~ aesthetics ~

Picture whoever you want - an actor is not the character - these are just fun/help give a vibe.
(Kol would eat Nate for breakfast, for MJ)

Mira Jung Floare-Ruiz:

"The Original's Witch?"
"God, the things your mum would do to me if she knew I'd stolen her rep."


Kol Mikaelson x Mira Jung Ruiz:

"Your true love in exchange for mine..."

"I really need to talk to you right now...if you're here? If that's...you know...okay?"
"Of course that's okay, darling."


Klaus Mikaelson & Mira Jung Ruiz:

"Not his girlfriend - his babysitter."
"Sorry, I meant dog-trainer. He's not exactly house ready yet, but we're getting there."


Ryos Jung:

"You've got a lot of nerve."
"I've got a lot more than nerve, Katherine. I have all the cards."


Samu Carlin:

"Figure it out, Full-Moon."


The Non-Judging Supernatural Breakfast Club:

"Can we go get drunk and dance on bars once this is all over?"
"It's cute that you think this is ever gonna end."


Tyler Lockwood and Caroline Forbes:

"What are they doing?"
"Hitting each other with sticks."
"And what are you doing?"
"Forcing them to talk about their feelings once they're too tired to stop me."


Kai Parker:

"Maybe you'll kill me, or I'll kill you, or we'll kill everyone else - I don't know the specifics yet. What I do know? We're going to be epic."


Ana Floare-Ruiz:

"I need to run."
"Run? At this rate, you're going to get yourself killed Ana."
"I will survive until I'm ready to die."


Ana Ruiz and Ryan Jung:

"What do you think you're doing?"
"Taking a picture of the creepy guys trapping a girl in an alley."
Ana laughed at the human's blunt response to the vampire.


Jung-Ruiz Family:

"We look like our dad but we have our mum's hair...and her legacy."


a/n: My personal fave is the Kora one purely for the two ghosts holding hands. The picture always cracks me up, especially in relation to them.

(I'm also trash for the colours of Ryos and Ana's)

- Bea xx
