail was the other person to raise their hands.

Port: "Now then, 'Snail' was it?"

Some people in the room began to laugh quietly at the sound of Snails name, but quickly stopped once they saw the menacing glare he was giving them.

"Go get changed into your combat gear and be ready!"

Snail: "No need sir, I have everything here."

Snail patted his left arm to show Port he was already prepared. 

"And besides in realistic situations, huntsman should always be prepared regardless if they are combat ready or not."

Port: "Oh-ho! Now there's a mindset I can agree with! Very well, come down here so we can get started."

Snail took off his black uniform shirt and threw it on top of Rusty's head, jolting him slightly. Snail took off his shirt so it wouldn't get ripped once he deployed his weapon. He walked down the stairs rolling up his left sleeve, revealing his purple AC arm.

Port gestured to one of 2 cages behind him, both having red glowing eyes within it. Once Snail had reached the end of the stairs and walked into the center of the classroom, he raised his left arm, clenched his fist and activated his AC melee weapon, the Laser Lance.

Most students in the room were shocked not only because Snail just summoned a weapon out of nowhere, but because of how large the weapon itself looked. Out of all of the students though, Yang was the most interested. She remembered watching Snail use that weapon to punch the death stalker's stinger straight through it's skull with his punch and him upper cutting a nevermore into the sky. If Yang was being honest, she really wanted to try it herself. 

Yang: "Hey Rusty. How does that weapon of Snail's even work?"

Rusty raised his head and removed Snail's shirt, placing it on the desk in front of him.

Rusty: "Hmm? Well Snail's weapon is called the laser lance. It's used to pierce tough opponents with the laser that's at the tip of his weapon. Originally, it was goin to be some type of drill type weapon but Snail had Pater upgrade it into a a type of rocket lance. Kinda cool really."

Yang: "Rocket lance?"

Rusty simply smirked at Yang.

Rusty: "You'll see."

Snail soon reached the middle of the room and stood far enough from the cages.

Port: "Well Snail, are you ready?"

Snail reeled back his left arm and entered his fighting stance and nodded to the professor.

Port: "Very well, Begin!"

Port used his axe-gun to break the lock and released a Boarbatusk. Once it was free, it set it's eyes and Snail and charged at him. Snail kept his stance as the Boarbatusk charged him, not moving at all. His fist was left unclenched and relaxed, while he kept his eye's closed.

Blake: "What's he doing? Isn't he going to attack?"

Rusty: "Just watch."

The boarbatusk began to get closer and closer until it became close enough for Snail to attack. Snail opened his eye's and clenched his left fist again, transforming his laser lance into a new form.

The laser lance shifted it's form into a more opened one, with 6 rocket booster's at the back of his lance and the gear's within the lance began to spin rapidly. He shot towards the Grimm at a high speed, with very few being able to keep up with the speed of his attack. One moment ago Snail wasn't near the Grimm and the next, he had pierced straight through the head of the boarbatusk, killing it instantly. Both Snail and the Grimm were completely still until Snail pulled back his lance and sheathed it back into his arm, with the Grimm collapsing onto the floor, dying.

Port: "My-my! For a fellow called Snail, you're far from being slow ha-ha- ha!"

Snail looked at Port with a raised eyebrow.

Snail: "Was that a joke sir?"

Port: "OH! I-uh meant no offense."

Snail looked at Port with an unamused face before walking back to his seat. But on his way, he saw Yang looking at him or more specifically his arm with a large smile.

Yang: "Hey Snail, by any chance, could I try that lance of yours?"

Snail stopped walking for a moment before looking over at Yang with furrowed eyebrows.

Snail: "...Know you're place, the answer is no."

Snail walked past RWBY's seats without looking back at them as he made his way back to his own seat. Yang looked both disappointed and annoyed.

Yang: "Jeez, don't need to be all rude about it. I just want to try it out..." She muttered to herself, disappointed. 

