Part 19

*Wesley's POV*

'Wes! Wake up!' Keaton exclaims, followed by the throwing of a pillow that hits me in the side of the face. i groan, rolling over and digging my head into the pillow. 'Piss. Off' i growl, he sighs. 'Seriously, Wes you need to get up, we have a show!' he exclaims.

i raise my head, looking at the clock before dropping my head back into the pillow. 'Its only 9am. the show doesn't start for another 5 hours and we dont leave for another 4 so go away.' i state. 'Wesley! get the hell up!' he shouts, ripping the blanket from my body.

i growl before pulling myself off of the bed, 'Dammit, Keats! can you not just leave me the hell alone for a few minutes?!' i yell, he frowns, shaking his head as he looks down to the ground. 'I know you fucked up badly with Chloe and everything.. but its really time to get over it' he says before turning on his heel and walking out.

'Shit' i whisper before sitting on the side of the bed, dropping my head into my hands as i take in a deep breath. its only been nearly 2 weeks since i fucked up with that girl, i was still going insane.

i had since stopped texting Chloe, knowing that pushing it will only drive her further and further away, especially after the little stunt i fucked up with that girl.

She didn't make the matter any better though, she had been posting all about it on twitter and had even written a whole, detailed twitlong thing about our short lived "romance" as she called it.

Romance? no.

Sex? yes.

She was an attempt at rebound, she even knew that. In fact, thats how she actually came onto me! but no...

According to her it was a short, hour romance. No. It wasn't!

So, with that.. it really didn't make my troubles with Chloe any better, I knew she hated me now, that feeling stung my heart, to be honest.

It has to be the worst feeling i have ever felt and it was a constant feeling rushing through every part of my body.

It hurt.

It hurt knowing the girl i loved hated me, Dispised me. Honestly i dont think shes every going to want to even look at me again, whether it was in person or even a photo. Shes probably avoiding anything to even do with Emblem3.

I was the cause of it all. I was the reason she hated me, i know that. I would never blame her because it was ALL on me. But i would do ANYTHING to take it all back. But i couldn't, atleast not for right now anyways.

i lift my head from my hands, looking up to the ceiling as water fills them. i quickly blink it away although instead it falls down my cheeks.

'Wes, do you-' Keaton begins but cuts himself off when i look at him. 'Wes..' he sighs, slowly walking towards me. 'I've fucked everything up, Keats' i whimper, feeling my heart finally completely shatter, all the partially standing up walls around me now crumbling.

But yet, i didn't give a single fuck.

Because, the love of my life, was back home, going on dates with another man, which is another thing i had found out off my sister last week, that only added to the heartache i felt.

She was gone. She was with another man. And he wasn't me.

But noone could ever be her.

*Chloe's POV*

'No' i state, crossing my arms as i narrow my eyes on Matt. He frowns, playfully whinning. 'Why not, Chloe?!' he exclaims, i just shake my head. 'Im not going to meet your parents. Why would i?' i question.

He shrugs, 'because, i want you to' he smiles, i roll my eyes. 'Sorry, but for me thats a big step..' i trail off, shifting in the metal seat. 'Maybe.. we should take that step' he almost whispers, I swallow. 'We're not even dating! you can't just jump to meeting parents.' i state.

'Ok, well then i guess..' he trails off before he sits up straighter in his seat, his eyes locking with mine. 'Chloe, Will you be my girlfriend?' he smiles, hope filling his eyes. Wesley!

I suck in a sharp breath, my eyes darting around the small coffee shop before they meet his once again, his eyes still holding hope as he smiles, awaiting my answer.

Dont. Say no. What about Wesley? i try and shake the thoughts from my head, trying to push any thoughts of Wesley away. Expect it doesn't seem possible. You still love him.

I knew that was true, there was no way in hell i could even deny that i wasn't still completely inlove with Wesley. I knew my answer.

