Injury(Request )

I was currently getting ready for my match for the main event of Raw. It was gonna be me against Asuka for her Raw Women's Championship with at least 6,000 people in the crowd, watching, including my family. This will be my first ever championship match in 6 years. Make. every. second. count.

"KB, you good?". I turned around to see my bestfriend Rhea Ripley. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about the match against Asuka later on tonight". "I bet. I would too, if I were you. If you need to get anything off your chest, I'm always here for you". Rhea said that with a caring voice which made me take down my wall down a little. She waved her hand at me, gesturing me to come sit next to her on the bench. I dragged myself to the couch and sat down and took a deep breath. "I really dont think I can beat Asuka. This isnt the old Asuka that we used to be friends with and have matches with and be able to hang around with without worrying about if she will attack us at any given minute. We all seen what she did to Bianca at Night of Champions. Me beating Asuka is the last thing anyone, including you, would expect that to happen". Rhea had hugged me to reassure me that everything was okay. "Everything will be okay. Me, Liv, Bianca and your fans will be right there to support you. Look, I know your stressing out because of how Asuka is having a phychotic phase right now. We got you, okay?". I nodded my head and calmed down to gather my emotions. "Your right, I got this. Even if I dont get the title, the best thing I can do is put on a hella amazing show for the audience and make myself proud". "Thats what Im talking about right there, KB. Now go out there and end her title reign and set her mind set straight" Rhea had encouraged me. I didnt even say a word before I stood up, grabbed my mask and sped walked out the locker room. I put on my mask that matched my gear and stood at the gorilla, waiting for Sheamus to finish getting out the ring and enter the gorilla after getting beat by Drew MyIntyre.

As I am waiting, I seen Asuka staring at me from the corner of my eyesight. Before I could even face her, my body froze as if something had tooken over my body. I repeated what Rhea had told me in the locker room and I calmed myself down. I turned towards her and confonted her with a "serious" facial expression. "Wish you good luck, Asuka". "Kimi wa shinudarou" Asuka had spoken back as she walked passed me, giving me a death glare. Her response nearly had me sick to my stomach. Telling me, I was going to die. "Good luck out there, KB" sheamus had patted you on the back, making you escape your thoughts. "Yeah, thanks sheamus".

Asuka's theme music started to play as she took one last look at me before putting on her mask and leaving to do her entrance. I could only stand there and continue thinking about how I most likely will not be okay after this match. Knowing the strength, skill, agility diiference between me and her is only making this worse for me. "KB, your theme is playing" the director had said. I walked out the curtains to around 6,000 people putting their attention on me. I looked at the crowd and listened to the cheers. I stared at the ring while walking down the ramp to finish my entrance. I passed all the hands that were trying to tag me and hopped onto the ring apron and got into the ring.

Graves: "Cole, KB seems really out of it dont you think?"

Cole: "Yeah corey, i agree. She didnt tag anyone, she didnt do her signature pose, nothing"

Graves: "She just has a scared, pale face as if she is gonna faint"

The announcer had made their annoucments and the match was about to start. The referee had signaled for the bell to be rung, so thats what they did. They rang the bell. The match has offically started. No backing out now.

You and asuka went to the center of the ring and stared at each other for what it seemed like hours. Asuka had performed a spinning back hand but missed and instantly went for a spinning kick to my head. I tumbled a little bit but caught myself before I got myself into a postition that I wont be able to get out of. I went to run towards the ropes but got caught by Asuka as she grabbed me by my pants and suplexed me. Trying to roll to the ropes, she grabbed me by my legs and dragged me to the middle of the ring. She pinned me to try and secure the win. 

1! 2-

kick out

I had got myself to sit up and get onto the knees before getting kicked in the chest. Asuka noticed I didnt go back to the floor and I had stayed in the kneeling postion. She kicked me again in the chest and wondered why I wasnt going down. "Come on, Auska! Bring it!". With that, she in fact did bring it. Asuka kicked me in the face and basically flattend me. She then grabbed a handfull of my hair and picked me up to my feet. She started to scream at me in my face in japanese. Hearing the crowd cheer for me, I built up courage to try and fight back and slapped her in the face. I knew that was a bad idea but i couldnt think of anything else to do as of right now. Asuka didnt even bugde, but she did let me hair go. Asuka stared me down, giving me a warning. I took a step back and instantly rolled out of the ring an started to run. I turned back to see Asuka tailing me. I ran back into the ring and went towards the ropes again. I ran against the ropes, turning around, and getting sprayed in the face with a liquid spray. I didnt understand what it was for a second until it started to burn. Blue mist. She used the damn blue mist on me. The burning sensation kept getting worse and all I could do is scream in pain and try to get it off but really I was making it worse. I couldnt see anything but i could hear Asuka laughing and the ref screaming a towel to help me. Asuka grabbed my chin and smashed my head into the mat, holding me there. "Get off of me! Ahhh!" my screaming was helpless. She wouldnt get off. Tears started to fill up my eyes and fell down my face. 

Asuka dragged me by my arm and put me into a kimura arm lock. My screams grew louder, echoing throughout the stadium. Hearing the crack in my arm while trying to escape from the lock made me think about my career. Am I still gonna be able to wrestle? There were multiple ref's at this point but none of them could get her off of me. 

Graves: "Wait! Is that Rhea Ripley and Bianca Belair!?"

Cole: "It it! Their here to help KB!"

Rhea and Bianca came running down the ramp and rolled into the ring. They pulled Asuka off of me and instantly started to beat on her. I couldnt move. I was barely keeping my eyes open. Bianca came up to me while Rhea was still getting on Asuka. "Keep your eyes open, the EMS are coming to get you" bianca reassured me. Asuka slipped from Rhea's hands and she went for the riptide and Asuka got away and made her way up the ramp with a smile on her face. The EMS had gotten to the ring with their spinal board. I could tell Rhea wasnt done with Asuka and she wanted to tear her apart. "Is she gonna be okay" rhea asked the EMS but she didnt get an answer. The EMS were focusing on getting me onto the strecher and into the ambulance truck, backstage. 


"This is all my fault. Im so stupid". rhea was currently stressing out in the ambulance truck. I looked at her, trying to speak even thought the burning was still hurting in my throat and in my eyes. "Its not your fault, Rhea" i said trying to comfort her. "It is, KB. I shouldnt have talked you into going through with that match. I encouraged you to go into that ring, knowing she is dangerous. If I hadnt did that, you would be injured right now. I thought since I had beat asuka then you would be able to do it. Then i remembered we didnt fight the same Asuka. Im so sorry KB, I really am sorry for putting you in this postition". Rhea grabbed my hand and held it while crying.

"I forgive you, Rhea. But lets be real here. I also made myself do it. I have been wanting to prove to so many people and even myself that im worthy of being a wrestler and being in that ring with all of those talented women, including you. Now if I ever go against her again, Ill be more ready for her. And I will take that title and we will both be champions". 

Rhea had calmed down and nodded her head telling me that she understood. 

"We are at the hospital"


Sorry for taking HELLA long to post this. Im not even gonna talk about how busy i am bc i know u guys are tired of hearing that which is understandable. i hope u enjoyed this. have a nice day MosherZ.