Once Snail made it back to his seat, he had Rusty return his shirt to him and sat back down.

Port: "Now then, miss Schnee! Step forward, and face your opponent!"

Weiss got up and left to change into her combat gear now that it was her turn. Once she returned, she had her weapon in hand and was wearing her white dress. Her teammates began to cheer her on from the sidelines.

Yang: "Goooo Weiss!"

Yang shouted, raising her fist in support.

Blake: "Fight well"

Blake was holding a small flag saying 'RWBY' on it. 

Ruby: "Yeah, represent teeeeam RWBY!"

Ruby cheered on Weiss which seemed to only annoy her.

Weiss: "Ruby! I'm trying to focus!"

Ruby: "(Sheepishly) Oh, um... Sorry...

Port: "Alright! Let the match... begin!"

Port swung his axe down on the cage lock and released a Boarbatusk that was inside. 

Snail: 'Why is there no barrier between the students and the Grimm? That's foolish of them not to have incase the Grimm changes it's target.'

As soon as it was free, it charged at Weiss. She used Myrtenaster to deflect once of it's tusks and rolled to the side, readying herself for it's next attack. The Grimm stood from a distance and stared at Weiss, as if it was studying her.

Port: "Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?"

Ruby: "Hang in there, Weiss!"

Weiss dashed towards the Grimm as it was charging towards her, striking her blade straight at the skull until Myrtenaster became trapped in the beast's tusks. Weiss was still holding onto the hilt, and struggled to take her weapon back.

Port: "Bold, new approach. I like it!"

Ruby: "C'mon, Weiss, show it who's boss!"

Weiss turned to glare at Ruby, only for the Grimm to turn it's head and rip away her weapon from her grip. Myrtenaster landed far from Weiss, who is knocked away by the Grimm's tusk.

Port: "Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?"

Weiss looked up quick enough to see the Grimm charge at her, quickly rolling away before being hit, as the Grimm crashed into a desk. Weiss rushed to her weapon and slid on the ground to grab it.

Ruby: "Weiss! Go for it's belly! There's no armor underneath-"

Weiss turned to face Ruby, clearly mad.

Weiss: "Stop telling me what to do!"

Ruby looked hurt from Weiss' rebuttal. Snail continued to watch unimpressed by her attitude towards her leader/teammate. He has made remarks like this to his own before but not to a point where he would intentionally hurt their feelings. Meanwhile, the Boarbatusk jumped into the air and rolled into a ball, spinning rapidly in the air and landing on the ground, consistently gaining speed until it launches itself towards Weiss. As it got closer, Weiss activated one of her blue-white glyphs and blocked the roll attack, leaping into the black snowflake glyph and turning it into a blue glyph again so she could stab the blade into the stomach of the Boarbatusk. She thrusted her rapier into it's stomach and it squealed in pain, until it fell silent. 

Port: "Bra-vo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training!"

Port gestured to Weiss as the bell rang, ending the class session.

"I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Weiss glared at Ruby before storming off, leaving the rest of team RWBY, Jaune, and the Vesper's behind.

Jaune: "Sheesh, what's with her?"

Freud: "She's like Snail. They both have a stick up their-"

Freud wasn't able to finish his sentence, as Pater quickly covered his mouth.

Pater: "Please don't finish that sentence."

As everyone began to leave the classroom, Rusty watched as Ruby followed Weiss to speak with her. Rusty saw the sad look on her face as they left the classroom and wanted to speak with her.

Rusty: "Hey, I'm gonna go catch up with Ruby and check on her. That ok?"

Snail: "I'm actually going to go speak with Weiss. We can check on the both of them together. Pater, Freud. You can do whatever you wish until we return to the dorm."

Pater and Freud nodded as they followed the rest of team RWBY and JNPR to hang out with them. Snail and Rusty then split up, following their own targets.


