Thorn, injury transfer, shadow walker

Quirk: thorn

Type: mutant

Description: any pain or injury's will be inflicted on whatever caused the pain or injury 

Drawbacks: overuse will make the quirk stop working

Extra: none

Quirk: injury transfer

Type: mutant

Description: when user is injured or dealt pain it will not affect the user and the user will store it in them they are then able to transfer the pain or injury onto other people or objects user can also absorb pain or damage from other things or people into them

Drawbacks: the user can only store up a certain amount of pain and injury before it starts affecting the user

Extra: user has very low pain tolerance 

Quirk: shadow walker

Type: transformation

Description: user can go into a invisible and permitted state

Drawbacks: user will be suffocated when in transformed form

Extra: user will die if In transformed form for to long 
