188: When The Levee Breaks

a/n: 😉 have fun with this one.
I cut nearly 3000 words to make it justified as one chapter lmao - Bea x

MJ managed to sleep at Marcel's without any dream manipulation...no explosions when she woke up either. She set an alarm, enough time for a nice walk back to The Mikaelson Compound for breakfast, and, for the first time, it actually felt like she'd made some progress. She had no idea if her dad would contact her again, but she'd spoken to him.

She'd gotten to hug him again.

She could take a step forward, no longer needing to wonder 'What If?'

The ball was in his court.

MJ could focus on the rest of her life until he decided what to do about that.

There was a catering team moving about, pastries across the room, Kol munching away, Klaus sitting at the head of the table.

"Mira," He greeted, lifting up a mimosa, "You vanished."

"Personal moment."

Kol raised an eyebrow but didn't out her, letting MJ sit down next to Klaus, taking a drink he'd pushed her way, sipping, then almost spitting it out.

It didn't taste right.

"This is orange juice!"

The hybrid sniggered at her reaction.

MJ had been expecting alcohol and then tasted something that wasn't that, hence the slight over-reaction. Most mornings at The Compound had her questioning her sense of taste since she'd returned, drinks often tasting slightly not right – but she was still recalibrating from her Prison World 'death,' so she hadn't thought to mention it.

It was strange how getting used to taste again could mess with your head. Surrounding her with morning cocktails but only giving juice felt unfair.

Klaus was still grinning.


"You're underage."

"You used to deliberately give me alcohol at events."

"And now I'm a parent," Klaus reasoned falsely, "I'm aware of the appropriate behaviour young girls should have!"


"Encouraging the bad leads them into the arms of morally questionable men," He dismissed, "Ones that are far too old for them."


"We wouldn't want that now, would we?"

"If I dump my drink on an undead werewolf's head," Kol wondered aloud, "Is that considered animal abuse?"

Before anything could happen, Elijah joined them.

He took a seat, a newspaper in front of his eyes to block Klaus's face.

"Is something the matter, brother?" He gloated, "Can I fix you a drink, perhaps?"

"Strangely enough, I'm not in a mimosa mood."

"Fantastic! More for me."

MJ offered him her orange juice.

Elijah took it carefully, sniffed, eyes jumping from it, to Klaus, then Kol, before motioning for her to keep it, determined to be stubborn.

"Let's discuss strategy, Niklaus?" He put the newspaper down, "Just wondering if you actually have one."

MJ hid her laugh in her drink, less revolting with each sip.

"We can begin with Mikael's ashes – given that they are vital to Dahlia's defeat, would you care to tell me where they disappeared to?"

"Elijah," Klaus put his own drink down, "I have compelled the city's finest pastry chef for your own personal edification, and yet, you ignore my efforts in favour of needless concerns."

While he acted dramatically, MJ noticed the red paint on his hands. A sign that he was planning and worried about a lack of control...

"I appreciate it," Kol put another pastry on his plate, "Funny how much you miss things like food when you can't taste it for a year."

"The allegiance the pair of you seem to have created is not amusing," Elijah glared at his baby brother, "Don't encourage this – "

"I'm not aligned with him," Kol looked disgusted, "I'm eating breakfast and commenting about how much I once missed such simple pleasures."

"Acting entirely unbothered about our situation does nothing but allow him to continue his smuggery – though I can't say I'm surprised by your behaviour – "

"Elijah," MJ tilted her head, "Are you ever gonna actually talk to your brother about how he's feeling before you make a judgment?"

Rebekah walked into the silence that was forming, rubbing her eyes and clearly hungover.

She honed in on the coffee pot.

"Give me that."

MJ was instantly pouring a mug, sliding it over.

"What's the matter?" Klaus teased, "New witch body not up to last night's bender?"

"So I had a few?" Rebekah sat down on the opposite end to Klaus, "It's not every day you lose your father at the hands of your brother."



"Whoever said opportunity only knocks once, eh?"

Rebekah and Elijah were just staring at him.

MJ focused on Kol.

He seemed okay, but she knew he was probably still affected based on the previous night.

He wasn't upset about them or Klaus; he was just confused, conflicted, and somewhat unnerved by the fact it had happened again, having never really processed it in the first place.

"Come on," Klaus complained, "We all fled Mikael's tyranny, together, for centuries."

"'Together' isn't necessarily the right word," Kol commented, "Nor 'all.'"

"You were with us! In fact, you were neatly packaged," Klaus justified, "Delivered in the highest class of transportation available."

Kol tilted his head, pulling a face.

"I would've thought the mood this morning might be a bit more jubilant."

"Under normal circumstances," Elijah started, "The annihilation of our father would be rather commendable. Unfortunately, we have a greater threat to contend with."

Klaus just stood up, pouring himself another drink, revealing more paint on his clothes.

MJ's mind paused.

She needed to know what he'd painted. His paintings were always hints to his plans - and he was covered in red paint stains – paint, not blood – they had different consistencies as stains. No mourning murder spree. Just art...

"For someone who's been invited to a celebratory breakfast, you're proving quite the buzzkill."

"If anything has killed 'the buzz,'" Elijah mocked, "Perhaps, it was you murdering our father?"

MJ shifted up, "Are you two seriously gonna pull this right now?"

"Pull what exactly, Miss Jung?"

"Act like you wouldn't have done the exact same."

"He was our father," Rebekah leant forward, "I wouldn't have killed him."

"Ah yes," MJ tapped her fingers together and turned to Klaus, "I realise - I left out some crucial information the first time!"

Everyone looked confused.

"When I warned you about Mikael, I told you that Elijah had your back – that's actually quite vague."

"It was."

"Especially considering I didn't trust Elijah very much at the time."

"Mira," Elijah returned to her real name.

"It was actually his plan," She picked up a beignet, "I always got the credit, but Elijah told me to get the stake and to make sure it ended up in Mikael, not you."

There was a shift in the room, Kol biting back a smile while Rebekah's face went slack.

"And, when I asked Rebekah, she said the same. Literally - if you had the choice? 'I'd kill my father.'"

Klaus's lips twitched up.

"But, yeah, I guess she'd never kill him! Not at all!"


"The only person here who has a right to get mad is Kol. He never got a say in it."

"Of course you'd say that – "

"Was he not locked in a box because of your choices, Rebekah?"

Another pause.

"But you'd never hurt family?"


"How about, instead of acting holier-than-thou just because you've gotten a sister in Freya, why don't you grow up and remember that it's his kid at stake."

While they glared, Kol continued munching away, acting oblivious.

"You both would've done the exact same," She spoke clearly, "And I don't just mean to get the ashes."

There was a bigger underlying argument going on.

"If Mikael had said those things to you – you would've killed him."

He'd literally admitted to abusing Klaus for the fun of it.

"And before you claim otherwise, Rebekah, when I called you out for being two-faced."

After the compelling-Tyler-incident.

"Which is light in comparison to the things Mikael said," MJ stressed, "You lunged to kill."

"He didn't need to do it in front of Freya," Elijah switched tactics, "Murdering our father alienated the one person who truly knows how to defeat Dahlia."

"If Freya wants to be part of this family, she should be willing to accept us," Klaus argued, "Warts and all."

"Freya loved Mikael," Rebekah shifted back, "And he's likely ruined everything."

"Pity," Klaus dismissed, "Whatever shall I do?"

"Whatever you please, apparently!"

Klaus slammed his hands into the table, "Do not mistake my high spirits for lack of clarity! I know full well the threat we face. And, I intend to deal with it personally."

Elijah motioned to MJ, "And here's to hoping you'd talk some sense into him."

"About what?" She raised an eyebrow, "Freya? Maybe."

Knowing Freya had helped Finn put her in MJ's dark place.

"Giving you guys the ashes?"

A look to Klaus.

"I mean, I could probably find them," She felt like she knew him well enough, "And, think, Elijah."

MJ motioned to herself.

"I wonder who he'll get to make the weapon."

"Precisely," Klaus pointed at her, "Mira understands what we need to do, while everyone but Kol plays messenger bird to a woman I do not trust – the moment Kol is more trustworthy than you –"


Before anyone else could yell, the courtyard was filled with the sound of heels, turning Klaus's expression into the definition of unstable.

"Someone's here."

He was gone in a flash, the four of them following, Josephine walking into the house, a velvet choker around her neck, oddly calm.

MJ moved to her first, "Jo?"

"Forgive me for calling so early," She avoided her hands, "But I've come bearing a message from your Aunt Dahlia."

They stilled.

"She is owed a debt, and she means to be paid."

Klaus's smile was weak, "She can writhe in hell first."

"For merely taking what your mother promised her?"

"Esther's deals should've died with her," MJ said firmly, hands tingling as Klaus began to glare, "Dahlia can burn."

"Exactly, Esther," Josephine pitched, "If you must harbour hatred, isn't it better spent on the one who traded your child away a thousand years ago?"

The Mikaelson's shared a look.

"I only seek to fulfil a bargain."

MJ tensed.

She was talking in the first person.

"A bargain that, consequently, resulted in your very existence," Her hands gestured out, "Perhaps you should be thanking me?"

Elijah put himself in front of everyone, "Dahlia."

