Part 43

my feet carried me as fast as they could down the hallways, almost slipping straight onto my ass when i turned the corner.

The sound of screams could be heard as i reached her room, I shoved the door open quickly, rushing straight over to her. 'Baby' i breathed, taking her hand from Breezie, she gives me a lazy smile, her hair and forehead soaked in sweat. I gently run my other hand over her hair, giving her a soft smile.

'we're going to do this' i grin, she nods her head. 'shes coming' she groans out, another scream slipping past her lips, she arches her back, her eyes squeezing closed as she squeezes my hand tightly.

I bite my lip from the pain but don't show it, i knew she was in so much pain, i'd gladly take the pain of her almost breaking my hand.

'Your contractions are so close' the doctor speaks, giving her a smile as he sits down. 'you're only dialted to 8, you have two more to go before we can start the pushing process' he states, standing back up from his chair.

she groans out, squeezing my hand again as another contraction hits her, her eyes meet mine, softening dramatically. 'it hurts' she whimpers. I nod, 'i know, i know baby, but just think of the good thing we get from this, we get a beautiful little girl to call ours' i whisper, running a hand through her hair once more.

she nods, closing her eyes tightly as she whimpers out, shaking her head harshly. 'oh god no, it hurts, it hurts to much!' she cries out, 'make it stop Wes, please make it stop!' she almost screams, i swallow before pushing my lips to hers hardly.

'we can do this' i mumble into the kiss, she only kisses back even harder than ever before.


i'm unable to wipe the smile from my lips, my eyes set on Chloe and the new little bundle of joy peaceful in her arms, wrapped in a pink blanket.

i turn to the door as it opens, offering my mother and father a smile as they both step through quietly, my mother immediately covers her mouth as she looks to Chloe who's now smiling at them as well.

'oh my god' my mother breaths slowly walking towards us, i grin as my father pats my shoulder before pulling me into a side hug. 'congratulations my man, welcome to fatherhood' he chuckles. 'thanks dad' i smile.

Mum gently takes the baby from Chloe once she offers her a hold, sitting down in the chair with the little girl cradled into her arms, smiling widely down at the sleeping infant.

'you's did well, very well, shes absolutely beautiful' Mum smiles, looking to the both of us, i smile as i gently rest my hand on Chloe's shoulder, leaning down and pressing my lips to her temple softly.

'one in a million' dad grins, i shake my head. 'no, shes one in a billion' i almost whisper, watching my sleeping little girl wiggle around slightly before she settles once again.

'i love you' i whisper to Chloe, Mum and Dad both distracted with the new little girl. 'i love you' she whispers back. I press my lips to hers, running my thumb over her cheekbone softly before pulling my lips away from hers.


'Please welcome, my little girl to the world, Little miss Aubree Brianna Stromberg. Such a beautiful little girl. You stole daddy's heart baby girl. I love you and your Mum so much xx'

i smile as i post the photo of her on instagram, locking my phone once im done and settling back into the bus seats. 'I can't fucking believe you Wes!' Pete shouts as he storms onto the bus, i furrow my eyebrows up at him.

'After i had told you not to go when the baby is born you still went against my fucking word!' he snaps. 'its my fucking daughter pete! and its not like i would have been doing anything other than sleeping! i chose to not sleep because i wanted to fucking be there for my fiance when she gave birth to our child!' i snap.

he narrows his eyes on me, 'you seriously want to be dropped by the record label dont you' he sneers, i scoff. 'shut the fuck up, Pete! i never signed a fucking contract that said i couldn't do what i wanted in MY spare time, you fucking asshole' i spit.

'i'll be on the other bus' is all he says before he walks off, leaving a laughing Keaton. 'oh you told him and he had no comeback' he chuckles. i smirk as i shake my head at him.

*Chloe's POV*

'You alright?' Breezie asks, i nod my head, placing my hand on my sore jelly of a stomach as she carefully takes the baby carrier out of the car. 'I've got her mumma' she chuckles. i give her a smile before walking towards the house, my body still ached from her birth but i was still to happy to even care.

