Oh no...

(Goth POV)

How did this happen? One minute, the twins are healing Hue and the next they are blocking attacks from him! Everything was going well until that glitchy skeleton who's name I think was error, showed up with the other two. Hue almost attacked me but blue saved me from being hit with red paint that came from hue's hands. I'm scared but someone needs to snap hue out of whatever he's in! He keeps yelling about someone they call 'mother' and then saying things such as 'fate' and 'i'm sorry', 'i'll do better', 'leave me alone', and so on. I don't know why he's yelling that but he's crying black ink from his sockets and with his eye lights not showing, it's scary but also sad seeing him like this...

As I was lost in thought trying to figure out something to do, I felt a tug on my sleeve and looked to see that it was the one that error called Paperjam. They were looking over at where the twins are fighting hue with a worried look and they seemed to be at the verge of crying which filled me with hopelessness. After all, it's been 30 minutes and hue doesn't look tired at all! If anything he seems to be getting worse and his voice now sounded warbled, it sounded so messed up that it was starting to send chills down my spine. 

I felt my soul almost stop in fear when hue suddenly summoned two paint brushes and clashed with error who was using what looked like strings. When they clashed, I could feel the power emanating off the two but I could feel that hue was still stronger than error and that made me worry. I didn't want error to get hurt when this could somehow be stopped, I just have to do something but what? Just trying to figure it out was giving me a headache due to the stress but I wasn't about to let that stop me...


(Flashback Scene From Hue's Memory)

(Hue's POV)

"Kill it" Mother demanded as I looked down at the cowering bunny monster. It looked so lost, confused, and scared..I didn't want to kill it. Staring into it's watery eyes, I knew I should be feeling pity but how could I when I had no soul? Staring blankly at the bunny monster, I raise one of my paint brushes to strike downwards only to stop when it suddenly squeaks out the first word it says since mother brought it in. "Mercy!" The small bunny monster pleaded as it covered it's face with it's paws, it's whole body trembling as it started to sob in fear, mumbling out pleas as it crumbled to the floor in fear. "...I should be feeling sorry for you. Yet I don't. I would apologize and say I regret doing this but..I don't or more like CAN'T feel sorry and regretful about this. Mother doesn't like it when one shows weaknesses. Plus, your just a mistake. Mother said so. So..Goodbye." was all I said as my arm moved and in one swift motion, the monster was screaming in agony as red paint covered them.

Soon after, all that was left behind was a pile of dust. Staring at the pile, I knew this was wrong but because mother- no FATE wanted this, it instead felt right. Like if I just did the world a favor. I knew I should be feeling disgusted at myself for doing this but I didn't. I could tell myself what i did was wrong but I wouldn't be able to feel regretful or any other emotion about it. After all, How could a soulless being feel? Answer? They can't- well, unless mother decides to give me my vials...

Staring up at the endless white, I ponder on asking mother for my vials before stopping. Should I? What if mother gets angry? She would be displeased with me...Oh well- it doesn't hurt to ask at least once right? "Fate- I mean Mother. Can I have my vials back now?" I asked as I stared at the white. "Your vials? Not yet. Not until your strong enough to take down THAT anomaly, the mistake I regret taking from Destiny." Mother said as she then teleported another monster, this time a little goat monster who seemed to be just waking up as they stared around in sleepy bewilderment at the endless white around us before their eyes landed on me.

"Um, hello? Do you know where I am mister?" The goat kid asked as they stared at me with those innocent eyes, not knowing what was going to soon befall on them. "You're in the anti-void...an endless white space that you can't escape unless mother decides to let you go. Which I doubt she will do that for you." I explained in an unsympathetic tone as I stared at the child who was now staring at me with wide horrified eyes, panic showing as they hurriedly stood up. "No way! I refuse to believe that, there must be some other way, you just have to have some hope! C'mon, we can look for the way together...mister? Why aren't following?" The goat child asked as they stared at me in confusion.

"..Mother. This one doesn't seem to be a mistake." I said to the endless white above, ignoring the confused stares the goat child was giving me. "INK, are you disobeying me?" Mother asked in a calm tone while saying my other name, causing me to flinch and frown as I looked away. "Of course not mother but, maybe this one can be an exception- ack!" Choking out a startled cry as an invisible heavy pressure fell on me, I could feel my bones start to break. Hearing my bones start to crack under the pressure, the goat child let out a gasp before they ran over to me, looking over me in panic. "Are you okay?! Wait no- ignore that question! Uh, what do I do, my healing magic isn't as strong as Mama's yet!" The young goat said as they frantically circled around me, a panicked look on their face.

"Mother, I'll do better just- just leave me alone. Please!" I said as one of my legs shattered under me, causing me to almost fall until one of my arms stopped me from fully falling to the floor. "Oh? Alright, I'll stop. Once you kill that mistake." Mother said as the pressure on my body disappeared. Standing up, albeit unsteadily on one leg, I look at the goat child with a blank stare. "Goodbye...little goat." I said before raising the brush. "Mister? What are you-" the child started before a black reddish paint hit them, immediately dusting them unlike the bunny monster who took some time to dust.

"Good, you've done well hue. Take a rest, you'll need it." Mother said before disappearing, my vials falling into my lap. "...Even though I can't feel it, I know- I hate you, I hate you so damn much Fate." I said before drinking down my vials, two piles of dust around me.

Have an awesome day and night!

(An update has arrived!)


Goth is trying to figure out what to do.

PJ is scared and is wondering what's wrong with his mom/dad.

Blue is helping to block attacks from hue.

Nightmare and Dream feel fed up with this already.

Blueprint is currently trying to eat a nice smelling flower.

Stain is currently holding back blueprint as he whines to eat the flower.
