Not A Normal Day

(Hue POV)

I had awoken awhile ago to notice that those sanses from another multiverse were gone, even palette. Slightly humming to myself, I look at my kids who were just sleeping on my stomach peacefully with no care in the world and I couldn't help but smile softly as I gently hugged them. Though, while gently hugging my kids, I suddenly frowned when I remembered something that had to do with Destiny and me.

You see, Destiny said that I should keep training my transforming and acting skills even though I think they're quite well already but I guess it's not good enough in her eyes yet. And I don't mean to be rude or anything but I swear whenever Destiny is talking about how I should train, I can see a strange excited glint in her eye. I don't exactly know if Destiny is excited about my skills in a bad or good way, and I can't help but sometimes grow wary of her.

I really hope I'm just imagining things and Destiny is just being herself and is not like how Fate was. Though, Destiny does have a good reason about why I should keep practicing my acting and transforming skills and why i should keep training just in case, but she can sometimes act like Fate whenever she talks about training and about how I should keep training until it's mostly perfect so that no one can tell who I am because of my acting in whatever form I decide to take.

Perhaps I am just overthinking things, I should take another little rest for now until my kids decide to wake up. Though, should I show my kids my transforming skills?... No, I don't think i should, I should hide my transforming and acting skills until it's needed.

Slightly yawning, I continue to hug my kids while slowly falling asleep, not knowing that one of my kids other parent was currently fighting for their life and was going to most likely dust if someone didn't help them. Well- at least I didn't know one of my kids parent was currently dying until Stain suddenly woke up and screamed in pain and grief. Quickly snapping out of my sleepiness, I quickly pull Stain closer to see what was wrong while PJ and BluePrint who were now awake, looked in concern and worry.

Using my magic, I can finally tell what's wrong and my eye lights immediately turned into red targets when I saw that Stain's other parent was currently dying and that the bond Stain has with his other parent was currently fading away at a fast pace. Not liking that the other parent was dying one bit and that it was also causing Stain pain and grief, I stand up while telling PJ and BluePrint to stay with Stain while I go somewhere.

Agreeing, BluePrint and PJ hug a crying and in pain Stain while I call Chaos to tell him the situation. Chaos, who was planning to actually take us to Stain's other parent in a week, immediately grew worried and then he quickly opened a portal for me to the multiverse that I needed to be at while telling me to be careful. Nodding, I jump through the portal Chaos made but right when I did, I didn't expect for PJ to suddenly jump through with me while holding BluePrint and Stain's hands.

Panicked, I go to try and make the kids go back into the portal Chaos made but it was too late since Chaos 'didn't seem to notice' that the kids had jumped through the portal with me and had instantly closed it when we all entered through the portal. Sighing, I turn to my kids who were staring at me with nervous eye lights- well besides Stain, he was still crying and clutching his chest where his soul was. Anyways- the kids, knowing that they were probably going to be in trouble, just looked at me with determined looks to help with saving Stain's other parent.

Deciding not to scold them, I use my magic and quickly found the other parent with the negativity you can literally feel coming off of them. Bringing my kids a short distance away from where I detected the negativity, I spot the other parent which was a nightmare sans and my expression couldn't help but darken when I saw a skeleton wearing yellow and looked like dream but with wings and they had a crazy and insane look while staring at Nightmare who glared at them while having his tendrils out while seeming to defend his injured and battered group and an injured and battered Ink and Blue.

Wait- only Ink and Blue? Does that mean... That crazy insane looking bird skeleton is Dream!? Well shoot, that means this dream ate the golden apples then, though for what reason did he eat the apple for? Wait- I shouldn't be focused on that, I need to help nightmare first then I can wonder later!

Telling my kids to stay and be careful, I teleport in front of nightmare who I noticed was actually dusting at a rapid rate, mostly because of the Positivity coming off of insane dream over here. Taking my two paintbrushes out with my arms, I stare at the insane dream with red eye lights not knowing that I had a slightly crazy look in my eye lights, I also didn't really notice the surprised and startled looks I got from the ones behind me since I was focused on the one in front of me.

For a few moments, me and the insane dream stared at each other until suddenly we both teleported to each other and attacked the other with attacks, dodging insane dream's wings and the sword that he had made, I quickly attack with red paint which made this insane dream hiss in pain and made him attack me more wildly. Seeing as insane dream was becoming more harsher and unfocused with his attacks, I grinned and then I teleported and whacked the shiz out of him like a ping pong ball, why? Because he deserves it for almost dusting Stain's parent, nightmare and because insane dream was the cause for making Stain cry.

Still fighting insane dream, I didn't notice that my kids had moved and were now heading towards nightmare and the others, or at least I didn't notice until insane dream caught sight of them and decided to attack them. Confused, I turn and spotted that insane dream was going to attack my kids and probably kill them. Eye lights disappearing, I grip my paintbrushes tighter while staring at insane dream who was about to touch and probably kill my kids and then suddenly without warning, i blacked out.

Have a great day and night!

I have updated! ^_^


Insane Hue:

Insane Hue is not afraid to kill and if you try to hurt something or someone he cares about, he won't hesitate to end you. Insane Hue is not a separate entity from Hue, Insane Hue is more like Hue's Insane personality that can be triggered if someone he cares about is hurt badly, emotionally or physically. His insane personality can also be triggered if someone he cares about is killed and it can also be triggered if Hue is really pissed.


Name: Hue

Race: Skeleton

LV: unknown   Gold: 99999999999999

HP: unknown

Defense: unknown

Attack: unknown

Magic supply: unknown

Main Magic: Creation Magic

Abilities: bone attacks, teleportation, gaster blaster's, healing magic, blue magic, etc.

Job Position: Creator and Protector of Au's.

Condition: Fine, but is livid with rage and is probably going to kill Insane Dream for trying to touch and harm his Kids.
