Hard fluid, snap shot, cut off

Quirk: hard fluid

Type: emitter 

Description: user can release a liquid substance from their hands and can then turn it into anything different sized objects require different amounts of fluid 

Drawbacks: lightheaded ness if to much fluid is released 

Extra: fluid that's released is light blue to begin with

Quirks: snap shot

Type: emitter 

Description: user has a crystal bow and can summon crystal arrows user can use bow to manifest a blindingly cold ice blast to freeze enemy, bow can also send a massive douse of water at their enemy, they can also summon a blast of snow at their enemy 

Drawbacks: user can get hyperthermia from using manifest attacks

Extra: crystals are dark blue 

Quirk: cut off

Type: transformation

Description: user can blast off any part of their body no matter how small or big and then control them, then user can summon all body parts body parts will go through anything on their way to user

Drawbacks: user can die if body parts are severed for to long

Extra: little bang sound comes when body parts are severed
