Adventure...START! And SHOUTOUT!

(Look at the Multi-Media, there's a basic layout of the town. Ignore the red arrows, they were linked to keys that say what they are pointing to, but the only picture I could find of the full map,(besides this one) is too small)


Frey's POV

Once I was out of the house, I began to quicken my pace, I wanted Venti to hear this immediately.

I could hear the other's footsteps behind me as I was rushing to the Palace: Dragon Room. It only took us a few minutes to get there, which is thanks to this being a fairly small town(?) so everything seems to be close together.

Once we arrived at the Palace: Dragon Room, Venti looked to us, most likely expecting a report on what we found.

"Well? What did you find?" Venti asked impatiently

Yep, I was right.

"There's a cave that matches 2 out of 3 parts of the description you gave us. It's somewhere around Winter Path, so it's in an Eternal Winter, and it's a cave that you can have access to only at certain times of the month, which happens to be the beginning and end of each month." I explained

Venti nodded and briefly smiled, but as soon as it appeared, it disappeared.

"That leaves only the colors to be unknown....." Venti said while letting out a small sigh.

"Should we explore it? I mean, it's the only match we have, no one else knew anything about a place with at least some part of the description you gave us." Pico asked(Pico is the ghost that haunts Dolce, for those people who haven't seen or played RF 4)

"Yes. It's the only lead we have besides the scraps of what I remember, perhaps there's something there that could lead us to the exact thing I'm forgetting, if that isn't it already." Venti explained

I smiled brightly, while the others looked at one another, with either a smile(small or large) or a smirk on there face.

"Well then! I guess it's time to prepare, unless we feel ready to go right now!"

"I'm ready." Dylas said, with a determined look on his face.

"I want to go now!" Amber excitedly exclaimed, with a large smile on her face.

"If everyone else feels prepared, I have no issues." Dolce said calmly, looking to the side.

"Well, I guess I have no choice, do I?" Leon said, smirking slightly

"Let's do this then!!" I exclaimed, smiling brightly once more. It's time....our adventure.....STARTS NOW!!!


Or, later on, anyway. So, I made this part of the chapter, to give a shout out to.....TrinThaweesuthi, and I just want to say Thank You, you have been posting nice things about this story in the comments, and although this may or may not sound like I am trying to get attention, but, just so you know, that really does mean a lot to me. I originally made these stories, just for fun, but when I see stuff like that, whether it's voting, commenting, simply seeing the view count, or adding this story to a list, all that does mean a lot to me, it makes me so, very happy, to have confirmation, that people like my writing. So, I just want to say, Thank You!
