
Dang I took forever to write this, sorry about that.

No One's POV
The group started walking farther into the cave, they had yet to run into any new or stronger monsters, which was surprising.

But as they went deeper, they soon found themselves lost in the caves many twisting path ways.

"Everyone?!" Frey called out, looking at her scattered group members. They all walked over to her

"Maybe we should stop and do a bit of planning. We aren't getting anywhere." She suggested, and the others nodded.

Frey looked at her group of friends
"Maybe we should leave markers on the pathways we already explored."

Dylas huffs
"I tried that using various bits I've found lying about. They disappear."

"Any other ideas then?" Frey asked

Laughter resounded through the halls, though was strongest from one corridor, off in the corner.

"Follow the sound!" Pico said before rushing towards and through the corridor, the others following behind.

It was long, but the more they progressed, the lighter it became.

Finally they stopped at a large open room, with a diary post used for coming back all the time. Frey grinned and wrote everything down

"We found it~! We found it~!" Amber sang joyfully, even though she was rather cold herself.

"That we did." Stated Dolce

Frey smiled, drawing her sword
"Prepare yourselves everyone. This might be one very hard fight if she or he is this hard to find."

Leon equipped his staff, Dolce equipped Pico, Dylas equipped his weapon and so did Amber.

They were as ready as they'd ever be. So they walked through and out of the cave that opened to a clear, crisp forest, frozen. An Aurora crossing the sky in many different colors.

Growling could be heard, before a large shadow wolf jumped at them, fangs bared as their lips curled in a snarl.

Dylas grit his teeth, as he braced himself as the shadow beast let out a mighty roar-like snarl, knocking them back into the walls.

Frey lunged at the monster, not scared in the slightest unlike the trembling Amber.

Dolce threw Pico into the fight, staying in the back ground herself though.

Leon sent many magic attacks, including fire balls and giant stones, while Dylas smacked the monster around with his weapon.

Amber finally started to fight as well


After a few hours of this, our heroes were exhausted. Thankfully the beast disappeared...but....

No one was...there?

"W-What?" Frey gasped, partially from exhaustion, partially from shock

Dylas threw his weapon down
"We just went on a wild goose chase!" He huffed in anger

Dolce glared down, Pico had her arms crossed. Both un-amused

Leon had a blank expression, while Amber pouted quietly, she wanted a new friend in the village.

Frey sighed
"S-Sorry everyone..." She said, looking down as she tiredly stood up

Dylas sighs

"It's not your fault." Said Dolce

"Yeah, it was just a rumor after all." Leon tried to console.

Our heroes turned to leave, morales down, while their bodies and minds alike were ready to collapse in exhaustion...

But in the mouth of the cave, stood a girl dressed in all white, grinning maniacally at them before lunging at them.

All went black as they heard her insane laughter ringing in their ears.
