Part 29

'Where the fuck is she?!' i shout, storming into the rundown office building. A faint scream sounds down the stairwell. i swallow before beginning to sprint, making my way up the broken stairs, having to skip a few cracked ones.

'Chloe?!' i almost scream. 'Wesley! help!' she screams back, sobs echoing through the large empty second floor room. 'Where are you baby?!' i shout, except i recieve no answer.

I begin to run across the room towards the next stairwell but im stopped in my tracks. 'NO!' she screams. My heart pounds as im harshly grabbed and flung to the floor.

'You thought you could take my own daughter away from me?!' Her dad spits, harshly glaring down at me. 'Ye-' i begin, but he cuts me off as he pulls Chloe in front of him from behind his body. 'You think its ok to put something disgusting into her stomach' he growls, holding a sharp blade against her bare stomach, her shirt rolled up enough to expose the small, just forming bump.

I shake my head, blinking the tears away as Chloe continues to cry, her eyes clenched closed tightly. 'You really thought i'd let my daughter have a child, to you' he almost laughs at the end, he presses down on the blade and Chloe whimpers. 'Please stop' she breaths, her eyes shooting open to meet mine.

'Wes, please' she begs, her tears streaming down her cheeks. 'Let her go!' i shout, although im unable to get up from the floor once my arms are gripped harshly behind my back, whoever was holding me pulls me up, stepping a few steps backwards and dragging me with him.

'Wes!' she screams. I flinch when he shoves the knife fully into her stomach, CLosing my eyes tightly as she screams out. 'You fucking asshole!' i scream, my body trashing to try and escape the grip on me.

Her body falls to the floor as she clutches her stomach, furiously shaking her head. 'No no no no!' she exclaims, dropping her head down onto the dirty floor as she cries.

'Wes!'. My body jolts awake, bare chest covered in sweat as i turn my head to look at a worried looking Chloe. 'Are you ok?' she asks. I quickly sit up, pushing her back down to lay on her back before pulling her shirt up, sighing in relief when her small baby bump comes into my view.

'Babe, are you ok?' she asks again, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'Yeah uh.. just a bad dream is all..' i trail off, turning around and slidding off of the bed. 'where are you going?' she frowns. 'i just need a drink.' i state before stepping out of the room, walking into the kitchen and getting some water from the tap, sculling it down.

'Baby' Chloe whispers, her eyes wrapping around my waist. letting her cheek rest on my bare shoulder blade. We both stay silent as she slowly runs her hand up and down my chest soothingly.

'Do you want to tell me about it?' she asks although i shake my head, turning around to face her. I softly grip the back of her thighs, lifting her up and wrapping her legs around my waist as i nuzzle into her neck.

'No baby. im ok. just, it felt a bit to real for my liking.' i mumble, she nods, her arms wrapping around my neck gently. 'did someone hurt our baby?' she whispers. i nod my head, nuzzling further into her neck. 'they did, and i really dont want to think of it right now.. can we go back to sleep? its only 3am' i sigh.

she nods. I press a kiss to her neck before lifting my head, carrying her into the bedroom and gently laying her down before i lay beside her, pulling her into my chest before i pull the blankets up over us.

'I love you.. so much my love. and i love our little peanut in your stomach, yous mean the absolute world to me, i will never let anyone hurt either of you.. please never forget that' i state, pressing my lips to her cheek.


'we're going to have to tell everyone we're having a baby soon, bub.. your starting to get your little bump so it wont be long before people notice' i speak before taking the last bite of my toast. she nods in agreement, putting the milk back into the fridge.

'announce it whenever you want, wes' she states, taking a sip of her tea. i give her a small nod, finishing off my orange juice before placing the cup into the sink, pressing a kiss to her lips after. 'i have to get to Keaton's. we're recoring today, we'll talk about our announcement when i get home ok?' i question, she nods.

I grab my keys before heading out. The short drive to my little brothers was good, hardly any traffic therefor i was there within 10 minutes thankfully.

'Wes!' Keats exclaims, giving me a quick hug before he pulls me inside. 'Hey Tyler!' i smile, hugging him as well before we all walk into the recording room Keaton recently set up.

'ok, so we're covering all about that base right?' Keats asks, i nod. taking some papers he hands me, 'me and Tyler changed the lyrics so its like.. a mans version i guess' he shrugs. i nod, reading over the changed parts in the song.

'It looks good, who is singing what?' I ask, he hands me another piece of paper that has our names written on the parts that we sung. 'Oh.. ok.. well lets get started then yeah?'.

*Chloe's POV*

'i can't believe your pregnant!' Breezie exclaims, i choke on my tea, having to swallow it harshly as i look wide eyed at her. 'Oh my gosh! im so sorry! Wesley told me to not let you know i knew but i just.. i had to!' she shouts.