"My child," Jo's face grinned, "I prefer Aunt Dahlia."

Klaus stormed forward to get in her face, "You dare enter my home?"

"I only come for what is mine."

Blood began to seep through Josephine's choker.

"No," MJ lunged forward, Elijah's arm stopping her from potentially making herself a target.

"The time has come to add the child's power to my own," Jo's voice sounded doubled-up, "Though, I do not detect her here...I see you've used a spell to cloak her."

The eyes drifted to MJ despite the fact it hadn't been her.

Her spell collection? Sure.

But city magic, not hers.

"No matter, such spells will yield," She grinned, "As will you."

Josephine's knees began to shake, blood spewing from her neck.

"Say your farewells."

MJ was fighting Elijah's hold to help her.

"You have 'til nightfall tomorrow, and then the child shall be mine," Her confidence could be felt too, "Be a dear and inform the mother? No reason we can't be civilized about this."

As they all shared a horrified look, Klaus exploded, chopping through the already dead neck, sending Josephine's lifeless body to the floor with a wicked smile, breath heavy, stress clear.

"Niklaus," Elijah's voice was soft.

He walked away, back up to his painting room, without a look back at them, humming a tune to himself.

"Mira," He let his arm drop, "Talk to him – find a way to calm him."

"Elijah..." She was staring at the body, "Have faith in him."

"After that display, you trust where his mind lies!?"

She did, "It's Hope. You all need to work together."

"He's making it impossible to work with him."

"He doubts you," MJ countered, "Stop giving him reasons too."

"MJ," Rebekah shook his head, "Freya won't forgive him."

"Then Freya's stupid."


"She wants to be free of Dahlia? She needs to put her hate aside for a few days."

Something MJ was a master at, thanks to Mystic Falls.

"Once this is dealt with, she can tear him to pieces," Her mind felt right again, "You don't need to like someone to work with them, and right now you guys need to work together, because, whether Freya comes around or not, I'll make him his weapon, and I will protect Hope."

The most important person in the family.

"The rest of this bickering can wait until she is safe."

Elijah sighed, "Talk to him."

"She doesn't have to," Kol crossed his arms, "Why send a witch to him when he's dripping with witch blood?"

Her eyes fell back to Josephine, "I need to talk to the witches."

MJ trusted Klaus to have a plan, he always did, and the year prior, questioning him, and arguing with him about it, only made everything worse – and she didn't have the energy to do it.

"Mira – "

"Do it yourself."

Elijah straightened up.

"I repeat," Kol stepped back from the scene, bored by it, "Our family troubles aren't hers to manage."

"Exactly," MJ pointed, "Have a genuine conversation with your brother about his kid."

Rebekah moved towards her, "MJ – "

"I have to tell the witches about this now."

The first task of the day.

"And they're probably gonna blame me for it," She could take it, though, "I'll text you when we have a plan of action because if Freya doesn't get on board, having the rest of the witches on our side, revenge for Jo, would be a massive help."

"That's true," Elijah looked at the body, "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"I'll try and get them to listen."

All she could do was try, but killing the Regent?

MJ shouldn't have to try too hard to turn Dahlia into a city-wide enemy; that act should have done it all on its own.

She closed her eyes, "Can you compel someone to handle the body for me?"

"Of course."

"I'll do it," Kol finally stopped loitering on the edge, "I know the ritual you'll be expected to do."

She smiled softly at him, "Thank you."

"The other witches won't like you being there," Rebekah reminded him, "They want you out of that body."

"Then I'll get the body there, set it up, then go," He waved a dismissive hand, "Hardly the first time I'm tidying up a beheaded witch without letting French Quarter Witches realise it's me."


MJ had gone to collect supplies, Kol wrapping up the body while she was gone, so she didn't have to see it once she was back downstairs, then he drove it to the Cemetery while she walked, desperate to get away from the smell.

If she could get through running the ritual for the witches, that would be a massive sign of progress for her.

While it was only the pair of them, Kol carefully spoke up.

"May I seek your council on something?"

She smiled at the phrasing, "Of course."

"Freya gave us an ultimatum."

MJ stilled.

They were standing in a gathering point in the Cemetery, where four pathways met, near the LaRue tomb block. She had been pacing until that moment, Kol working around the raised platform, carefully preparing the body the way the witches would want it displayed for mourning.

He continued to flatten out the cloth as he spoke.

"We can either work with her and her insight, or Klaus."

"And she said this to Elijah and Rebekah too?"

"Yep," He bobbed his head, "...She set up a tribute spot for Mikael in the cathedral..."

MJ turned to face him, eyes able to gloss over the body, "Do you wanna visit?"

"No," He spoke quickly, "She gave the choice to Elijah, telling him to tell us."

MJ cleared her throat.

Kol looked up, waiting for the sentence to come.

She didn't let herself say it.


"Just," She wanted to be careful, "I know Klaus is being insufferable right now, but – like – no wonder he's mad! If my dad had abused me for the fun of it, said that in front of all of my siblings, only for my siblings to get mad at me about being upset about it – "

Long breath in.

"The audacity!"

Kol smiled a little.

She faltered, "...Kol?"

"Out of every insult, you picked 'the audacity!'"

Her shoulder's untensed.

"Sorry," He laughed, "Serious conversation."

"Sorry too," She shuffled closer to the platform, "Your situation to rant about."

"I'll assume that means you think I should stick with my position of supporting Klaus?"

The reason he'd brought it up had been about advice...

"Um," MJ blinked rapidly, "I mean...If you want to visit the tribute, go for it – I'm not mad Elijah went."

They both rested on the edge of the cold stone.

"Klaus knows how to come out of on top," She continued, "You know that better than anyone."

His lips twitched up.

"So if he's doing this for, not only himself, but for the one thing he really loves?"

"He's going to find a way to screw us all over and win," Kol finished.

"Hope's what matters," She reasoned, "We all need to work together."

"That's not going to happen, M."

"It could."

He gave her a sympathetic look.

"For Hope, I'm going to have hope."

"Happy to have that look back on your face," He straightened up, returning to the consecration ingredients, "But not the time for it."

Her turn to laugh.

"This is an 'us and them' situation," He tried to sound unbothered, "Usually, I'm daggered around now."

"You can't be daggered anymore."

"I can't be involved with any fight while I'm stuck in this," He gagged at himself, "Gormless toad's form."

"I wouldn't have let you kiss me so many times if you looked like a gormless toad."

"I guess that's true," He carefully moved his hand over Jo's face, "Still. I need to jump back."

He'd made up his mind.

"But; either Elijah will dagger me to stop me from helping Klaus, or Klaus will dagger me to stop me from helping Elijah."

"Except," She countered, "I have all but one of the daggers."

He shifted on his feet.

"Davina has the golden one, Klaus has one, and I 'hid' all the rest."

"So Klaus is the winner."

"No," MJ softened her tone, "I'd always pull the dagger out."

She wouldn't allow it to be used.

"But, this isn't Freya or Klaus. The only real side is Hope."

"Maybe," He filled up the last pot and stepped away, "I'm not used to being included in these talks of sides..."

"In my mind," MJ spoke slowly, "Ultimatums tell you a lot about a person."

"You gave Klaus and me one."

"I'm usually massively against them."

Ric had given her one.

Caroline had given Tyler one...

They always end badly.

"If someone is making you pick them, to better their life, they're usually contributing to the problems in yours."

Each case was different, but that was her experience with them.

Tyler and Caroline's situation had been different, but a whole other brand of complicated.

"You weren't making us pick you," Kol called out, "You were making us pick each other."

And they'd all lose if they didn't.

"Freya and Klaus want the other gone."

"If you pick a side, Kol, I'll have your back."

Even if it wasn't Klaus.

"This is your choice."

"But I want your opinion."

"Ultimatum givers with selfish intent always cause more problems than solutions."

He looked around the empty maze of graves.

During her walk, while he'd received that text message, MJ had sent out a summoning beacon to the covens. Then, she'd prepped what she would say on her notes app, trying to keep things as simple as possible. Even if the witches never let anything be straightforward.

"A clarification," Kol filled the space with noise again, "When I say things like 'I'm better on my own' while talking about my family, or 'I like having my side to be in charge of' – you know that's not referring to you."

She smiled.

"Because," He stepped back, "If we are having to pick sides, I'm not picking my own; I'm picking yours."

She felt her cheeks warm a little.

"My loyalty will always fall to you."

"I'm literally going to jump you the moment you're back in your own body," She grinned, "You can't keep saying these cheesy things while we're not together."

"My family are so worried about me corrupting your morals, but you stand so firmly on them."

"The body can't give consent."

"I'm painfully aware!" He gestured out teasingly, "And I will be holding you to that remark once you're ready to go again."

"You've gone from cheesy to trashy quick."

"Romantic to sexy," He corrected, "Which, by the way – "

His finger tapped her nose.

" – is how our dates will go."

"Dates, huh?"

"I have such things planned."

"I'm sure."

"For when you're ready," He repeated, "And for when I am myself again."

"Good to know what's on your mind's while the family's at civil war."

"We're always on the brink of a civil war."

She laughed.

"I'm not quite sure what's meant to be so different this time – Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah could perform this routine in their sleep," He looked so unimpressed, "Klaus does something. He gets catered food so he can act likes he's fine when he's actually scared they'll leave."

