Chapter 12: How to Slay a Dragon (1/3)

Hiccup's POV:

All of us go to a cliff near the harbour where Astrid said she saw the direction of where the fleet went a couple of hours ago. Once everyone else had their harness and saddles on their respective dragons, they all step onto their dragons' backs with me having not to worry about having a rider. As soon as everyone is ready, we all launch off and I immediately feel the wind rushing past my wings. I wish everyone on Berk can experience what I'm experiencing, flying on a dragon is much different than flying as one.

"Hey Stormfly, how do we know when we are near the Queen?" I ask, curiously since I don't want to get lost.

"Oh, you'll know when we're close to her." She replies with contempt.

I decide to let the subject go and I look ahead, hoping to reach the Queen in time to stop my father from dooming everyone with him on the fleet, including Toothless.

Stoick's POV:

As soon as the fleet enters the dense fog, I call out orders.

"Everyone stays close, we don't want to get caught out alone..." I say in a low voice. "So stay within earshot."

"Aye!" Responds a Viking from each ship.

We keep sailing past several sea stacks to see old ship wreckage on the protruding rocks.

"Ah, so that's where the other ships went." Says Gobber nervously.

I walk to the Night Fury to see his head perk up and facing a different direction, so I immediately take control of the steering and cage our course. All the other ships follow suit, and I keep changing direction whenever the Night Fury senses the Nest.

It did not take too long before I see a shore made of gravel, and as soon as the ship touches it, I leap out and start scouting for any signs of dragons. The entire fleet begins to land and then I order everyone to begin preparations. Not long after, catapults are being built along with defences like large wooden stakes to stop dragons from grabbing people from the ground. I look around as everyone works, with my generals by my side.

"When we crack open this mountain, all Hel will break loose," I say with grim determination.

I start walking to the side of the volcano, giving the sign to break here. As soon as the other Vikings see, they place boulders smothered in oil and light it, creating fireballs. They take aim and fire, hitting right above my head, creating a gaping hole into the volcano. I doubt the dragons will be too happy to have their nest breached. Spitelout comes up to me and hands me a torch, and I walk to the edge of the opening, throwing the torch into it. It lights up the tunnel briefly, letting me see dozens of dragons of all species on the sides of the tunnel, and they being to screech and fly towards me. I immediately grab my double-edged axe, ready for battle. Only when I try to hit them, I realize they are flying above me, heading to the skies, ignoring the army of Vikings below. I get a foreboding feeling that something isn't right since dragons always attack when provoked.

That's when I hear a earth shattering roar that just from the sheer force of it nearly knocks me off of my feet. Everyone behind me trembles form the gust and the structures sway. Whatever is in that volcano, it is something very, very, bad.

"Everyone! Back off, until we know what we are dealing with, we are not to further engage-" I shout the order before we make a grave mistake until I get interrupted.

The tunnel starts to rumble so I jump off from the small ledge just before a colossal dragon emerges, roaring in fury. A large piece of the mountain breaks from its size as it reaches outside, facing the Viking army. When everyone sees it break a large catapult structure like butter, they all start to run around in a frenzy, running towards the ships. I see the dragon, the Queen I presume, readying herself to fire onto the fleet.

"EVERYONE! STOP! Get away from the ships!!!" I shout urgently, but I am too late.

The Queen roars and spits out a gushing stream of molten fire, burning most of the fleet, with many Vikings lost to the blazing inferno. We shouldn't have gone here, I should've listened to Hiccup. I've made a terrible mistake, gods help us all.

"Gobber, get everyone to the other side of this godforsaken island while I distract the Queen, it's the only way to stop further unnecessary deaths," I say with determination.

"Alright, but I'll tell the others and coming right back to help you-" Gobber replies heartily.

"NO! I don't want any more deaths on my conscience." I retort in anger.

"Look, I know you think you can do this alone, but the truth is, nobody can, not even you. You're going to need all the help you can get to get away from this one." Gobber replies seriously.

Gobber shouts the command to retreat to Spitelout and many others who do so immediately, and then we start shouting on the top of our lungs.

"Hey, you big piece of meat! Want some of this?! You want a piece of me?!?" I scream loudly, getting the attention of the Queen.

"Oi! Over here you overgrown dinosaur! Bet ya can't catch me!!!" Screams Gobber, with the Queen turning her attention to him.

The Queen clearly seems very agitated and provoked as she stomps on the ground, causing the ground to quake and making many Vikings to fall. Her attention fixates onto me, and she prepares to fire at me as her mouth glows orange. Just as she's about to fire, a fireball strike in her mouth, confusing her momentarily. I stare in awe as I look up to see a group of dragons flying towards me. 
