1. I Quit

It will always be Amberlys pov unless I say it's different.


"Alright Amberly!" Captain Andy yelled. "What!" I shouted back from my desk. I was checking the files on a shooting in the mall just a few days ago.

"My OFFICE NOW!" He yelled pointing to his office door which was upstairs. I scoffed and walked up the stairs. He had to be really angry to order me that way. "What's up." I opened his office door.

"Sit!" He yelled. I rose my hands as I sat. "Geez cap what's up?" I lay my hands down and saw 4 files on his desk. One had the same file I had.

"Listen. I'm tired of the fights you have with the others in the coffee room." He calmly said still typing on his computer.

"Ok listen. Those people are being huge jerks. They don't understand the struggle im-"

"Beat through the struggle! It's not hard to push it away!" He looked at me then back at his computer. "We've been friends and you know me. You know I can't just push that away!" I yelled.

"Just push it the hell away! Listen! The shooting in mall is more relevant now ok! Not your sister!" He screamed. He was obviously beat. He stood up causing me to back up in my chair. "Your sister isn't the most important thing right now!" He slammed the table causing me to flinch. "Andy-"

"NO! Just stop! I'm Done!" He slammed the table again. My eyes welled up and filled up with water. I stood up right away causing the chair to fall back wards.

"I Quit!" I calmly shouted then grabbed my badge from my left side ,in front of my heart, and slammed it on the table. "Amberly-"

"I said I quit." I darted out of the room. And ran to my Chevy truck. I felt the hot tears run down the side of my cheeks.

He was my friend. My sister is important to my life. It is relevant. She is causing harm and I'm trying to find her.

I had to many cases. I quit.

I drove down the highway about 20 minutes to arrive home. My little property in California.

"If I quit then what should my job be?" I said aloud. I looked up what job I should have next. I saw that being a youtuber needs effort but is amazing.

I kept thinking about it.

I could still do everyday life and I could be blogger who films there life in a day or something like that.

That would be really nice. Plus I really enjoy doing edits for photos and videos.

"Oh shoot." I forgot I had to sign papers to quit being a detective. "Ugg." I bobbled my head every step I took to my truck. I slowly stuck my keys in the ignition.


I walked up to the front desk. "Um. May I have quit papers.?" I asked the lady which was a close friend. "Amberly. Your planning to quit?" I sighed. "I basically already did. Do you really think fighting with people will keep up? I got in a fight with Andy." I sighed again.

Then she spoke up. "Alright. Here." She gave me 2 papers. "You have been planning on quitting so I guess this I the moment." She sighed while handing me the papers and a black ink pen.

I signed everything down in about 5 minutes then gave it back to her. "What did you fight about?" She asked me while pulling the papers down to the desk. "My sister." She shaped her mouth into and o. "Sorry, Am." I nodded then waved goodbye.
As I left I saw the sorrow in her eyes as she waved bye.

As I walked back to the car I felt as if I made a good but bad decision.

You chose wisely. You couldn't deal with all the stupid fights.

Then my other side faught back.

Thats  horrible! The pay and friends were there! What else are you going to do!

It was too late. I made my decision.  I quit. Now my new career is my hobby. YouTube.

I rung up my phone to Cassie.
C-Cassie A-Amberly

C-what's up?
A-I um made a decision.
C-what did you make?
A-I quit my job.
C-what?! How? Why?

Of course she was going to be angry. She just wanted the best for me and she thought that was a good job for me.

A-everything was getting out of hand. I got in fights everyday. I got in a fight with Andy today.
C-about what.
A-about my sister. He was saying that the investigation was more important and relevant.
C-Am. He's your best friend.
A-friends don't do that, Cassie, and you know that.
C-Well than you made a good choice. If you didn't like your job then you chose well. Bye.
A-bye, Cassie.

Then she hung up on me. I slammed my phone on my seat while driving.

"I hope my choice was good. Here I come YouTube!" I smiled then played some tunes on the radio.

I danced and shrugged my shoulders to the beat of the song: Back To You-Selena Gomez. I sang the lyrics cause I had nothing else to do.

I arrived at my house and unlocked my door. I walked into my house smelling the good refreshing aroma that spread through the house from the candle in my living room.

I still took big inhales of the amazing ocean breeze smell as I sat on the couch. I flipped the TV screen on. "What do I want to watch." I scrolled through the Netflix movies and shows. I felt my thumb press against the button to scroll through.

I sighed. I finally found one. Then my phone buzzed off. The vibration hitting my lower thigh. I picked it up and didn't even check the caller ID.

?-Hey Amberly.
M-hey baby. I just want to see if your job I doing well?
A-uh. I actually quit.
M-You what?!
A-I got in a fight with an-I mean captain Andy.
A-He said that the investigation is more important than my sister.
M-Amberly, your sister isn't in a good stage right now.
A-He was insulting me because of her!
M-Ok. Ok. Just find a job soon.

I quickly pulled the phone from my ear and hung up without saying good bye. Then I clicked the button to play Happy Death Day.

I smiled while getting up to pop some popcorn. I took a few heavy breathes. "I'm ready to start tomorrow."

Then the beeping microwave snapped me out of my thoughts. I opened the microwave and pulled out the popcorn. As I poured it into the big bowl I heard the movie play when the girl is walking around the college.

I quickly ran into the living room and darted my eyes on the TV as I stuffed my mouth with popcorn.