Klaus had once feared Kol for a reason.

"I'll be the one enabling him, Elijah will play 'hypocritical moral compass, but Rebekah will be the one to forgive him first. I'll then take it too far, and Elijah will forgive Klaus as they dagger me together."

Fun family dynamics.

"And the cycle repeats," Kol continued, "Klaus does something on his own, gets scared, buys a selection of food, Rebekah forgives, Elijah forgives by focusing on my missteps."

"Good to know Klaus is a stress eater."

"Did the constant supply of women to eat not give that away? He's always stressed."

MJ felt a shift in the air.

Some witches were arriving.

She and Kol shared a look, "If you want me here...?"

"I'll be fine."

"Then I'll be in The Playhouse."

"Davina and Sam are still there."

"Yeah," He nodded, "And?"

"Um, well," MJ felt oddly guilty, "I was going to tell you yesterday, but everything spiralled, so I didn't."

Was MJ about to be a bad friend?


Did it need to happen?


"Davina has your ashes."

Kol stilled.

"Klaus said he left them in my apartment, but they're not there, and she was the person staying there the past few weeks."

"Which means she either took them," He looked a little shell-shocked, "Or knows who did."



"I might be wrong, but...if you wanna ask her about it?"

"Why would she take my ashes?"

MJ bit her lip.

"Why didn't she mention it the other day!" His expression started to turn back, "She knows I'm – "


His voice cut out.

"She was eighteen two days ago."

And no one had probably remembered.

"She's a kid, and she's scared," MJ came closed as more magic entered the air, "And she cares about you."

"If she cared about me, she wouldn't have stolen my ashes!"

"She's scared of losing you," MJ hated it, "If you're a witch, your relationship is obvious. Your teammates, friends – whatever you wanna call it – "

"I'd still be her friend if I was a vampire."

"I know that!"

Defending Davina while clarifying she disagreed with her was a complex task.

"She literally hates your family – but then you came along, claiming to be someone else..."

He blinked slowly.

"It's easy to pretend you're different when you're in another body. Keeps you as her person."

It was incredibly messed up.

"Be upset, but be careful," MJ reached out to touch his arm, "Don't lash out too quick."

"She can't keep my ashes."

"Obviously not."

A long breath in.

"I'll happily listen to you rant and get mad with you, but to get the ashes back?" MJ pulled a face, "Davina's as stubborn and quick-tempered as Klaus. Anger won't get you anywhere."

He clicked his teeth.

"She might even use you getting mad to justify keeping them, bring up bloodlust."

"I'll..." His features looked genuinely hurt.

Not by MJ, but by the situation he was now in.

"I need to talk to her."


More magic in the air.

MJ glanced around, "We'll figure it out later?"

He grimaced, "Fine."

"You cool with seeing her on your own?"

He tried for a smile, "The number of witches I've acted charming around to disguise the fact I'm about to murder them – "

"You're not going to murder Davina for this."

"...I know."


"Kidding!" He put his hands up, "I wouldn't – but she's betrayed – "

"She made a mistake."

He gave her puppy eyes, "Let me be dramatic, darling."

"Okay," She almost smiled, "Now scram."

He winked, disappearing into the mess of mausoleums and engraved panels, the first witch appearing at the end of the opposite path. MJ stuck by The LaRue Tomb, letting her mind wander so she didn't have to address the intensity of the look the first one was giving her.

What to think about?

Klaus had hidden the ashes.

Though, he was willing to share them with her – which meant they'd be in something he could subtly give to her, stuck in 'don't trust my siblings' land.


The paint.

It was so obvious.

Or maybe she just knew Klaus a little too well.

Every witch answering the summoning arrived and reacted in the exact same way.

A gasp at the sight of Josephine, a vengeful look at her, then...realisation that a witch wouldn't have chopped a head off, then called a meeting about it.

MJ may have had a history of decapitation, but it wasn't one they knew about.

She was standing on a raised platform, dressed in greys, and moving a white sheet over the body, head placed as if it was still attached to the body.

Once the space was full, she began.

"This morning, Josephine arrived at the Mikaelson Compound with a message from a woman named Dahlia."

Most witches didn't know what was going on beyond Elijah and Jo's recent alliance.

"She is trying to kidnap Hope Mikaelson. A baby and a French Quarter Witch."

A vital piece of information considering how possessive New Orleans witches were about their kind – and people who were meant to be part of their power cycle.

"She murdered Josephine to make her a delivery puppet."

Kol had gone through a list of checks to work out the time of death for her during set-up.

"We're left without a Regent, the symbol of unified power," MJ dipped her fingers into the water bowl, "And the threat is a witch. An ancient and powerful witch."

A few of the other elders stepped forward, lighting candles, Kol having placed herbs on the wicks.

"I know that people don't like me," She was tracing symbols, "And I know even more of you didn't like my mother."

But her mother was dead.

"I ask you to accept that Josephine did. And that Josephine wanted to keep all witches safe."

She covered the body completely, closing her eyes, lifting her arms up and lighting the torches on either side of the tomb entrance with a breath.

"Her passing is an attack on all of us. So I ask you to gather with me, honouring her spirit as it joins our ancestors."

The other elders mimicked her position, the fires growing stronger.

"Her power flows into our soil. Into each and every one of us."

The magic in the air was clear and good, adding fuel to her body.

Once the moment was over, people moved, growing flowers around the corpse. Many took a seat in the tomb, starting personal sun visuals to help the spirit reach the ancestors peacefully.

"Will you be joining us?" A woman from Garden District asked.

MJ rubbed her hands together, still on the stand above the main crown, "My vigilance will be tomorrow night. From sunset till sunrise."

That was met with a few confused expressions.

"The conjunction between the moon and Jupiter," She'd checked, "It'll strengthen the transfer of power."

"This witch," Someone else asked, "How do we fight her?"

"Working on it," MJ needed to be perfect, "There's a recipe for a tonic to keep her from possessing you."

She'd send it out.

"And, it'd be helpful for a new Regent to be appointed soon...bring our power together – and for the elders to be on call for any protective spells needed."

Elijah's previous plan.

"St James is now a magic-free zone. A safe-house."

Her version of Traveller spells.

"The wolves are allies. They need to the tonic too – vampires too," She was surprised by the lack of evil looks, "I'll keep the witches updated if anything changes."

A man from Tremé stood up, "And if we need you?"

Her heart jumped.

"Will you be licking the heels of the Mikaelson's, or will you be here? Doing your duties as an elder?"

"I will be protecting the witch being targeted," MJ made her stance clear, "That's my duty as an elder."

The witch just happened to be a Mikaelson.

"But, if I'm needed, I will be here too."


"I said I'd protect witches, and I will."

"You didn't protect Josephine."

"It was too late," She couldn't take the comment to heart, "But that won't be repeated."

She needed to put her money where her mouth was.

"Going forward, we need to be united. Everyone does," MJ stressed, "Josephine died because of a fight between two witches, from a thousand years ago, one of those witches represented by vampires and wolves nowadays."

Mikaelson Family Feud would be hilarious to watch if it was a TV gameshow instead of their lives.

"No matter what you think of me, as a siphoner, or as a Ruiz," She swallowed, "Or as a Mikaelson. Working together is the only way we all get to live."

MJ started on the path to Kol's playhouse, but she noticed someone lingering in the shadows before she could get there.


"I thought you gave up magic."

He smiled, leaning on a wall of graves, "Call me intrigued."


"The new elder calls a city-wide meeting?" He shrugged, "Figured it had to be good."

"A Regent's death," She sucked on her lips, "Not good, but big? Sure."

"And you," He scanned her, "You gonna be taking her seat at the senate?"

"I can't."


"The rules," She brushed her hair back, "The Regent needs to be an inflow and outflow of power. Someone who can be channelled by all witches."

Elders were different.

Elders were arms and legs, acting independently for covens.

The Regent was the brain, tying it all together.

"And you can't be," He finished, "There goes the obvious transition of power."

"They never would've voted me in. Not with my rep."

"I think you're overestimating their hate."

"I've listened to enough of it over the years. They don't want me."

"But," He pointed, "They want power."

That was true.

"I don't think the witches care who's in charge, as long as their power gives 'em a sense of security."

MJ faltered.

"Your little 'be united' is a nice sentiment, but the witches don't care about it," Vincent walked closer to her, "They care about protection. Be prepared."

MJ crossed her arms, "What are you saying?"

"That you should look for a loophole."

If anyone was going to find a loophole to something set in stone for centuries...

"Unless you snatch up the crown, someone else is going to, and whoever it is," He shook his head, "They probably won't be so nice."

"Who do you think they'll want?"

"Me," He admitted, "Not for any leadership qualities."

"Hence why you think it could end up in bad hands," MJ frowned, "If it's someone who's power-hungry gets in, they're gonna make the species war worse."

"And people will die in the process."

"Say yes, then."


"You think they'll want you? Say yes," She decided, "Work with me and make peace."

"I don't practise."

"And I get, and I respect that," Her hands came up, "But, by saying no, you need to understand that you are part of the consequences."

Was she manipulating him?

Was she learning from Klaus?

