16. Jail

We drove around a corner to the L.A police department. "Ok let's go." I waved everyone to follow me inside. I swung the doors open.

As I walked in no one was at the front desk. I walked past the desk and walked through the desk then I got to mine. "Ok. Mom sign your name here." I commanded. She stole a pen from my cup and wrote it down on top of the line.

"Done." I took the paper and put I in the file. "Amber, it's time." I heard Haeven behind my chair. I swung my chair around to face her body. "Time for what?" I asked as I placed the signed paper in the file I had on my mom's case.

"You know. Jail." I stopped what I was doing. I looked up to her. I nodded no slightly sideways. "Yes. It needs to happen." I sighed in defeat. I stood up and turned my head to look over at the glass room of Andy's.

I sighed again and headed for the stairs up to his room. And without looking and brought my hand behind me and signalled everyone to follow me.

As I walked I could see Andy sitting in his desk sorting files. As I stepped on the first step I felt horrible, but I had to do it. I kept walking up and opened his glass door with a steel Handel.

"What do you want?" I heard Andy's voice, which pierced through my brain. He didn't look up he just types and sorted files behind him. "I found my mom and sister." I replied and saw Andy stop what he was doing. He slowly turned around in his chair, frozen. "Amber." I heard his faint voice slip out of his mouth.

"I found them. My mom is ok. It was Haevens dad. Dylan Maxine was the murderer. Also Cameron Maxine is a murderer also. My sister wants to go to jail for her crimes." This whole time I kept my eyes straight into his.

"Well. Your family sure has something weird going on." He chuckled as he wrote on a file that said Maxine case.

I looked down at my feet then back up to him. "Well your mother's case is filed. Your missing fathers case has also been filed. Your sister will be sent to jail. Thank you." He stood up and aligned all the files by tapping the edge against the table. I nodded.

"May I speak to Amberly alone?" He politely asked. "Yes." My mom and Colby walked out. "Haeven, you can head to the front desk and explain." He commanded pointing down where all the desks were. She nodded then left the room.

"Please. Let me explain-"

"No. Listen. You were the one who said my sister wasn't important!" I shouted out of control. I pointed in his face when I said "you".

"Amberly. It was my fault. You were right. I was being hell of a jerk, but I need to say that I'm truly sorry for saying that." He looked down at his hand then lifted his head as he took a breath. "I was pretty annoyed at the complaints about you that day. So much was on my shoulders. I had no control." He explained. I had no clue what to say. He admitted it was his fault and that I was right. That's all I wanted to hear from him. That it was his fault.

"Andy. That's all you needed to say." I smiled walking a few steps closer to his desk. Making me rest my hands on the dark wooden desk of his. "I just wanted you to say it was your fault and I was right. I wanted you to admit." I said walking around his desk and reaching him. "Amber. I admitted on the phone." I nodded no. "No you didn't. You said you were sorry. Sorry doesn't cut it when out convorsation went down like that." I smiled taking another step closer to him.

He smiled then licked his lips. "Your getting mixed signals man." I turned around and rose my hand with a laugh. "You wish. I'm taken." I chuckled as I left.

As I left my mom and Colby were waiting. "Where is Haeven?" I asked while walking down the stairs. "Jail." My mom mumbled under her breathe. I sighed then walked up to the front desk. "Bye!" I waved bye to my friend. "Bye!" She waved as I shut the door behind me. Everyone entered my car as we drove to my mothers house.

"Thank you, Amberly. Thank you, young man, for saving my daughter and helping her." My mom hugged Colby. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect her." He smiled as they pulled away. "See here? This is the one am." Me and my mom laughed as we all said our goodbyes.

"Well my mom really likes you." I implied. I sat in the car for a split moment and thought, then turned on the car. "Yes she does but you love me more." He chuckled as we drove back to his house.

"Oh I do?" As I turned the steering wheel. "Oh you dont?" He asked looking at me. I have have quick glimpse with a smile at him then glued my eyes back on the road.

"I do." I giggled and he laughed.


We arrived at his house which took like 30 to 40 minutes. "Were here!" I yelled in excitement cause of how long the drive was.

"Lets go in and surprise the dudes." Colby suggested as we both shut the car door. "Ok. They have no clue right?" I asked cause i forgot what happened before we left. "I hope." We both laughed as we slowly opened the door.

As we tip toed inside and slowly shut the door no one was in sight. We slowly walked in front of the door then I pushed my finger against my lips signaling Colby to be quiet.

We Crouched down then reached the stairs. We didn't check the surroundings but we walked up the first few steps then we heard a fake couch behind us. We slowly twisted our heads to the noise, seeing Jake standing and leaning against the table in the kitchen.

"So. What were you doing?" He rose an eyebrow then crossed his arms. We heard running come from the living room behind the stairs. "They're back?!" It was Corey's voice that echoed in the room. Jake nodded in response.

"Soooo what were you guys doing?" Corey asked putting himself in the same pose as Jake. Me and Colby stood back up then walked down the stairs, steadily. "We were on a case to find my mother cause she went missing. Then we got caught up in family business which was not in a good way." I explained walking a few steps closer to them.

"But we found her. Amberlys sisters dad tried killing us." Colby brushed his feet against the ground as he implied. I cocked my head sideways with a smile. "What do you think we did?" I asked causing both Corey and Jake to drop their eyebrows. "I don't know, like maybe out at dinner. I don't know." Jake said in response. I could see the relief in his eyes. "You guys were scared we were gone." I implied squinting ever so slightly.

"Of course we were. You were gone with out us knowing." Corey replied dropping his arms. "Ok sorry." I smiled then turned my back to them.

"You should be happy and you'll find out why soon." I grabbed Colby's hand and made him follow me upstairs.

"So?" He extended the 'o'. "So what?" I asked while busting his door open. "Geez don't do that to my door." He sounds worried saying those words. Whoops.

"Sorry." I laughed while shrugging my shoulders.

