Where's Peter?

For a few days now Peter had been absent from the mansion, and Erik had no clue why or where his son had gone. Erik and Charles had been gone for about a day, meeting with a friend of Charles who is in the government. When they arrived home, Erik went up to Peter's room to let out some frustration, when he found the room empty, clothes spread on the floor and a bag taken from the wardrobe as if he packed in a hurry. Confused, Erik left the room and walked down the stairs, looking around frantically for Peter.

'Oh, Isabel!' He called when he saw the blonde mutant pass by the bottom of the stairs.

She stopped her step and turned around towards the sound of the voice. She looked somewhat surprised by Erik calling her, but waited for him to approach her.

'Have you seen Peter?' he asked immediately, and the confusion on Isabel's face showed Erik that she most likely didn't know where he was either.

'Last time I saw him was around lunch time. Haven't really seen him since... Why are you wondering?'

'He's not in his room, and it looks like he left in hurry.'

Isabel shrugged. 'You know he does that sometimes. Just runs off for a few hours.'

'I know, but usually he doesn't take clothes with him for that.'

'Fair enough. I'm sorry, I don't know where he is, but I'll let you know if I hear something.'

Erik smiled slightly. 'That would be great, thank you.' He then walked, looking for someone who could tell him anything about Peter's whereabouts.

After about an hour Erik slumped down on the couch in Charles' office with a defeated look on his face.

'What is troubling you today, Erik?' Charles asked as he rolled towards the couch.

Erik sighed as he looked up. 'Peter left...' He stated, receiving a worried and surprised look from the professor. 'Temporarily. I'm certain he'll come back, but he didn't tell me where he's gone, and no one knows where or why he left.'

Charles sighed. By now he was used to his friend not entirely sure how to be a father to a teenager, and asking for advice or coming to complain when he doesn't know how to handle the situations.

'Have you tried calling his mother?' Charles offered.

'No answer. It went straight to voicemail... all 4 times I called. I'm afraid Marya won't be a lot of help in this case.'

Charles sighed slightly. 'I'm afraid I cannot help you either Erik, you should just wait to hear from Peter.'

And so Erik waited, and after about 6 days Peter returned to the mansion, but before Erik could even get a word in with his son, Peter locked himself up in his room. He didn't come out of his room as far as anyone noticed, the few times people knew he left, he returned too fast for them to interfere in any way.

It frustrated Erik to every extent that his son would refuse to talk to him. Whenever he knocked on the door his son would yell at him to leave, and Erik would quite often find himself sitting by the door waiting for his son to come out.

It was on one of those days that Isabel walked by and found him there.

'I don't mean to be rude, what do you think you will achieve by sitting by the door? Peter might not be much like you on the surface, but he is just as stubborn as you are, so don't expect him to come out of there any time soon.'

Erik looked up at her, a hint of despair in his eyes. 'I just want to know what is going on...' He quietly stated, and Isabel smiled sadly.

'I know... I hope he'll come out soon...'

Isabel then quietly shuffled off leaving Erik to sit by the door for a while longer.

During the night, Erik once again had trouble sleeping, and went downstairs to the kitchen to get some hot milk. As he stood in the doorway he saw his son's familiar silver hair stick out over the opened door of the fridge.

'Peter...' Erik whispered and his son's head popped up. For a moment Peter looked scared, and Erik was afraid he would run away. But Erik calmed down and sat down at the counter with some left over brownies.

Erik sat down next to his son and looked at him intently. 'Are you okay, Peter?' He asked.

The deep bags under his red rimmed eyes already answered some of that question without a word, but Erik still needed to know why his son looked so unhappy.

Peter sighed as he shoved a piece of brownie into his mouth and swallowed.

'Grandma died...' Peter stated sadly.

Erik let out a breath and put his hand on his son's shoulder.

'I just don't know how to deal with it... I have never lost anyone I loved...' a tear rolled down Peter's cheek, which he quickly wiped away, not wanting to admit he was fighting hard not to cry.

'Why didn't you talk to me?' Erik asked.

Peter looked up at his dad. 'Because, you have lost so much, I didn't want to upset you by saying how I have never lost someone...'

Erik laughed slightly, somewhat amazed by his son's selflessness. 'Peter, that shouldn't matter. If you need my help, just come and ask for it. I am your father, I want the best for you. And if I can help in any way, I want to help.'

Peter nodded. 'Okay... Then how I deal with losing someone? How do you go on with a hole in your heart?'

Erik smiled sadly again. 'Well, that is just it Peter; we go on. We take life day by day, and do our best to be happy, because that is what those people we loved would want for us. We get out of bed in the morning and we get through the day, and it is okay not to feel truly happy each day, just as long as we try to be happy in the long run again. It's not always easy, and so we take it step by step...'

Peter smiled at his dad for a few seconds before finally giving into the tears and started crying.

Erik wrapped an arm around Peter. 'It's okay Peter, it will get better. Just wait and see.'

Peter still grieved his grandmother, but thanks to his dad, he felt that it might be okay at some point.

A/N another short chapter, sorry, but I got this idea because of "Supermarket flowers" by Ed Sheeran and wanted to write it. So I hope you enjoy it.

Also, sorry I'm kinda crappy at writing endings to these one shots.