She was learning from Ryos.

"Whoever ends up in charge? If you have a say in that– what happens to and because of them, falls on you."

"I'm not a witch anymore," He repeated, "Not my problem."

It was a 'fight' for another day.

"See you," She bobbed her head in goodbye, returning on her way.

Sam wasn't in The Playhouse this time, Josh was.

"Hey?" She stayed in the doorway, clocking how still Davina and Josh were standing, glancing between Kol and her. "What's up?"

The best friends shared a look.

She tried a hopefully easier question, "Where's Sam?"

"With Hayley," Davina answered, "Now that she and Hope are out of The Compound, he thinks he can be with the pack again."

It made sense.

Sam was probably fine with the sire-bond if it meant doing what Hayley said. Hayley cared about him. Klaus only cared about Hope, demonised for being a protective parent.

The silence over them was killing her.

She walked into the room, "What's wrong?"

"They started acting like this when I got here," Kol revealed, "Wonder what they could possibly be hiding from me?"

MJ felt a potential explosion about to happen, "What have I done?"

"Nothing," Josh tried.

Davina didn't, "Did you know Klaus was using Aiden as a mole?"

"I found out yesterday."

Josh frowned, "And you didn't tell me?"

Kol stepped back a little, realising his assumption about the attitude had nothing to do with him. It was, in fact, a friendship problem he could observe.

"Kol and I were with Klaus and Mikael all day," MJ gave context, "Fought Dahlia, watched Mikael die, then Marcel uncompelled my dad in the middle of me having a panic attack."

In one day.

"It slipped my mind – sorry."

Josh gave her a thumbs up, processing the list, "You're forgiven."

"Thank you."

"Mikael's dead?" Davina checked.

"We needed his ashes to make a weapon – and Dahlia responded to our earlier run-in by killing Josephine."

Davina's eyes went wide, "The Regent's dead."

"Yeah, just did the consecration myself...I texted you to come."

"I know," She rubbed her shoulders, "I thought it was a coven meeting."

"Davina," MJ spoke cautiously, sharing a look with Kol, "You said you missed having witches about."

This conversation could connect to his potential problem with Davina.

"I'm not just re-joining," She huffed, "Re-joining means being an ancestral servant. It means making myself weaker to follow rules of elders and regents."

"Except I'm the elder, and I won't limit you."

"We don't agree on everything."

That was true.

"I don't wanna be just any witch, bossed about, ever again," She shook her head, "It's not worth it."

Josh and MJ shared a look.

"And I don't need them," She smiled at Kol, "I have you. We're our own coven."

He bit his lip.

"Once I've helped the wolves, we can focus on everything else you were teaching me."

"I can teach you whatever you want to know," Kol spoke slowly, "Starting with a reformation spell. For if we ever find where my ashes ran off to."

"You still wanna jump back?"

Kol focused on MJ over Davina's shoulder, a spark appearing in his eye, "I had a long chat with Vincent."

MJ tried to work out what he was doing.

"He, Cami and I were talking."

Interesting list of names.

"He was in so much pain after his experience with Finn," He sounded genuine, "Dealing with the guilt, and the time gap...I wasn't really thinking about it before. This body! He can't consent to any of this!"

MJ watched the confliction flash over Davina's face.

"We were careful because she didn't want to take advantage of someone else." His innocent eyes were pointed at her 'appreciatively,' "Talking to Vincent? Seeing the situation from his point of view – it's really not right to stay here."

MJ had to give Kol credit.

He how to say the perfect words when he wanted to play people.

...The master manipulator wily fox...

"I almost died, and as awful as that is for me, I had all of you. This fellow, Kaleb, would've died, because my mother decided he didn't matter...hardly seems fair."

She swallowed, "But – "

"That's not even addressing how odd it is to use someone else's form," He pulled a face, "These aren't my hands or my magical abilities. Or, several other more useful parts of my body."

His warm tone was battling cheeky undertones.

"That were much better in the original – simply ask Mira."

Josh snorted, MJ twisting to look away, suppressing her own laugh.

"...Yeah," Davina nodded, "I guess that's true – but that's not what we need to be talking about right now."

The awkward silence came back.

What was going on if it wasn't the ashes or the Aiden-Klaus situation anymore?

"MJ," Josh decided to speak, watching the sharp look in Davina's eye, "This isn't meant to be an attack on you..."

"Just ask?"

"Can we trust you right now?"

"Yes," MJ didn't miss a beat, "Klaus and I are friends, and teammates, but I'm not some parrot in his ear, and you know that."

He nodded.

"Do we?" Davina whispered.

"You do."

"He calls you 'his little bird.'"

"One of the first calm conversations we ever had was about the fact he could shift into a werewolf. And that I could shift into a bird."

Josh and Davina's heads shot towards her.

"It's a Floare gift," MJ felt herself turning awkward, "My mum called me 'little bird' when I was growing up because of it...I stupidly told Klaus, and now, here we are..."


"...To be perfectly honest, as weird as it is...I like it...hearing it keeps my mum's energy here a little bit longer..."

Davina shifted back a little, still looking on edge.

"I was living with her most of last year," Josh spoke to Davina, "Klaus wanted me dead, and he never found out."

MJ smiled at him in thanks.

"But that was before she died," Davina sounded delicate, coming closer to MJ, "You still haven't exactly talked about it, and it would make perfect sense for you to lean a little too much on someone you think can keep you safe."

MJ shifted.

"Klaus is keeping his daughter safe," Kol's tone was flat, "What's wrong with helping that?"

"Since when have you defended Klaus?" Davina turned to face him, "The dagger is your plan."

"Davina – "

"You don't need to act like you like him just because MJ does," She argued, "You're not like your family Kol. That's a good thing."

"D," MJ actually laughed, "They've slipped in and out of 'friendship' for ten centuries!"


"This isn't about me. They're family."

"And," Kol nodded, "I'm not defending Klaus; I'm defending MJ's position with him."

"I'm just trying to keep Hope safe."

Her primary focus until Dahlia was dealt with.

"If Klaus does something stupid, I will stop him, but, to be aware of his stupid choices, I need him to talk to me, which he won't do if he thinks I'm looking at him the way the rest of you do."

A flurry of text messages started to hit her phone.

One of the witches she'd met the previous year had shared her number with the other covens.

Every message was either about potential Regents or Dahlia.

She'd texted Freya's tonic out, giving them something to do so she could focus.

"Are you gonna be Regent?" Josh asked, "Cos, like, you'd be an epic 'Queen of the Witches.'"

She smiled at his support.

"You basically were 'queen' last year."

"I can't be channelled. To be the anchor, you need to be channelled."

"So, who are you voting for?"

"No clue," She tossed her phone to the table, sitting next to it and crossing her legs, "Trying to focus on Hope-slash-Dahlia, and hoping people remember that Jo approved me."

Davina gave her a confused look.

"The siphoner hate is at an all-time low because the witches want power. I'm power."

Vincent's point.

"But, I'm sure it'll kick in soon enough now Jo isn't there to have my back."

"Even if the witches don't," Josh tried for a smile, "We will."

MJ lifted an invisible glass, "To the non-judging breakfast club."

"Here's to hoping we actually get through a meal together at some point."

"Non-Judging Breakfast Club?" Kol asked.

"Referencing a tv show quote that was referencing a film," MJ waved a hand, "We can add it to the century catch-up list."

Davina perked up, "You guys have a list?"

"Mira made it for me the first go around," Kol smiled, "Haven't had the time to complete it."

"We will," MJ declared, "And you will re-try pizza."

"And I will make sure to react incredibly over-dramatically for your benefit."

"You never tried pizza?" Josh's mouth was agape

The moment of normalcy was interrupted when Aiden arrived, panicked, holding one of Hope's bunny toys and the enchanted chains Kol had created in the 1900s.

"Um?" MJ pointed at the chains, "Kinky?"

Aiden's body untensed, lips twitching at the comment.

"Fair warning, they don't stop super strength. Whoever's weaker should wear them to avoid breakage."

Everyone gave her a look, Kol included, Josh asking, "Why do you know that?"

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

Davina scrunched up her face, "Gross."


"You better be," Kol looked personally offended, "We didn't have access to them when I was in the preferred form – though your underwear did work well enough."


Josh closed his eyes, "What you do in your bedroom is up to you."

"Sam and I tested them last year! In a non-sexual way," She put her face in her hands, "Why does everyone who asks me about sex go straight to kink."

"You give kinky vibes."


Aiden patted her on the shoulder, "There's no way someone over a thousand years old gets turned on by anything normal anymore."

"Incorrect!" Kol put his hands to his chest, "Being alive that long just means I know all the best ways – she's the one with a word kink."

"I don't have a word kink!"

"The last song on the latest vinyl you bought was a gallimaufry."

She giggled before she could stop herself.

"Point proven."

Aiden shook his head, "What did you just say?"

"Gallimaufry is a term used to describe a piece of music written messily, or a collection of jumbled events," Kol summed, "It was popular in the 1800s."

"And that turns you on?" Aiden looked at MJ.

"It doesn't turn me on - it's when he uses words like that in sentences without so much as a pause to check if people understand."

A declaration that didn't help make her seem any more normal.

