
A/N Hey guys, so I recently go some inspiration to write a few more of these. I have a handful of ideas, a few already written, so you'll see a few more of these one shots coming by in the near future. I don't know how many I will be able to come up with, so I don't know how long it will last. But for now, I hope you enjoy.

After spending such a long time at the X-mansion, Peter decided it was time for him to go back home for a while. He missed Wanda and Claire, and though she would probably fuss about him, he missed him mom too.

'So how long will you be gone?' Isabel asked. She was sitting upside down in Peter's arm chair, reading a book. He was walking between his bed and the wardrobe, packing his clothes for the trip.

'About 2 weeks. What you think you can't handle this place without me?' Peter chuckled.

Isabel rolled her eyes behind the book. 'Oh shut up Peter.'

He laughed and sped over to sit down on the floor beside her. 'You are going to miss me, aren't you?'

She closed her book and smacked his arm playfully. 'You're my best friend around here. Pete. Of course I'm going to miss you.'

'I'll miss you too, birdy.'

She smiled, laughing at the nickname. Her brother had called her an angel when she was little, but it was the only nickname she had ever gotten which she didn't hate. Up until Peter started calling her birdy, at least. She guessed she deserved it, considering she always called him slowpoke, but she kind of liked the nickname, because she knew that there was a friendship behind it. She got up from the chair and walked to the door. 'I got a class to teach. You're not leaving till tomorrow morning, right?'

'Nop. I'll still be there for dinner.'

'Good. See you then Slowpoke.'

Peter was sitting outside by the lake that night. The sun had almost set, but there was still a bit of light outside. He heard someone sit down beside him.

'You're not getting sentimental about this place, are you?'

Peter chuckled at the joking tone in his dad's voice.

'I was sentimental about this place the day I arrived here with a broken leg and every kid in the building wanted to sign it. It feels like home.'

'It is that way for a lot of children here. For many of them it is the only home they have ever known. But not for you...'

Peter sighed. 'No, not for me. It feels weird, I love this place, I feel at home here, but on the other hand I feel guilty for not going home to mom more...'

Erik placed his hand upon Peter's shoulder. 'Our family will always be home to us in some way, but that doesn't mean you can't create a new home and a new family when you grow up, Peter. If I could still visit my parents I would, even though I have now found a family here.'

Peter nodded. 'I guess you're right.' He got up. 'Well, I gotta leave early tomorrow. Professor said I should take a train instead of running back to DC, so... I'm gonna get some sleep.'

Erik got up and hugged his son. 'Have a nice trip, Peter. And say hi to your mother for me.'

Peter chuckled. 'Sure. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear it.'

It was next Saturday morning when Peter sat around the Kitchen table with both his sisters and his mom for lunch when the news came in. their laughter and easy chatter was broken when a voice on the TV announced that the mutant named as Magneto was attacking a small town in New York. Peter and Wanda looked at each other with wide eyes. Soon, the TV remote was transported to the table by flying red sparks, and the volume turned up.

"The Mutant knows as magneto is wreaking havoc in small New York state town. Many buildings have been collapsed, bridges and streets destroyed. The civilians are in complete panic, and the public service men are at a complete loss of what to do."

The camera zoomed in on Erik, Wanda sighed deep but Peter just looked disappointed. After a few seconds Peter's face however, was taken over by confusion.

'Wait. Somethings' wrong here.' He said.

The screen now showed Erik's face, covered in sweat and with a confused and almost delirious expression. His eyes seemed hazy and he wasn't wearing his helmet.

'That's not right.'

Wanda stood beside her brother. 'You're right. Where is his "I'm going to murder every one of you" look?'

Peter Glared at her. 'Not just that. His eyes are hazy. He never looks that confused and tired when he does this stuff. It's easy for him. Most importantly, he always wears his helmet when going on a rampage, to ensure the professor staying out his head...'

'What could be going on?' Wanda asked

'He's being mind-controlled.' Claire chimed in.

The twins turned to look at their little sister. 'What?' they said in unison.

