Chapter -2

It was around four in the afternoon and someone is knocking on your door. You slowly open your eyes and got up from your bed. When you opened the door, you saw Hank.

"Oh, good mornin Hank." You said.

"Mornin, no missions for today." Hank replied.

Hank walked away, at first you were a bit confused but it was better to not question for uncertainty. Before you could even close the door Deimos, out of all people, it was Deimos.

Deimos walks into the room and is just looking around. He stared at you and blow a kiss at you. You slightly turned red a little but calmed yourself before you drove yourself crazy. Deimos is making me feel some type of way. I think he's obsessed with me but maybe he's just very nice around me. You thought to yourself.

"You better not be smoking in y/n's room Dei!" Sanford shouted.

"Fuck this dude" Deimos muttered.

He sounded very irritated that he couldn't have one day to smoke. Sanford was always on his ass about it and you didn't really like seeing Deimos upset.

"Hey, please don't get upset. I don't like it when your upset. I like it when your happy and full of energy." You said.

That last part kinda just slipped out of your mouth.

"I try to be all happy and shit but y'know. . ." Deimos replied.

"It's okay to be sad Deimos, we all have our days like me." You said.

You decided to give him a hug and at first he was confused to what you were doing. But he hugged you back, he smelled like cigarettes and cologne but you liked the smell.

"Your a good hugger." You said.

Deimos chuckled "and how did you know darling?" Deimos asked.

"What do you mean? Just a little compliment." You replied.

"I'm just joking, I know I'm a good hugger." Deimos said.

You the stared at him for a moment. He looked back at you. You wanted to ask him why he blow a kiss at you but was it worth to ask? You needed some time to build up some courage before even trying to say it.

"Hey Deimos. ." You said in a soft tone.

"Yes darling?" Deimos said.

"I was wondering why. .." You took some deep breaths and build up the courage. "Why did you blow a kiss and keep giving me n-n-nicknames?" You asked.

"Oh well uh-" Deimos sracth the back of his neck for a second. He blushed a little, he looked away for a moment and then looked back at you.

"I uhhh- uhhh. . Are you uncomfortable?" Deimos asked.

"No I'm just a bit curious. I'm not uncomfortable or anything but still though why?" You said.

"Well. . Dont worry too much, I usually like to flirt around with certain people in particular." Deimos replied.

"But hey, don't worry what I say to you. Your better off ignoring it." Deimos said.

"Oh okay then. . ." You replied.

"Like you'll ever love me. . ." Deimos muttered.

"Did you say something?" You asked.

"What?! Me? Nah! I wouldn't say shit! You must be imaging so really fucking stupid!" Deimos exclaimed.

"Yeah, maybe I am imaging a bunch of stupid shit again. ." You said.

"That was cute" Deimos muttered again.

"Did you say something? Deimos you can tell me." You said.

"I need to take some fresh air. ." Deimos replied.

"Oh um. . Okay. . ." You said.

Deimos then left your room and you decided to organize your room since it was kinda a bit messy. You wanted to know what Deimos had said. But was it worth to question?

You really wanted to know so badly. But then another thought went by. . It was about him, yet you couldn't help yourself but turn red. I like him don't I? You thought to yourself.

You had to admit one thing, you did like him. But how do you tell him, it's only been one day of knowing him and you already like him? Maybe your just moving way too fast.

But you were just in a relationship like six months ago that unfortunately didnt go so well. You told yourself that you didn't want to be in another relationship. Maybe Deimos was the one for you, but what if he was the same like your last one?

You decided that it was best to give some days or some months to get to know him very well. And then maybe you'll think about it. It's too early to be in relationships for you. You just went through a lot of torture like hell and your just not ready.

Deimos POV

I was out in the back of the base smoking like the usual. I can't stop thinking about y/n. For some reason she just is something to me. I've been thinking about her every since she joined our little squad.

My mind feels empty and the only thought is. . . Y/n. . . But what would it take to confess to her or to even have the courage? Will it take killing her rivals? Protecting her?

A sight of blood? We all have red on our insides, I seen so much blood in my life. . . . But y'know. . . Red doesn't have to equal to blood or murder or a homicide. . . It can. . sometimes. . . Equal to. . .


The red is sometimes means romantic stuff towards others. But I mean I don't think y/n would want to be with me. But I'm like madly in love with her already. But I feel like she's been in another relationship before and isn't ready yet.