"It's not words; its intelligence. Intelligence is attractive!"

"And old things."

"...quite possibly."

Kol pouted, "Way to make me feel special."

"I have daddy issues; blame Marcel."

Davina put a finger up, "Can we not?"

"Exactly," MJ pointed, "Young and impressionable ears!"

"I'm not that young!"

"You're just eighteen – you baby."

"Exactly. She needs educating," Josh reasoned, "I doubt Marcel gave her the talk."

Kol laughed at the thought, "He's probably praying for abstinence."

"My turn to hate all of you."

"Davina," Aiden smiled innocently, "What do you want to know?"

He was using a fake PSA voice.

"This is a safe space."

"I hate all of you!"

"We've gotten off-topic," MJ's phone beeped with another witch message she briefly checked, "A dark object and a bunny feels roleplay-ee, and a little sketch. Explain?"


Josh gave him a reassuring nod, "You can trust her."

It seemed pretty well established that Kol wouldn't snitch since he wasn't openly a Mikaelson loyalist. MJ was the questionable one.

"Hayley and Jackson asked me to get them."


"And Klaus did see me getting them – "

"Klaus saw you?" Josh panicked.

"It's fine!" Aiden assured him, "I told him I was only getting the bunny, and gave him an update that Hope was okay – he didn't see the chains."

"Oh! Right!" Josh shoved up, "Yes, I'm sure that Klaus 'Colour Me Paranoid' Mikaelson totally fell for your whole, 'I came across the river for Hope's bunny' ruse!"

Aiden put the chains on the table for Davina, "These manacles are spelled to neutralize witch power, right?"

Davina looked to MJ and Kol, who gave the group a synchronised thumbs up.

"If you transfer the magic from these onto something smaller?" He was grinning, "If the baby can't give off magic, then Dahlia won't be able to track her!"

"That's," MJ looked at the chains, "Actually an excellent plan."

"Thank you."

"I was thinking I might've had to move her magic to a secondary location."

Like Bonnie with Ms Cuddles.

"We can't do that," Kol shut down, "That's her – "

"Kol – "

"Mira – "

"I already talked myself out of it," She put her hands up, "Transferring her power to something else, taking it away? That's her choice to make."

He relaxed.

"A bracelet or something," MJ did like it, "That would work."

"Yeah," Davina agreed, "But what difference does it make? I thought the baby was already safe?"

"You can never be too safe."

"Plus," Aiden inhaled, "Hayley and Jackson are getting ready to run."

No, no, no, MJ could not know that.

"Wow," Davina was in shock too, "Good for them."

"No, bad, bad idea," MJ's eyes were big, "Horrible idea."

Aiden looked to Josh and Davina for help.

"If you were her, wouldn't you run?" Davina pulled the chains closer to her, "I know I would."


"To get away from Klaus and his family drama, I wouldn't have to be asked twice."

"Good for you, Davina," MJ was incredibly still, "But running is quite possibly the dumbest thing Hayley could do right now."

"You just think that because Klaus would never hurt you."

"It's because I've actually lived on the run before!"

A second silence.

"I ran from Marcel for most of my adolescence," Her gaze was harsh, "For no real reason, and it was awful."

Davina held her look.

"You never get to make real friends – you live through a glass screen, and you feel like shit."

Aiden started to seem conflicted.

"Everyone you momentarily make a connection with will happily leave you behind because you're not truly one of them, and you can't even get upset about it because you have to live with that same mentality."

The LA Malraux wolves situation.

"You have to be okay with people dying for you. Constantly moving. Never connecting with people."

It wasn't a lifestyle she would ever advertise.

"And running from Klaus? Taking Hope? Are you serious?" She shook her head, "That's a death sentence."

The intensity of her stance was a little scary, Kol trying to work out how he was meant to react.

"Exactly! Klaus is a problem," Davina argued, "They're getting away from Klaus."

"They're running from the best defence on the planet."

"Who's controlling, violent, has no respect for either of them – "

"Who loves his daughter more than anything!"

"Kol," Davina looked to him, "You told me that you wanted to leave every century."

They were all staring at him, other than MJ.

MJ was focused on the eighteen-year-old, grinding her nerves.


"You're allowed to disagree with her – "

"It's not about disagreeing with her. It's about thinking it through."

"Thank you!" MJ cheered, "At least someone else is!"

Each second was more awkward than the last.

"Personally," Kol continued, "I laugh in the face of danger, unless it could cause me serious harm, I plan, and I murder."

The Silas situation.

"I don't wish to run. I simply wish to be elsewhere."

There was a difference.

"A thousand years with the same faces gets incredibly dull, my family convinced they're more interesting than they actually are."

Trust Kol to make a joke during a tense conversation.

"And Klaus will hunt them down to the end of the earth, take Hope back, kill Jackson, then find something worse for Hayley."

"Exactly!" MJ nodded furiously, "Encouraging Hayley to dip is the worst thing we could do."

"The people who need to run," Kol turned to the couple, "Are you two."


"If you're Klaus's mole, everyone you love will be murdered for your transgression today."

"Okay, um," MJ unlocked her phone, "I can help with that."

Aiden stepped back, "You just said that running wasn't worth it."

"For a teenager with no family," She clarified, "For two adults, trying to escape a situation that could get them killed? It's different – doable."

"It's Klaus," Josh repeated, "How are we meant to run from him?"

"It's incredibly possible," Kol shrugged, "Enough people have done it."

Not that he'd admit that.

"And you're talking to the best friend of the master of it."

Katherine Pierce was still out there.

They didn't talk much anymore, Katherine smart enough not to let her voice be heard in The Compound, but she sent postcards whenever she and Nadia changed locations.

"And," MJ found the contacts she needed, "They have another massive advantage on their side."

All of them were forwarded to Josh.

"I'll be slowing him down."

"He'll be focused on Hayley," Kol added, "Now's the perfect time to go."

"By the time he noticed you're gone, I'll have talked Hayley out of it anyway – so he'll have no reason to go after you."

"Jackson and her are set," Aiden revealed.

"I will talk them out of it," MJ repeated.

Josh and Aiden were screwed.

"You're the easier targets, so you gotta go before them," MJ also texted a list of essential things, "Those numbers are people who go out of their way to hide people from Klaus specifically."

"I'm not abandoning my pack."

"Aiden," Her face was warm, "Love the sentiment, but does the pack come before your own happiness?"

"Your own life," Kol corrected.

He looked at Josh, "No."

"Then run."

Davina held up the chains, "And the bracelet?"

"Make it," MJ nodded, "Klaus won't kill you because of me and Marcel."

"We act like it was my idea," Kol suggested, "He wanted me to come up with witchy solutions. Can't complain just because it seems a little sketchy."

"That is your MO."

"Exactly," He grinned, "Sketchy, but effective."

"Then hopefully," MJ couldn't stand still, body on the verge of pure panic, "I can stop Hayley from making a mistake and keep you off a hitlist."

Davina pulled off a silver bracelet from her own wrist, "Hayley's not making a mistake."

"Running from the best body guard on the planet is stupid."

"That body guard is going to control her for the rest of his life."

"He just wants their daughter to be safe!"

MJ took a beat to lower her volume.

She had a limited window to catch Hayley.

She couldn't waste time arguing.

"Make the bracelet," MJ turned to the boys, "On the shelves in my apartment, there's a book that looks like a family log, labelled Lockwood, inside there's a stash of cash and fake ID's that'll mirror your face when you touch them. Grab them, and go."

"I'll find out where Elijah and Klaus are," Kol offered, "Keep them occupied, or get them focused on something else."

They both went to the door when Josh grabbed a wrist in each hand, stopping them.

"Thank you."

"Thank us once you're safe," MJ didn't have time to waste, rushing to the St James Infirmary while Kol called Elijah, walking the other way.


MJ scanned the outside of the Jazz Club, concerned. There were no werewolves in sight, vines and dahlia flowers covering the walls, turning it into a forest hut.

She'd had found them.

Stepping inside, Hayley was cradling her baby in her arms.

"Thank god, you're okay," MJ halted at the door, "What happened?"

"Dahlia's breaking the spell."

"I can re-vamp it. I have a stronger version."

One step inside and she was about to puke.

"MJ," Hayley would've rushed forward if her arms hadn't been full.

"It's," MJ winced, straightening up, "It's fine."

"What's happening?"

"I'm sustained by magic," She stretched, "Being here is not smart."

The Floare power was eating away at her.

In Mystic Falls, the no-magic spell was tied to her. It hadn't suppressed Floare magic, only ancestral, making her light-headed but generally okay.

St James was blocking everything, forcing her into a semi-permanent state of magic deficiency.

"I'll be fine."

She'd survive.

"And we have something else to talk about."


"You're running."

Hayley's friendly face vanished, "You can't tell Klaus."

"I won't have to if you don't do it," MJ glanced at Hope, "You know it's the wrong choice."

"It's the only choice."

"It will get you killed."

"And then Klaus has killed the mother of his child, and she'll hate him forever."

"Because that's the life you want for her?" MJ was gobsmacked, "You wish to be dead, away from her, her hating her other parent?"


"Listen to yourself!"

MJ pocket-texted Kol about the St James Spell breaking.

"I'm getting everyone here, and then we are talking this through like reasonable people."

