Chapter 16: Deception

Hiccup's POV:

I half-expected to see Chrysalis when I land in the dream realm. Instead, I'm only greeted with silence. I roam around, trying to find her, even insulting her to get her mad. Nothing worked, she's not there.

"Hey, Chrysalis! Where are you?" I shout out to the vast landscape. That's when I notice something approaching in the distance, something dark, closing in really fast. I start to fly high to see what it is, and I see a complete black shroud devouring the realm and turning everything into a void. It only takes a few seconds for the darkness to surround me and envelope everything.

Still hovering in one place, I'm not sure what this means, but it's surely bad.

"Hahaha! This is the prophesied Night Fury?! The one who's supposed to stop me? How pathetic!" Booms a deep voice, coming from seemingly everywhere. "My sister seems to have chosen her champion well."

"Who are you?!" I scream, confused. "How are you doing this?"

"Who am I?! I'm the shadows, darkness and your greatest fear!" Explains the voice. "Once I conquer the world, you will know my name-"

"Hold on right there. I'm just asking for your name!" I say with an annoyed voice. "Plus, I have a feeling you're not going to be able to conquer the world with me in the way, I'm not weak."

"You have steel, boy. Very well, I'll tell you my name," The voice says. "I'm known by many as Tempus."

Then I see a gaping mouth and giant purple eyes appear in front of me.

"And I'll be taking your body!" Tempus shouts, smiling. "After all, I wonder what would happen to your precious little island and your friends if I have your body."

"No, you wouldn't! I would DIE before allowing you to do that!" I scream in anger.

"Oh, we shall see..." Echoes Tempus as the darkness around me starts to surround me in a cyclone, eventually all going into my nostrils or mouth. I'm unable to stop it since I can't move my any part of my body now as if I'm frozen. All I could is watch as I begin to lose control over my body, and I feel myself fade away. I wonder if this is what dying feels like...

Tempus's POV:

I open my eyes, feeling fantastic. Having a corporeal body again is amazing, although I am surprised that Hiccup didn't put up much of fight. That distraction of mine must've made Chrysalis busy. Otherwise, he might've fended off against me. That's when I get a feeling somebody's stalking, raising my ear-fins as I turn around, growling. That's when I see a Night Fury stalking towards me, so I search through Hiccup's mind to find out about him. I figure it's the so-called "guardian" that my sister put in place to protect Hiccup. It took mere moments for me to see that the Night Fury is called Toothless.

"Hey, Toothless! You're not trying to scare me are you?" I say, careful to make sure I sound like Hiccup and stopping myself from obliterating him from existence.

"What!? How did you know I was here?!?" Toothless exclaims grumpily. "I usually always get you..."

That's when I realize I'm supposed to copy Hiccup's habits and try to imitate him, even if it means changing a little.

"I guess you're going to have to try harder!" I say with a chuckle. "Cause I feel like a whole new person!"

"Huh, is it me or did your voice deeper?" Asks Toothless, turning his head slightly, as if getting a better view of me. "Eh, it's not like you're possessed by an evil spirit related to Chrysalis and is pretending to be Hiccup, right?"

"Uh.........." Words cannot even form in my mouth at the complete and utter shock of how accurate he is. I couldn't even think of a response to defend myself.

"Haha! You take some things too seriously. I mean I can't believe you actually considered it that it's even possible," says Toothless in a carefree manner. "Well, I believe I told Stormfly that I'd agree to whatever stunt she has in store... wish me luck..."

When Toothless leaves to search for food; I go outside to find Hiccup's friends to know more about them. I do have the ability to exploit someone's fear, but it does help to know them. I just have to be careful not to reveal myself in the process.

"Hey! Hiccup, what're you doing?" Asks Astrid.

I'm about to reply, excited to meet Hiccup's "lover" when I quickly remember Hiccup hasn't learned how to use Magick to talk yet. Too bad the Scaleless haven't learned how to speak Dragonese. So I scratch out the runes, using Hiccup's memories.

Hey, Astrid! I'm walking around making sure dragons and people get along.

"Really, I thought you are always busy with something, especially whenever I ask you to do something with me," replies Astrid, giving me a death stare. "You aren't avoiding me are you?"

No, I would never avoid a fine woman such as yourself! I would love to spend time with you, just say when and where!

I shudder on the inside from the glare given by the female Scaleless. I have not seen such an intimidating stare since my mother, even a powerful dragon-like my father fears her stare. So Astrid and I walk towards wherever she wishes. I do not really care, as long as I complete my goal. Destroy what Hiccup has built, and everything he loves. This shouldn't be too hard, what can be built, can be even more easily torn apart.

Hiccup's POV:

"Wake up! Wake up Hiccup!!! I don't have all day!" Booms a familiar yet annoying voice. "How many times do I have to do this..."

"Ugh, what's going on...?" I say groggily. "Why am I seeing two golden Night Furies?"

"Well, I do not know what substances you have taken recently, but I suggest you stop."

When I begin to make coherent thoughts, I roll over and go in a sitting position and that's when everything that happened a few days ago hit me like a splash of water. Wait, that did happen. I glare at Chrysalis for hitting me with cold water.

"Hey! What's that for? I'm up!" I shout indignantly. "And how am I here?"

"Well since your body was taken over by my annoying brother," explains Chrysalis. "I decided to help you out by getting it back and teaching you some Magick by dragging your consciousness to the dream realm. Your welcome."

"Wait, your brother?" I say confused.

"Yeah, you know, the evil threat you were prophesied to face? Hello? Tempus?" She says, rolling her eyes. "Where have you been since my brother revealed himself?"

"So Tempus is your brother?" I say, musing. "That means the evil dragon in the prophecy is the one I have to kill... and the one ruining this beautiful place by making it dull."

"Yep, my family is a very messy one," Chrysalis grins with a look of sorrow. "Right, let's begin to teach you the art of Magic to get you your body back and maybe learn a thing or two along the way. This shouldn't take long..."

I guess I'm finally going to learn magick.

Tempus's POV:

It's been a very eventful day, for me anyhow. I've met with most of the friends of Hiccup, except for an elusive female dragon, Stormyfly. I'll probably kill them all along with Berk, then I'll give Hiccup his body back to see the devastation. Hmm, but maybe I should toy with Berk a little and sow the seeds of chaos before doing so. That should be way more fun than outright destruction; having the dragons and Scaleless of Berk hating their beloved hero, how... poetic.