But if I think about it, it's been only a day of knowing her and plus, Hank and Sanford don't trust her, nor does she trust them yet. She probably thinks that Hank or Sanford might kill her.

But hey, I don't blame neither of them so there's no problem here. If anything, it's better to give it time, any moves can happen because if you move too fast, more events happen more faster.

~five minutes ahead~

I then noticed Sanford coming by, I guess he wanted some fresh air to. I looked away from him, I knew he was staring at me, I try my best to not be nervous around him.

"You've been smoking in y/n's room haven't you?" Sanford said.

"What? No. You fucking told me not to duh!"

"Yea ok. Let's see if you could not smoke for a whole damn month." Sanford replied.

"You got to fucking kidding me right? I am not gonna spend an entire fucking month not smoking! I can't even spend a week without smoking!" I exclaimed.

"Hmm. . Just trying to save your ass from dying of lung cancer but okay." Sanford replied.

"Like you ever gave a damn!" I said.

"Alright then. Have fun dying." Sanford replied.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I said.

Sanford then left and I continued smoking. I developed this addiction when I was little so it never really bothered me. Like my parents never really cared about me, and plus, they were never even fucking there with me.

I had to be raised by other mother fuckers in my life. And how I developed my stealth and murderous intentions was because I wanted to protect myself from that damn agency.

The A.A.H.W was shitty and was stupid as hell. I used to be in it myself but then after finding out what the A.A.H.W was really doing. I had to quit immediately. And plus we were literally in a damn apocalypse and we literally had one goal.

That goal was to kill anyone who was against the boss I guess. To be honest I don't even fucking know what the main goal was even. Sometimes I wish I could just. . . Murder them for my own satisfaction. . . I punched the wall that was behind me multiple times and my hands were bleeding. Just how I wanted it when I murder my enemies barehanded.

But I couldn't stop thinking so much about it. I had to think something positive or else I might loose my shit. And then I thought of y/n, I turn red every time I think about her. She really got into my head didn't she? Now I couldn't help but think of her.

Maybe it is true. I'm completely obsessed with her. I want her all to myself and only I can have her. And if I can't get have her. . Then no one can. . She's literally the only thing that brings warmth, comfort, and colors through my eyes.

But wait. I'm going ahead of myself I sound crazy even thinking of that. I need time, time is more important. Or maybe it might come by quickly.

I hope she loves me back like how I love her.


You were relaxing on the couch just watching some T.V, you enjoyed the peace and queit that aroused around the living room. There were some noises coming from the kitchen.

But that was Sanford cooking up food, but you couldn't even hear the noises yourself. You were too comfy on the couch and just wanted to block all the noises. You then slowly closed your eyes. You were daydreaming about driving at night.

You then felt the couch getting a bit deeper and you slowly opened you eyes and you saw Deimos. You kinda turned red a little but calmed yourself down before anything could happen.

"Do you needed something?" You said trying to not sound rude in a way.

"No. . I'm just waiting for lunch to be done." Deimos said.

"I hope the wings don't come with buffalo dressing. The most disgusting dressing ever." Deimos said.

"I mean, can't you asked for like ranch or something?" You asked.

"Yea I really like ranch. Ranch is good." Deimos said.

"Then asked Sanford for ranch instead." You replied.

"Yea, as if he'll have any." Deimos said.

Sanford came out of the kitchen with food in his hand. He placed the food on the table. Deimos noticed that there was ranch dressing and buffalo dressing.

He smiled and looked very excited. You couldn't help but giggle quietly. You began to turn red because you like it when he's so happy.

"You good there y/n? Your very red." Sanford said, he must've caught you looking at Deimos the entire time.

"Oh, me? Yea I'm good." You replied, you calmed yourself down once again.

"Kinda strange how you and Deimos always turn kinda red around eachother." Sanford mumbled.

"The fuck did you say Sanford?" Deimos asked.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, lunch is served." Sanford replied.

Sanford then left to go upstairs, you went to grab a wing. But you were off guard and you and Deimos somehow went for the same wing. Your hands were touching, you two look at each other and both turned red immediately.

Deimos then removed his hand from your hand. Damn, his hand was so soft, I wished he just left it there you thought. You decided to take the wing and began eating it. Deimos did the same, he dipped his wing of the ranch while you dipped yours on the buffalo.