'Welcome home, baby girl' i speak after stepping through the door with Breezie right behind me. 'Bella soon comes up to us, although shes gently around me as she sits by my feet, i grin, scratching her head before walking to the lounge with Bella behind me.

Breezie places the carrier down beside me as i sit down, my beautiful little girl still sleeping peacefully. Bella sniffs at her before wagging her tail, sitting down infront of the lounge.

'welcome home baby Aubree, this is going to be your bestfriend, Bella, she'll love you just as much as you'll love her' i giggle, running my finger gently over her soft little cheek.

'i cannot get over how beautiful she is' Breezie speaks, shaking her head slightly. 'you and Wes certainly did A+ on this little girl' she adds with a chuckle.

i just grin up at her, 'i'll make you some tea yea?' she asks, i give her a soft nod, 'yeah, please' i almost whisper, looking back down to Aubree.

i frown when her eyes begin to open and she starts to cry, her crying only coming out as meer squeaks seen as she hadn't fully gotten a cry just yet.

'oh, baby' i pout, standing up and unstrapping her, picking her up and craddling her to me as i rock her gently. 'sh sh little girl, its alright' i whisper, pressing my lips to her head, she continues to cry and i sigh, nodding my head. 'alright, alright' i speak grabbing her little blanket, i sit back on the lounge, gently pulling one side of my shirt down and letting her attach before covering up with her little blanket, giving her the privacy to feed.

'hungry little muffin, huh?' Breezie questions, i nod my head, chuckling a bit as i gently pat her bum as she continues to feed contently.


i let out a sigh of relief as i finally get the little princess to sleep, it only being 3am and all. I huff, falling onto my back on the bed, making sure the baby monitor was on before my eyes close, although i can't seem to fall asleep.

After nearly an hour of tossing and turning i decided to just get back up, grabbing the monitor and taking it with me as i head out to the lounge room.

'can't sleep either bells?' i question, falling down to sit beside the dog, she breaths out as i begin to scratch her head, her eyes fluttering closed when i turn the tv on.

'atleast one of us can sleep' i mumble, my fingers continuously scratching lightly over her head as she sleeps.

soon enough, Aubree decided on waking up. i jump up, quickly making my way to her room. Her eyes are open, small tears rolling down her cheeks as she cries. 'aww baby girl, what happened' i frown, picking her up and rocking her as i walk towards the rocking chair.

To my surprise she settles back down, her eyes still open as she stares up at me. 'your daddy is going to be home in three days little one, you've already got him wrapped around your little finger' i whisper softly, running my pointer over her cheek.

she just continues to stare up at me, her little mouth slightly open. 'mummy loves you princess, and so does daddy, never forget that, we always will' i continue, smiling down at my beautiful little daughter.

'you've got your daddys eyes and lips little girl, you certainly got your daddys good looks' i giggle softly, she lets out a little yawn and i smile in awe down at the little beauty resting in my arms.

she was mine, She was ours. Me and Wesley had created one of the most beautiful humans in the world with love, and she'll forever carry the love we have for each other, even if something were to happen in the future and me and Wes weren't together anymore. She'd still be the result of our love.

*Wesley's POV*

'whens the wedding?' Keaton asks, 'within the next year' i smile, he nods. 'i have to wear a tux?' he frowns, i chuckle as i nod.

'Yeah, keats, you do have to wear a tux.' i state, he laughs, nodding his head. 'i can't believe i have a niece!' he exclaims, stretching out as he lays along one of the seats on the bus.

'i can't believe i have a daughter' i almost whisper, my eyes looking down to the background of my phone, the only photo of my little girl i have taken and it was perfect.

'i wouldn't change her for the world either, shes absolutely perfect.' i state, Keaton nods in agreement. 'and you'll be home in 2 days to see the little girl, and we're not touring for ages either, i went higher than Pete to make sure its clear' he grins and i smile back at him, nodding my head.

'Thanks, keats' i whisper.




Sorry its short!

i didnt have much time but hello!

isn't she beautiful?!

lil aubree *Inserts heart eye emoji*