Cut to RWBY chibi Yang running away with Snail's AC arm, which she had stolen in hopes of using the laser lance. Snail was close behind chasing her while also yelling at her.


Rusty walked fast enough to catch up with Ruby who was speaking to Weiss. The last thing he heard from their conversation were Weiss's words.

Weiss: "Ozpin made a mistake."

Weiss walked away from Ruby who was standing in place shocked. Rusty slowly walked up behind her.

Rusty: "Hey there buddy, you ok?"

Ruby turned around to face Rusty with a saddened expression.

Ruby: "Do you think Ozpin made a mistake?"

Rusty: "Hmm... I can't say. I'm not a leader like you and Snail are, but I know for a fact that you are leader material. I bet that's the reason why Ozpin chose you. But keep in mind, it's only your first day and there's always room to improve as a leader. And let me tell you, leader's will make mistakes along the way, even Snail some in the past."

Ruby: "He has?"

Rusty: "Oh trust me, back when we first became the Vesper's, Snail wasn't the perfect leader and would made mistakes just like anyone else, even if he acts all perfect when you see him now. But through his mistakes, he learned from them and grew as a leader, but it took time for him to become who he is now. But being a leader is like wearing a badge, it's a burden but a great honor... well that's what Snail said. And honestly, I think you have the potential to be a leader that inspires other's to follow you. During initiation, I saw you work with your team to take down that nevermore and not everyone can be led so easily. So what I'm trying to say is just give her sometime and she'll eventually see things differently. We did when Snail was kind of a jerk back then."

Ruby and Rusty laughed a little together. Rusty put a hand on Ruby's shoulder.

"I for one believe you will become an amazing leader, and I can't wait to see how far you go."

Ruby: "Thanks... Buddy."

Rusty: "Hey that's my thing (Chuckles). Wanna go catch up with the others?"

Ruby: "Sure."

Rusty and Ruby proceeded to leave to find the others, hoping they weren't to far ahead. Rusty was glad he was able to give some advice to a friend, even though he isn't the best at these types of conversations. And Ruby was glad to have a friend who would be there to support her alongside her teammates in the long run.


Weiss was walked outside in hopes of speaking with Professor Port to discuss her disagreement with Ruby being team leader. She didn't make it far though, as she turned the corner and was face to face with Snail.

Snail: "That's not the type of attitude I expected to see from a Schnee."

Weiss glared at Snail for the statement.

Weiss: "What do you want Snail?"

Snail: "I simply wished to speak with you about how you were acting to your leader."

Weiss: "Ozpin clearly made a mistake. She's too childish and inexperienced to be leader!"

Snail: "So are you."

Weiss was shocked by Snail's response.

Weiss: "What!?"

Snail: "Did you expect things here at Beacon to go exactly how you wanted because I assure you, life is far from generous. You act as if things are meant to go your way just because of your status and of who you are. Because of your family name."

Weiss: "That's not even remotely true."

Snail looked at her with a questioning eyebrow.

Snail: "You believe that 'you' were meant to be leader but that didn't happen, and now you believe that Ruby isn't deserving of her position. You are clearly a spoiled brat who has had everything work out for her and expected it to continue so."

Weiss: "And how would you know!?"

Snail: "Because you're acting the exact way I did back then. Because of my status, because I am of the Arquebus family, I thought everything would go my way and that anything that didn't please me was not worth my time. And you are doing something I did as well in the past, not giving other's a chance."

Weiss: "I did give her a chance and she has clearly shown that she's not fit for leader!"

Snail: "You gave her one day, and that is not enough to truly see the worth of another person. I once thought of my teammates being useless or weak, even Pater who is my own brother, but over time I learned something when I was first appointed as leader of the Vesper's."

Weiss: "And what might that be?"