After you two were done with your wings, you decided to take your plate to the sink to get it washed. You then flet something your back. While washing your dish,your hips were being wrapped around, it kinda turned you on.

You realize it was Deimos hugging you from behind. He gave you a little kiss on your cheek and you started to be really red again. You enjoyed his arms being wrapped around your waist.

"Someone is blushing." Deimos said.

"Oh shut the fuck up. I'm trying to wash my dish silly, now let me go." You replied.

Deimos gave you another kiss on the cheek "Do your dish while I'm hugging you." Deimos said, his voice got deeper when he said that.

"Hey Deimos, Sanford wanna talk to you about something." Hank said.

Deimos then let you go he turned around to face Hank and he looked kinda upset.

"Kinda ruin the moment y'know?" Deimos replied.

Hank rolled his eyes and left the kitchen, Deimos made his way out of the kitchen and upstairs to go and see Sanford in his room. You were done with your dish. You decided to wash Deimos dish and place both plates on the drying rack.

You then went back to the living room but before you could sit on the couch, you looked from the corner of your eye and you saw a a little library. You wondered who liked reading books.

But you didn't feel like checking it out, you yawned for a moment, you were tired and felt so sleepy. Maybe it would be better to go to your room and sleep.

As you were going upstairs and before even going to the second floor you heard some bickering down the hallway. You wanted to go check it out so you began making your way down the hallway.

When you made it, you heard Sanford's voice and also Deimos's. They were talking about you, you felt like it was something bad but then you listened very closely and Sanford mentioned about how Deimos and you should go night driving.

Your eyes widen and you were so hyped because it was going to be good. Until you heard Sanford say he was lying and that you or Deimos shouldn't go night driving.

You mood completely changed and now you were just upset. You decided to go upstairs and head straight for your room. You closed the door and threw yourself onto the bed. Now you were just sad, you wished that would've happened.

You covered yourself under your blanket and began to cry. The last time when you actually drove a car at night was when you were stressed out. But then again nowadays you can't even leave your own home without dying along the way.

You would have to bring a weapon around you at all cost, or by any means. . A whole gun, ever since all the killings and everything, no one isn't really safe anymore if you have to be honest with yourself.

So even if you did try to attempt to go driving at night, you had a be aware of your surroundings at all times. And never engage with anyone that you don't know about it. It's a dangerous game and you have to play it fair.

Sanford's POV

"So I have a question to ask you." I said.

"Oh what now? I thought you were done talking. God you have a huge fucking mouth don't you?" Deimos said.

"Are you obsessed with y/n?" I question Deimos.

"No. . Why would I be obsessed with her?" Deimos said.

"Well I mean." I chuckled for a moment and crossed my arms "You two have been getting close every since day one." I replied

"Well yes, that's just how friendships work. Maybe our friendship just magically became really good." Deimos said.

"As if, I don't think that friendship will definitely not become a relationship within the next few days." I replied.

"Did I not fucking tell you that were just friends? We literally just have a really good bond. God your annoying!" Deimos exclaimed.

He was very upset about what I said to him but I mean, maybe that was wrong of me to even say that towards him. Maybe the both of them are just really good friends.

"Okay, okay, my fault. Now calm yourself or you'll be sorry." Sanford said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Deimos replied.

Deimos then left my room and I began to wonder. What if Deimos and y/n actually did started to become a thing and I wouldn't even know myself. Wait to be honest, I would've already know by then.

Because those two always seem to be together all the time. Well. . Not all the time, but they have their moments. But still though. I wouldn't bother trying to ruin anything in particular.

~four hours ahead~


You were sitting on your bed reading reading through an old book you had when you were younger. It's had been years ever since you read the book. You had read up to the third chapter and you were enjoying it.

You looked at the time and it was 8:07, gee I guess waking up late wasn't such a good a idea you thought. But quite frankly, you were passed out because of that falling yesterday.

Matter infact, you questioned how you even passed out from that. I guess you weren't so used to falling from such things like a watch tower or anything high.

You then heard knocking on the door. The door opened and it was Hank, he closed the door and locked it. He then made his way to your bed.

"May I? See your neck?" Hank asked.

"Um. . Sure." You answered.

