I Have Kids?

(Hue POV)

I yawned sleepily and started to sit up only to suddenly be hugged back down by 3 babybones? Confused, I go to ask who they are only to stop when all three babybones suddenly call me mama. Even more confused then before, I open my mouth to speak only to stop once again when I suddenly feel a strange tug towards the three babybones on top of me.

Freezing at the strange pull, I look towards the three babybones for a few moments and then it hit me... I have kids!? But I never even talked or met anyone else besides Fate and that one error sans before I went insane? Great, what am I supposed to say to these kids? I think you got the wrong person? I mean I would've said that if I didn't recognize that these kids are Ink's ship kids! And since I feel a tug towards the three babybones than that means someone mixed my magic with some others without me knowing... it was probably Chaos.

Letting out a quiet sigh, I decided to not think about the tug but instead focused on the three little ones in front of me. Seeing as they were hugging me, I decided to hug back since it would be rude not to hug back my kids. Right when I hugged my three children back they giggled in happiness and somehow hugged me closer to them. Smiling at the little ones happiness, I continue to hug them while wondering how long this hug was going to last, not that I didn't mind the hugs but I just woke up and had the urge to stretch when I was suddenly hug tackled by the three little ones.

(A few minutes later-)

(Hue POV)

I was able to get up and stretch but while I was standing up and stretching my arms, my kids clung to my legs while curiously staring at my other two arms that they didn't notice before. Seeing their curiosity, I move my other two arms out towards Blueprint and PJ and holded them close and once I had those two in my hold I use my two main arms and picked up Stain. Least to say when Blueprint and PJ got picked up they were suprised but then started to giggle in happiness meanwhile Stain was also suprised and hugged both of my arms with his two tendrils in curiosity and happiness.

Seeing their happy expressions, I couldn't help but also feel happy and smile, though my smile soon dissappeared into a frown of worry, why? Because if these are the three that Chaos planned for me to have to help me calm down whenever I snapped, I might end up accidentally hurting them or worse kill them!

While worrying, I didn't notice that my three kids had noticed my mood had plummeted and were giving me worried expressions. As I sunk deeper into my worries, I didn't notice a portal open up with Feelings going through or at least I didn't notice until Feelings went up to me and took the kids away from me. Snapping my attention past Feelings to my kids, I can feel myself panicking at what i could accidentally do to my kids but before I could sink deeper into panic, Feelings placed the kids behind her and then hugged me while giving off a positive and calm aura to help me.

After a few minutes had passed, I had mostly calmed down but was still slightly shaking from what I could accidentally do or at least I was worrying until Feelings reassured me that I wouldn't hurt my kids even if I wanted to since I have a bond with them and since I have a bond with my kids than that means I won't be able to harm them since my soul knows their my kids. Though if I didn't have my soul before, than I would've probably hurt or killed them without caring or knowing that they were my kids if I snapped.

After I had stopped shaking and was now fully calmed down, I look towards my kids who I could see were being holded by Destiny and Chaos who I assumed must've came when I was panicking with Feelings calming me down. Staring at Chaos, I feel my anger start to rise though before I could think of attacking Chaos, Feelings stopped me.

Feelings: Hue, I know you're mad at Chaos for having you worry about what you could accidentally do to your kids but how was he supposed to know that this would happen? Chaos helped create these kids with some help so that these kids can calm you down, let you have a chance of having a new life and family that you never got to have before. So please don't blame Chaos alright?

...they have their other parents right?, I'm sure the other parents are sad about not having their kids anymore so why not give them back? :Hue

Destiny: Hue, the other parents willingly gave the kids back because they know that you needed the kids more than they did. They want to help you so let them, please?

*glances at the three baby bones* Fine, hand over my kids then. :Hue

(Hue POV)

Once I asked for my kids back, Chaos and Destiny immediately but gently put my kids down and once my kids were put down they all immediately bolted to me- well at least Stain did, Pj kinda stumbled while running forward and Blueprint was more like crawling fast then running. Makes sense though considering that they're still pretty much baby's.

Though now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure even if my kids do grow older I'll still think of them like my babies. Snapping out of my thoughts as I was hugged by my three little one's, I gave Feelings a 'thank you' look for calming me down and once I saw Feelings nod a 'your welcome' I went back to paying attention to my kids.

And while I was paying attention to my kids, I didn't notice the slight jealous look that Destiny gave Feelings. Why was Destiny jealous? Because she thought Feelings was trying to take the Mom Title from her. Afterall, Destiny was quite Proud when it comes to being the best mom for her kids so if Feelings tries to take her new son Hue away from her than there was going to be a mother fight.

Have a wonderful day and night!


Stain likes being in his goopy form because it reminds him of his dad nightmare. Also If you make Stain cry than your dead meat since Hue will severely beat you up.

PJ is a hugger so if he asks you for a hug then you better give him a hug unless you want to deal with a crying PJ and a protective mama Hue who will force you to hug PJ back.

Blueprint is hyper, so don't give him too much sugar unless you wanna wake up to your house being messy while also being covered in different colors. Blueprint loves Tacos so if you tease him with a Taco and don't give him it to him then be prepared to deal with a protective mother Hue.