'I-i..' i trail off, watching his expression drop. I quickly shake my head, pushing myself up from the seat, quickly grabbing my things, 'I can't. No. Im sorry' i rush before hurrying out of the shop, my feet going at a jogging pace down the street as a few tears slip from my eyes.

I was in love with Wesley. I was so completely in love with him and i was so scared that would never go away.

Clearly he didn't love me as much as he claimed though, because he slept with another girl, He had some short romance with her or whatever she said.

If someone truly loves you, How could they do that?

i shake my head from the thoughts, quickly splashing water onto my face before drying it with my hand towel and walking back into the room.

My phone dings with a text and i hurry over to it, i seriously had not recieved any texts since Wesley stopped two weeks ago. Sad, I know!

From: Keaton

Chloe. Please, im normally not one to beg, but im honestly begging you. His finally cracked, he finally broke. He needs you. I just had to hug my older brother for 3 hours, while he cried before he finally fell asleep. I know how stupid this sounds but his broken. He needs you more then anything. He loves you. He truly does, that girl was no romance, she was a rebound but shes been making up bullshit. Dont believe it. Believe him. I've booked a flight that leaves in 4 hours in your time, its booked under your name, please come. I'll be waiting at the airport to pick you up so PLEASE dont make me go there for no reason.

He loves you. Dont forget it. Please come

My heart races, feeling as though its sitting in my throat as i try to swallow it back down. Wesley had cried himself to sleep? the girl made up the whole little romance thing?

my eyes glance up to the clock, biting down on my bottom lip as i watch the few minutes tick my before i quickly scan the room anxiously looking for what i needed.

*Wesley's Pov*

My head pounded as i woke up, groaning when i notice its only 3am.

My eyes were burning, My head was thumping. My throat was dry and scratchy. My body just felt utterly weak.

I managed to pull myself out of the bed with a soft noise of complaint, My feet dragging me out to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

'Wes?' Keaton speaks, stepping out of his room. I lift an eyebrow to him before going back to drinking my water, feeling a slight relief to the dryness of it.

'why are you up at 3am?' he questions, i shrug placing the empty glass into the sink. 'i could ask you the exact question..' i trail off, crossing my arms over my bare chest. 'I heard you get up, Wes. you weren't exactly walking quietly' he states.

'Yea well. not all of us love waking up at 3am.. or at all really' i mumble the last part, heading back to my room. 'She'll come around Wes, one day' he speaks. i wave him off as i shut my door.

i throw myself back into the bed, pulling the blankets up over my head and letting out a deep sigh.

When i wake up once more the sun shines through my window, making me groan. Yet again. Damn sun.

'Hey wes?' Keaton shouts through the door. 'What?' i question. 'im going to the shops, be back soon' he calls before i hear another door shut. I frown before sitting up. Since when did we go to the shops?!

I shrug it off, not really in the mood to actually think that through properly as i climb out of bed, walking out and into the kitchen to locate some type of food.

After finishing up my breakfast i rinse off the plate and set it in the drying tray before walking back out into the lounge room, sprawling out onto the lounge as i flick the tv on.

i soon lose track of how much time i had been sitting here although i do here Keaton return, except i make no move to even look up or anything as i hear bags russling, followe by something else being dragged on the floor, i think?

i furrow my eyebrows slightly but still dont look up at my eyes mindlessly stare at the tv, letting my legs spread out as i lay back even more, letting out a deep breath.

'Yo Wes, i know you like to spread out, but we have a lady here so maybe you should close your legs..' he speaks, mumbling something at the end that i dont exactly catch.

I choose to ignore him, continuing to mindlessly stare at the tv. 'Told you' i hear him speak before he sighs and walks away, although i only hear one lot of footsteps.

Oh great.

i hear another, softer sigh before soft footsteps pad towards the lounge, stopping at the end. I can see the girl standing there, her eyes locked on me although i can't exactly make out any of her features. Not that i really want to.

'Wesley?' she speaks. my throat dries at the sound of her voice. My head snaps up to look at her, Blinking god knows how many times as i try and take in who is standing in front of me. 'Wes?' she frowns, her beautiful pink lips pouting out perfectly.

