Chapter 8: How to be a Dragon

Hiccup's POV:

I feel someone nudging my should repeatedly, but I feel so tired that all I want to do is sleep.

"Let me sleep some more dad..." I mumble tiredly and then yawning.

"Come one Hiccup!" Someone familiar shouts at me. "We have to start training you!"

"I'll go to dragon training later..." I yawn again tiredly. "Gimme another five minutes..."

"Wake. Up. NOW!" screams the voice.

I jolt awake to find a Night Fury staring at my face angrily.

"Gah! A Night Fury!" I shout in fear when I remember everything.

"It's me. Toothless. Get up and quit whining. We got training to do." Says Toothless as he rolls his eyes at my reaction.

That's when everything that happened yesterday hits me. I hesitantly drag myself to the spring to see what I look like in my reflection. Please let it be a dream. Please be a dream. Please be a dream. I open my eyes and see a Night Fury staring back. Oh, how the gods hate me.

"So everything that last night was real..." I say depressingly. "Well, at least things can't get much worse than this."

I try to stand up and walk, only to realize that I can't walk the same way when I was a human. After a few moments, I manage to stand upright on four legs. But as soon as I try to walk I trip and fall embarrassingly on my stomach. This is gonna take a lot of time to get used to.

"Hiccup, I'm sure you'll love being a dragon, once you are able to fly and live as we do. It's not so bad you know." Toothless says optimistically.

"I know... it's just that the others in my village that I've known my whole life, they'll probably try to kill me or something." I say sadly.

"Don't worry about that for now. Your left leg is dragging too much, and you can't move both of your rights from and back legs at the same time." Toothless explains.

"Ugh. It's like I'm learning how to walk all over again." I respond as I groan in frustration of the unfair situation I've been put in.

"Pretty much, I mean you're walking like a hatchling." States Toothless.

I look carefully where my legs are, making sure I don't trip myself. I manage to walk a few paces without tripping but walking on four legs is something that is going to take a long time to get used to. I'm just wondering where Astrid ran to if she sees me as a monster.

Astrid's POV:

After running in the forest, I got lost but I eventually found familiar landmarks that guide me back to the village. I pass some trees with many scars from me throwing axes out of frustration. I have to find a way to save Hiccup. Maybe Gobber can help me.

As soon as I'm in the village, I ignore the Vikings who greet me and head straight to the Forge where Gobber should be. When I see him hammering down weapons, I shout as loudly as I can.

"Astrid? What are you doing here?" Gobber asks as he sees me coming.

"Gobber! Hiccup's in trouble!" I cry as I finally reach him.

"Hiccup in trouble? Well, that's very surprising." Gobber replies sarcastically. "Alright, what's he gotten into this time? Chased by a Monstrous Nightmare again?"

"He's sick and with a Night Fury..." I pant tiredly. "Not much time... come on let's go!"

"Well then you'd better hurry and take me to him," he says solemnly. "I'll quickly get some of the experienced Vikings to be sure."

I just nod and follows Gobber as he assembles a small team of Vikings. We go into the Great Hall at a table to discuss the plan. After agreeing on a full-on assault, everyone goes to eat and drink a lot of ale. Apparently, it takes a good day because I practically have to threaten them to get them moving, and they gather they're weapons and begin to follow me. I look to see the sun setting, hopefully, I can make it in time help Hiccup, with whatever happened to him.

Hiccup's POV:

I've managed to not stumble or fall in the past hour, but still not enough to begin walking normally. It's also very annoying when Toothless laughs at me whenever I fall face first into the ground or fall in general.

"Alright, that's enough, for now, Hiccup," suggests Toothless, seeing me exhausted. "I think it's time we take a break."

"Yeah, no kidding. I don't think I'll ever think about walking was ever easy again after this." I sigh in regret.

"Ah don't worry about it. What is it you Scaleless usually say? Practice makes perfection or something right?" Toothless says, trying to smile.

"Right... well I think I'll fall asleep and never wake up. I'm exhausted." I say as I turn in a circle before settling down. So far I've been just following my instincts, which haven't let me down yet.

I wake up to see that it's already night time and I look for Toothless. I look everywhere but is nowhere to be found. I circle around the cove to find him when I hear voices nearby. Uh oh, looks like I got visitors. I turn around to see Astrid and Gobber with many Vikings coming towards me. Why are Astrid and Gobber here?! They look like they're prepared to take on a small army of dragons... It takes a moment to process that I'm in fact a dragon and a very disliked one at that. And here I am thinking today is a great day.

"Night Fury! Get it!!!" shouts Gobber, with everyone else shouting their battle cries.

I am basically quaking in fear because I don't even know how to shoot a plasma shot yet, or even fly, so I'm basically defenceless. Although if I were still human, the circumstances wouldn't have changed since I was pretty scrawny. Astrid just looks scared for some reason as I panic and run in the other direction to find myself stuck since I can't climb as well. Soon all the Vikings just jump onto me and one of them slam my head on the ground hard, dazing me. Ow, that hurt. Before I know it, ropes are being tied to my body which makes it impossible for me to move. Well, this day couldn't get any worse...

"Well done everyone. Now where's Hiccup?" says Gobber as he wipes some dirt off his shirt.

"Gobber! Over here! I think I found Hiccup's shirt and his clothes." shouts of the Vikings.

"No... it couldn't be... That means..." stutters Gobber.

Yes, I'm the Night Fury, you idiots!

"Hiccup was eaten by this Night Fury!" exclaims Gobber angrily. "We will make sure it suffers a painful death."

"Uh, Gobber, when I said Hiccup was sick... I meant-" interjects Astrid.

"Ah. Stop right there. I know what you're feeling Astrid. We will make sure Hiccup's death won't be for nothing." Interrupts Gobber.

Before Astrid can continue her speech about me turning into a Night Fury, they drag me away to probably kill me. Astrid follows Gobber and tries to talk to him but with everyone chatting loudly, no one can hear her. Thank the gods for having me become a dragon to fulfill some stupid prophecy, now I'm being dragged to certain death.

Toothless's POV:

With the sun beginning to set, I fly back towards my new home with a mouthful of fish to bring back to Hiccup. I'm sure he is really hungry after exercising so much. I smile at the thought of Hiccup stumbling and falling as he tries to walk. That'll never get old. I feel amazing in the air, without the Queen controlling my actions and forcing me to do her bidding. I only wish I have my family with me. I blink away the tears in my eyes and focus on making my way back to the cove.

When I arrive, I see the cove empty, with Hiccup nowhere to be found. I look through every nook and cranny without results.

"Where are you?!?" I murmur worriedly.

I start sniffing the air, smelling Hiccup's scent when I smell several foul scents belonging to many Scaleless. They must've captured Hiccup! I immediately fly out of the cove and head straight towards his village, following his scent. I growl in anticipation of tasting the Scaleless' blood. If they hurt you Hiccup... they will pay dearly. Just hold on, I'm coming for you.