Snail: "A leader is no leader without their teammates. I learned that I couldn't do things on my own and that having other's to rely on can make a difference in everything. It's only Ruby's first day as a leader but overtime she will grow, but there will be a point where she is stuck or lost, where she will need the help of her teammates, her friends. I believe you're someone who can help her in such a manner but not only that, strengthen her resolve as a leader, to grow into a better one. If you can't be the best leader, then be the best teammate you can be."

Weiss stood silent for a while, taking in Snails words. Snail sighed to himself as he looked out to the sunset, smiling to himself.

"You know, if it weren't for your sister, I would not be the leader I am today."

Weiss looked up to Snail surprised.

Weiss: "You know Winter?"

Snail: "Yes. In fact, she took me under her wing and taught me everything I know today. When I was first appointed as leader, I made many mistakes and terrible decisions. I said harsh things to my team back then and acted like I was above them all, until your sister helped me. Overtime I became a better leader but not only that, a better person who respected my teammates for what they meant to me. Because I know terrible things may happen in the future, things I cannot control, and it may happen to them. I only hope those days never come to pass."

Weiss: "I see..."

Weiss looked down to the floor, deep in thought and began to think about Snails words, taking them to heart.

Snail: "I'll leave you to your own thoughts for now. Take your time and think about what 'you' can do for your team as a whole. Goodbye Weiss."

Snail walked away from Weiss and made his way towards his dorm room. On his way though, he ran into Rusty walking back as well. Rusty took notice of Snail's presence and waved at him.

Rusty: "So Snail, how did your little chat go?"

Snail: "Adequately I suppose. And you?"

Rusty: "She seems to be doing better. We hung out and shared some stories about how you weren't the best at first but overtime became better."

Snail: "I suppose I would be a good example to take from."

Rusty: "Before were you were a jerk or after when you were a jerk?"


Snail flicked Rusty on the forehead with his AC arm, making him rub it a little. Snail walked past Rusty playfully rolling his eyes. Rusty chuckled to himself and followed behind Snail towards their dorm.


(Late at night)

The halls of the dorm building were completely silent and empty, but there was one person walking down the hall holding a mug of hot coffee. Snail was in his sleeping outfit holding a drink for Pater in his right hand, who is staying up late doing both school work and AC data research. Apparently, Pater was working on a new upgrade for their AC armor units and wanted to install it into each of their units. Snail's current mood was calm and tired as he walked down the dark halls. He soon reached the door to his dorm and was about to enter but soon came to a stop when he came face to face with Weiss in the hall, who was also holding a mug in her hands. They both stared at each other silently until Snail broke it.

Snail: "Hello Weiss. You seem to be up late."

Weiss: "So are you. I'm just bringing this coffee to Ruby who is studying."

Snail: "Funny, I'm doing the exact same for Pater."

They both stood quiet again for a short moment until Weiss broke the silence this time.

Weiss: "I'm... taking your advice about what you said earlier. About being a better teammate."

Snail: "Hmm, I'm glad to hear that." 

Snail responded with a calm and gentle smile, which caught Weiss off guard. 

Weiss: "...You're acting much more relaxed than usual. Why is that?"

Snail: "Hmm? (Chuckles) Well, I suppose I can share that with you. My constant serious attitude I put up around everyone is just an act when on the field."

Weiss: "Why?"

Snail: "Well, As a leader I don't wish to show weakness to my teammates or to my enemies. I act strong so my comrades can be inspired while my enemies are afraid of my actions. Of course I have my moments of weakness like any other person would, but I don't wish to burden other's If I show signs of fear or hesitation. As a leader, I wish to be someone that can burden the worries of other's and make sure they feel safe. Someone they can look up to in time's of concern. In fact, I wish to be much like General Ironwood himself, since he is my hero after all."

Weiss: "The general?"

Snail: "Yes. Winter herself is truly a great role model for someone like me to follow, but I wish to be a strong, dependable leader much like Ironwood when I grow up. It's the reason why I wish to join the military in the future. Though I may have to possibly wait a little longer now since I am here at Beacon rather than Atlas."