Holy shit.

My heart beat picks up, starring at her wide eyed as my heart literally feels like it could beat right out of my god damn chest at any given moment.

'C-Chloe?' i stutter, swallowing harshly to try and wetten my now dry throat. She gives me a soft, unsure smile as she nods her head gently, Her eyes incredibly soft as she looks me over.

Within seconds i bound up to my feet, rushing towards her and pulling her into my arms.

Everything becomes so real when i feel her own chest against my bare one, my skin feeling likes its on fire as i hold her against me.

Everything stops when her arms end up wrapping around my waist, tightly. My breathing and heart seem to stop for a few seconds as i realise..

Shes actually here.

Shes in my arms.

The love of my life, who i had thought i lost, She was here. Oh my god.

I seem to gasp for air as i nuzzle into her neck, breathing in and out fastly, She chuckles softly when she tries to pull away and i dont let her.

to say i was afraid of her disapearing when i did let her go, was an understatement.

'Wes, its ok' she whispers. I finally let her go, Holding onto her shoulders as i stare at her, scanning over her face to make sure she was herself, she was infact here.


'Why are you here?' i question, sitting down on the lounge beside her after handing her the glass of water, she frowns, taking a small sip before setting it on the table. 'im thrilled you are!' i state, she nods.

'Keaton.. he texted me.. he also booked a flight in hopes i'd come and well.. here i am' she chuckles awkwardly, using her hands to motion that she was here.

i nod, biting down on my bottom lip. 'Ok, why did you actually decide to come?' i speak, she shrugs her shoulders, her eyes scanning over my face as she breaths in.

'Oh common.. do we really have to go through this?' she sighs, i nod my head. 'Yes. because i want to know why your here.' i state, she rolls her eyes. 'I think you know why, Wesley' she speaks, crossing her arms losely.

'Say it then' i urge, my eyes almost pleading as i stare into hers. Her eyes immediantly soften as she scans over my face once more.

'I know you know about me going on a few dates..' she trails off, i nod as my heart beats a bit faster, hating the fact that i had to think of that right now. 'I dont want to talk about that, so if thats why your here then... dont' i speak.

she shakes her head, 'no. let me finish' she frowns, taking in a small breath before continuing at my silence. 'i started going on a few dates with someone named Matt. he was nice and so charming.. perfect guy i must admit..' she trails off and i frown.

'Then what does this have to do with us, because i honestly do not want to hear about you and another guy, Chloe'.

'Dammit! Wesley!, He asked me out the day Keaton texted me.. Yesterday. He asked me out at a coffee shop after he wanted me to meet his parents, as soon as he did, You popped into my mind, and i couldn't bring myself to say yes, so i ran out on him.' she states.

i nod, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She rolls her eyes. 'God, Im trying to tell you im in love with you Wesley! im so in love with you that i can't even move on with mr perfect boyfriend! i'd rather go through rumours, bitchiness, fans or anything else that could cross the path, for you! i love you Wes'

my breathing picks up, as does hers as we both stare at each other, her eyes slightly watery as she bites down on her bottom lip. 'Im so fucking in love with you that i can't even escape thoughts about you! not even for a fucking 5 minute break!' she exclaims, a single tear falling down her cheek as she roughly runs her hands through her slightly messy hair.

'And i ca-' she begins but i finally lunge forward, my lips pressing harshly to hers as she falls back onto the lounge, me over her as i slide my hand into her hair, gripping it between my fingers.

'I love you so fucking much' i mumble into the kiss, a few of my own tears falling down onto her cheeks as we kiss harshly yet beautifully.

When all else fails, Love with be there!




Punny Punny


omg, i have the biggest headache right now and Ah :(

i feel like im about to die

but hi! quick, short little update and a hello from Australia because i am bored and its only 7pm -.-

oh my god. somebody please help me..

but hey... Kissy Kissy

will they actually be back together though :O?

Love yous!!! xoxoxoxox
