Betrayel p2

Author's Note: This will be the last part of the oneshot. Usually when I do one shots and do more than 1 part it will always on be a limit of 2 parts. So yuh...

Rhea's POV

You were pacing back and forth through a small empty hallway when Renee walked up to you with a microphone in hand.

"Sorry to interrupt you Rhea but can you explain why you attacked your partner and also your own girlfriend after the WrestleMania match last week?"

You stopped and glared at her for a second before giving her a response

"Let's get this straight, she isn't my partner nor my girlfriend because if she was, she would have helped me. And also did you get my permission to come up to me? No you didn't, so I suggest you get out of my face or this will not end well for you"

Renee quickly walked away, in shock. You were so frustrated at the moment you just wanted to hurt someone.

Jaime POV

You were walking around backstage looking for Rhea. You felt so horrible after not being able to save the match for you and Rhea. She hasn't texted nor called since then.

You walked into a empty hallway and seen her throwing things around.

You watched until she spotted you. She stared at you as you walked up to her. "I'm sorry"

"Are you serious? That's all you have to say for yourself after what happened". "Fine then, I give up trying to make things better for a chance. You should be blaming yourself for not being strong enough to break out of the banks statement. It's your fault we lost" You tried walking away but Rhea attacked you from behind and knocked you to the floor.

You instantly got up and punched rhea in the face. She punched back and you and her were throwing punches repeatedly. Other superstars came to break up the fight but we're struggling to break you two apart. Rhea threw you into the wall, making you hit the injured arm. You fell on the floor and Rhea got yelled back by some of the superstars. The medical assistant helped you up and took you to the medical room.

As you were leaving you heard Rhea screaming trying to get out of the grip of the people holding her back.

At this point you didn't care about Rhea or whatever happened in the past. You just wanted to end her career and move on with yours. Both of us has been holding each others career back.

"I'm going to end her as fast as I can" u said, sitting on the medical bed

"Yeah after you get this arm healed fully and get you back on track". The doctor gave you pain pills and let you leave.

"Also don't come back to work until your arm is healed just to help you stay away from Rhea"

"Okay, thanks Doctor Flynn"

I'm over here scared in the school bathroom trying my best not to get caught. I'm doing my makeup and drinking monsters.

Living the life rn (ꈍᴗꈍ)
