Chapter -12 FINAL

~The Day of Y/N's Birthday~


You just arrived at the base and you had a bright smile across your face because today was a special day. It was your birthday, assuming that no one knows about it. You opened the door and you noticed that it was dark, you looked around for a second. You question why is it so dark.

You went to turn the light switch and then...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" Everyone yelled out loud. You noticed Deimos wasn't here. It made you worry a little, maybe someone will know.

"Omg thank you, I thought no one would know that today was day." You said.

"Well happy b-day, Deimos will be late make it because he was making something special for you." Hank said.

"Oh. ." You replied.

"Don't worry, it won't be long." Sanford said.

You were still worried about Deimos, you didn't want anything to happen. I really don't want Deimos hurt a thought passed by. Well, Deimos doesnt have the cancer issue anymore. That's one good thing and he is a lot more happier when hes around you.

And you to can talk about each other's feelings, concerns, and much more. All those small moments made you happy because you had someone to talk to. Because Deimos wouldn't make fun of you, he wouldn't even call you dramatic at all.

You were happy that you had someone like Deimos, and also your friends but still. Deimos was already amazing enough. But something still bothered you, it was Deimos loosing his voice.

Doc hasn't found a way to cure the voice issue. That still worried you a little but over time, it didn't sound like Deimos's voice was fading away. It kinda felt normal, assuming Doc is giving him medication.

You heard the door open and it was Deimos carrying some bags. He seemed very exhausted, Sanford raised his eyebrow.

"Were you running?" Sanford asked.

"Yeah. Some agents were tryna kill me Sanford." Deimos said, "at least I got home on time."

Deimos picked up the bags and closed the door behind him and he made his way to you. He placed the bags down again and hugged you tight.

"Oh look at you all grown up! Happy birthday you little munchkin!" Deimos said.

"Thank you baby!" You replied.

"Awww look the love birds, who knew this would happen." Sanford said with joy.

"Omg shut up!" Deimos replied, he flipped Sanford off.

"Leave them alone Sanford, let them have a moment." Hank said.

~5 hours later~

You just came back from a mission like the usual. And you were just had all of this build up energy for no reason. All you wanted was to waste on going to kill for reason like boss rushing but it was just a bunch of noobs. Hank would let you go ham and go at it but Sanford and Deimos wouldn't even dare let you go on your own.

But it seemed like no one was gonna stop you either way. So why not take the risk? Shouldn't be too bad it just to release some energy. You got on your shoes and geared yourself up. You looked outside, checking to see if anyone was outside.

You jumped out the window and began running, you don't know where your going. But the only thing that was on your mind was killing agents and maybe even meeting the Auditor himself!

~Hank POV~

~2 hours later~

I was sharpening my knifes and daggers in my room. Just to make them nice and sharp to easily slot through many bodies without even trying. I wonder why I've never considered doing this. For some reason it was just a but too quiet, usually I can hear Deimos and Y/N talk about anything in particular.

I'm going to assume Y/N is sleeping and Deimos is downstairs playing video games. It's usually quiet whenever there not talking. Wishing days would be like this sometimes. Heh, I'm such a- what the fuck?

"Y/N? Y/n? Where are you?" Deimos crying Y/N's name. Fucking hell literally before I can even think!

I went out of my way to see what was wrong with Deimos, he's usually not like this.

"Sanford! Do you know where Y/N went?" Deimos asked Sanford.

"No why? She must be sleeping right?" Sanford said.

"No! She not in her fucking room! She's nowhere to be in this base!" Deimos exclaimed.

Deimos began to cry and I just stood there in silence not knowing what to do. I just went to him and place my hand on his shoulder. Reassuring that we'll find her and she'll be okay. Quite frankly, she could've left to go run some errands because she was talking about doing errands to get rid of her energy.

"I believe she went to do some errands. She probably went out to do whatever she wanted." I said.

"But why would she leave without saying anything though?" Deimos asked.

"Assuming she was in a rush, but hey let's go find her since it's been a hot minute." I replied.

"Ok..." Deimos said.

~Y/N's POV~

Oh wow 5 bases already destroyed and you killed over 100+ agents without help. Bare fisted, armed, whatever way you killed them agents you did it with style.

All you can do is laugh your head off like a psychopath. But then you heard something weird. You stopped laughing and you immediately and took out your AK. You were ready to fight anything, I mean you did kill two mag agents. So what's stopping you from killing just a. . . Yeah to kind of mentioned it, there's black flames so. . . You should probably run.

You recognize the flames, so you decided to make a run for it and jump off the building. While falling you noticed a nearby car you decided to make your way to the car.

Somehow you managed to land on the car with your two feet. You noticed that the flames were catching up and you ran. You kept running for your life. Not knowing what to do, maybe thinking of meeting the Auditor was a really bad choice. But hey let's face it, sometimes your dreams do become a reality.

The flames surrounded you and a body began to form and the Auditor revealed himself. You were slightly nervous and didn't know what to do really. All you could do was stare into his glowing red halo and the flames coming closer.

Oh shit I fucked up didn't I? Uhmm.. why is he just standing there? I think quick and fast. "Heyy Auditor! Nice day isn't it?" You said with a fake smile.

"I'm going have to ask you to give one good reason why I should murder you on sight." Auditor said.

"Well I mean. . . To kinda think about it I did not start anything I was just casually walking. And your agents wanted to kill me of crouse. So. . Self defense?"

The Auditor narrow his eyes and looked around and out of nowhere he slowly disappeared without saying anything. I guess your innocence got to him.

When the flames went by you saw your team just standing there in shock. It just Deimos and Sanford who were in shock. Hank like your average Hank wasn't surprised just like Doc.

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU- you know what I'm out. Please take me home!" Sanford said while storming off to the truck.

"Oh my God babe I thought you were hurt!" Deimos said while crying his towards you "don't you dare ever scare me like ever again".

"Damn, I didn't know Auditor was such a pussy towards women. What a simp, can you believe it Hank?" Doc said.

"No fucks given Doc, no fucks given." Hank replied.

"Hey sorry for making you guys worry. I had so much energy and I did so many things alone without any help!" You said.

"That's great and all but you made Deimos almost shit himself because of you disappearing like that." Hank said.

"Shut up! And no I didn't shit myself!" Deimos replied.

"Let's just get home, I don't even know why the fuck you even brought me with you guys." Doc said.


Thats the end unfortunately, I hoped you enjoy this fanfic, there will be more xreader stories coming soon!

I'm currently working on another x fem!reader (It'll probably take long because I wanna get the first three chapters done)

I also plan to make other Fandom stories and not just xreade
stories alone.

But thank you for reading! 💜💜💜