She shrugged. 'Well, he's acting weird and not wearing his "stay away mind-control helmet" and Peter's talked about it being possible... It seems the most logical option.'

'She actually makes sense.' Peter offered and Wanda nodded.

'We have to help him, before he gets arrested again.'

'Oh no you don't! Marya started, but before she could say anything else, Peter had picked up Wanda and run off.'

In New York, the X-men were fighting Magneto, trying to keep his destruction at bay and to save the civilians.

'We can't beat him!' Storm called to the others. 'It is no use.'

Over their intercoms the professor chimes in. 'Someone is controlling his mind, I don't know who but they are powerful, and I can't break through to him. You need to snap him out of this!'

Mystique sighed. 'Easier said than done.'

Isabel rose into the sky and started singing, it seemed to slow Erik down a little, but no more than that. She flew closer, singing louder, hoping to zone him out. To force out the person who was controlling his mind. He looked at her and for a second she thought she had achieved her goal, and then a big piece of metal flew at her and knocked her down.


She didn't register Peter calling out her name. He stopped right next to the rest and set Wanda down. With wide eyes she started at the mutant crushed beneath the metal. 'Was that your girlfriend?' she asked.

'My best friend...' Peter mumbled.

'Peter.' Hank walked up to him. 'He's being mind-controlled. He needs to snap out of this, and you are our best chance.'

Peter nodded solemnly. 'Alright. Wanda, you keep the destruction at bay. I'll see what I can do about him. The rest of you, stay back.'

Peter started running towards his dad, nervous about what might happen. He stopped about 10 yards away from him and looked into the hazy eyes which he knew didn't belong to his dad.

'Erik!' he called out. 'You need to snap out of it, someone is controlling you!'

'Get out of my way.' And un-earthy voice growled as his father opened his mouth. 'Get out of my way or be destroyed.'

Peter took a deep breath. 'No! I won't. Now let go of his mind and leave this town alone!'

'Fine, if you won't get out of the way, I will make you!'

For once, Peter wasn't fast enough, he saw his father stretch out his arm and felt something heavy collide with his back, and he was smashed to the ground. After that it all went black.

When he woke up, he was in the infirmary of the mansion. In the bed beside him he saw Isabel. One arm was in a cast her face had a lot scratches and bruises, but she seemed to be peacefully asleep.

By the foot of his bed sat Wanda. She had some bruises and cuts but seemed fine. He took a deep breath and groaned loudly, waking her from her trail of thought.

'Peter!' She smiled as she saw his open eyes. 'You're awake!' She smashed herself against his chest as she hugged him. Peter screamed out in pain, and Wanda quickly let go with a gasp.

'I'm so sorry. I'm going to get Hank and the professor.'

She quickly scrambled out of the room and Peter groaned as he let his head rest against the pillow.

'You're finally awake, slowpoke.'

Peter smiled as he heard Isabel's voice. 'Sorry I woke you up.'

'It's okay. Glad to see you're okay. Everyone's been worried.'

'How long has it been?' Peter mumbled.

'10 days. You're dad's gone mental.'

'I'm sorry he hurt you.'

'It wasn't his fault.'

The door opened and Erik ran to Peter's bed.

'Peter...' There was obvious hurt in his voice, so Peter opened his eyes and tried his best to smile at his dad.

'Hi dad..'

Erik shook his head and looked down. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for hurting you Peter. I...' Sobs took over the usually strong man. He felt a hand take his and looked up at his son.

'I forgive you dad. It wasn't you. You didn't do this. Yeah it sucks, and it hurts but I don't blame you.'

Erik smiled slightly. 'Well, you getting hurt did the trick, though. I snapped out of it. After you got hurt I was myself again. Now we only need to figure out who did this. And I can make them pay for hurting you.'

Peter chuckled slightly, resulting in a sharp pain in his ribs. 'I'm glad to have you back dad.'

He closed his eyes again and feel asleep, and Erik stayed by his side until the next time he woke up.
