Chapter -11

I apologize for being out for so long. I just lost a lot of motivation but I'm back with some energy hope you enjoy it (sort of forgot this existed to lmao) but hey enjoy!

~one month earlier~

Deimos POV

"So Deimos, how long have you Y/N have been, y'know, a thing?" Doc asked.

"We've been dating for awhile now, why you ask Doc?" I asked.

"No, just wondering, because I've never thought of you being in a relationship." Doc said.

I stayed quiet for a second, kinda strange Doc is asking me these questions. It's sort of ticking me off, I hope he's not trying to fucking start anything. If he trys to hook up with her then he'll get it.

"Why you never thought of me being a relationship?" I asked.

"Doesn't seem like a thing you would do." Doc replied.

Well that's something, I've been in multiple relationships before. Nothing new to me of crouse, for the most part. This relationship with me and Y/N is the longest one I've ever been in. I'm glad I've found someone like her.

"I'm going to be outside smoking, if someone needs me let them know Doc." I said.

"Ok." Doc replied.


You were in your room trying out some new outfits. They were mostly guy clothes but hey they weren't much. Someone was knocking on the door.

"One second!" You said, you put on some shorts and a black hoodie and went to open the door.

"Oh hey Sanford, you need something?" You asked.

"Can I talk to you about something? I feel like this should be mentioned to you personally." Sanford said.

"Umm. . Yeah, come in." You replied.

You moved aside and Sanford closed the door and leaned against the wall.

"Has Doc been bothering you lately?" Sanford asked.

"Well.." You got queit and Sanford raised his eyebrow. You saw him crossing his arms again. He had a stiff stern look on his face.

"Not really, he only talks to me when Deimos isn't around." You said.

"That says a lot." Sanford replied.

"Yeah, I don't know why..." You said.

"Listen, if Doc does anything. You should let Deimos know about it." Sanford replied.

"Ok, I will, I just wish Doc stops bothering me whenever Deimos isn't around. Makes me feel uncomfortable." You said.

"Don't worry Y/N, Deimos will do anything to protect you." Sanford replied.

Sanford left the room and closed the door. You remembered ever since Doc was told that you and Deimos were a thing. He began to talk to you more when Deimos wasn't around. He wouldn't say anything sexual or anything werid. He would just ask normal questions like 'how was your day' or 'what have you been doing?'.

Doc would give out compliments and may ask if you wanted have lunch with him one day. You didn't mind the compliments, just like Deimos compliments more. You just weren't ok with Doc asking if you would like to have lunch with him.

You hope Sanford or even Deimos does something about this. It might get worse if no one does something about it.

Deimos POV

I was sitting on the bench and I saw Sanford, he sat next to me. I'm hoping my plan is actually working and maybe I can get a clue. A clue if Doc is really trying to start something.

"You got some info big guy?" I asked.

"Yeah, want me to spill the beans?" Sanford asked.

"Well no shit sherlock, I wanna know if Doc tryna steal my girl man." I said.

"Well I went to have a little talk with Y/N and she said that Doc only talks to her when your not around. And she doesn't really like it." Sanford replied.

I felt hot boil going down my veins and I immediately punched the wall. I was already mad enough, to calm myself down I lit up and cigarette and puff it up. I'm not gonna let Doc be like this, I knew something was up.

"So what do you wanna do after knowing about this?" Sanford asked. He sounded a bit nervous after I punched the wall and left a crack.

I grinned menacingly, "just go with the plan Sanford. Just keep the info coming to me and I'll deal with him." I replied.

"So your gonna just wait for the right moment?" Sanford asked.

"Well Sanford if you think about it, we don't really have a lot of information yet and don't know Doc's intentions yet. For now I just need info." I said.

"Ok whatever you say man. Just worry about Y/N's safety ok?" Sanford said.

"Ok gotcha." I replied.

Sanford got up and left and I began thinking of a plan to keep Y/N safe or for Doc to stop talking to her when I'm gone. There has to be a way some way to get him off of Y/N's way. I'll have to think of something quick before anything happens.

And plus, I don't want Y/N to start think of other guys or plan to cheat on me. But wait. . .

Y/N wouldn't do that, she's too loyal and would never do such thing. And also very kind, I don't know why I'm over thinking about this. But I'm hoping that Doc doesn't try some sexual stuff with Y/N.

~two hours later~

Sanford POV

I was in the kitchen making dinner and I saw Doc passing by. I peaked to see where he's going. Deimos mentioned to watch his every move, since I was making pie for dinner. I decided to get everything finished and get the pie into the oven and spy on Doc for a bit.

I left the kitchen to see where he went and he was in the library. He was looking at some books, I decided to pretend to do same thing. So that way it wouldn't look like I'm spying on him. I took out a random book and sat down at the couch.

Next thing I saw was Y/N, she went to sit on the other couch. And within a few seconds, Doc walked out of the library. This was the opportunity to watch and see what happens.

"Hey Y/N! How you doing?" Doc asked.

"Doing great Doc... How about you?" Y/N replied.

"Doing wonderful. Are you feeling alright? Sound a bit ill." Doc said.

"Yeah... I'm doing great... just a little tired that's all." Y/N replied.

"Recommend to sleep more next time ok?" Doc said.

"Oo! Is that pie that I smell from the oven? Sanford are we having pie for dinner?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, lemme go and check if it's ready." I said.

I got up and went to the kitchen to check the pie. I overheard Doc saying something werid. I could tell Y/N wouldn't be comfortable with what Doc said. He mentioned about him being a replacement if Deimos ever left Y/N.

What a werid thing to say, they been dating for like I don't know 6 months? And someone is already trying to ruin a relationship? I mean, this is usually a thing that happens.

"So Y/N, what do you say?" Doc asked.

I took out the Pie and I immediately went back to the living room. Y/N got up and went behind me. I raised my eyebrow at Doc and he looked a little scared.

"Hey, why you hiding Y/N? It's just a question." Doc said.

"The question you shouldn't be asking." Deimos said coming out of the blue.

Was Deimos watching from the stairs? Where was he watching from? Holy fuck he's good at hiding, never even expected it myself.

"Oh! Deimos! I-I didn't know you were even-"

"Cut the bullshit and tell me what were you tryna do with Y/N?"

"Deimos! He said that if we're to break up he would be her next choice. And he was also being a complete weirdo." Y/N said.

"Doc, I'm going to give you this one warning. If you dare lay a finger on my girl. You will get fucked up do I make myself clear?" Deimos said.

"Y-Yes Deimos, I won't do it ever again."


Deimos POV

"And that's what happened Hank, you wouldn't believe what I was thinking!" I said.

"What a story of a old man and a jealous boyfriend fighting over a girl." Hank replied.

"Aw c'mon! That was a good story you cannot deny that." I said.

"It was interesting but also kinda stupid." Hank replied.

"Yeah but that was just a month ago when you were out doing solo missions without us knowing." I said.

"Mhm, can't believe so much drama happened in under a month. Not surprising.."


Thanks for reading! More to come (if motivation comes along...)

