Chapter 7: A New Form

Toothless's POV:

I stare in shock as my former Scaleless friend morphs and transforms into a Night Fury. As his body is almost fully changed into a Night Fury, I notice the female Scaleless running away. My attention needs to be on Hiccup anyways since he needs my help. After seeing him lose consciousness, I breathe fire around his body so that he won't be cold. I wonder how this can happen when the realization occurred to me. This must be Chrysalis's doing! You'll pay for making Hiccup suffer. Once I am sure Hiccup is safe, I begin to drift off and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up to find myself in the dreamscape once again.

"Chrysalis! Show yourself!" I roar furiously.

"I assume Hiccup has Turned?" Responded Chrysalis.

"No thanks to you! You caused his acceleration in changing didn't you?" I ask angrily.

"Well, of course, the rate he was changing is much too slow if he is too be prepared for his first trial," explains Chrysalis. "All I had to do was channel more magick into you, so when he is near you or in your presence, the process accelerates."

"Why couldn't you make so that he doesn't have to go through all that suffering so he can satisfy your plans?" I reply as calmly as I can, with my anger simmering right underneath my words.

"I assure you, I have done everything within my power to make sure Hiccup felt nothing. I'm sure he experienced pain throughout the last week, but whenever he is with you, he would've ceased to feel any pain." Explains Chrysalis.

"Then tell me. Why did he go through such agony when he transformed?" I shout in fury.

"Unfortunately, I did not anticipate him being able to absorb such amounts of magick, I thought he would syphon small amounts every time he is with you," She further elaborates. "It seems he might have something draconic within him if he was able to do such a feat."

"Earlier, you said Hiccup having to be prepared for his first trial. What did you mean by that?" I ask calmly as I understood Chrysalis did everything in her power to ease Hiccup's pain. That still doesn't forgive her for putting him through such pain.

"The Queen that you so despise will be Hiccup's first trial to prove that he is truly to be the prophesied one." Answers Chrysalis cryptically.

"Are you mad?! The Queen? How can Hiccup face, let alone defeat, such a dragon? He'd need an army." I respond.

"Never underestimate the power of your bond with Hiccup, after all, you two seem to be inseparable." She says as the mist coalesces into a golden Night Fury. "You are to be his greatest friend, his trusted ally, mentor and so much more. Together, you two can be unstoppable."

"A mentor? What do you mean?" I ask with confusion. "And your true form is a golden Night Fury? How is that possible?"

"You will teach Hiccup how to survive and fight like a dragon," replies Chrysalis. "As for your second question, I am ascended. I have unlocked my magick's full potential, changing my appearance as a result, gaining the ability to see possible futures."

Ascended? I never heard of such a term, although my family believe magick to be a myth, yet it is very real. I hear a twig snap and turn around to see Hiccup, still human.

Hiccup's POV:

I wake up to see myself inside the dream realm thingy again, where I first met Chrysalis. I wonder if my transformation had something to do with that prophecy she showed me. I suddenly remembered a line from it; A Night Fury shall arise.

Pondering this revelation, I walk aimlessly since Chrysalis isn't doing her dramatic entrance. I continue down a path when I hear voices, one of them being Chrysalis's. Just who I need to figure what is going on. By the time I get there, not only do I realize she's in a physical form, a golden Night Fury, but Toothless is there with her. That's when it hit me, Toothless is talking. I didn't see a branch and I step on it, causing a loud snap and they both turn to stare at me.

"Hey there... heh heh," I say nervously.

"Hiccup? Chrysalis why is he here?" Toothless asks her while keeping his attention on me.

"Ah, I suppose he must've somehow slipped into this realm unnoticed or has something to do with him having what I believe to be a dragon's soul, yet is human." Chrysalis muses. "This is an interesting conundrum."

"Hey, um, I'm right here you know," I speak up so they know I'm still here, not that anybody cares apparently. "Toothless, how can you talk? And how are you a golden Night Fury, Chrysalis?"

"Toothless? Haha, what an interesting name, I'm sure it came from somewhere fascinating." Chrysalis chuckles when she hears his name.

"Shut up! Hiccup, you can understand me because your a dragon now, and the fact we are in the same dream," explains Toothless. "As for your other question, Chrysalis says she has ascended, gaining a different appearance and also powers to see possible futures. Although in my opinion, she's probably exaggerating a little."

I laugh as he turns around smiling to see that Chrysalis is practically right at his face, glaring angrily. His ear plates instantly flatten and he starts edging away subtly.

"Right, well is there an exit or do I have to do something in order to get out of here and back to the real world. I mean I have a forge to attend to and fix weapons." I say casually.

"Well, perhaps before you leave, you should know that your first trial is nearing. Very exciting news, I'm sure," she says excitedly. "Although the high chance of dying isn't as appealing."

"Wait. WHAT?!"I blurt out instantly. What kind of exciting news is that?

"Don't worry about it, you'll do fine I'm sure. Toothless will help you prepare for your trial while I'll teach you magick." Chrysalis responds, giggling.

"I will?" Toothless looks at her confusingly. Then she returns a stare full of daggers, that even makes me shudder in fear. She then hits Toothless's face with her tail. "I mean... I will!"

"Ah, well until next time, my friends. You're both waking so I hope you too will have an interesting day ahead of you. Especially if Toothless is teaching you how to be a dragon." Chrysalis laughs at the thought.

Not sure how to respond, I stand there awkwardly. Then my vision starts fading into nothingness, making me leave the dream world. 