Weiss: "Well, I can see someone like you growing up to be like him."

Snail smiled at Weiss for her compliment.

Snail: "Thank you Weiss. (Yawn) I suppose we should be heading to bed now?"

Weiss: "That we should. Goodnight Snail."

Snail: "Goodnight to you as-"

Before Snail could finish his sentence, his AC arm sparked a little and jolted on it's own. Snail almost dropped the coffee but quickly regained his grip on it. Snail's AC arm stopped moving and went limp. Weiss watched a little shocked by the scene.

Weiss: "Are you ok?"

Snail: "Oh-uh, I'm fine. It appears the damage from initiation I took seemed to have affected my AC arm. I'll have Pater look into it since he knows how to repair minimal damage like this."

Snail looked up from his limp AC arm to his door, realizing he can't currently open it with the coffee mug in his right hand. He looked to Weiss with a sheepish smile.

"Could you... open the door for me, if possible?"

Weiss smiled and rolled her eyes as she had an available hand. She walked up to Snail's door and opened it for him. Snail walked in but not all the way, as he turned to face Weiss one last time for the night.

Snail: "Goodnight Weiss."

She simply smiled and nodded before leaving to her own dorm. Snail walked in and let the door close behind him and stopped it from slamming with his foot. He looked around the room to see Freud and Rusty asleep, with Pater in the corner with a light on while tinkering with some tools. He walked up behind Pater and placed the coffee cup in front of him away from sensitive materials. Pater looked up from his desk and rubbed his eyes, looking at the mug. He quickly grabbed it before chugging it all down.

Pater: "(Relaxed sigh) Thanks Snail, I needed that."

Snail: "You're welcome. Also while you're here, would you mind looking at my AC arm. It went on the fritz and limped on me a moment ago."

Snail detached his AC arm and place it in front of Pater who began to tinker with it with some of his tools. After a few seconds, Snail's AC arm's fingers began to move again before going limp. 

Pater: "There you go, all fixed! I also placed that new upgrade into your unit, so that's two birds with one stone!"

Snail picked up his AC arm and re-attached it to his left shoulder. He was able to feel it connect and moved his arm and finger's to make sure it was working.

"So how did that happen?"

Snail: "I think the damage I took from the nevermore during initiation caused this. I didn't think too much of it since OPEN FAITH was made to take a large amount of damage, but It seems I underestimated the damage I took."

Pater: "You underestimating things, If Rusty heard you say that..."

Snail: "He won't know because you won't tell him. He would find many ways to annoy me if he knew of this."

Pater: "(Chuckles) Yeah I know."

Snail turned to walk to the bathroom to brush his teeth but looked at Pater one more time. He placed his hands on Pater's shoulders.

Snail: "Please don't stay up too late. You need your sleep."

Pater: "I'll be ready in 10 minutes, so don't worry."

Snail nodded in response and walked away, leaving Pater to his own devices as he went to prepare himself for bed. After 10 minutes of brushing and flossing, Snail walked out of the bathroom to find Pater sleeping on his desk. Snail rolled his eyes and grabbed Pater's blanket, covering him from behind. Snail looked around the room and watched as his teammates... his friends... peacefully sleeping. Snail smiled to himself, thinking about how grateful he was to have them in his life and hoped that things would continue to be this way. Snail yawned and stretched himself before walking to his bed and laid down, drifting to sleep.


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A/n: For the whole talk to talk situation with Snail/Weiss and Rusty/Ruby, I wanted to make my own conversation between the group and I hope I did good on that part. This 'Sortie' definitely had the least to add to the story so It's more calm chapter. I also want to mention now that Volume 1 isn't really my favorite but that's just for me. It just seems slow with no real stakes yet but volume 2 and 3 will have that. Until then Raven's.

Sortie 5 complete

Mission Income:

This was the first AC meme I saw before playing the game. I quickly related in the opposite manner though as a soul's vet.
