The Search Begins

(Sorry if this is crap, I haven't completed the game at all, and I'm still trying to learn everyone's personalities, so this may not be very good)

Ventuswill's POV(She's the dragon in the multi-media)


I close my eyes and sigh, after all, it is just another boring day of sitting here........

"Venti?" A voice says/asks, sounding worried

I look down to be met with  green eyes, showing worry.

"Hmmm?" As I ask(?) this I look around, seeing my friends, Dylas, Amber, Leon, Dolce, and Frey

(I will show the others picture in separate chapters since I don't know how to add multiple images to one chapter)

"Are you alright? You seem like something's troubling you." Leon questions

In all honesty, I'm not sure if I'm alright, I feel like I've forgotten something, or someone, important........should I tell them, after all, they are my friends, and I should be able to trust them..........

I sigh before I begin speaking, "I'm not sure...." I close my eyes again and begin thinking about what it could've been that I've forgotten.

"What do you mean by that?" Frey asked

I open my eyes again and I look to they sky. "I feel like I've forgotten something, and it's very important.......and that's bothering me a bit." I explained

"So, you have amnesia too?" Dolce asked softly

"What? No! I still remember you guys so I don't have's just that I'm forgetting something, and since when was forgetting something meaning that you have amnesia?!" I exclaimed, slightly outraged

I saw the others quietly laugh and I began to blush due to embarrassment from my outburst.

"Alright, back to what you've forgotten...Is there anything we can do to help, I mean, do you have anything slight memories of what you've forgotten, and they just aren't specific enough for you to be able to remember it?" Frey asked

That's just like Frey, she's always trying to help others, even if it may take away from her own time.

I began thinking, I mean I don't remember exactly what it is, but I do remember certain parts, and that's better than nothing.....I might as well say them.

I sighed again and began to explain the little that I recall when that thought comes to me. "When I try to think of what I've forgotten, I remember certain colors; Blue, Silver, Grey, Black, Purple, and Gold......I also remember a cold place, it was always cold there, even when other seasons came around, it was like it was stuck in an eternal winter...."I close my eyes and think a bit harder on this to see what else I recall "I also remember a cave, but it was....sort of imaginary?" I ended it there, I was starting to get a head ache from trying to recall anything else.

"A sort of imaginary cave? What does that mean?" Dylas asked, most likely questioning my sanity.

"It was a cave, but it disappeared from time to time, like one day it's there, and the next it may not. It was like, a mirage(?)...." I explained while closing my eyes......

Everyone had a questioning look on there face, I'm guessing if they didn't already think I was going crazy, they did now.

It took a minute to process everything, and then they began asking more questions...

"Well, what do the colors have to do with anything" Dolce asked "And what about being trapped in an eternal winter? It's too cold, so why would you remember something like that if you don't even like cold weather to begin with?" Amber asked, speaking up shortly after Dolce.

I just shook my head, but I didn't answer, because frankly, I don't understand it either.

Once they realized I couldn't recall anything else, and that I couldn't answer a majority of there questions they sighed, and fell into silence until Frey had an idea.

"Why don't we ask around town? Someone might know something, and even if no one does, we could still ask them to help find out." Frey suggested, and everyone nodded, having zero objections to the idea.

And once that was settled, they went out to ask the other town folks, and The Search Began.
