Betrayal P.3

(LAST PART)Ik I lied and said it was gonna be only 2parts to this one shot but I decided to make a part 3 to this cause someone asked me to last week and I haven't posted in some months because of personal reasons. I'm not officially back yet, idk when I will be back officially. Maybe during the summer but idk. ENJOY!


It has been 8 months since my arm injury from WrestleMania. Things have still been the same between me and Rhea ever since the backstage fight. She doesn't interact with me in anyway unless it's a mean glare and it's the same way I am with her.

Today is the day I officially get back in the ring against her to settle things for once and for all. Its going to be me vs Rhea Ripley at Day 1. Also of course she is going to have her boys and her Dom Dom with her at ringside. Rhea still hasn't figured out that I'm facing her at Day 1 since I wanted it to be a surprise to everyone, including the backstage staff and other wrestlers.

I just got done with putting on my gear that my lovely girlfriend made for me. Yep! I got a new girlfriend already and our relationship has been going wonderful. I get these butterflies even thinking about her. I love her so much, so happy she can be here during my return.

I looked in the mirror fixing my hair and gear before walking out of my locker room. It was pretty much time for me to go out and do my entry. As I was walking to the gorilla, Rhea's music started to play as she and the rest of judgement day went along with her to do their entrance.

Few minutes later, Rhea was standing in the ring waiting for her opponent to come out. Soon the light cut off and my theme(Dead but pretty by Icepeak) soon started to play and I and the crowd got extremely hyped. As for Rhea though....she didn't seem so excited.

I walked out to the ramp and stood there waiting for the lights to turn back on when the beat dropped. When the lights turned back on it revealed you staring back at Rhea Ripley with a evil smirk on my face.

I slowly started to walk down the ramp as the music continued playing. I then got into the ring and did my signature pose on the ropes. I turned back to look at Rhea's reaction and it was PRICELESS! She is gonna get what she deserves and she will feel exactly what I felt when she betrayed me.

My theme then stopped playing as I got down from the ropes. I stood in the corner across from Rhea and watched her as she looks like she had seen a ghost.

The ref checked to see if we both were ready to start the match and we both nodded. The ref signaled to bell to ring and the match had officially started.

Rhea and I stood in the middle of the ring staring at each other listening to the chants coming from the crowd.

"Didn't I run you out of this company 8 months ago? You don't deserve to be here. What are you gonna do? Ruin WWE like how you did our relationship and our title reign, because that is all your capable of doing" Rhea said confidently. "Admit it Rhea. We both held each other back from improving our careers. This isn't all on me. But tonight, I will make you regret hurting me. And I'll do it to where you feel every emotion I did everyday, while waiting to get back into the ring with you and hurt you" I said before stepping closer to Rhea.

Rhea threw a punch but you dodged it and ran against the ropes, running back towards Rhea to perform the hurricarana. She landed on the floor and struggled to get back to her feet which caused to to fall again into the corner.

I raised my hands signaling for the crowd to cheer louder. My momentum grew as I listened to the cheering. I ran towards Rhea, whom is still in the corner and hit her with a knee to the face. She tumbled to the floor on her hands and knees Infront of the corner and this was the time to end the match. I know it's time.

I went up to the top rope and got ready to do my finisher. As I went down to stomp Rhea's head into the mat she got pulled out of the ring by Dominik. You felt a little shock in your ankle when you hit the mat but you shook it off. "Are you serious right now? GET IN THIS RING!". You expected the judgement day to try and interfere in with the match so it wasn't much of an surprise that he did that.

You rolled out of the ring to confront Dominik but got pushed into the staircase. You screamed in pain as Rhea and the rest of judgement day laughed as they watched you holding your shoulder in pain. Rhea finished laughing and picked you up and rolled you back into the ring. She wen for the pin.
"Kick out at 2!" Corey said from the commentary.

Rhea picked me up and put me on her shoulder. She then proceeded to hang me on the ropes by my stomach. Rhea got on the outside of the ropes by the ring post and ran towards you, kicking you in the head with a big boot.

You flipped outside of the ring and fell onto the floor. Rhea came down to the floor and picked you up, standing you against the barricade. "This is who you guys cheer for!? A worthless so called wrestler? Give me that soda, kid" Rhea told a kid fan sitting there watching the match. The kid got scared of Rhea so they gave the soda to Rhea as she said. Rhea took the top off the cup and raised the cup in the air, taunting. She gabbed me by my hair and pushed her body against mine so I couldn't move. I tried my best to escape but she was too strong. She poured the soda onto my face and threw me onto the floor. I didn't know how to react so I just sat there as she went to go pose and laugh with her boys.

I wiped the soda off of my eyes and got up off the floor. You seen she had her back turned so you snatched a drink from someone in the crowd and walked up to Rhea. "Hey, Rhea" and she turned around to the sound of hearing her name. You threw the soda into her face and kept hitting her with the cup. You grabbed her and ran her into the barricade and watched her crash into the barricade as it broke. "Hey Rhea! The girl that you just called a worthless wrestler just beat your ass! And is going to walk away with the victory tonight!" I said with confidence filling my body.

You dragged Rhea back into the ring and set her up for a finisher to pay tribute to Sasha Banks after she left WWE and to remind Rhea of how she lost at WrestleMania.

You set her up for the back stabber and completed the finisher and you now put Rhea in the bank statement submission move.

Rhea struggled to get free from the submission after trying everything to get free. You pulled harder as she screamed louder in pain. She soon realized there was only one option left....she tapped.

The ref called for the bell and you let go of Rhea and laid next to Rhea on the mat in disbelief and exhaustion. The match was over. You showed Rhea and yourself that your worth something. You seen Rhea struggling to get up but she still managed to stand up. She looked down at you and put out a hand to help you up. You thought before taking her hand and standing up.

You two stood there staring at each other, wondering what to do or say. I spread my arms out and invited Rhea in for a hug and she hugged me back. "You did great, sweetie" Rhea said while still hugging you. "Same to you Rhea" you responded and let go of the hug.

You raised Rhea's hand up in the air as the crowd cheered for the both of you.

It is currently 1:30am and I'm still up bc I chose to try and finish my chalk project for art class and I'm struggling so hard but I can't even ask the teacher for help. And then I had another painting I wanted to work on and try to practice my drawing and shading skills also. And I got some other stuff keeping me up right now.
I'm fr so damn tired but I will go to sleep in about 2 hours.

I missed yall low-key ngl but I've been too busy with things and I barely have my device. I had to lie once again to get my phone back.

Anyways, I hope y'all have been having a good day and things have been going well for you guys.

I'm so proud of you guys honestly I am. Your doing amazing and I love you guys so damn much, mwah!🖤❤️🖤❤️