I mentally slap Wesley for spilling the news, 'of course he did' i grumble, taking another sip of my tea. she frowns softly, 'you dont want me to know?' she sighs. i shake my head. 'No, its not that! its just.. i wanted us to tell everyone together.. but i guess Wes is just to excited' i huff.

she nods, 'his always wanted kids, and since Isaac was born i think he wanted a baby even more, being around him and all you know.. and i knew he wanted to start a family with you, so of course his excited, his getting everything he wanted'.

i nod, my eyes staying locked down at my crossed over ankles, sighing before taking the last few sips of my tea, placing the cup down on the coffee table. 'i know his excited, and so am i..' i trail off, looking down to the baggy shirt currently hiding my bump.

i smile softly, placing my hand down onto it, making it visible to Breezie now. She gasps, her eyes wide and locked on my belly once i look up. 'You wanna feel it?' i giggle, she nods.

I grab her hand, gently placing it on the rock hard bump. 'Oh my god' she whispers, i chuckle, 'haven't you felt a baby bump before..' i trail off, she nods. 'but it never EVER gets any less good!' she exclaims.

i chuckle, shaking my head. 'oh god' i whisper, 'i seriously cannot believe my brother is going to be a dad! and you are going to be a mum!' she giggles, removing her hand and sitting back against the lounge once more.

'we have to go shopping!' she adds, i nod, 'we really do! but i dont want to find out the sex of it.. i want it to be a surprise, im hoping Wes wants that to.. actually' i sigh, she nods her head. 'i bet he does, his one for surprises'.

we both stay silent for a while, both lost in our own thoughts until Breezie speaks. 'Does he want a girl or boy?' she asks, 'i think he wants a little girl' i nod, she smiles. 'his little princess.. what do you want?'.

i shrug, 'really, either, but i do want a little girl'.


'Are you ready?' Wes shouts, i sigh before opening the bathroom door, my heels clicking down the hallway as i enter the lounge room. 'yep' i speak.

'Oh my' Wes gasps, his eyes widdening slightly as he scans down my body, 'your baby bump is visible, thats good..' he trails off, i give him a small nod.

'are you sure this is how you want everyone to find out?' i question, he nods his head. 'i dont really want to make some big, We're having a baby announcement, i mean no one really does it, i just want them to see them bump and obviously, i'll be confirming it when asked' he grins.

i nod once more, taking his hand when he offers it. 'And what a better way for them to see your beautiful little bump, by taking you out for a romantic dinner' he smiles, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

We both make our way to the car, the drive only being 15 minutes before Wes is pulling into a carpark, turning the car off and locking it once we're out, his arm wrapping around my waist as we make our way to the restaurant.

the flashing of cameras burns my eyes and im thankful when we make it inside and away from the paps. 'Table for Wesley.' Wes speaks, the waitress nods before leading us towards the back to our table.

Once ordering our drinks and food we both sit in a peaceful silence, being able to enjoy just being here together.

'How do you think they'll take this?' Wes speaks, taking my hand in his and resting them on the table, i shrug. 'No idea..' i trail off, biting down on my bottom lip.

'Well either way, i really dont care, because im happy and your happy, and we're starting a family, i honestly couldn't be happier' he chuckles.

I nod in agreement, sending him a smile before our food is placed in front of us, Wes releases my hand to allow us both to be able to eat, making silly small talk throughout the meals.

'Tonight was good' he sighs contently, i nod my head in agreement, leaning back in my seat. 'You know... when i said i couldn't be happier, i lied' Wes speaks.

I swallow as i stare at him, 'w-what?' i stutter, he shrugs his shoulders. 'i lied' he states, i stay silent, my eyes locked on him as he stares down at the table.

'i mean... i could be marrying you but' he almost whispers, my breath hitches in my throat as my eyes widden, starring at him in disbelief. 'We-' i begin but he stands up, cutting me off completely.

'I love you, i love you so fucking much, and i know when a man is doing this he isn't meant to swear but hey..' he trails off, shrugging his shoulders as he smirks. 'this is me' he adds.

My jaw drops as he falls down to one knee, pulling out a velvet box from the back pocket of his black jeans. 'Baby, im so deeply in love with you and i know im just falling deeper and deeper every second, i've never been more in love and i know your the one for me, i know i want to spend my life with you.' he states.

He pops open the box, revealing the most stunning ring i had ever seen, a single tear rolls down my cheek as i try and smile, 'we're having a baby, and i thought this was the best next step, even though we have kinda done things a bit backwards but i wouldn't change it for the world, i love you, Chloe. Please, make me the happiest and luckiest man on the planet and Marry Me?' he smiles.




dun dun DUN!

oot oot oot

Their new cover :3 omfg..

its so amazing and they sound so sexy and oh shit

hi hi hi

how is everyoneeee?!

i hope yous are all good :D

i have a pretty hectic weekend planned so this could be the last update for a few days and i now its short but maybe, next week i'll double update in ONE DAY

im not making promises but i'll try ok :D

