A Gift? From...

(Ink/Hue POV)

I had just snapped back to reality when I realized that I already killed all of the genocidal players and was standing alone again in this white empty void but instead of feeling sad or lonely, I had instead felt nothing as I glanced around the empty white space that I have learned to deal with over the time I have been living in here.

Shrugging, I put my paint brushes onto my back while deciding to rest for awhile, not noticing- no more like not being able to care too much about not feeling anything anymore.

(An hour later)

(Ink/Hue POV)

I had just woke up from my nice little nap a few minutes ago, when I heard a very familiar voice talk through my mind.

Fate: Hello Ink

                 Hello Fate- i mean Mother. :Ink

Fate: I'm surprised Ink. I didn't think you would be sane for so long in this white emptiness.

Perhaps it's because of the genocidal players?, though isn't it good that I'm sane Mother? :Ink

Fate: ...

Mother?, is something the matter? :Ink

Fate: it seems I will have to unfortunately cut this meeting short Ink. I will talk to you another time so until then keep training.

I see, I will keep training until it's time to talk again then Mother. :Ink

Fate: Good. Oh right... you are doing very well Ink so I will give you a gift.

                    A gift?, what type of gift? :Ink

Fate: you'll see once I leave. I hope you have fun with your gift!

Oh. Well then, thank you for the gift and goodbye Mother. :Ink

Fate: goodbye to you to Ink. Well goodbye until we meet again that is.

(Ink/Hue POV)

Once Fate had left, I decided to sit down and wait for whatever this gift fate had for me was and luckily the wait wasn't too long, though what happened next was not what I was expecting.

What appeared a distance in front of me was Alive and they seemed to be injured very badly, actually I'm surprised they're still alive. Well at least I think they're still alive... though that is a lot of blood. (Hmm... should I go closer?, eh might as well not like I have much to do anyways.)

Moving closer to what looked to be a pile of unconscious black injured glitching bones- wait. Unconscious black injured glitching bones... hold on a minute, is this Error!? What in the world happened to him, To literally make him into only a broken pile of bones!?

Shoot what am I supposed to do?, I mean i know I should probably try to help this error somehow but I just don't feel like helping someone- I just don't care. Well If it was before, I know I would care but I just can't seem to care no matter how hard I try and even though I know I should be frustrated right now... I just don't feel frustrated, and I Hated It.

Unknowingly, my eyelights had turned into red targets once again but this time I had no one to vent my anger at... well besides this pile of glitching bones, though they're already destroyed as it is. Plus I don't want to hurt someone who was one of my favorites in my past life, it just doesn't seem right and yet I keep feeling a murderous urge to destroy this pile of glitching bones like they were the one at fault for trapping me here, like they were the one who took my Soul from me.

Holding myself back from attacking this very injured unconscious error, I look away and decide to put my attention to something else. Well at least I tried to put my attention to something else until I remembered all of the players are dead, fates gone for now, and this void is mostly empty besides some books that Fate gave me and my clothes and Paint brushes that I have on me. And since I couldn't find anything that caught my interest, my skull immediately turned back towards the very injured error.

Moving closer to the injured error, I hold my unintentional murderous urge and start to summon large bandages and Saline. Gently but quickly, I put the saline on first and once I finished cleaning the wounds that were on errors bones, I started to wrap him up in bandages and well least to say once I finish patching up error he looked like a freaking mummy. I mean it isn't my fault he has so many injuries... well actually now that I think about it, it could've been another Ink that injured him this badly.

If it was another Ink then that means I should probably stay a distance away just in case, so that this error doesn't attack me in a panic and so that I don't attack him on accident because of the unintentional murderous urge. Wait- why should I care if this error panics or gets hurt? It's not my problem if he gets scared when he see's me! (Ink/Hue is fighting between not caring and trying to care since he doesn't have his soul anymore, It's hard to care or feel attachment to anyone or anything.)

Right now, Ink just continued to stare at the now mummified error while forcing theirself to move backwards a little and luckily the urge to attack and kill error went down. Though there was something Ink kept wondering, who's error is this and is this the gift Fate was talking about?


(The gift Fate was going to give Ink was actually the paint vials that most ink's use to 'feel' emotions and feelings.)

(Fate's gift may or may have not been swapped unknowingly by a deity. And that deity decided to switch the vials to an error just for fun and because they felt bad for the error who was actually going to die because they destroyed their multiverse out of insanity because they're bad sanses group/family died from the council and star sanses.)

(Yeah, it was sad especially since that Ink was one freaking sadistic evil Ink. And the rest of the star sanses and council there were pretty much no better. Well besides classic, classic wasn't cruel and was nice to error and he knew that error couldn't handle the loss of losing his group/family and so classic let error kill his Au too since he knew that once his au (the original undertale au) was killed, that all of the au's would immediately all go down with him and error.)

(And so now Ink/Hue is stuck watching over this error, who is most likely going to lash out at him right when he spots him.)

(Oh one more thing- Ink only knows how to create little things like small furniture, food, and etc but not any living things yet.)

Anyways- I hope you're all having a good day/night!