Hank began touching your neck, you were still in pain. It hurt really badly, you let out a loud groan. You thought it would be healed but no it was still bleeding and the bandages had gotten old.

"Seems like these are old. And the wound is still really bad." Hank said.

"Ow! Yea I just put these on. I guess they weren't so good." You replied.

Hank took our some bandages from his pocket that looked very new and so he slowly removed the old one and began wrapping the new on. The pain was bad that you almost cried but kept it in.

After Hank had finished with wrapping the bandages. He did a little check to see if the bandages stayed. And afterward, Hank got up from your bed and made his way to the door.

He unlocked the door and opened it and left. You then saw Deimos checking to see if Hank had left and then he came in quietly and closed the door. You smiled a little.

Deimos went to your bed and he sat the opposite way not facing you. You began to worry what had happened. You only heard about the whole driving at night.

But then you heard the bed move and Deimos was right next to you you were definitely caught off guard by his movements. He must be very good at being very queit.

"Damn, Hank did a good job bandaging your neck. I thought he wouldn't actually do it." Deimos said.

"You knew about the cut around my neck?" You asked.

"Yeah, actually I saw what the cut looked like. Gee who the fuck busted your ass when you were all alone?" Deimos replied.

"I got it when I woke up from a nightmare. I actually don't know how I got it. I think someone was trying to cut my head off but failed to." You said.

"Well that's just fucking werid. Why would hurt someone like you?" Deimos asked.

"My- my- nevermind. It's kinda too personal to say. You wouldn't get it, it's hard for anyone to understand- my-. . ." Before you could say anything your flashbacks of all the traumas of what your ex had left you.

All the abuse, torture, being neglected, abandoned, and also unloved by someone who "loved" you. You began to cry and Deimos hugged you tightly. You didn't wanted to remember the past.

You hugged Deimos backed and cried even more. You started shaking and Deimos never let you go. He stayed the entire time while you tried your best to calm yourself.

~five minutes later~

Deimos came back with a cup of water and passed it to you. You slowly drank the water and the cold water calmed you. It reminded you the moment of you being the rain one time.

Deimos sat down next to you again. You looked away from him and covered your eye with some of your hair. You can feel or can tell how upset he looks. He then moved your hair to one end and moved your head to look at him.

"Sorry for what I said. I didn't knew it would affect you badly. Please forgive me." Deimos said in a queit tone.

"It's fine. And why are you being so quiet?" You questioned Deimos.

"I'm usually like this when I'm apologizing to someone I truly care about. Your one of many I truly care about." Deimos said.

"But. . . What about. . Sanford and. . Hank?" You asked.

"I worry about them to. But to the ones that I'm really connected with, I would wanna check up on them everyday. Make sure they are okay, and don't let them die in times like this." Deimos answered.

"But I've lost many when growing up. So that's why I tend to be alone because I don't got the people I used to talk to a lot." Deimos said.

"Oh. . . That's how you develop your addiction to smoking. . ?" You questioned.

"Well not really. I started smoking at a very young age. But then stopped and then I'm back at my roots." Deimos answered.

"Damn, you've been through a lot of shit haven't you?" You replied.

"Yea, even before and the starting of this madness. It wasn't a great experience to see them die infront of you." Deimos said.

"You reminded me of them. Thats why I give you those nicknames and is kinda touchy around you." Deimos said.

"Its clear now. I thought you were flirting with me but I guess I was wrong. . ." You replied.

"Now that you know. I hope you'll be okay. Ima head out to my room, goodnight beautiful." Deimos said.

He gave you a kiss on the cheek. And he got up from your bed but before he could take a step forward you grabbed his wrist.

"I want you to stay with me. I don't feel like I'll be able to sleep alone any time soon." You said.

"Okay. I'll sleep with you if you don't mind at all. Now lemme go get changed and we can sleep together." Deimos replied.

~five minutes pass by~

You changed into a pale yellow shirt and wore some black dirty shorts. Deimos had a t-shirt and some long saggy pants.

You had been waiting for Deimos, when he got on the bed. You were almost about to fall asleep, but he turned you over to face him and he brought your body closer to his.

You had your face near his chest, it warm and it made you fall asleep. Deimos gave you a little forehead kiss and said 'I love you' and you said 'I love you to'.



G'day my friend! I hope your doing alright!

Another chapter coming soon.

