Chapter -7

Thanks for 500+ reads! I really appreciate the support that's just flying here!

This is short so yeah

Anyways have a good day :D


You and Deimos began walking on your back to the base. You two were holding hands and it felt nice holding his hand. You really enjoyed that moment so much. You wanted it to be longer, but it was kinda getting dark so you had to leave either way.

Every few minutes you and Deimos would look at one another and smiled. You two would play fight a little every once and a while. Just giving little punches that never meant to hurt. And maybe some little smacks here and there. But still though, you two were just play fighting.

Your legs began to hurt, you felt like you couldn't walk anymore. Deimos noticed you were in pain. Deimos decided to pick you up and carry you. At first you were a bit confused but still though, you knew you'll be safe in his hands.

"Thanks for picking me up Deimos." You said.

"Eh it's whatever just tryna help my girl." Deimos replied.

You giggled softly "You and I are gonna have a great time together." You said.

"Oh you. Calm yourself will ya?" Deimos replied.

"Wish I could- well I mean-" Deimos stopped you for a moment.

"Save those words when we get home darling~" Deimos said.

You nodded your head and you stayed quiet. You enjoyed the silence that aroused. And the sound of the wind passing by was very relaxing. You couldn't help but wanted to slowly close your eyes and.

But you need opened your eyes again and maybe wanted to daydream for the rest of time. But what would you daydream about? Having sex with Deimos? Accomplish all of your dreams? Be able to go back in time?

Or maybe you can day dream of that dream house you always wanted. Just lying I the forest and it was just a humble place where you, your lover, and your friends can live in. It would have everything you would ever wanted.

But could you even reach for those things? They seem so far away but maybe they are close enough for you to touch. But still though how could that be true? You can't really have everything unless you work your ads off to get it.

And that's how dreams can be true. If you work hard and never give up and keep holding that Dream in your hand. You might actually make it and accomplish it all on your own. Even if people didn't believe you. You didn't have to listen. Your better off with the people who want you to succeed.

~five minutes later~

You and Deimos made it back to the base and Deimos placed you down so you could walk inside. When you went inside, Sanford was asleep on the couch. You assumed he must've gotten tired and couldn't make it to the room.

You passed on by and headed fir the stairs. Deimos was just following you until you finally made it to your room. You turned around and Deimos wasn't there. You assumed he needed to do something.

You went to close the door and you headed straight for the bed. You literally jumped on it the first thing. Before you could even get comfortable, someone was knocking on the door.

I was trying to get comfortable but this ruined the mood. You thought to yourself. You got up and went to the door again. You opened the door and it wasn’t Deimos, it was Sanford and Hank.

"Are we allowed to come in?" Sanford asked.

"Yeah you can." You replied.

You moved over so that way Sanford and Hank could come in. Sanford closed the door and locked it. You were a little concerned and also worried. Sanford and Hank also had concerned looks too. Oh no. . What happened? Is everything. You thought to yourself, now you were scared.

"We have some unfortunate news about Deimos, I don't believe you haven't noticed but. . ." Sanford stopped himself because he needed a moment.

"Sanford. . We have to tell her, we have no choice." Hank said.

You were confused and also felt like you were going to cry. Maybe it was something that wasn't too bad.

"Deimos is slowly losing his voice and Doc mentioned that he may develop. . . Stage two lung cancer. . ." Sanford said.

Thanks for reading! Another chapter coming soon!

Have a g'day! And Ily /p

And sorry for the depressing cliff hanger.