"Klaus can't be reasoned with."

"You know that's not true."

"You haven't been here, MJ," Hayley put Hope into the carrier seat, "We all get that this is probably the worst year of your life....following the previous worst year of your life."

A fair description.

"But that just means you haven't seen it," Hayley came back towards her, "He's getting worse."

"He's stressed."

"He's Klaus Mikaelson!" She yelled, quickly covering her mouth to check Hope hadn't reacted to the outburst, "He's always worried, or paranoid, or at war with someone - I can't do that to her."

Her voice was cracking, eyes turning teary.

"She's my baby, and she's going to grow up in a warzone, and if I can save her from that, I have to."

"And when Klaus comes for her?"

"I'll keep her safe."

"And when Hope searches for him?"

"She won't."

"Hayley," MJ took her hands, "You and I both know what the life you're signing her up for is like."

They'd bonded over life as a moving orphan when she'd first come to Mystic Falls.

"Your quest to know more got you into this mess."

"Tequila got me into this mess."

"A mess that is now called Hope Mikaelson."

The baby had started to grab at the air as the pair watched her.

"And she's wonderful, and she deserves to know the family that loves her."

"A father who hunts her does not love her."

"It's not about Klaus hunting you down – It's about how, one day, your daughter will wanna get caught."

Hayley grimaced.

"I came here looking for family. You came here looking for family. The Mikaelson's came here for new and old family."

Everyone had been fighting for it.

Sophie Devereux.

Marcel and Davina.

"Hope will be smart and powerful, and that bracelet you guys are getting Davina to make? She will take it off, and she will get you caught to meet her father."

"And then she'll see him murder me, and she'll run too."

"Will she?" MJ stepped back, letting go of Hayley's hand to offer Hope her finger, "Or will she be like Freya?"

Hope's hand clutched up to play with it.

"Did you know she killed Esther?"

Her texts were a goldmine of 'WTF' for whatever government agent was spying on her, considering she'd checked Kol's reveal with Klaus.

"She killed the parent that separated her....Which would be you in this scenario."

It was a weird parallel, but it worked well enough.

"And she was unreasonably supportive of the one who hunted her family for a thousand years."

Hayley shook her head, losing the momentary tears, "You're picking Klaus's side?"

"The only side is Hope's!"

It felt like everyone else had gone insane.

"This isn't about Klaus, or Freya, or you."

"Being a Mikaelson puts her at risk!"

"And being a Mikaelson will keep her safe!" MJ had to have faith in them, "Calling her Hope Marshall-Kenner doesn't change anything!"

It sounded wrong.

"You can't just lie about her father when she's a tribird, has Mikaelson magic, vampire blood in her system from her Original father, and a wolf gene from both of you!"


"That's a wolf temper, witch crazy, and vampire emotional complications. She needs to understand who she is if she wants to live."

"The bracelet will stop that!"

"It will stop the magic – it won't stop the brain," MJ scoffed, "And what's next? You bind her so she can't trigger the curse?"



"I don't want her to trigger it."

MJ closed her eyes.

"If she triggers it, it means she's killed someone. I don't want that for her."

It was also a fair point.

"You love being a wolf, Hayley."

"I love being in a pack."

Both of them dropped the volume.

"And the Crescents will keep her safe."

"Where's Sam?"

"He's saying goodbye to his family."

MJ felt her heart-breaking.

"Then he's coming with us."

"What else do you love about being a wolf?"

A moment for her to think about the answer.

A moment for them both just to look at the innocent face below.

"...There's this moment after the shift..." Hayley sounded wistful, "Turning into a wolf hurts, but when it's over, getting to just run..."

"You're not going to bind her, Hayley," MJ wasn't making a request, "I don't care if you don't want her to trigger it – "

"I won't."

MJ breathed out in relief.

"I could never."

"Right answer," She took a seat next to the baby chair, "As the person who's seen it get cast, then broke it, it's not worth it."

Hayley came up behind her, watching how Hope smiled up at them, "She likes you."

MJ shrugged.

"You've barely been with her, but she likes you."

"It's the magic," She didn't want to give herself too much credit, "She can sense I'm a friend."

Hayley smiled slightly too.

"Hayls, you've gotta know I'm trying to be reasonable here," MJ promised her, "I'm trying to stop you from making a mistake."

"Staying in this world is the mistake."

"I can't let you take her."

"MJ – "

"Klaus loves her more than anything in the world," She stressed, "If he was trying to take her from you, I'd be having this exact conversation with him, but with a lot more violence."

Hayley snorted, "Thanks for taking it easy, I guess."

"Think about whether a life on the run is seriously what you want to do, and realise it isn't."

"It might be."

"Hope's a baby."

"She won't know any different."

"She'll crave friends and a regular life, and she'll have the internet to see what normalcy is like, and she'll grow to hate you for forcing her to never engage with it."

"Then help me," Hayley pleaded, "You know how to do this. You could make us disappear forever. No running, just gone."

"I won't do that to Klaus."

Hayley went to slam her hand down, catching it before it made a noise that could make Hope jump.

"If I help, that's signing myself up to run too."

Would Kol go with her?


But she didn't want to put him in a position to make that call.

"Leaving means Aiden and Josh have to. And without me here, he'll kill Sam. And Davina depending on how involved Marcel is."

Hayley leant back like a massive realisation was hitting her.

"It shouldn't work this way," MJ was aware of how toxic it was, "It's ridiculous that your choices control the lives of others, but it's a shared kid. And you would do the same if he was taking her from you."

"That's true..."

"Don't run Hayley."

"I know you're right, MJ, but I can't let Hope turn into me."

MJ bit her lip.

"I can't let her be the person controlling who lives and who dies."

She knew that feeling too.

"Klaus is Klaus. It's emotionally manipulative and abusive."

"And if I get him to stand down?" MJ shifted, "To give me Mikael's ashes, control the weapon, and promise not to touch any more wolves?"

"He'll break whatever promise he makes."

"He won't."

The door burst open, Elijah rushing in.

"Dahlia was here?"

"Gone now," MJ stood up, Hayley's eyes on her.

"Why didn't you either of you call me?"

"I tried to call you," Hayley moved to her feet too, "But since Dahlia was able to take down both Klaus and Mikael, I'm guessing that a cell phone tower was a piece of cake."

There was an underlying argument going on between all three of them.

"I texted Kol," MJ mulled, "Where is he?"

"I received a text, so I can only presume, with Niklaus."

If MJ could genuinely get Klaus to be cooperative, Hayley would stay.

"Where are the wolves meant to act as guards?"

"Got their asses handed to them, just like Klaus did."

He turned to MJ, slightly confused, "And you?"

"I was on my way here. Missed it all."

Klaus stormed in, Kol behind him, "That's it!"

His finger was pointed at Hayley.

"You're coming with me to The Compound."

"Where Dahlia sent Josephine this morning?" Hayley mocked, "No way! We'd be sitting ducks, just like we will be here when that spell breaks."

"It won't," MJ reiterated, "I can fix it."

"Just being here makes you look ready to pass out," Hayley motioned to her constantly paling skin, "Making it stronger makes that worse."

"I don't need to be in here. Only you and Hope do."

"You're our best defence."

At least Hayley was aware of that.

"If you can't be with me, Dahlia will find a way to get to me."

A beat.

"Which is why we have to go."

MJ was a little taken aback by Hayley being so open about the plan.

Did that make it better or worst?

Elijah's alarmed face was one thing; Klaus's pure rage was another.

"Jackson is out getting supplies, then we're taking the wolves, and we're headed to The Bayou."

"So my child can be protected by the very wolves Dahlia so easily defeated?" Klaus growled, "Absolutely not!"

Hayley shoved past Elijah to get in Klaus's face, "I am so over taking advice from you."

Hope made a noise, MJ brushing a thumb over her cheek to calm her, Kol opting to inch closer given the weak hunch of her shoulders.

"All you've done is put Hope in danger," She hissed, "From now on, I am doing what I want, and that's leaving."

Klaus pushed her back, "You're not going anywhere unless I tell you to."

"I am not your prisoner!"

Hope's mouth opened, about to scream, MJ rushing to pick her up, "It's okay, lovely."

"Both of you," Elijah got in the middle, "We're playing into Dahlia's hands."

"Not doing as I say plays into her hands!"

"Klaus," MJ motioned to the baby in her arms with her eyes, "Don't."

"You've barely shared your plan," Kol pointed out, "That might help."

"And yet the two of them go to Freya and devise ways to flee, tails between their legs," He huffed, "I've been forging a new path."

"Great claim," Kol nodded sarcastically, "Any actual information?"

"I know what Freya is planning, and I know how to kill Dahlia."

The four of them all shared a look, Hayley and MJ lingering on each other.

She motioned for MJ to speak.

"Share, and they'll be more willing to co-operate."

"I shouldn't have to reason over what to do with my child."

"Yours plural," MJ bounced Hope lightly, "You and Hayley."

Everyone slipped up, her included.

"You have to co-operate with her, at the minimum. No dead wolves. No yelling or controlling. Just tell her what's going on, so she's not going out of her mind."

"If her wolves are willing to die for her, that's hardly my fault."

"Klaus," She hardened her look, "You don't touch them. Jackson. Aiden. None."

He was starting to glare at her too.

"You talk, because we are here to help."

Hope was cooing, something MJ wanted to keep her doing.

"We all just want to help this little one."

He blinked at the sight, then sighed.

It was hard to look away from Hope.

She was a little bundle of joy.

"Freya objected to us making a single weapon because it spoiled her plan."

Before he continued, Jackson burst through the entrance hall.


They all turned to face him, Aiden's body over his shoulder, Sam tackling the hybrid down, eyes yellow, fangs out, before they could process anything.

Klaus rolled with the attack, slamming around to get on top, punch him down, then rush back to his feet.

The entire room froze at the instant violence, forcing it to pause too.

Klaus stepped back, hands up as Kol pulled Sam to his feet.

Kol's entire body was incredibly still, staring at Sam's eyes, swallowing hard, forced to stand in the middle of the pair, everyone focusing on the body.

Aiden's body.



Hayley's eyes went big, "Jack?"

"Klaus," He put the body down as they came to the corridor by the door.

"Oh my God," Hayley was horrified by the sight, "What – "

"Klaus made Aiden spy on us," Jackson confessed, "Instead, he told me everything."

MJ was about to engage, but she had a weight in her arms.

A baby.


A dead body.


She took a large step back, turning so Hope couldn't see the corpse, tyring to work out what was going on.

"You killed him."

The second MJ glanced back over the shoulder, Hayley's eyes met her, shaking her head as a clear sign that she was out.

"You killed one of the wolves sworn to protect our daughter?"

Everyone was staring him down except Elijah, MJ, and Kol, all trying to piece everything together.

He wasn't reacting.

He was staring too.

Klaus couldn't have killed him.

"Klaus was here, Hayley" MJ moved even further to keep Hope out of it, "It doesn't make sense."

"We don't know where he was before."

Kol crossed his arms, "He was with me."

"And you wouldn't just be saying that to cover him?"

"In what world do I cover for Klaus!?"

"You've been covering for him since MJ came back to town!"

Jackson glowered at him, "Who's to say you didn't help."

"Oh," Kol didn't like the accusation, "If I'd killed him, you'd know."

He walked from Sam to the alpha.

"I would've painted my name with his blood across those shacks you live in."

"You say that, then expect me to trust you?"

"Jacks," Sam blinked the yellow away, "It wouldn't have been him."

"Says what evidence?"

"Says the part where hurting Aiden hurts Josh, which hurts MJ," Sam had never been stupid, "He wouldn't."

"Doesn't mean he's not covering for Klaus."

"Where's the blood?" MJ motioned to the accused's hands with her eyes, "Klaus doesn't know how to clean up after himself."

"We don't know when this happened."

"We," Her and Kol, "Were with Aiden, Josh, and Davina, like twenty minutes ago! Klaus was at The Compound."

Jackson snarled, "His body was outside that dumb building."

"MJ," Sam moved his fingers to keep himself in check, "It's hybrid bites, and it wasn't me."

She really inspected the wounds.

They looked like hybrid fangs and teeth...

But they weren't right.

Klaus didn't maul.

At least, MJ had never seen him do anything like it.

Klaus had stared at it.

He'd seemed sad until people had started throwing accusations out.

"He didn't do it."

"As much as I appreciate the defence, little bird," He gave her one last look at his eyes, "I simply ask, so what if I did?"

To MJ, that confirmed Klaus hadn't done it.

He was trying to make a point.

"This is what happens to anyone who dares cross me!"

Sam laughed, "Give me the word, Jack."

"I dare you to attack me," Klaus challenged right back, "You are bound to my daughter. Laying a hand on me puts her closer to harm."

Sam faltered.

It would explain why their earlier tumble had ended so quickly.

"Show the other wolves how impotent you are!"

Other guards were appearing, attracted to the commotion, freezing at the sight of their dead friend.

"The only thing you are is a danger to your kid," Sam clearly found some sense of self in the appearance of his pack, "Taking you down is the best thing I could do for her."

MJ frowned.

The confrontation was not what they needed when Hope was literally in her arms.

"Come and have a go then," Klaus held out his arms, "You'll be putting your life on the line for one who is all too willing to betray you."

His comment wasn't a verbal attack on Sam. It was about Jackson.

"Perhaps this never would have happened if Aiden had had a real Alpha."

Jackson punched him across the table, jumping it, triggering Klaus to ram right back with all his pent-up rage. Hayley was leaving, Mikael had died, Freya was winning the favour of everyone else – therefore, Jackson was getting tossed right back into the babble of wolves waiting to protect their alpha.

It took one more hit for Hayley to jump into the fight, only to get punched in the stomach, Elijah catching her, spinning, hand about to cut through the nearest person to him.


MJ's voice rippled out, magic fizzing in the air.

Everyone froze.

St James was supposed to be magic free.

"Darling," Kol's head gestured down, "Careful."

She looked at the orange glow dying from her feet, explaining the cause.

She'd used the magic of the building.

A loophole...

Good to know.

Then again, now MJ had stopped; she was back to being powerless, which meant she really couldn't just let a fight break out.

And, siphoning it would weaken it, which would make Dahlia's job easier.

They really were just playing into her hands.

"I'm am holding a baby!"

Each word was hissed, facial expressions sharp.

"If you continue acting like this, she's going to get her hurt!"

"Klaus is the one who's gonna hurt her," Jackson glared.

Klaus looked ready to hit him again, which meant Jackson went to move, Elijah grabbing his arm and twisting it back with a harsh snap.

"Do you wish to die?"

Hayley sped into him, pushing Elijah back, "You wanna kill me, too, Elijah?"

Hurt was written across his face, though he still stood in front of Klaus.

He was irritatingly grinning at the momentary allegiance.

"If you come at him, you come at me."

"You lot should make better use of your time," Klaus stupidly opened his mouth, "I suggest burying your dead."

MJ's hands were over Hope's ears just as Hayley yelled, "GET. OUT."

"Nik," Kol chirped up, pep very forced, "You mentioned a plan?"

"I did!"

"I recommend getting to it."


"Hayley and Hope are safe for the time being," Elijah kept his voice level, "And not going anywhere. So explain yourself."

Klaus's smug smile was going to get them all killed, "Shan't be long."

He turned and left.

Without explaining a thing.

MJ closed her eyes, trying to work out how she was supposed to; keep Hayley from starting a war with him, Elijah from turning on him, and the wolves from completely losing their shit.

She needed to keep Hope safe.

They were all staring at her when she opened her eyes.

She focused on Kol.

Then, instead of addressing any of them, MJ turned on her heel to get Hope back to her carrier, kissing her gently on the forehead and muttering small encouraging messages, hoping to God she didn't somehow remember all the yelling when she was older

"I'm gonna keep you safe, lovely."

She was lain down perfectly.

"I promise."

Kol, Sam, Jackson, Hayley and Elijah had followed her into the next room.

"Davina did it," Sam pulled out a silver bracelet, "We can mask the magic."

Which explained why he hadn't been with Hayley when she'd been attacked.

They'd managed to just miss each other.

MJ smiled at it, "That's good."

Jackson paused, "You're on our side?"

"I'm on Hope's side."

"Fun excuse," Hayley shook her head, "Klaus kills Aiden, and the three of you defend him?"

Her hatred was momentarily targeted on Elijah, Kol, and her.

"I was defending Hope," Elijah added to her point.

"If that's true, what happens now?" Hayley was a goner, "Somehow, I don't think that Klaus is going to save us."

"He loves her – I love her."

"If you do," She lowered her voice, "Let us leave."

"If you went to The Bayou, I can't protect you from Dahlia. Or Niklaus."

"Por Dios," MJ watched Sam pick Hope up, "Leaving is the only reason he'd hurt you."

"He just punched me."

"Because you pushed him off Jack."

"Exactly. He attacked my husband."

"Who attacked him first."

"He killed Aiden," Hayley raged.

"He didn't."

Hayley laughed, "He just said he did."

"Actually," Kol's expression was unreadable, "He said 'so what if I did?'"

"Close enough."

"Not at all!" MJ let her pitch go up, volume level and calm, "He wanted a reaction."

"What makes you so sure?" Elijah asked.

"The timeline doesn't add up," Her first point.

"I'm not kidding, 'Lijah," Kol repeated his earlier defence, "MJ and I left the Cemetery at the same time. She came here. I went to The Compound. Aiden was still at The Cemetery. The time to murder is practically non-existent."

That did give them all a moment of pause.

"Because Klaus has never done the near impossible before?" Hayley sniffed, "He has vamp speed."

"What about the way of death," MJ challenged, "Or how it's displayed."

Jackson gave her a look, "Seriously?"

"How'd you find him?"

"Josh did," Sam revealed, "He was dead in an alley, waiting to meet him."

MJ wanted to wrap her friend up for the rest of time, words slipping away.

"That's not Klaus's style," Kol said her point for her.

"That's not good evidence."

"Elijah," MJ focused on him, "Klaus would've strung the body up, or dumped it on the table himself, and you know it."

He seemed to consider it.

"The only time I've seen subtly was Carol Lockwood, and we all know why that was."

Because it was MJ.

"An act of revenge, not to make a point."

Then again, MJ had asked him not to kill Aiden.

She'd never asked him not to kill Carol; she'd asked him not to kill Tyler.

Klaus hadn't displayed the body because he knew loopholing her would've only made her hate him more.

"If he'd killed Aiden to tell people not to defy him, he would've made it into a show. He wouldn't have cleaned his hands and come here appearing to be reasonable."

"How dare you?" Hayley officially broke, "You still defend him? Are you that delusional!"

MJ knew she had to take it.

"He flaunted it in our faces!"

"Only after you already decided it was him."

"Get out," She repeated the instruction she'd given Klaus, "You claim it's all for Hope – like I'm not thinking about her! Like I, her mother, don't love her more than you!"

The baby in question was starting to make noises in Sam's arms.

"Like I'm the bad mother for wanting to leave a crazy person."

MJ counted to head in her head, very slowly.

"You're his little minion."


"You always have been."


"But you always play it off with justifications."


"So you don't have to admit – "


"That you get attached to toxic people – that you think you can save them – "

"Small reminder, Hayley," Kol had narrowed his eyes, "If Elijah helps you, he's getting daggered."

MJ breathed out.

At least someone was on her side.

"That's something he can recover from pretty quickly," Kol spoke matter-of-factly, "You, on the other hand – "

"Will be dead," She finished, "I just had this conversation with MJ."

"Klaus isn't going to kill you!" She snapped.

"I swear to god, MJ – "

"No," Kol stepped forward, "Klaus will trap you somewhere."

A prison.

"So you can miss her."

A beat.

"He won't want you dead until he's made you hurt."

"And so he can claim he's not the guy who killed his kid's mum," MJ was officially drained, "I won't be able to stop him. Because I'm not that stupid."

Yes, she was making a dig.

"Because I'll need to be alive and welcome in the house, to keep Hope safe until he releases you."

"You're stupid enough to trust him."

"It's not stupid," Elijah straightened out his suit, "She's blinded by love."

MJ froze.

"There's no shame. Though you should at least admit it."

The tension in the air seemed to have doubled.

"Especially considering Kol is only defending Niklaus because he is blinded by you."

"I'm not blinded, Elijah," Kol's expression was dark, "Don't hold me to your standards."

"My standards?"

"Just because you're ready to betray this family for every mop in a brown wig doesn't mean emotions cloud my mind the same way."

"She's the one in love with you both, and you can't even see it."

And MJ turned to face him herself, "Don't hold him to your standards, and don't hold me, either."

He held the stare, "We all see how you look at each other."

"I care about him."

Why was that so hard to understand.

"I am not in love with him."

There was an explosion behind her eyes.

"And even if I was, there has not been a single moment in my entire life where my feelings for someone have ever compromised my judgement," She'd broken up with Kol the first time to stop emotions from doing that, "I repeat, I'm not you. And, I'm not Klaus."

Her feelings had always been the last to be prioritised.

"And don't you dare try and claim I would ever treat somebody I love the way you people do."

The comment was meant to hurt.

"I love Kol. I would never do that to him. Ever."

The ferocity in her tone was new for a lot of them.

"What's happening right now? It's called using my brain."

"He still hasn't shared the location of the ashes with anyone," Elijah stood down, "Even you. You have to realise, Mira – he isn't telling you everything."

His support was wavering.

"He could've set up Aiden's death and hidden the thing we need to save his daughter. Sole knowledge."

She shot her arms out, "They're in the paint!"

It was like time stopped.

All eyes had been on her anyway, but it was different now.

MJ regretted saying it, but she'd needed to.

"He didn't need to tell me because it's obvious."

"The paint?" Elijah's face was still.

"He hasn't left his art room since it happened," Kol realised, "Except for breakfast."

"Art supplies are something we already share."

Following the previous year.

"He said he'd give it to me," She counted reasons out her hand, "Ashes act as base pigments for colour! Plus!"

The biggest reason of all.

"Mikael beat him for painting! It's poetic."

Something Klaus liked to be.

"Putting him in sole control. Because painting is a metaphor for control!"

They were all stunned.

"He's being clever because he has a plan! Because it's Klaus!"

Orange was a second away from reappearing.

"He always has a plan!"

Had they not learnt that yet?

"I will get him to talk. But you all need to be willing to listen."

Something no one was, Klaus included.

"Because we all need to work together."

She marched towards the door.

"To save Hope – rather than firing every shot we have at each other."

The moment she stepped outside the bar, MJ felt magic flooding her system to support her weakening body.

Then, the snap of a bone.

The world went black.

MJ's body hit the ground, Elijah in front of it.

Kol practically roared, lunging at him, only for his older brother to slam him into the door frame, hand tight around his throat as he desperately struggled.

"That – that – "

"That was her neck..." Sam finished the sentence for him.

His entire body had gone tense, Jackson snatching Hope from him as the fingers began to twitch.


Dead silence.

Elijah slowly released Kol, staring at how he gasped for air, red marks across his skin.

It was a dumb thing to focus on, Kol not missing a beat, using the distraction to slam his fist into Elijah's jaw.

Also a dumb idea, instantly flinching back in agony.

"God - That hurts!" He'd broken the bones, "You – "

Despite the injury, he went to make a hit with his other hand, Elijah catching it, "Kol – "


As the grass around them sparked, Elijah remained unamused, only to be tackled by someone else.


Kol was freed as the supernaturally strong pair hit the grass outside the bar, Sam punching harder than he ever had before as they rolled, teeth driving right into the base of his neck and ripping up.

Elijah roared.

Hayley lurching forward to pull Sam back, only to get tossed back into the bar door by him.

Seeing that gave Elijah the strength to flip the hybrid, fingers forcing his eyes open.


Sam didn't drink vervain, pupils dilating, body freezing.

Elijah grunted in relief, leaving him on the floor.

"Well," His hand went to his now poisoned neck, "That's inconvenient."

"...Elijah," Hayley had been mad, but not murder MJ mad.

"She's too far gone," His eyes were pinned on Kol's raging expression, "And she doesn't even realise it."

"And if she doesn't wake up," Jackson was staring at her body too, "If she was wrong about her whole immortality thing?"

"Then she will be a vampire."

A ripple in the air.

"Niklaus has been spiking her drinks with his blood."

And Kol's rage faltered, face slack, "What?"

"Klaus has organised breakfast every day since her return. Always the first one at the table."

The monotone voice didn't help Kol's rage at him.

"He refuses to lose her again."

And MJ was always there, trying to regain weight.

"Let. Me. Go." Sam growled from his spot, "Now."


"Elijah," Hayley scolded.

He caved, crouching down to meet Sam's eyes, "You can move, but you shall not attack me."

He could stand again.

"MJ would've tasted it," Sam made his point, expression murderous, "She always does."

"When she died," Kol clicked, "She lost her sense of taste."

Elijah had overheard Camille and MJ's phone calls at the safehouse.

"Everything is still readjusting."

"And she could taste something," Elijah straightened out his tie, "She just didn't realise what."

Everyone stared at her body.

"I agree. She was our strongest ally."

No one could've argued that.

"That doesn't change the fact that my brother is taking his current act too far, and if she won't reason with him, she needs to be dealt with."

Kol was shaking, "If you've turned her – "

"Her magic will heal her," Elijah hoped, "If not. You can dagger me yourself for the indiscretion."

"I'm going to kill you."

There was not a hint of 'joke' in Kol's voice.

"If she wakes up a vampire – a member of Klaus's sire line, I'm going to take the White Oak Stake, and you shall be dead."

"Kol – "

"I'm not playing our family's game! I never have – so, I'm going to kill you."

Another silence.

"We can have this conversation later," Elijah decided, turning from him, "Your plan to flee?"

He was struggling to look at MJ's body.

"Dahlia will find you through Hope's magic."

"We have a way to keep Hope from doing magic," Hayley explained the bracelet, "Dahlia won't be able to track us."

"Sam and I know every inch of The Bayou," Jackson added, "We spent the summer memorising it."

"They'll protect us," Hayley promised him, "Marcel will help us get out of the city."

They'd already talked.

"The only thing standing in the way is you three."

Except MJ had just had her neck snapped, and Kol couldn't stop a wolf pack while in the body of a witch.

"What are you asking me to do?"

She took his hand, "We can't run from Dahlia and hide from Klaus at the same time."

Especially if MJ woke up a witch, able to instantly track them.

"You wanna protect us?" Her eyes were big, "Buy us some time."

Hayley returned to her daughter's side, Sam still glaring at Elijah like he might bite him again but unable to thanks to the compulsion. He was stuck watching as he picked up MJ's body, mind fixed on how he knew Davina was giving Marcel the golden dagger.

Then there was Kol, murder in his eyes, officially on Team Klaus.

When he went to follow his older brother, Sam stopped him, lifting up his wrist, biting it, and offering it to him.

After a moment, Kol took it.

He couldn't be working with a broken hand.

"Davina has your ashes."

"I'm aware."

"She hid them in the attic."

New information.

"Get back in your body."

"I will be."

"And don't make false promises," Sam had never been an Elijah fan, "Keep her safe."

At the end of the day, his sire-bond kept Hope safe.

Loyal to her best defence.

Loyal to MJ.
